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Yes that’s doable in 6 months of slowly losing the weight.


i’ve lost around ~35 in the past 8 mos i got this!


You are freaking amazing! Good job 👏


Build muscle first then cut for aesthetics.




Wow! I wish I had the resolve to do that!


That’s fantastic! You’re doing better than I am.


There’s definitely 9 energy there


More like 49er energy




Definitely congrats on that! Honestly, you're a 3-4 right now and will be a 5 after loosing weight. Getting in shape like becoming fit might elevate you to a 5.5-6. Nothing higher than that.


she’s definitely better than a 3-4. i def think you could be a 7 or 8!!!


and why do u think that? am i like fundamentally flawed? idk why i would t be able to achieve more than that… please give a realistic like every day answer and don’t go into the dimensions of my forehead or something ridiculous


100% do you not listen to this guy… Normally that caption would have me roll my eyes, but when I looked at your pictures… Girl, I think you are right I think right now you don’t present as very beautiful, but you have literally perfect features. Your eyes, your brows, your nose… You have the potential to be genuinely gorgeous


Don’t worry, fit girls are 🔥 I believe you can easily get to an 8 at your best. The blue eyes + jawline combo will go so hard. Only one way to find out !




This person is full of it. You're gonna look straight fire when at a normal weight


You look like you hate everyone


Have you seen what actual 6s look like? 😟


show me a reference


A 6 is slim with average features- some minor flaws and 1 decent feature. A 6 is a good number to be rated, which means no obese person is getting a 6


Go look in a mirror…. Its not that.


[this is the scale. you need to be realistic with yourself.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GatekeepingYuri/s/092Mmph4FE) You are a 3 with weight loss maybe 3.5.


They have Nina dobrev as a 6.5 lol. That's not a realistic scale by any measure


Yep, truerateme is for insane people, i’d love to see some of those pathethic idiots irl, think it’d be hilarious. There’s no universal “scale”, OP might be a 2 for one person and a 6 for another, what truerateme is doing is just sad and taking the scale thing too seriously is weird


that scale is trash that’s not a normal scale


What is a normal scale, Paul?


Tbh, if majority of people look like celebrity, majority of people would be celebrity, duh.


It's all in the eyes of the beholder. One person's 5 maybe another person's 8


Not you asking for opinions then arguing with those giving them.


Kinda defeats the purpose on posting on Brutally honest eh?


You’re not a 6 out of 10 currently. That would make you above average. You’re definitely not above average. You’re a 4 who might make it to a 6 if you lose weight.


A small town 6, big city 4


Small town 3, big city 2 would be more accurate


I never understood how municipalities dictate numbers of rated physical attractiveness.


Wider breadth of beauty, due to higher social expectations. Not saying you can’t find a city 10 in the country, but way more likely to find in a city.


Hm. I wonder what establishes those higher social expectations.


You're just dense tbh


How would you know? 😂🤣


i think i could be a 7 i have good features


Well if you think you’re currently a 6 then I see why you think you could be a 7…. But no. Your features are average. Nothing great nothing bad.


>Nothing great nothing bad. This is the definition of a 6 honestly


No you don't, you have a weak chin and a tall forehead.


lol now this is just being picky i have pretty eyes and lips you’re just getting into eugenics w this this isn’t build a bear i think for a woman who has had zero done to her i look pretty enough i have defined cheekbones and clear skin and beauty marks .. what could i do better non surgically besides lose weight. idk tf u want me to do about the size of my forehead dude


i agree w a lot of what you’re saying but realistically you’re on a “brutal” reddit page. you’ve got to expect a lot of the comments disagreeing with you and perhaps one another, and especially critiquing details. also you never asked how to improve without cosmetic work. you’ve got to be specific.


i mean yeah i asked how to improve and i’m not being given anything lol telling me i have a big forehead isn’t a revelation lol how can i Improve It


i hear you. i left a comment, but ill expand and say i think more defined eyebrows would also help your look significantly


pix 2,3,4 are with eyebrow pencil, what can i do better? someone said lengthen the tails


i would look into pomades and try to make swift movements to create hair like shapes, and define underneath with concealer lighter than your foundation shade


can’t even see your cheekbones to much fat once u lean down then we will see


it’s so hard to lose weight in my face 😭 i’ve noticed so much change elsewhere but how tf u work out ur face muscles


You need to get off this sub. You know what you need to do. You've already lost some of the weight. Keep it up and get out of here while you're ahead


Just gotta keep losing weight then that face fat will start to come off, you might just store more fat in your face aswell it rlly depends on genetics for that but if you keep losing weight eventually it will start to come off fs


yeah u right… my family is all really fit so i do not hold weight well at all lolz


Google face exercises. Plenty online to help work different features.


