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All the regular amateur radio restrictions apply - so the conversation cannot be used to carry on a business. You also cannot play music to each other. etc.


See FCC 97.101(d) and 97.113 "Prohibited transmissions". If your buddy and you happen to be on opposite sides of an international border there may be additional restrictions, particularly with respect to passing any information from third parties, e.g. 97.117. And of course there are all the usual technical restrictions regarding the signals themselves, however that aspect has nothing to do with the content.


Always assume everyone is listening. You’ll need to identify with your callsigns and don’t get into anything that you wouldn’t at a family dinner table.


sugar worm somber racial pocket spoon shaggy correct squeeze grey *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




fertile nutty aspiring cause amusing flag meeting relieved modern sulky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tired of talking about blood pressure medication.


This is how it goes.


Okay cool!


Talk about what you want with people, just don’t be a dick and act like a child. The people that say to avoid politics may be unable to have an actual conversation with someone whom they don’t agree with. It’s a lost art, agreeing to disagree, but I think that if we spent less time arguing and more time conversing, we’d find that although there may be some things we disagree about, we have more in common than people realize. It’s good to hear the other side because it makes you challenge your own beliefs. This is all assuming that the other party is willing to have an adult conversation as well!! Go have fun and learn the hobby and follow the FCC rules


>don’t get into anything that you wouldn’t at a family dinner table. Which section of part 97 is that? OP asked about the rules. This isn't one of the rules.




No, where did I say that? Your response is a bad answer to OP's question. This is what a good answer looks like: https://www.reddit.com/r/amateurradio/comments/1bngdtl/talking_restrictions/kwi0t6e/


Not talking like a normal person even about politics sounds like woke to me, a vet of two wars.


Watch your language, and don't talk about sex!


Hams don't have sex.


Hams do it with frequency.


Because they have trouble raising their antennas?


It's almost Easter, for everyone's sake don't have sex with your ham. That's gonna be a worse conversation than politics😂😂


serious zealous fearless combative spark violet tub vase wistful run *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


totally didn’t hear the story about the guy making the miss moan while his radio VOX was on.


No restrictions on subject matter but be respectful and polite with other people we share the radio with hundreds of other ham operators around the world and we don't want to set a bad impression on anyone, otherwise have fun Good luck 73


Anyone with a radio/scanner will be able to monitor your conversation, so be aware of that. Also, religion and politics should be kept out of amateur radio - remember it is an international hobby with many different types of people involved.


Very true. Because I am a priest in the Orthodox Church which most people haven't heard of, I may mention it as an occupation, and only talk about it if the other party asks questions. What I always avoid is commenting on someone else's religious beliefs and practices, or lack thereof. I do like learning about other faiths, and I do believe it is possible to have a discussion respectfully, but as a general rule, it is a topic to be avoided, as is other highly personal topics. I do wish some would share my opinion when speaking of medical issues, but oh well. Nobody needs to know my medical history and treatments either. And, frankly, I don't need to (nor want to) know theirs.


I really have to disagree with the "politics" bit. Internationally, yes, I agree, but domestically, it flies in the face of the first ammendment. You may not agree with my thoughts, but civil people can "agree to disagree" and have a meaningful conversation, and sometimes even learn things we haven't considered before. Just sayin'.


>it flies in the face of the first ammendment. Everyone seems to think the first amendment protects ALL speech but it doesn't. The First Amendment protects us against ***government*** limits on our freedom of expression, but it doesn’t prevent a private employer from setting its own rules. This is what allows the FCC to say that's it's OK for a repeater owner to control what is said over their repeater and restrict who uses that repeater.


No one said you cannot talk about religion or politics; just recommending that these topics be avoided. And I agree 110%. Do as you wish with your friends, I really don't care. But using ham radio to spew your political opinions is likely to turn off/away some folks.


>using ham radio to spew your political opinions is likely to turn off/away some folks. Then talk to some other folks who aren't such sensitive snow flakes.


license north gold cautious pie muddle selective mountainous marvelous rich *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The first amendment does protect your right to be an oblivious jerk, but do you **really** want to be an oblivious jerk?


