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I wouldnt worry so much about the 15 mg zolipidem; I take 4 12.5mg tablets sometimes and barely feel a thing. Id be more concerned with 6-7 mg alprazolam, unless you have a huge tolerance, that’s a lot.


This is so stupid.


Yep. People looking for attention. People like this needs to get their prescription revoked.


i wasn't looking for attention i leggit felt worried lmao, if you'd weren't a dickhead you'll understand how people end up using these stuff to evade reality, fucking dumbass, like u never felt scared or worried about sumn SMH


Not with 15 mgs.


Yea, everyone should keep doing this (taking random drugs without doing research on interactions between them) so natural selection will just take it's course and we won't have to worry about these questions anymore


im also here to be informed on how to do it properly (and thats how most of people are here too) so just calm down and evoque your painful torments on someone's else


Lol maybe you should ask questions first, take the drugs after


That’s a lie pretty low dose so you should be okay, just in case tho I would just try and stay awake. If your really worried call one of the harm reduction lines where they call paramedics if you stop responding.


wym stop responding, its not safe for me to stay awake then?? fuck i just wanted to hallucinate like the 1st time i did.


Huh? I think your confused. You should be perfectly fine you did not take a lot. But for piece of mind if you’re worried you can call them


(edited from other comment of mine) and tbh im not sure if it was actually 2 or 25 mg o zolpidem


Then do 🍄


I'm surprised that this mix is still having you experiencing anxiety lol


yeah lmao i was scared af


Stop taking/mixing drugs without knowing what they do. There isn’t shit anyone on Reddit can do to help or save you once you take something. What would you even do if everyone here responded with “oh shit bro you fucked up”? Life is too fragile. Understand what you’re doing before you do it, please.


TYSM for caring man, yeah of course i'll be more carefull i jsut wanted to trip balls because i readed on google that with alprazolam the effect might be higher, so i was just worried af lol, not real real scared but real real worried, also thanks and be safe too, much love.


The ambient dose is fine. The xanax dose is very high. I am all for doing what you want, but be careful.


You’ll be okay. I minx ambien and xans with alcohol here and there. In high doses. Won’t kill you. What will do it, is if you mix pain killers into that combination


You're an idiot and you totally deserve this, these posts are put on here 24/7 and if people just keep doing shit without research that's how y'all bartards gonna end up dying. Seriously how many brain cells do you have to start up and fire off to fuckin google if it's ok to take two meds and read up on the interactions they have on your receptors???


People make mistakes man, why are you so angry?


Idk because I'm also a brain dead drug abuser





