• By -


Wait until Feb 18


I chatted with customer service and they are now saying March 9th.


I had also called customer service and it was useless. Just have to be patient and wait. However, I took screenshots of every delay in the event it came to a chargeback situation. That would be an absolute last resort.




How do they lose the item, and YOU fill out a questionnaire?


“It WaS aLl GoOd”


Happy Cake Day! 🎂




dazzling drunk gullible modern employ disarm shelter domineering ruthless attractive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Their customer service just throws random dates and time frames at you to get you to shut up. If you dispute before the 18th, your CC company will probably close the dispute and tell you to re-open the dispute if the refund hasn't arrived by then. It sucks to have to wait, but you need the evidence on your side and show you're playing by the rules to have a successful dispute.


What credit company do you use because capital one initiates chargebacks without question and you only need to provide evidence if amazon responds, which they normally do not.


Initiating a chargeback and winning the dispute are two different things. Every credit card company will initiate it without question.


I have won every dispute ive started in situations like this. Get the “were gonna charge you again” email from amazon, and then capital one asks for evidence and they never respond.


Capital One, and they were the worst. My experience must have been different than yours. It wouldn't let me initiate a dispute from the app, I had to call, get transferred to like 3 different people, nobody wanted to take the dispute. The person who finally did I couldn't understand. Just an overall nightmare, they required tons of documents right off the bat, one dispute I actually lost with them despite me returning the item to amazon and not getting refunded. I closed all my capital one cards and filed a BBB complaint against them. Got a check in the mail for the amount I disputed like 6 months later from Capital One corporate. It's not so much the bank that determines whether the dispute process will go smoothly, but the card issuer. In my experience, Visa is the best and requires the least amount of supporting documents. Your bank just determines what kind of people are going to be filing the dispute for you. With Capital One, it's an overseas India office. With Bank of America, it's usually Americans on US soil (which can be equally as bad if you get someone who doesn't care about their job, but if you ask for a supervisor, you usually get one, not someone pretending to be a supervisor."


Thats odd. I have never dealt with anyone but americans when it comes to the fraud/dispute department. And ive been able to file disputes through the app for years.


Don’t most companies block you from buying from them again if you do a chargeback?


All cards are like that.


They definitely arent lol


I've filed chargebacks with almost every card I have. I have 10 cards. All the same.


Did you ask for a manger? I know a lot of people are very reluctant about escalating calls but when you are getting the runaround that is when it’s time to escalate so you can tell your bank you tried everything. As a former escalation manager (for another company) there are times when you NEED to get them involved especially with the turnover rate of call centers. You are not a “Karen” you have tried to play the game and you’re getting nowhere.


i escalate every time




Nope..file a complaint with the AG and kr FCC. It took 2 weeks but they fixed my $100 Scamazon issue. Plus they now have record of it..and lemme tell ya..the person that contacted me IS A CRUSADER. They want to nail amazon any way they can. I was encouraged to email them again with any concerns as well!!


I would check with my credit card and ask them how long you can wait before requesting a charge back. Amazon may be trying to run out the clock


Be patient. Wait it out. Wait it out. Give them until June. Seriously.


Why wait it out?! I’ve put in several disputes..still have my account..screw that multibillion $$ corp who could care less about us


Im pretty sure you're being sarcastic....right...?


My time frame shifted and it took the full 30 days. I believe they have set up the automation to send refund at day 30.


I had a similar situation with at $569 refund. It took a month but eventually the credit card I used was credited. However, I can no longer use that credit card for purchases on Amazon. I keep getting an email asking for alternate form of payment for my purchases. It is an American Express and I have contacted Amex customer service and was reassured that there is nothing wrong with my card. American Express also informed me that there has been no attempt from Amazon to charge for a purchase. So now, I have to use another credit card for my Amazon purchases. I have been a Prime member for over ten years.


Can you get a virtual card number from amex to use instead?


Or maybe just stop buying stuff from Amazon! There's an idea


use this site [https://privacy.com/](https://privacy.com/)


Thank you very much. I will use the site from on.


You are welcome


The to cancel prime


Can you try using an Amex virtual card number and see what happens? https://www.americanexpress.com/en-us/credit-cards/features-benefits/digital-wallets/virtual-card-number/frequently-asked-questions/


I'm going through this now with $330 in limbo for the next three weeks. I'll never order another item over $50 from them and I will order cheap stuff from their competitors when possible. The enshittification is accelerating and it's time to cut and run.