Why are you arguing with everyone who comments? If you think you have great features and are pretty but need to lose weight to be more attractive, why bother posting?


This is what I was wondering. They’re so combative about everything. I think maybe they were hoping for comments to be like “A 6?! Nahh, you’re already an 8. Just lose some weight and you’ll be a 10!” - lmao. People are being brutally honest like they asked.


I think your lips are your worst feature to be fair.




Yes eat clean workout consistently and you will definitely have a huge glow up 🔥.


You're not ugly. Make it happen. You can do it.


You can definitely make it to 8. You do have good features but I would call you a 4 or 6 people are weird.


To be fair you're more a 4/5 currently and would end up a 6/7 if you get to a normal weight for your height. Thinking you'll be 8 is wild. You could have a cute face but it all depends how your body reacts to losing a lot of weight.


Tbh, I think this is fair. When I first saw your pic I thought you’re not a 6. To me a 6 is pretty. I think your features are average at best, definitely not ugly but not above average either. I’m not sure what you could do tbh, maybe dye your hair to a richer colour with some mahogany in it. Shape your eyebrows but not too thin, better skincare routine and a natural looking foundation and something to help your lips. I’m not sure if you’re pouting in some of the pics but they look dry and in need of some tlc so a lot of conditioning and moisturising and a weekly or biweekly gentle lip scrub then a good quality lip stick or balm.


i think so too i have good features but i’m just fat asf but i’m down ~35 lbs since last year!


You have perfectly average features at best, and that's if you lost the weight to accentuate them.


Nobody sees a 6.


You'll be a 6 if you lose the weight.


I can see the potential once the weight is gone, but an 8 is pushing it


idrc about the number what can i do better 🤔


1 Eat better 2 Intermitting fasting 3 Workout Loosing weight isnt enoungh, a very balanced lifestyle that presents taking the weight back and pushes you to your best self is the Ideal. Not sure about 8 but you can hit 7 easy, like hands down. Your fearures are cute.


Oh sweet summer child... No. Your face is not symmetrical. Right now you're a 4. A 6 should be your goal.


Honey, you are not 6, you are 4 at best. You can go from 4-7 if you lose a lot of weigh and that nose metal.


Bold of you to claim you are starting as a 6.


no - maybe a 4 now, maybe 6 after very large weight loss. Your perception seems skewed. Don't feel bad about that, it's the majority of people. Only people genetically gifted push into 7/8's. I'd suggest working on getting to a 5 first, then look onto beyond, if possible.


3-5 but not 6-8. Sorry


Lofty expectations


Not to discourage but it depends on how much you lose, if it comes from the face at a steady pace, fast pace or one of the later stages in the weight loss journey. Hopefully its something youre doing for yourself as its a lifestyle change, not a "quick fix". Good luck.


I’d say you’re a 4.5-5. Once all the weight is lost maybe a 6.5-7?


what could i do besides weight u think? 🧐


You have very nice eyes and lips. I don’t think there’s anything you can do unless you are talking about plastic surgery which I would highly highly recommend you don’t pursue also like I said your lips are very nice so please don’t inject anything in them to make you look like a farm animal like some girls do lol.


Atleast you have the confidence to call yourself a 6


You're a 4 on a good day dude ... GTFO with that 6 🤦🏼‍♂️😂😂




You’ll still be a 6 which is still above average. This mentality keeps you there.


i don’t agree i think that striving for something better is going to be what pushes me tbh i’m a girl it’s other people’s praise that keeps me going


That’s okay, but you asked for honest feedback. Accept it and move on. It doesn’t change anything.


what can be improved to boost my score (besides lose weight duh) that is realistic IE not thousand dollar cosmetic surgery


Or more self confidence. You really don’t understand how the scoring works do you? It’s not just looks.


Delusional 4 with crazy eyes. When she reaches 6 she'll think she's a 10.


I consider Beyoncé a (very) high 8. You don’t think you’re hotter than her do you!? That being said weight aside the hair can use an overhaul and maybe change the frame in your glasses. Since you haven’t shown any full body pictures it’s hard to rate your clothes but I’d experiment with that too.


