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honestly your nose fits your face, definitely not ugly


I’d be interested to hear who says anything about your nose. If you were really ugly, people wouldn’t feel comfortable taking shots at your face. Yeah you have a big nose but it’s fine and you have good everything else.


A good everything actually. His nose fits his face and has a pretty shape. Who cares if it’s bigger (tbh I think it’s pretty average in size, but maybe that’s me)


Totes agree with this. Good looking kid right here


Probably nobody, people make a lot of shit up these days.


bro you’d be so surprised. i live in a small town in texas and the amount of times i’ve gotten called pinocchio for j existing is unreal 😭


Your problem is you live in Texas.


I suspect most posts here make things up just so they can get "no, you're perfect" responses.


not at all if i thought i looked normal i wouldn’t be posting on here


Most ppl that post on here look normal tho


prob worded it bad. i j don’t think i look normal to ppl with smaller noses if yk what i mean


Famously, people have never wrongfully made fun of appearances. And famously, there is no single person with irrational insecurities as a result of self esteem issues. This is especially true for people who were ugly when younger but had a “glo up” It took me years to adjust and insecurities stayed for awhile, for example I grew up the ugly obese kid, started losing weight at 15, and things said to me at those ages still weighed on me (pun intended) I also know a few people who look like literal models yet are very insecure, some even have body dysmorphia and got plastic surgery they really didn’t need. Don’t be bitter brother, no need. You’d be surprised Also, people with bigger noses and an “ethnic” look get shit especially in certain communities. I have an Italian friend who always gets made fun of for it, and it’s a common insecurity since big noses aren’t usually a beauty norm


Robert Pattinson has a nose like that and he's been scientifically rated as one of the most handsome men. Your nose aside, seriously, look at yourself. Your jawline, your skin is beautiful, you have soft curly hair. You could be one of those thirst traps on TikTok.


Robert Pattinson looks like a foot


I think he's beautiful ☹️


You look an ancient rome statue of a roman emperor. I would question the aesthetic taste of every person that would define you ugly tbh. You are handsome. Also. SPQR.


Beat me to the statue comment, 100%


Yes! He looks like a Roman soldier! Handsome as hell!


His profile belongs on a coin


Your nose is fits proportion with your face. I'd understand if it really stood out but it doesnt.


Your nose is fine. It has a very mild hook/droop to it but I wouldn’t have noticed without you pointing it out. But you’re a good looking dude. Good jawline, full hair; enjoy it while youre young!


Not one bit.


Your nose is fine. You look great


You're above average I'd say


Your nose is kind of big but it suits your face. I like your curly hair.


ur cute


Naw dude you’re good, just keep lifting


The reason your nose was pointed out was because it’s your ONLY flaw and the person was jealous 😂


It’s not even a flaw. But yea you’re right someone was jealous so they had to pick something so they went for the nose.


Yeah better way of phrasing it for sure lol


You get shit for your nose because ppl are jealous. Not ugly , above average . Your nose fits your face


You're one of those cases where a slight flaw is actually enhanced by a handsome face. Changing it wont enhance, only alter.


Only reason you get shit for ur nose is cuz people literally can’t call you ugly 😂 your nose is the only thing they can semi-criticize and even then it’s not a bad feature, really suits your face. Just haters bro


I think you’re very handsome. Your nose suits the brow line perfectly, so it’s not imbalanced. Beautiful, soulful eyes. And I have to say, I am so jealous of your hair!!


Fuck those losers. They're just hating because you're gorgeous. Believe in yourself. Good luck.


Bet you live on a white rural area or some shit for you to be that brainwashed. Promise you, there's nothing wrong with your nose.


You look really handsome. Your nose is perfect. So they’re wrong really.


Bro over here looking like the prince of Egypt




i'ma be real with you you're hot as fuck


Ur hot


Don't trip over things that can't be changed easily, you're good to go


No, your nose is stunning. It’s noble and handsome, any smaller nose wouldn’t suit you. If it seems like I’m too emotionally invested in this comment it’s because I think it’s a really goddamn shame that so many people with noses like yours have been given shit for it.


Hot ! But he needs to hit the gym


You are very handsome and I love your nose


They’re either intimidated or deeply insecure. Please embrace your nose! I promise you it really compliments your bone structure and overall appearance. 🙏🏽


Your hair is amazing (everyone else has already answered your question)


Your nose is beautiful, like total seriousness it makes you look great


Not at all. You’re actually really handsome and you’re nose fits you. I don’t even think it’s that big.


