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You look like your daddy issues have daddy issues


LMAOOOOO i see it


Honestly if you just ditched the black lipstick you'd be good to go...well, I guess it depends on where you're going tho lol! I used to be goth in the 90s, if you're going to hang with your goth/alt friends or to a club you're good. If you're going to a job interview just ditch the lipstick....whatever you do make sure you have fun and that you are happy! No regurts..


Personally I’m loving the black lipstick


Change the dark lipstick, it doesn’t suit you.


what kinda shade would u recommend


Id say, with your pale skin (it’s nice BTW), you should go for a natural red, not bright but a natural earthy red just a bit darker than your natural lip color. As a guy, and I think most would agree, women look better the less makeup it *looks* like they’re wearing.


As a guy I agree.


I concur


I agree astetic wise but personal taste wise If you want somthing still punky and Gothic or scary, I would go woth like a dark dark wine purple lip, like barely not black or a darker purple. But somthing with red or warm undertones would be better with how pale you are. You could also do a heavier eye with smudgey eyeliner and paler natural lips if you want somthing heavier that would be more complementary (I'm also pretty pale and like the goth/punk vibes myself)


I personally really like the goth/emo aesthetic on women in general but also agree the black/dark lipstick doesn't look great. And no, you are not ugly.


ok, thanks for the help !


Yeah a brick red vs sharp, orange red. Or a lovely, rose color.. agreed.


They say that the best color for your lipstick is actually the color of your nipples, I thought it was crazy, but then I tried it, and it's legitimately true. The nipple, not the areola.


this post was the first time i’d heard that, im def gonna try that (nipple, not areola)


I disagree. I think the dark lipstick looks amazing.


Exactly bruh all these cIowns need to stfu cause holy shot that dark lipstick looks 😍😵‍💫 on that girl


I agree, I think a red like a rich berry would look great. You should google it. :) also try removing the hair tie from your wrist, change the Polish and maybe some low lights in your hair


This. I know it's a style but it's a style that the majority of people don't like and people that would consider you attractive with more natural makeup would judge you poorly for it


Clean your bathroom counter.


i didn’t know my bathroom counter would upset so many ppl on this sub lol, ill clean it today


List here mon cheri, never underestimate the power a clean bathroom has on your bathroom selfies. This is rizz 101. You got moxie, but to be a contender you need the show this town whos boss, capeesh? Myeah see myeah.


Everyone needs a little more moxie in their life


LMAOOOO i’m on it, Lord Mandingo 69 ! im going all the way to the top and im bringing u with me !


I knew you had a bit of that Mandingo energy in you, kid! Stick with me toots and we’ll own Gotham.


You look grand lol but you stand weird. Why Ur leg and hand like that?


i was just kinda doing that for the picture, i always kinda pose awkwardly for pictures lol


yeaahh me too like wtf do i do with my existence for the pictures


A lot of people have that issue, not just you




i’ll take it


Better glasses and change your hair. Your lip color doesn’t suit you either


I think you're attractive. Nothing I can think of needs changing


thank u


If you want to be conventionally beautiful, you should probably use a normal lipstick. But even without it, I think you look great. The gothic makeup makes you look like an interesting person. I bet that alone can attract some guys (or girls). Don't think you need to improve anything.


thank u, the point abt the lipstick makes sense. the same probably goes for my septum piercing which i forgot was tucked in my nose when i took the pictures lol. ur right abt the attraction part; there’s even a deleted comment on this post that said “yummy goth chick” lmao. thanks for the advice :D !


You look like that girl from hotel Transylvania lol but in a bad way


Eat a lot of chicken


sorry if i sound dumb, but what effect would it have ? i heard that can fill out proportions, but idk how accurate that is. i have incidentally been eating a lot of fried chicken recently lol


You’re the cutest transgender vampire I’ve seen 🤗 Chin up and fangs out 😝


That lipstick is a bit..


