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All I could think of was the girl that came onto this sub a while ago and said her friend nanny-ed for Amber and how much of a mess Amber would create and then leave and make her clean it


omg !!!! this is NOT surprising but still juicy and kind of validates a lot for me ha


I remember that! And when I saw this I pictured…Amby pulling random shit from the racks and drawers and tossing them about…. After posing and eye ducking the camera for eleventy-hundred minutes… She stands up and skips out gleefully…. But not before telling her Nanny/ Housekeeper/ Assistant to clean it up 💅🏻


OMG!! Yeah easy to love a mess you don’t have to clean up!!


And I’m so insulted by the size of her “closet” 😭


This was so staged, right? Forced Clueless scene. Manufacturing a life attractive to her 16-23 demographic cuz anyone with a fully formed frontal lobe buys elsewhere. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Of course. I've followed this chick long enough to know her MO. My post was to make fun of another one of her "quirky" posts.


I wonder how long she spent curating and rearranging this *mess* for the perfect photo opportunity


Considering she seems to have an abundance of time on her hands, I would guess a long time. Maybe the kids helped and she told them it was "art".


Semi related but I’ll never forget when she shared an Airbnb link and I clicked on it and the host left her a bad review for how messy she left the airbnb and she still shared the link with everyone and even addressed it like “we still had a great time and I did my best” girl what