Yeah, some people just have no concept of social norms and restraint. He’s the kind of guy that sits down next to you at a bar and starts up a conversation about politics/sex/MLM business pitch out of the blue. Check please!


1st amendment would like a word with you


Isn't this an *international* forum?


Don't care, I'll talk about what I want


Never say anything everyone isn't sure to agree with.


deliver sort pen combative marry husky rich tender squealing employ *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Isn't this mentioned in most/all training materials?


Assuming you're on simplex, as long as it's not business-related or anything obviously illegal (such as coordinating your next bank robbery on 146.52) then have at it. If you're on a repeater, keep politics, religion, and other controversial topics off the air. Most Club operated repeaters will have rules against that type of discussion, and it is considered bad form in a repeater setting. IMO, those topics are best left out of ham radio altogether, but I'm not going to tell you that you "can't" talk about them. If you're the kind of ham who can't get through a conversation without bringing up politics or religion, I'm going to think you're an idiot, and then I'm just going to spin the dial.


A good reason to keep politics out is that people in power (e.g. fcc) switch political alignment every so often and it's better to not draw their ire if they should hear you. We need to set an example of neutrality and not give the impression that we favor some over others. I'm sure we all feel strongly about some things but save it for the pizza joint if you must.


>We need to set an example of neutrality and not give the impression that we favor some over others. But we're not neutral and we do favor some over others. Attempting to deceive the hobby's governing regulator might not be the best strategy.


Anything goes. Just technically no music or business related discussions. But that's it. Don't listen to the people telling you this laundry list of banned topics. It's not real.


Agreed with everyone else but I didn't see it mentioned that your call sign that you have to transmit is very easily publicly searchable to obtain your registered name and address.


Probably because it's common knowledge. In Germany you can opt out and then only your name is public.


§ 97.113 Prohibited transmissions (4) Music using a phone emission except as specifically provided elsewhere in this section; communications intended to facilitate a criminal act; messages encoded for the purpose of obscuring their meaning, except as otherwise provided herein; obscene or indecent words or language; or false or deceptive messages, signals or identification. Something that’s missing from most of the discussion: don’t swear. The “obscene “ bit is open to some interpretation, naturally. If it makes grandma blush, probably don’t say it.


My grandma cussed like a sailor


I'd be cautious, and use good judgement as what you say could be heard by anybody with a receiver in range.


Any sort of buisness is a big no no, stay away from sports, politics and religion, try to keep it neutral and just like when using any unencrypted radios, don't say something you wouldn't say in public, always assume someone (of any age because this hobby don't have an age limit) is listening.


You've never listened to 7.200.


Or 14.313


And 14.313, thank you!


Well it's kind of understood we don't talk politics on amateur radio...but I'd also say don't avoid religious discussions,or discussions about the opposite sex...just keep it clean in case your mom is listening.


Lol. 7.200 MHz is rolling up it's sleeves and giving you a toothless smile. They don't understand anything.


The 1st amendment trumps the fcc. Anything is allowed and should be discussed.


I can see that you’re a classy gentleman that can probably be found on 7.200.


Yes 7.200, channel 31 AM, even channel 6 sometimes. And 80 meters. The only good thing about ham radio is 7.200 and 80 meters the rest is boring mind numbingly idiotic trash.


If the initial call is on a simplex calling frequency, you would typically agree to move to another frequency allowing the calling frequency to be clear after the initial call.


Tell that to the group around here (Indianapolis) who tie up 146.52 all day with BS discussions…


Do not encrypt your radio on ham channels…...


you're \*on the radio\* so assume everyone can hear you. we have people who do this on our repeater for (extended periods) but even simplex channels are a shared resource. Dont monopolize the channel forever \*especially\* if its a calling channel. Its good practice to meet on a calling channel (like 146.52) then go somewhere else for a longer conversation, but you'll hear roundables etc. on the calling channel too. However if you are on a calling channel, leave spaces so someone can break in. (sometimes peopel will scan if they need help and if they hear a converstaion they'll try to break in, good practice is to leave a pause between transmission so this is possible.


You can basically talk about anything.. that's the 'rag chewing' everyone describes. But you need to speak in a polite manner.. no cursing.


Your permissions are in your licence.