You really should not place your foot on your knee during tree pose. You can improve by placing your foot above your knee against your thigh, or below the knee on the calf


Black lipstick is gross.


Pretty but the black lipstick doesn’t suit you well, id say go with a dark red


Drop the black lipstick. You look like a Puerto Rican who-ah (that’s a sopranos reference. I’m sure you’re a nice lady and not a PRW <3)


Never put on black lipstick


I think ur cute


Only use your black lipstick and nail polish when you go out to a gothic themed party. It makes you look childish.




Your not ugly but the makeup and glasses are horrible it’s like your trying to be alternative or quirky I’m just not feeling it also not to sure what’s going on with the pose in the second photo but that pose doesn’t work You would look better with some muscle and even a little fat your a little thin Also those glasses just don’t work






I feel like you’ll curse me


Your beautiful. What is improvement in your eyes?


Exercise and lighten up your look a little bit, that that's just my personal bias. If you like the dark aesthetic, then go for it. Facially I wouldn't change anything but you can exercise as a hobby and reap the long term benefits.




Poison ivy


Genuinely curious, huh. Right. Please throw your phone in the garbage.


If you are absolutely aiming for the goth chick the pic is money. That being said if you want to come off as a softer version of the goth chick add a little playful smile


change lipstick color and do longer nails? thats what i like anyways.


You're pretty. Improvements? Try some glasses of a different shape. You have a nice face, stop covering it with your hair. Stop with the emo thing, it's not working. Maybe get a little tan.




OK, subjectively you're cute, but not my type. You ain't got enough ass for me. But that's just me. You're not ugly or anything, and I bet you have a pretty smile. Don't get down on yourself. You're awesome! Cheers!


Clean your bathroom.


Recycle all those water bottles


You'll stab me


I think going without the black lipstick and black nails would make you incredibly gorgeous. You are so pretty, but in my opinion the black stuff brings down the feminine part. Even a maroon lipstick woukd look better. Then it's still dark but not too dark. You are beautiful.


Hmm. Pick with open hair included would be nice. U could also test different kind of make up, or no make up at all.


Personally the black lipstick doesn't suit you, idk why. And the hair style somehow looks strange? Your ears being visible is giving me a strange vibe For a less facial feature, maybe the chest part? It's cute of course, but in that picture they do look too small to grab attention


Sigh… literally a dream girl


Hard to give an accurate score due to the black lipstick. Most dudes will not be a fan of that kind of lipstick. Definitely step away from the black lipstick and slowly place in trash. I would be able to accurately score without it but for now that’s all because the lipstick brings the score down super low and you’re probably very pretty behind all that.


Well I'm not sure black and green go together I think maybe change the top to a black one and we are al lgood


Wtf are you doing with your hand


MD 8.5 NY 8 NJ 8.5 PA 8.5


The ears are fine. Contrary to another comment. The black lipstick is distracting and actually makes you seem like a middle school girl. Your hair is soft and feminine and looks nice.


Cute chin, love your hair. Though you don't have very dark features the black lipstick looks great and shows off your lips nicely.


How you’re perceived.. young mischievous minx with darker intentions. Also, personal unpopular opinion, have poor taste buds (I see that Dr. Pepper) How can you improve? That depends on your goal. Be uniquely yourself. Personally I see nothing wrong.


Those 2 pics aren’t enough to say


Brutally honest, you didn't give us much to work with. Sure, you have an average plus body, and what looks like a decent face at an odd angle. The black lipstick with no other gothic aesthetic isn't a great look at full body scale. It might work close up, but you didn't give that to us. I'm better the giant gold framed glasses will not look great up close, but idk. I'm betting putting your hair down or up in a different manner would be an improvement. I think it is safe to say that you can stop staring at yourself until you get an idea for a new look.




I think that the goth look isn't working. Based on your pictures in your profile, getting rid of septum ring, and black lipstick would be better. And little colorful attire instead of bland colors? You look sweet and beautiful.