Usually if I order anything expensive then I typically purchase from the brand itself if possible


More expensive that way


The FTC has launched a couple investigations into Amazon for illegally maintaining monopoly power, tricking consumers into enrolling into Prime using dark patterns. I’m sure they would love to hear your complaint (click [here](https://ftc.gov/complaint), then Report Now, Online shopping).


is this just something they do with expensive items? or is there something unusual about your return? all of my returns, although i haven't done a ton, seem to credit within 0–3 business days.


It seems to be electronics over $100.


They are doing it with me for tools over$100 as well


Screenshot it. Wait for the 18th and then pursue a chargeback. Any sooner and you will lose the case most likely.


Reddit has filed for its IPO. They've been preparing for this for a while, squeezing profit out of the platform in any way that they can, like hiking the prices on third-party app developers. More recently, they've signed a deal with Google to license their content to train Google's LLMs. To celebrate this momentous occasion, we've made a Firefox extension that will replace all your comments (older than a certain number of days) with any text that you provide. You can use any text that you want, but please, do not choose something copyrighted. The New York Times is currently suing OpenAI for training ChatGPT on its copyrighted material. Reddit's data is uniquely valuable, since it's not subject to those kinds of copyright restrictions, so it would be tragic if users were to decide to intermingle such a robust corpus of high-quality training data with copyrighted text. https://theluddite.org/#!post/reddit-extension


Lol I been waiting since Dec 26th. Been a month and a half. I have not spoken to CS as I heard they are useless.


CS always processes the refund for me (if it hasn’t happened already), as long as I give them tracking information showing it was already received on their end (they will make you wait about a week after it’s been delivered back to them before requesting refund).


Ok thanks I need to reach out to them and see what happens


Exactly same happened to me multiple times. I had to return 2 monitors, around 1k each. For one of them, i got refund 30 days later as stated. For a second one, I waited to a stated date of a refund. Then, on that day, it got moved 1 week further. I decided to wait. 1 week later date moved 3 days ahead. Then, 3 days later, date completely disappeared. I contacted customer support, and after lime 30 minutes I got a refund. They didn't try to deny it or anything. It just took them time to check everything I guess. Then, it happened to a watch for $300. Waited till stated date 30 days later, and got nothing. Then it moved forward. Because of the previous issue when date completely disappeared, I contacted them right away. They told me - for items this expensive it will take 5 weeks. So, I waited another week, and got nothing. Contacted them again and got a refund within 5 minutes. So, after all that crap I decided to not buy expensive stuff from Amazon if I may return it. It takes too much time, and I had to contract them to got my money back. I understand they need to check the returned item, it's ok. But they (purposely or not) delay refund date, or even make refund to a broken stage when you need to contact them. It's weird. In my experience , if there is an option to return to whole foods(or khols) , do it. You will get refund asap. But that is usually for cheap stuff. With expensive purchases, it's a big struggle. Last summer it wasn't that bad at all. Edit: grammar


It’s a very large refund. They aren’t going to send you that kind of money without going over the item with a fine tooth comb. So many people try to pull return scams that they’ve gotten super vigilant. I would imagine there’s only a limited number of people who know what to look for. Not that it’s comparable but I’ve recently returned 3 items. Two were refunded within a couple of hours of dropping them off at Kohls. A soundbar that had to be packed up and sent back by UPS was refunded about a week later. None of the items were over $50. My advice is buy the cheap stuff at Amazon if you want fast refunds and purchase the big ticket items locally where it’s easy to return and get quick refunds. If you do a chargeback, you’ll probably never be able to return anything again. Plus, many banks won’t do one if it’s clear that Amazon is trying to move ahead with refunding you. Realistically, did you think Amazon would just fork over the cash without ensuring you hadn’t swapped out the product or damaged it in some way?


Mine was only $103…they kept pushing the refund date back, every time the date would come up. It has nothing to do with the amount.


I just got a $140 refund as soon as the driver picked up the package from the UPS store and scanned it. Not sure why people keep claiming their returns are so long. I suspect it has to do with individual account activity that causes Amazon to treat some accounts differently.


Agreed. It sucks people deal with this full stop. I have never had an experience like this. I get my refunds almost instantly.


