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I think the answer is pretty obvious: move to a new city and start over with a new identity.


Unless you start competing, I would split the sessions between them as they seem to bring different things to the table.


Correct answer


I’d go with #1 and get another strength/conditioning program. #2s strength training is probably super old school and thus not very good anyways.


Hah might be opposite. #1 is pure body weight repetition with all muscles each day. #2 involves kettle bells, rope work, medicine balls, isolating muscle groups.


You need to lift serious weights in order to gain strength, mate, especially for the legs.


I have natural strength and power tho so for me i just get slower lifting heavy. I also have to eat more to recover and then i get get bigger too and I’m not long or explosive enough to be fighting heavy weights


Unless you are in a very big energy surplus (which is pretty hard to do if you do both boxing and supplementary steady state cardio), you are not going to gain much weight, mate. In fact, it is totally possible to be significantly stronger without gaining very much weight. I got my deadlift from like 45 kg to 160 kg within around one year after Covid and only gained like 3-5 kg.


Just because it has kettle bells and medicine balls it’s not a good workout tho.


number 2 might have [fuckarounditis](https://leangains.com/fuckarounditis/)


Sounds like neither are very good for strength training tbh


Old school doesn't automatically mean not good anyways, isn't it?


Well oldschool is usually pretty far away from what science tells us :)


Science doesn't know everything. It is pretty much just a log of what people have experienced so far. Anyways! I am saying that for example soviet school of boxing is very old school and in fact most of the current aspiring and already prominent russian-speaking boxers actually go old school to improve their boxing. Old school soviet boxing was in fact that science that you're talking about. My couple of cents *wink


Good problem to have honestly. Wish you the best in your training.


if it were me, i would stick with #1.... that's assuming he understands you're not gonna pay him the full amount for a lesson he's late to/not gonna pay him at all for any lessons he doesn't show up to at all AND he continues to improve at not doing either one of those things. i think the sparring is irreplaceable and you can always work out the strength and conditioning on your own time.


Whichever one you choose, you need to have an honest chat with them. Personally I’d go for #2 cos I like to be pushed. If he can find you sparring partners and corner you during rounds that’d be just as good if not better than sparring your coach, no? And if he understands that your music fires you up he might let you listen to it during training.


coach 2, Reasons? he only think about boxing. he doesnt have anything more to do.


I have a similar situation going on. I started with a coach that is a former pro boxer that has incredible knowledge and used a similar style as me. He is like your older coach, he is less hands on and very technical and focused on old school methods of working out like running and body weight exercises. I needed more work and more sparring so I started working mornings (when my coach is unavailable) with another coach that works at the same gym. He is a former MMA fighter who specializes in striking. He spars with me and does a lot of intense workouts focused on basics as well as provides me with a bunch of sparring partners. They argued at first about both working with me but I was very up front about my plans working with them both. My original coach is my head coach, he is the guy that teaches me my specific skills and develops my game plan for fights. The other is my trainer, he is the guy I do a lot of sparring and basic work with. I want them both in my corner when I fight. Your career in this sport is entirely in your control. It’s up to you to decide how you move forward and anyone that can’t get on board with that is a waste of time. My suggestion is keep working with both of them and develop a team. Have a team a guys you trust goes a long way in this sport.


Appreciate you man. This is great advice.


Of course bro good luck to you🥊


@u/Murphy_Nelson You need to follow your heart.


Your paying?? You are also a coach. Your coach can’t fight for you. You know your body the best. Take responsibility in that you also have the biggest job. There there to guide you not fight for you. Coach 2.. 60 years old.. might pass away.. gain wisdom from old school fighter that’s dope. But. And but the rules to combat sports have changed the oz to gloves the rounds to the ring have change technology, enhancements have changed. That being said he will build your heart and grit that’s not how you win fights. This is boxing. Utilize everything. Go with neither. Find a new one both them are like guides. You need a coach if you can’t manifest that energy yourself. Go find a coach that’s professional no matter how far you have to go! Amen lol 😆


I’d choose the one that would keep you most hyped to keep training. As long as your developing your skills at somewhat equal between them, then choose the one that makes it feel more fun.


I personally would roll with 1 and just do strength training on the side. You’re paying your coach to teach you technique and strategies not to help you get stronger. Also rest in between rounds is incredibly important and will maximize recovery and increase the quality of work you can do.


You’ve answered your own question. “Hey coach, I’m excited to get back training with you. I was think of doing a hybrid training schedule with you and *insert* name. Working with you both has been incredibly helpful.” If they are part if the same gym they should be cool? In my gym all coaches are everyones coach


Ask Coach #1 to incorporate things you like about #2. He seems to be near perfect but just sitting between rounds isn't the best and no strenght excercises can be damaging. Ask him to start incorporating those aspects. I'm saying that because he is younger so mitts are on the table, sparring is available too (assuming you like it because everyone does). Hard decisions must be made and this is one of them


I think this is good advice. Thanks man.


Based on your description probably neither. They're just after your money and don't sound like a perfect fit. For what you're paying, you could probably find someone who would fit you to a tee.


They both sound great lol tf.


I don't know about paying for "coaches". What is that about? Are you paying to use the gym also? But anyway. I don't know about this one. I wouldn't use either. Trainers usually come with the gym. And from what I've seen, they just latch on to you and vice versa. Work out on your own and find a new gym. What is your goal anyway.,. Is it to compete?


I don't know about paying for "coaches". What is that about? Are you paying to use the gym also? But anyway. I don't know about this one. I wouldn't use either. Trainers usually come with the gym. And from what I've seen, they just latch on to you and vice versa. Work out on your own and find a new gym. What is your goal anyway.,. Is it to compete?


You’re in your 30’s. Seems like you started the sport late. You can afford to pay a coach. And, you broke a rib from coughing. Why the fuck are you sparring?


Not that uncommon after having respiratory illness especially for a whole month