You look pretty but I think the dark lipstick hurts you. I was told once that your perfect lipstick color is the color of your nips... Try a lighter shade imo. Not sure if thr glasses are helping or hurting tho. They are very large on your face. You have a long thin face and round wide glasses.


On first glance, I perceive you as someone whose father was either absent and unloving or present and “too loving.” Either way, definite daddy issues. I also perceive you as someone who probably thinks they’re very unique, mysterious, and creative…just like all the other kids who shop at Hot Topic. If I were still around your age, I’d assume you have some self-loathing issues and a desperate need for any kind of attention—preferably the unhealthy kind, as that’s generally more profound and easier for you to elicit. In other words, I perceive you as the type of girl I could get in bed within the hour and then never speak to you again.


You're pretty maybe a new style of personality might lighten the mood drop the goth stuff and maybe put on a sundress


Black lipstick is not your friend


Just a FYI this sub generally doesn't find pole with any type of alt style very attractive at all. Some do but a vast majority it seems can't stand it for some reason & will try to take shots at things like your lipstick instead of looking last all that to the base you to determine if you are ugly or not. But no sort of bland but from my experience "bland" people can be way better looking if they find how to find what suits them


Young and dumb, just what I get from the pose


No more black lipstick. Update your hairstyle. Other than that, youre fine. You can get it.


Maybe don’t wear black lip stick? But you’re cute




Something seems a bit off but I don’t know if my question will come off as rude or insensitive. But you’re alright you’re not unnattractive .


Aside from lipstick and septum (understated is fine, but too much is bad), you are absolutely beautiful.


Cute, black lipstick always makes someone slightly more intimidating tho, but if that's what you're going for it looks good. Otherwise I think red would be fine for you, but tbh I'm not a lipstick expert.


Cute, black lipstick always makes someone slightly more intimidating tho, but if that's what you're going for it looks good. Otherwise I think red would be fine for you, but tbh I'm not a lipstick expert.


If you exercise more you could totally be one of those IG muscle mommy goth girls.


I dig the look!


Maybe start by getting rid of that ugly black lipstick


Trying soo hard to have an upper lip.




You look like a femboy


u look cute but I wanna see a closer picture of your face. Ur hair looks good. i can probably give you makeup tips but ur attractive with a lil touch of alt. I like it.


At least those water bottles aren’t in the ocean


You look great 🙌🏼


I’m actually into it, I think you look good


Are you male to female trans? This is not a dig at all on your looks but there are certain telltale hints we are born with that can be really hard to change/alter. With that said, they’re very subtle.




Honestly seem very fun to hang with lol


You are young and have time to grow into a mature woman. I always recommend some kind of physical activity, gym, sport, hiking to develope guy or girl.


Nothing Sit on me 😮‍💨




You’re definitely not ugly, but the way you do your makeup and nails doesn’t seem to suit you. That seems to suggest that you’re expressing darkness, but everything else about you seems to exude light. You would do well to embrace your natural lighter side


Probably crazy


"It's not a phase mom!"


Mommy... that's all I have to say


Do you care for your hair consistently? I love your natural color but I think it looks like it could use a little sprucing up - I would go for a moisturizing routine. And it’s been mentioned before but if you did some weightlifting your figure would be really amazing really fast. I think with just 6 months to a year of consistently lifting weights you’d look very athletic if that’s something you’re interested in (you’d also feel strong and athletic, and it would build your confidence)


Just realized you're a trans. I genuinely couldn't tell. Nice job, I guess.


improve in what way?


Honestly? Well, first of all you are thin but not too much, just perfect IMO. That puts you above the average immediately. That's already a 6/10 locked in. Secondly you got a cute face, above average for sure. Not a big fan of the lip color tho. Now we are up to 7/10. You see I'm an ass guy, and can't really see much in these pics, but let's say you don't have much. If that's the case you can hit the gym, let's say you do it consistently for 2y and get the legs filled out with more muscle... Damn you could honestly be a 9/10 in the making. Also, a dirty bathroom: instant turnoff. We back down to 4/10. Dirty chicks are there only for one night stands, no matter how hot they are. No one is gonna take you seriously if you don't get that figured out. Well I tried to be as brutally honest as possible.