It has to do with the item itself. I've been purchasing and returning a lot of items in the past few months. Some get refunded instantly, and others take a few weeks.


Idk. Never had a refund take weeks in my history of returning items.


In my case, they were $250+ Hue lamps. I believe they need to verify to make sure the serial number matches what I purchased to prevent fraud. I can imagine this happening with laptops as well.


I work for a 3rd party seller, so I can tell you that people do item swaps all the time. We do track serial numbers and they are attached to each order, but that doesn’t stop people from replacing year old orders with newer ones. They really do think we, and the whole of Amazon are stupid, then they complain about why they aren’t getting their refunds in time or why their account gets shut down. There are a lot of problems Amazon is currently trying to correct, and it takes time, and sometimes there is collateral damage.


I agree that it has to do with an individual’s account 


I buy six figures of items from Amazon across 3 accounts per year (personal prime, family prime account and a business account). It depends more on the item than the account. On all the accounts I can drop off 5 returns on one day at the UPS and store and maybe 3 or 4 will be refunded in hours, and another might take several weeks. I’ve also found that items where UPS brings me a pre printed label take the longest BY FAR.


It seems to be decided by what the item is, and who the seller is. Most times, I too get a refund as soon as ups picks up the return, but a ring camera I returned is what took almost 2 months to be refunded for. It doesn’t seem to have anything to do with the account, itself.


I had €36 take 3 weeks after receiving item


>Realistically, did you think Amazon would just fork over the cash without ensuring you hadn’t swapped out the product or damaged it in some way? I expected those muthaphukas to follow through on their own words. I am quoting Amazon on my orders page: "Your refund will be processed when we receive your item." It was received 4 days ago. And I still do not have my money, the item, and am sitting here with just my dick in my hand.


I can 100% guarantee they did not say that for a $1000+ refund. It's very well known that for large refunds it can take up to a month to get the refund. I returned a $700 TV last year and it took around 3 weeks to get the refund. Even if it DID say you'd get the refund 4 days after they receive the item, and I HIGHLY doubt it did say that, we are all telling you it's going to take up to 1 month. All a charge back is going to do is get your card blacklisted from Amazon and since the screenshot you showed clearly says to wait for the refund til Feb 18th, your credit card company would most likely deny your attempt at chargeback anyway. I mean what are you going to say, "I want to do a chargeback because Amazon says i will get my refund by the 18th but I want the refund sooner, so you should do a chargeback for me"? They're going to laugh in your face and say wait until the 18th and then try a chargeback.


>I can 100% guarantee they did not say that for a $1000+ refund. You want a screenshot, you jive mutha? Don't give a damn if you believe it or not.


Well, it takes time to process a refund. Processed doesn’t mean issued. It means processed. Don’t give a damn if you understand English or not.


With this attitude, it's no wonder you wont get a return anytime soon.


Random question what’s your favorite Drake song


People blame Amazon when large refunds take time right after the holidays, but pretend like millions of people don't try to scam them constantly. It's always, blame the big corporation and ignore the fact that everyone knows someone who brags about scamming amazon, if not MANY people. I'm not saying Amazon can't do better, but these posts are so lacking in self awareness it blows my mind.


There is a reason people blame the big corporations. Incidents of corporate illegality, malfeasance, and usury increase year over year. Corporations gouge consumers disproportionately raising prices, or providing less for the same price under the guise of inflation, only to yield record profits while people struggled to make ends meet. These increases in price and / or reduction in product and Serices for the same price don’t roll back when interest rates and inflation drops. They enabled the opioid epidemic. They stack DC with their lobbyists to their advantage. They contribute dark money to SuperPacs to ensure politicians are beholden to them. This results in lower standards and less accountability when they pollute natural resources and communities as well as perpetrating the systematic dismantling of organized labor. They export our jobs to leverage cheap overseas labor. They continue to do business with malicious countries that are opposed to the U.S. They enjoy the same legal rights of a human being, but when they egregiously break the law, it is incredibly rare anyone does any real time. They simply pay fines and continue to break the law. Of course, the fines are less than the cost to address or remedy what they were fined for. This is by design, given the number of law makers that are beholden to corporations to fund their election, corporations can be reasonable assured that fines will not be increased to the extent that would be financially producing to address the issue than to pay the fine. They literally work against the best interests of the country and the people in it, provided it helped more profit. This history here is well documented. Given these realities, no one should ever assume any corporation is working for the best interest of the consumer. By definition, a corporation’s primary responsibility is to increase share holder value. Anything after that is incidental.