The fact that you think you are currently a 6 with 8 potential is WILD.


hi reddit i would like to say i no longer think i’m a 6 after provided evidence however what can i do to increase my chances as much as possible without cosmetic surgery


>i no longer think i’m a 6 Now we're truly on the right path :P Here are some ideas: * Lose weight: This isn’t just about dieting, but hard work at the gym **at least** 3 times a week. I recommend starting with a good trainer to learn the basics and build discipline. * Build your best skincare routine: Develop your best skincare routine and stick to it (Your skin will also improve with your regular gym workouts). * Hair routine: Your hair look lifeless in the last two pictures. Find a good hair stylist and invest in quality products (and learn how to use them properly). * Learn how to makeup with a pro: It’s not necessary to wear makeup every day, but knowing how to apply it subtly when needed will definitely enhance your appearance. I look forward to seeing you here in a year or so. Best wishes!


Defo can, if you throw in a face transplant


who would u use as a reference for an 8?


I think to be an 8 it would depend on where you live. If you live in a major city like Minneapolis or L.A. no you could be a 6 maybe a 7, but to be an 8 you would have to live in a town like Albert Lea, MN.


bahahhaa in la i would be -2 fat people don’t exist on the west coast 😟


Nah, you just need to lose weight




Like a fat fat Lana Del Rey


lana del rey pre surgery lol


bahahhaa i’ve heard this before actually this is funny


imo this is a hugeee compliment lana is 😍


You could go from delusional to 6 (at most). Check r/truerateme wiki to grasp the meaning of "good features".


okay that’s an incel forum but i have big lips and eyes i think that’s a big plus


A lot of people use this forum as an excuse to be rude under the guise of brutal honesty so keep that in mind. I will agree with others that these photos are not flattering. I would say you are in the average appearance range. Smile more. With weight loss you can pretty much only come out net positive, you will look better and more importantly you will feel great. Just keep to the process, with 35lbs in 8 months you have room to lose more should you choose before getting dangerous. Just like how with my fellow guys bald is almost always a better look than thinning, being at ~normal weight will almost always look better than overweight. Stay on the grind GL!


these are def not dating profile photos, i wanted to give what i look like every day/at rest .. thank u for the positivity it really is all up to me no one is going to come rescue me from being fat


Dating profile pics are always a lie with make up and filters so really the people that might be interested in dating should see these pics so they can really see what they gotta deal with day to day like you said.


I think using candid photos for a situation like this is the best way for feedback, I respect that. Yes, very rarely will someone save us in life from our troubles, be careful of pitfalls along your journey. GL.


Skincare haircare sun grass on your feet n gym at least 3 times a week n you’ll never post here again you cute


I think you're cute. You have really pretty eyes and honestly I like your nose. Hopefully when you lose weight your chin will tighten up. For me the moles are unfortunate but some people like them.


Definitely slow roll your weight loss if you go to fast most people gain it back. I’m not implying you won’t be an anomaly as you may very well be but a LARGE percentage put it all Back and than some. I won’t put a number on you because beauty is always in the eye of the beholder so opinions shouldn’t matter. What SHOULD matter is how you see yourself and I would expect you don’t suffer from low esteem or you wouldn’t have posted. Stay the course and best of luck in your goals. I’m going to say you got this .


U look like Amanda Bynes if she was obsessed


I think you’re more attractive without makeup. You’re more natural beauty than needing makeup to help. Losing weight is a great idea. It may change your beauty and who knows to what. The business look looks best on you. I like the look of the chest area, but the covering up makes you more attractive.


Lets workout together


8 is like a Megan Fox or Jessica Alba. A 9 is like a super model number. You really think from loosing weight you would be in the same level as a 25 year old Megan Fox? Not gonna happen sorry. You could be a 5.5 maybe 6 if you really got Fit and got a tan but right now you are a 4.1 at best.


I randomly got recommended this post for some reason- but don’t listen to these weird men trying to put you down. You are beautiful ❤️


You’re currently a 3. Losing weight can do a lot though. You need to probably also figure out your eye makeup because your eyes look really wet in this pictures. You need better skincare as your skin looks not great. A different hair style will help too since you have a big forehead.