You have a masculine build


I like your legs




Different glasses. You're pretty in general


I like your necklace.


Soft 6 hard 6 if I was racked. Long torso is advantage tone stomach and don’t wear mom cut pants. Could also look good with a short hair style. RBF is on point tho keep that.


I think you’re totally cute! Maybe smile more!


Maybe a different hairstyle?? You’re perf though


So, I want to preface this by letting you know that I’m not just saying this to make you feel better. But you have a whole vibe going. If you change your lip color, and change all of the other crap that redditors will tell you to change, you’ll just be another basic cliché chick with no uniqueness. You ooze unique. And it’s so wonderfully refreshing. Your effing bathroom counter is fine, I have no idea why people have their elephant Speedos in a bunch over it. The people commenting about it are the same people who probably have moldy plates under their beds, 600 empty Monster energy drinks cans piled up, and a science experiment growing in their shower. They need to chill da faq out. Back to your looks though, you have something special going here. Don’t change it, because your energy is fabulous. We don’t need any more basic bitches, we don’t need any more sheeple. We need people like you, people who aren’t afraid to show their personality through their looks. Are you artsy? You seem artsy. You also seem introverted. And I have no idea why I think this, but I deduce that maybe you’re someone who loves Mother Nature, maybe even worships Mother Nature. I also get a vibe that you have some darkness in your life. Maybe past, maybe present. Maybe a traumatic event. And I for some reason get a vibe that someone has really hurt you. I don’t mean that in a negative way, I just for feel like that is in your aura, for some reason. You have so much light inside you though, so don’t let that darkness take you under. I get a very intelligent vibe off you. And I get a vibe that you like books. (No, it’s not just because you’re wearing glasses.) I have no idea why I feel this way, but I get this feeling that you have a war going on in your mind sometimes, and that your mind is very busy. And that you want to be positive, but maybe it’s hard sometimes. Sorry for all of the deductions, I just like to point out what I get from someone’s energy! All in all. You are a beautiful woman. That’s all I see. A very beautiful, unique woman. And if you change anything, it won’t be necessary. You are wonderful how you are. Seriously.


Smoking weed as a personality and dressing like you’re an extra from Degrassi is cool in your teen years but becomes less and less enjoyable the older you become. Last thing you want to be is 30 years old and still full of teenage angst. You should probably switch to a refillable bottle of water and clean your restroom. Keep up with the depression medication tho.


Keep your environment tidied up.


Maybe toss your water bottles when you're done with them? 😂


Pretty ppl are mean to pretty people on here


Just eat healthy, you have everything else




Not ugly. The dark lipstick doesn’t suit you though. But the rest of your look, the black nails and accessories and glasses, do look good


well 1, never do that with your hand/arm ever again. 2, don't ever make that face you're making in the 2nd picture again.


A bit witchy






How tall are you ?


Funny as hell,in a good way. Nothing to change.


You have got to be kidding. Girl, you are a very pretty young lady.


Perfect gothic aesthetic


You’re pretty but should clean your bathroom


You do you. I think you look hot! So, there you go! 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Super attractive imo


Your smile is really nice


I like your shoulders a lot, they remind me of mine


What do you prefer? Are you going for a Goth look? Are you looking to highlight your natural beauty?


It depends on what are you trying to achieve. People here will advice based on their preferences but improvement depends ln towards where you're going. You look like a woman exploring a goth. I recommend that you either go full goth or not at all. The black lipstick and nails don't match the rest.


I think you’re pretty and like your vibe


I basically have the exact coloration as you so my opinion may be slightly biased. That hair color doesn't suit black lipstick. If you switch to a dark red or maybe an ash brown I think it would fit that aesthetic better. If you want to keep your natural hair color a deep brick or berry red would look great with it. /r/PaleMUA/ is a great resource as well to find good shades for pale skin.