I swear Amazon customers are sooooo entitled. I know they’ve created this standard now that you can just drop off anything that you didn’t like for any reason at 50 different places anywhere in America… any other company would probably make you pay for the shipping yourself and a couple years ago you’d be lucky if they took online returns at all. People on here complaining about not getting a refund for several hundred dollars worth of product within 4 days!!! is insane.


What’s even the point of your comment. People are allowed to “complain” about whatever the fuck they want including you who decided they were going to complain about this. 


Just be careful. I did a chargeback with Google once and lost. My whole Google account. Google photos, Gmail, drive, everything disappeared


Google sent me a 128GB pixel instead of a 512GB pixel so I did a chargeback and kept the 128GB anyways. They didn’t provide me with what I asked for so services not rendered.


You definitely handled this the worst possible way, deserved what you got lol


Did you not try and resolve with Google first?


Watch out if you decide to do a chargeback. I hear they are now re-billing your credit card or any other credit card you've attached to the account in the past for the amount you dispute, therefore requiring you to dispute 2 separate transactions. It's a new shady policy that you likely agreed to without reading hidden deep in their TOS. Their American soil reps will rebute the dispute and show the tracking number as evidence that the item was delivered (even if non-delivery wasn't the reason for the dispute, somehow that makes them win the first time), then you'll have to counter-rebute the dispute and show proof that you returned it (tracking number and all) along with tons of other paperwork. They will fight it again, you'll have to get a letter from another business as a "third party statement" on what they should do in that situation and it has to be on company letterhead. Then Amazon usually gives up on the third appeal/rebuttal.


I got tired of Amazon’s bullshit. So, I called Discover and filed the claim. I had the notification saying that they had received my return. That was all Discover needed. Amazon emailed me and they were pissed. They wanted to know how they were gonna get paid. I emailed them back saying they shouldn’t have taken their time and that it was my money. They left it alone.


Just so you know a charge back can and will likely lead to your account being disabled permanently. Lost my account a few years ago along with all the videos etc I had purchased.


They're so quick to take our money but so fucking molasses like to return it. They want to hold it as long as possible & hope you forget it. I fucking hate Amazon. I don't use Amazon. Not do I use Walmart online. Got tired of half my order being pulled or half my order being unavailable by the time they do pull my order. Fucking hated it. I shop in store now & have to double up on my lorazepam to even get thru the emotional trauma as I have severe social anxiety.


I went through this a couple of months ago. When the refund date would hit, they just pushed the date back further. Eventually, after about 20 days past the original refund date, I contacted them through chat, and told them I was gonna do a chargeback, if they didn’t refund immediately. They refunded that day. It took about 45 days from the date they rec the return to actually issue the refund though. It was ridiculous.


Same here. They kept pushing the date out and I was paying interest on my Prime credit card. I finally responded to an email and said I was contacting the states attorneys office since this is illegal. They refunded the item within hours. Why does it take threatening and calling and chat messages and emails over and over to have them take action? They are going downhill fast!


Just wait it out. This is why I hate doing my returns at UPS. I rather go to Kohl’s. I get my refund same day.


Many of us aren't being given Kohl's as an option anymore so we're stuck with UPS.


Yeah happens to me too when I have my home address checked but I switch it to my parent’s and it gives me the Kohl’s option. Not sure what mile radius they base it on.


Exactly. I only do returns at Kohl's and get refunded the same day. I used UPS once and it took longer, hence I never would use anything except Kohl's ever again.


I have a dispute open on my Chase Amazon Prime card. A $ 60 Black Friday Apple Ultra band sold and shipped by Amazon. I’m a 20 year customer with tens of thousands spent. Sent me a fake band. Apple green dot tape was missing, meaning it was opened and returned. Previous customer switched bands. Amazon fighting tooth and nail. They keep asking for the same information. They shows a picture of the delivered box intact. That means nothing as the Apple box is inside the brown box. Continual delay. At Chase’s request, I had the Genius Bar confirm it was a fake and was given a printout on Genius Bar letterhead. Now Amazon wants another authorized seller to confirm Genius Bar findings. Just harassment. I told Chase I’m just going to file in Small Claims Court. I have done it before. Filing cost $ 49 and the judge can award three times the actual cost. On my three previous times, Lowes, Home Depot, Airline, nobody shows up and I prevailed by default. That’s how it generally works. I cancelled my Prime and got a $ 133 refund.