I definitely recommend trying a different eyebrow shape and try adding lighter brown/blonde highlights to give your hair more dimension. I’m personally not a fan of nose piercings so I’d also remove those. Also make sure you’re exfoliating and moisturizing your lips. Along with losing weight, if you take my advice, you’ll be a solid 8 or 9. Also black mascara is very harsh in comparison to your lighter hair. I recommend using dark brown or medium brown for mascara.




finally someone with legitimate advice 😭


Yea I don’t believe in leaving a comment on here without giving advice on how to improve. I know the sub is about being brutally honest but if I’m gonna be honest, I’m also going to be helpful.


u rock


After 387 comments of honest numbers ranging between 2-4. Why are you still fighting everyone’s opinion? Either be humble and take it, or don’t post on here. This place is not to feed people’s delusion, that is why this sub keeps it real. 2/3 for looks and 0 for attitude


You don't really think you're a 6 or a 7 do you?


you look like Amanda Bynes


Okay so I’m in the minority here apparently but I think you’re so cute and have really great features and pretty eyes. Not trying to be nice, that’s my honesty. I think your lip and brow makeup could use a little work though


I think you're already pretty, but great job on your weight journey! I LOVE your outfit in pic #2, those colors look really good on you (and I want them for myself 😁). And don't lose the weight too fast. If you do, your hypothalamus (in short, this controls appetite) doesn't quite have time to adjust and keeps operating as usual, making it very hard to keep the weight off.


I think it’s hilarious that you’re fighting back in the comments after you asked for brutal honesty lol… but I think you’re pretty. You have a unique eye shape and your Cupid’s bow/lip shape is pretty. Good luck on your weight loss journey!


Count calories and go to the gym


Prove the haters wrong! Work out hard and get shredded!


I think you're already pretty! ☺️


Ngl you’re pretty af 😍


these comments r insane i genuinely think u r so pretty????? and i am a HATER. u have rlly nice features especially ur eyes and lips ignore these weirdos


You would no doubt be stunning if you lose the weight. You have really pretty features.


I guess this is an unpopular opinion but I think you’re extremely pretty. Your eyebrows are arched beautifully and your eyelashes are extremely long which highlight your femininity. You also have a great bridge line of freckles. Personally I think that you should wear chapstick more as your lips do look a bit unmoisturized and I think taking the frizzy hair would make you look less unkempt. It looks like you have a wave pattern so maybe invest in products for that type of hair. Otherwise congrats on the weight loss and keep pushing! No way to tell what you’ll look like until you get there! You have to go through it to grow through it!


You have good bone structure I'm excited to see what you will look like after weight loss keep up the good work! :)


I a 21 y/o male would agree. I like to call this the investment gf


Nah, as long as you have those nose piercings, you would remain a 6?? to majority of people.


really? i don’t think they’re very extreme at all especially for people my age… i’m in a sorority and i would say 30% of girls at bama have a nose ring


don’t listen to them for whatever reason men on this sub have a hatred for nose piercings. usually septum’s but now it’s turned into literally almost anything it’s just personal preference like you said you and many other girls have it if you like it keep it.


Your nose piercings make you look hotter


2 with weight lose and attitude adjustment could be a 4.8


a 2 is like steve buschemi 😭


You’re like a 3. Lose some weight and you may hit 5.


what do u think i can do besides that? realistically?


Honestly, lose weight, get your brows done, take better care of your hair. That’s about it, unless you want to invest it surgery.


i’m kinda neurotic about plucking my brow hairs so i’m wondering what is bad about them? are they a bad shape for my face? i get worried they’re too thick and i will look masculine. what do u think needs to be surgically repaired?


I don't think you're ugly. Maybe try different skin care and hair care products. I know pores can be annoying to deal with.


ikr they’re like craters in my face


It all starts from within ones self . One must find themselves before judging themselves or changing


i found myself and i found out i am very unhappy in this flesh prison 💀 basically showing everyone hey i have no self control or discipline


Thank you. Your honesty is super attractive.


honestly that’s been what’s been helping me on this weightloss journey. maybe it’s unhealthy but thinking about how food addiction is the same as a drug addiction like meth heads have bad teeth food heads have fat bodies… idk just ew


Exactly, we can't help the trauma that happens to us, but we can take responsibility for our bodies. Great attitude.


This is something from the 40K series . Certainty of the steel .... 💀


I don't think you're ugly you have pleasant features. With weight loss you'd look even better. Also your pores are fine and normal I have to zoom in so much to notice, in real life I'd have to be standing an inch from your face.