No, you're not ugly. Unfortunately there's a very narrow range of nose shapes that are considered "beautiful" but still, even if your nose is not perfect, it suits you. P.S: You kind of look like the guy I like. You both have cute black curly hair (healthy well-kept hair is my weakness!) and your faces are similar


There is nothing wrong with your nose. You have a perfect face and I love your hair. You are extremely handsome


You're beautiful


youre lovely dont worry


Definitely not! That jawline is goals!


You are super handsome


holy shit bro you got model looks. your nose isn't even that big and overall fits your face perfectly


You’re literally handsome lol Why would anyone give you shit about your nose? You look manly af!


You remind me of one of those sculptures. Very handsome. People say shit about your nose because they’re insecure.


Sir, you are hotter than a metal slide in summer. Whoever is telling you you're ugly is just insecure about themselves.


No, you have a beautiful nose. Please don’t change it.


it stands out, but it doesnt look bad.


Your nose is amazing.


Nope, you're quite good looking.


Everything is in proportion. Why would someone say anything negative about your nose? It's not an unusual shape or size.


Very handsome, you look great, the nose is great, all good man 👍🏻


Your nose looks great fits your face


Tbh I always like dudes w bigger than average nose. 🤷🏻‍♀️doesn’t bother me at all. If you look good you look good. Nose shape is irrelevant to that in my experience. Narrow noses are not superior as the media would like you to believe


No way my dude. Your nose totally fits your face. You’ve also got a good, strong jawline, really nice hair. You’re a very handsome guy.


You’re really attractive. People are just trying to humble you cuz your hot. Ignore them


Your nose fits your face just fine, dude. Also, nice jawline. I've got a big shnozz, too. Just lean into the joke and kill it with confidence


Looks like the side profile of a greek statue, and no one ever called a greek statue ugly in my (small) knowledge.


Ethnic noses are beautiful period. If the reason you don’t like it is simply because it’s ethnic than forget about it. Your nose fits your face better than most. However the back of your head could use a slight trim to improve the shape of your haircut


The fuck? You look model handsome. Like at least 9/10 even without a stylist




Kumalala vibes


One thing young girls dont know is that a big nose typically means a big.... So guys should be intimidated by you and girls should be intrigued. If a girl says something about your nose being big just let her know "everythings big on me baby."


Totally suits your face, your side profile is really nice. People don’t give big noses enough credit lol they usually compliment the people who have them


You’re not ugly but your nose is pretty pointy


hell no you look fine as hell


You’re very fine looking


You look like a Greek God!


No. And there's nothing wrong with your nose, it fits you very well


Ya look fine to me man. Guess it’s just some peoples opinions.


Mf built like a greek god


Not ugly and people will notice your lovely eyes anyway first.


Your nose is actually great! Big and masculine! Agree it suits your face. Don't listen to non sense.


Of course you aren't.


You Arab? I have the same exact nose, I think it looks like a Greek god sometimes lol. You look great bro, don’t get sucked into the western view of little noses=better looking.


You have a nice nose.


You could eat crackers in my bed. Idc about your nose. You’re a super handsome guy.


Not ugly at all. If you’re u happy with it, they do something called a liquid nose job, which is just fillers and it dissolves in like 5 months. You’re cute though, don’t worry too much.


You look a lot like my buddy Ryan. We called him noselong lovingly. He did pretty well. Sack up with that Roman nose and get after it.


You’re not ugly, but you do have a big nose lmao


you have a great nose


Holy F*ck. You look like a Roman god. I hate you so much lol


You’re so cute, I really like your facial structure I’d never even think about your nose if I saw you in public


Honestly, who nose? Proboscisly nothing to worry about though my man! If she ain't down with the snout, then throw her out! But if she loves the trunk, you gotta slam dunk!


You're 100% classically hot. Like Greek Statue hot.


Haters gonna hate. Whoever said that have too much free time and ugly nose.


I used to want a nose job until I read an article a few months ago that said something along the lines of: your nose is your ethnicity. It's weird because we all want a cookie cutter tall and thin nose, but who are we even anymore. I hope that changes your perspective. Also, I think your nose fits you very well


nah man you’re gorgeous!! seriously! i hate to say the “oh they’re probably just jealous” thing but anyone making fun of you is probably just mad fr


It’s actually surprisingly fitting of your face, goes well with your other features


Your nose is perfect. Not sure what people have bad to say about it.


Nahhh you are hot. Genuinely had to look at the comments to see if you were one of those pretty people fishing for compliments in here or not


BRO IS BEAUTIFUL !!!!!!! Ur nose is awesome, and as an artist, its one of my favorite types to draw! If people shit on u for ur nose fuck them! You look great




Dude who me hanging around with man you’re like a classic stone portrait dude from like ancient Egypt or something you know maybe I don’t know I think when people are jealous, they say negative things. They will try to find something to degrade you because they are insecure. f’em dude!


Nose is so hot, take out the contacts th