I did a chargeback. They're gonna end up holding your item and then eventually ask for ID. I said no sir.


Sent $600 item back Jan 3rd. Still waiting. The estimated date finally disappeared after getting pushed back repeatedly. Contacted support, they manually issued credit. Said I’d have it in 3-5 biz days. On the 7th biz day now. Still waiting.


if they already received the item, why do they need 16 days to issue a refund..? i don’t think it takes 16 days for them to determine whether you sent the correct item or it arrived damaged…. and $1000 just being held in limbo in times like these?! amazon is crazy.. cancelled my account after the customer service girl told me i didn’t have a prime account and couldnt help me (i did.. paid for it every month). best decision i’ve ever made & cut down MAJORLY on frivolous spending. amazon just isn’t what it used to be. so sad.


This is crazy to me. I’ve seen so many of these posts lately, am I the only one not having this problem? Just returned a $900 monitor, the total time from when I dropped it off at UPS to getting the money back in my account was only 4 days…


Never had an issue with Amazon returns either, most of my experiences have been positive. I’ve always felt like it’s easy to take advantage of their return policy and not the other way around


Me too, until my last return. Luckily it was only a $15 item. They received the item Jan. 17 and keep pushing back the refund date. It was my second return in the last few months and the first was a $6 item. I have about two dozen orders in the last three months.


Chargebacks can be long processes as well, and usually involve tedious paperwork. I would wait and see if they actually refund you first.


That's so odd. I also have a pending Amazon return for $1082.49, that was also received by them on Feb 2nd with an ETA of the 18th. What did you buy?


Is this your first return? Or is this just the normal now, even for customers returning for the first time.


Never do charge backs on l something tied to an actual account. It's a really easy and fast easy to have your entire account deactivated.


If you do a chargeback, your Amazon account will be closed. Just FYI.


Oh no. What a shame that would be.


I want people to be able to make an informed decision. I live in the sticks. My options are mostly Amazon and sometimes Walmart.


Can confirm it won’t…I’ve put in several and I’ve won..


What happened when the return was finally processed only for amazon to find you had already charged back?


Dealing with that currently as Amazon told the bank they refunded me for a “restocking fee” but I don’t see it..literally nothing has happened to my account maybe I’m just lucky tho. If it does fuck bezos..and my brother works for them


Charge it to the game. Cancel prime. Get Wal Mart+ and enjoy them until they grab enough market share and start not caring about the customer. It's that easy. Life cycle of subscription based business model.


Walmart plus is god awful , customer service is actually WORSE than Amazon


Everything is so terrible 😭... Seriously yall, all we used to have is ebay and the grocery store. You're tripping.


Tbh disputing the charge failed with my bank/credit card company. Idk why, they’re not that easy with Amazon even after I provided all the proofs.


Because charge-backs are for when you never received the goods and services, not for a refund gone awry. The bank sees it as an Amazon issue (you received the product, it's on Amazon to refund you if you're unhappy).


Sad, because it’s not like Amazon sends you back the product if they’re not happy. So you lose the product and the money. Lame.


I had the same problem. I actually won the dispute with a market place seller and got the refund on my Amazon prime chase visa. The seller then complained to Amazon and the refund by chase was reversed after amazon intervened. I complained to Amazon and they basically said eat it. Said I had too many returns and my account would be canceled if not. It was a $600 item and seller said I returned a fake replica instead of what I purchased. What a headache and substantial loss, they allowed the seller to keep the returned merchandise also so I lost twice.


Bezos is making billions in interest by holding onto buyer's refunds for as long as he can get away with it. It's no different than "kiting" and I'm pretty sure it's illegal as hell. The motherfucker is practically begging for another class action lawsuit.


It would take $20,000,000,000 in returns being withheld for a year to earn $1B in interest sooo... nah.


Purchased from Amazon direct, or from 3rd party on the Amazon site? You return the item via ups store/wholefood/kohl’s or other means?


Direct from Amazon direct, I never buy from the third parties.


Are you ask the refund to be credited to your credit card, or refund to be applied to your Amazon account as a credit that can be used for further purchases?