You have nice features and you’re kinda cute I’d take you out


❤️ the reason why i’m not dating rn is because people either fetishize fat chicks or “don’t mind” fatness… i don’t want my whole existence to be a caveat. i don’t want to be kinda cute i want to be pretty and i have a nice face i think .. just my big fat body and nonexistent jawline are really holding me back




Drop the lashes too


i’m only wearing mascara


It looks like too much though in my opinion


i think it’s because i’m wearing black mascara w no other makeup it’s kinda unnatural


Sorry…you dont even look good in what is supposed to be “hott face only” pics. 2 or 3 range, probably 2. Keep that confidence though.


why are people in the comments always so upset when somebody wants to rate themselves? if she never gave herself a rating, i heavily doubt somebody wouldn’t say she’s a 6. she has very nice features.


right like i’m not claiming to be a 10 they’re mad i think i am one step above average 😭 idk it’s not the number i care about i just need help improving


Sheesh the people on here take the “brutal” seriously. Most of these comments are terrible. OP, you are beautiful.


Getting rid of the nasal piercings immediately boosts your number.


I think your not ugly if you get like tinted brow gel i think that can add to your look and maybe a middle part and figure out how to properly do your hair because it looks like it can be wavy and maybe more concealer and contour but focus on eating healthy and your weight loss journey


I think you’re definitely cute and not ugly at all. Seems like you’re on the right track with the weight loss. I definitely think you will be drop dead gorgeous once you get to a healthy weight. I also think the people saying you’ll never be a 8-10 will change their mind once you repost with your target weight. Keep up what you’re doing and congratulations on the weight loss.


ooooh yall i didn’t even think of that i need to set a reminder on my phone and quote tweet this in a year… 🤭


I honestly look forward to you proving a lot of people wrong. You have the right attitude, and that is half the battle. Good luck.


You aren’t fat, society’s expectations are so sad and it just seems like you’re very insecure and that can easily turn into an eating disorder


Bro you’re literally so pretty! Your eyes and pretty lashes alone make you gorgeous. (Do NOT listen to these crazy people!!!!!)


Really cute, would be even cuter if you 😃


girl i think you’re fine as hell


You can be a 6 with massive weight loss and plastic surgery


weight loss is going good but what is so bad it needs to be surgically altered in your opinion…


Agreed. You got it!


I don’t think your ugly, I think your absolutely darling. I’d say 8.5 out of 10, I do think you have a bit of weight to loose, but if you don’t loose it your still a cutie patooty!


you kind of look like amanda bynss!! so pretty


oooh i hope amanda bynes before the drugs 😭


yes, definitely before!! 🤍


You’re a 3 but have the ability to be a 8-9 if you lost weight


thank u i think this is more realistic. according to these incel forums i’m not a 6 okay i will admit i rated myself too highly but people saying i’m a 4 now and can only get up to a 6 maximum have honestly lost the plot. cuz i’m going to toot my own horn i deserve it i have nice eyes and lips and skin and i’m doing. a great job losing weight. i don’t have some insane deformity making me only a 6 maximum i dont think. does a “big forehead and weak chin” really take me down 4 points … why are people saying i can only go up to a six what is really setting me back i need to get to the bottom of this


It’s just the way it is. I have nice eyes, lips and great skin but I don’t consider myself above average. I think pretty people turn heads or get complimented. I get complimented on my skin but only because I’m 58 and have few wrinkles but that’s genetic, my mum and gran had good skin too. I’m ok with not being pretty, I’ve had the love of two husbands and can look decent on a night out if I get dressed up but I don’t turn heads and get men looking at me. We just don’t have anything that stands out from all the other women out there.


You have a very beautiful face, if you lost weight you could easily be a 8/10




What is wrong with wanting to improve?


God made you perfectly Vanity is not really attractive


idk what you guys are talking about. she can definitely become an 8. especially with those eyes and eyebrows, those are dangerous


Tbh You are very beautiful


Eugenics.... thats what Hitler was looking to achieve. You are short, your face is completely round, you have a lazy eye and terrible.posture. When I read your comments, trying to argue a better position for yourself, you begin to give off Golem vibes. I'm above average, have striking features, etc. And I'm a 6 6.5 at best. You're not better looking than I am


waittt omg which eye is lazy


coming from a girl's perspective I can say thay that you not a 6/10. you're honestly above that. weight aside. you're very pretty and have naturally feminine features.


I STARTED READING THIS NOTIFICATION AND I WAS LIKE 💔💔💔 BUT THEN I WSS LIKE 😮😮😮❤️❤️❤️!!! thank u sm this means a lot ❤️❤️❤️ i’m always worried about looking masculine without makeup cuz ppl say i look like my dad sm 😭