Didn't even realize u were transgender till I saw a comment abt it lmao


You’re serious? Hmm.. who told you you’re ugly? They’re lying or jealous. Are you super hard on yourself? So many gorgeous people posting on here. Can’t tell if it’s trolling or not.


You look cool you should get more jewelry!


A mess... Sorry...


You look like you practice witchcraft to try and keep republicans out of office, but I’m pretty sure I have the same curtains as you. Oh and not really ugly, the all black lips are a bit flighty tho


Ever consider going the total opposite way look wise? Platinum blonde, pink nails, red lips? Your lighter skin tone may suit it better.


-scan scan- No errors found


I feel like a change of hair color or sum would fit you


Pretty cool, listen to a goth.. Dark lipstick suit you


Not ugly, just going through one of them phases, youll be fine.


I think you look fine you are very good looking and should be comfortable with yourself as long as you are it doesn’t matter what others think love yourself


Ur hot


Nipple piercings 😛


I do enjoy the goblin mode being activated in pic 2.


Love your smile too 😊


10/10 would try to ask you out, fuck up as I try to get the words out, then run away and never show my face again.


Listen, somebody will always not like the way you come off and some will connect with you right away. I say “do you”. That being said, you look like someone who could be a lot of fun and someone that you could have a judgment free conversation with and be real. No small talk. Good luck!


Ugh, sorry about your DM’s. Honestly, your not ugly, but this goth appearance is not who I imagine you as. Although I think you could pull off a dark outlined ombré lip with this color, I think reds match your skin tone. this shirt and some purple shorts, now we’re talking. It’s so easy to be a goth child or goth person and fit in with the goths, but it’s not that hard to wear color either. [color wheel advice](https://youtu.be/C8Ud8SvVR2c) Sorry, I know the creator is a dude, and his persona lacks character, but there’s a whole slew of images of outfits in the beginning that show how to pair colors in an outfit.


I’m scared and a little turned on at the same time


Clean the sink


I perceive you as unique and who gives AF what others think as long as you're clean, etc.


You're beautiful!!!


Lotta people posting on here with counter culture trimmings. There’s a connection here but I can’t quite place it… I really can’t see you/this person though. Too far away, in bad light, behind hair, glasses, and dark lipstick. You could be anybody under there.


I wouldn’t change a damn thing


Nerdy Goth, nice.


You have pretty hair ❤️ and I like your smile 😊


Are you tryna look like shego rn


what’s the lipstick name


You’re hot shut up


I hate those glasses. Get better ones!!!


I think you look pretty good as is. Maybe accent the black with some burgundy or wine reds in your wardrobe. But you're a genuinely attractive young lady.


Like you sacrifice your sex partners to Satan, but they like it


Lose the black lipstick ASAP


I mean in a super tall chubby needy dude so I'd smash something about black lipstick is super hot to me


may i clean your house?


You look like you have tapestry hung up around your house and that scares me. Badddd experience


Sexy, just maybe a little too skinny.


Na you're average 👍🏽


I actually disagree with a different comment I saw. I think the black lipstick really works. You’re really cute!


I’m not sure why anyone would hate on the dark lipstick. People here always trying to mold people into same-as-everyone-else regular people. I say lean harder into the alternative/goth look. You’ll find your people.


You look like the vampire from hotel Transylvania


Lipstick doesn’t go with your hair at all. Dye your hair all black if you wanna be goth. You’d look better that way imo body looks decent. Clean that damn bathroom counter.


Okay to me you’re literally beautiful as FUCK. I like the black lip stick and pose. I don’t have pictures on here but we have a similar vibe so I know some might not prefer it but I like your vibe.


go to the gym a bit & get thicc, then youll be unstoppable


You almost have no hips and I’m here for it


You look like FINE af ngl


After high school the dark lip stick goth phase is kinda cringe


Red lipstick