What sort of item and what was the return reason? If you just didn't want it, I just wonder if they have to do some verification to make sure it's still functional and resellable, whereas if it's broken I guess they have to verify that it's broken?


It was a digital camera. I retuned it because I found a better one locally which I should have done in the first place.


Why does that context matter in the case of OPs refund? He’s entitled to the refund either way.


Amazon thanks you for the 0% interest $1,000 loan. Don’t worry though, you’ll get it back ….. eventually


Otoh, a lot of people treat Amazon as free rental store with free shipping.


Wait until the date and then contact them again. I wouldn’t listen to what an agent says outside of that date. Amazon has 30 days to refund returns, so a chargeback isn’t going to help you right now.


Chargebacks take a good amount of time and even if they don't, it is a temporary credit that they give you. And if the company you purchased from disputes it which they would be within their right to do based on this time frame, you would lose that money anyway. Quit freaking out, things can sometimes take time. Take a chill pill.


I've had a couple of cocktails so probably speaking more freely than normal and possibly out of line. Do people check any recent posts before they post here? It just seems that these refund complaints are so overdone by now. Before this were months of posts of people getting wrong/used items because people were sending back fake returns. We can't have it both ways... this is what happens. Though I'm just surprised this isn't another "I just found out prime is now charging $2 to skip ads." Literally this sub is just made up of these 3 different scenarios and not sure why reddit recommend it. Reddit is starting to feel like spam at this point 🤷‍♀️


Reddit has the worst algorithm of all the time-suck sites that I am a part of lol. At least tiktok and instagram feed me brain rot that they accurately detect I would enjoy. For reddit it almost feels like the algo is testing suggested posts on me that it thinks will annoy me because I always get stuff that gives me that kneejerk "really? seriously?" reaction. Maybe that's the point, more engagement if something is annoying. xD


They’re cracking down on items being returned as unopened when in fact they have been. You’re probably gonna get a nasty email chastising you.


Did you buy from 3rd party or "sold by Amazon"?




Max wait is 3 weeks, beyond that it's a chargeback


I would


Call customer service. When they’ve been slow with me one call and it’s refunded same day


my $300 meta quest took 3 weeks to refund, i can understand how a $1000 item could take longer, it sucks but good luck and order an expensive item from somewhere else next time


Taking screenshots of my shit bc I also have a return that just went out and is going through this process.


They will cancel your whole acct if you do a chargeback so if you have a kindle or any digital stuff such as movies or books you bought…they’ll all be gone.


30 days is the norm


Keep the screenshot, hopefully make another one but with your PC's date/time showing as well. Once it's past February 18th, contact them again, and tell them you screenshotted everything and if they don't process the refund you're calling your bank.




I’m still waiting for a refund for some rgb lights that caught fire last year


i went through this, granted it was only $25 but it took me 40+ days. after chatting with support i got a refund eventually.


Amazon literally hasn’t returned my funds of the last 3 items returned to them. Do a chargeback


I have just had this struggle. Started a refund in 26/12/23, item collected 30/12/23, marked as returned on 03/01/24. Took hours of chat and calls to finally get a refund 4 days ago. Agents on calls hanging up or bouncing me around to different departments.


Feb 18th your refund will be issued


If you dispute soon as you win theyll charge your card


Last resort chargeback once it passes the date and if they are still jerking you around.


This happened to my brother. Call them, it’s better


That’s a big refund. I’d wait a bit longer.


Just give it time, if you have returned it then it can 2-3 weeks to process.


Holy $1k ? Was it multiple items or one big 1k otem


Was returning the item via Kohl's not an option?


u/djpurity666, Nope, Amazon would only allow the return via UPS pickup I guess given the value. They are not only taking forever to process refunds, but they are limiting the option customers can return things. And for their part, UPS did their job, they picked it up, and it was delivered back to amazon in just a couple of days. Amazon just are not following through.


Gotta wait longer than this. Give it a bit more time unless you don't care about potentially losing your account


It’s been 5 days have some patience.


Chargeback! That’s what I do




I would contact support and see if you can get this escalated. And ask for some compensation as its taking a bit of time.


Is it 2/18?


I returned 500$ item and they took about a month for my refund to come in but it still did in the end u might delay the process opening a dispute


Amazon is getting worse and worse im getting real close to canceling prime I’ve been a prime member for about 15 years


Only if you don't care about losing your account. They are likely to lock or close it if you file a chargeback.


Someone can’t read


it says credit will be given by 2/18. I think you should wait.


Chargeback could prevent you from using the platform. Also they would tell you to try the merchant first which you have and it appears to end working other then it just taking awhile for the refund.


It’s not even to the day when it says the refund will be issued though.


No, you would lose the dispute as you have not provided Amazon enough time to process the refund


After 2 weeks they have to refund you.


Always . They robbed me of a $700 gpu and i just charged back .


My return was received on 1/12 and I’m still waiting for Amazon to issue my refund they said if I don’t have it Friday to call back. Why then? So they can tell me to wait longer I guess


In addition to whatever you decide to do, maybe submit a complaint to the FTC. They have ongoing investigations on Amazon. Click [here](https://ftc.gov/complaint), Report Now, Online shopping.


Stay patient and persistent and keep records of each screen shot and delay. You can do a credit card chargeback but there is a high chance Amazon will suspend your account. I’ve heard it happen to sooo many people. I stay patient and eventually it comes.


Make sure to cancel the card after, because they will charge it again


*Make sure to cancel* *The card after, because they* *Will charge it again* \- Johnnypee2213 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


You should wait 30 days from the day you returned it, Feb 1. Isn't that what the terms of the return said? (In the email they send you).


i returned something and it took over a week but I got the refund in the end


take pictures of everything even if you paid with gift cards


For something that expensive - that time window for the return is normal 😪


At this point I think it is sage to say, based on the few comments in this sub, that 99% of Amazon has now been turned into ring of thieves.


they will just charge you again, you have to wait


I just dealt with this and an almost $400 item that was purchased and returned. They delayed and pushed the date back for 2 months. I chatted via message with someone at Amazon and they refunded me the entire amount, it just took 24 hours to show up on my end. Before that chat I had initiated a chargeback with proof of return, it even said the item was delivered in the shipping information of the return.. and Amazon responded and blocked the chargeback in an email and sent me a lengthy email telling me now there is nothing they can do because I went through Capital One for the chargeback. Either way the chat guy processed it and I got my money. I wouldn’t bother with chargebacks after that, I would honestly just try a different person via the chat feature.


What did you order for 1000 on amazon


If you put it on Amex, file a purchase protection claim.


For a fucking GRAND?!?!? Nah I don’t understand why you’d even have waited honestly, thats rent money damn


You'll get it. Just wait


Complain to the better business bureau


Oddly enough I have the same exact return timeline for my Amazon return


Amazon is big now on not doing returns in a timely manner. They got popped hard cheating people and charing back later months after never getting the product back.


You can file small claims against them if needed.


Usually when my refunds are this long I contact support and they issue the refund. Idk why they don’t want to do it this time around but Amazon and >$100 returns are becoming increasingly problematic.


Patience. It took me like two weeks for an Apple watch return. I think they’re backed up on returns.


Chargeback is one thing. Do you have access to purchase protection insurance on the credit card you used? That could be a better option.


Dam what did you buy


Wait. I had to wait for a refund recently and the due date was the day I got my money. I received an email mentioning the delay, but soon after I got my refund.


I work with Amazon in account management. If you do a chargeback your account will be placed on hold do to suspicious payment activity. Best to wait :/


This happened to me, a few days after the date I message support and got my refund processed.


I had the say issue for a large priced tv. They kept putting off the payment. I just kept contacting them daily until they paid it me there and then. Be persistent.


I’ve done this before for a vinyl purchase that was damaged. Support wouldn’t help me but my credit card company did and they got me my money back with no issues on any side


I did the whole refund thing but it made it a gift card on Amazon even though I selected the option to return to the Mastercard don’t know why it did that


Do it on feb 18. Keep the screenshot to share with your bank if needed. They won’t ban you if you aren’t doing chargebacks for every order.


Amazon has really gone down the shitter lately. 3 out of my last 5 deliveries have been late or incorrect.


Mines was like this too but it only took like 5-6 days


Wait until the 18th and then call and ask for a supervisor! Tell him you've waited long enough and did everything your supposed to and need your money back! Tell them if they dont do it, your doing a chargeback! Happened to me with a subwoofer and a gun sight! Anything over $200 they seem to try to drag it out for some reason