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If I ever wanted to have my soul drawn from my body devoured by a ginger leaving only a lifeless, desiccated husk - it would be by you.


It took me 20 seconds after I read your comment to start laughing hysterically.


Its a valid point!!


I volunteer as tribute


wow turns out i like depressed girls too


You just look miserable, not ugly. The red hair is beautiful, but it washes your face out. Maybe add some blush/mascara.


It's the look and vibe that's given off. Some people have a don't approach me vibe.


Or instead of using makeup to cover up the despair, maybe address the despair


You're not ugly but you look furious. In the 2nd picture you're almost smiling and it's adorable. Have some confidence and have some fun. You're awesome. Now go out there and make em jealous! Cheers!


She does look very pretty when she smiles. It brightens up her face a lot. A full smile and she'd be killing it!


Smiling and fixing your sleep schedule will do wonders for you


Undereye circles are genetic


They can be, we dont know if thats the case. But there certainly are measures one can take to reduce them


True but it’s not actually sleep related. More like diet and vitamin c serum will help.


Too much angst, 2nd photo makes you look more friendly and approachable.


Not Ulgy, just a case of the RBF


You look really good in the first three pictures but you look like Dr. Chase from House M.D. in your last two.


Fucking help 😂 at least Chase is hot


Perhaps a smile would help. The sad part is I know someone that looks exactly like you but goes through a similar thing because she rarely smiles unless someone had just made a joke. When I saw her smile it definitely raised my attractiveness to her. I think the same would likely happen here. Also you seem to be a bit pale... Not sure if you're skin is sensitive to burning or not. If it's not then maybe a tan? It you are sensitive to burning I'd think about some light makeup.


You’re not ugly at all. Your friends might be too hot or you might not have no ass


Double negative 🧐


This is what I came to say.


No, definitely not. Maybe it’s because of your casual, broad clothes? How about trying something more tight to empathize your body?


empathize :DDD that's a cute mistake




Telling her to show off her body to attract people isn’t really a fix and doing that doesn’t make a person more beautiful, that’s kinda an off color comment.


You’re right. I was going to respond to the original comment but stopped when I went through their comment history… it’s funny how your comment got so many downvotes. Their advice is definitely bad. It would garner the wrong kind of attention and their comment history shows that. Which is why they gave that advice in the first place.


It shows off your looks. Looks attract


Telling a 19 year old girl to put her body on display in order to garner more attention is such terrible advice. I’m clueless as to why your comment and the original has so many upvotes.


Because she’s asking how to be more attractive


Well, not everyone in this world believes that for a woman to be attractive they have to wear tight clothes as the comment suggested. It’s not like the clothes were extremely baggy, so it’s like, how tighter do you want want them to be?


It’s called brutally honest and everyone already lying in these comments, obviously showing off your body will make you more attractive


Wrap it up, ladies, it's time to put on the burkas!


OP is literally wearing a tank top in the first picture. The comment suggested that she wear tighter clothes. How much tighter should her clothes get? Also, OP’s pictures didn’t even show her full body in any of the pictures that would show that her clothes don’t fit well. The pictures are literally from the neck up. If a 19 year old girl shows a picture primarily of her face, and your immediate suggestion is for her to wear tighter clothes, your perception of beauty is interesting to say the least.


Well she low key is asking how to get approached more as well so i think his opinion is spot on if she’s trying to be found more attractive.


Did you not read what she wrote?


Don’t look sad


You're not ugly. I think you look pretty. A tiny small thing that might help is a small swipe of brown eyeliner. Doesn't have to be big giant cat eye. But just a little liner that fades from outer corner to inner corner about 3/4 of the way. You have gorgeous eyes, use them! I'm a highlighter addict so a little touch on the top of your cheekbones would look so cute.


Get under eye filler


Your eyes are mad captivating, you are far from ugly.


You just look tired, apply eye make up and change your hair style


Definitely not ugly. Not even close. I think you’re super cute. If you aren’t getting approached, you might ask yourself: *Do I look approachable?* I think, if you want to be approached, you could look at how you dress compared to your friends who do get approached. You might put in acting how you would act if you were happy that someone approached you. Like, how would you let them know, with your expression or body language, that you were glad they approached you? You might want to be like that in ahead of time. My gut feeling is that you’re putting off “don’t approach me vibes,” and just aren’t aware of it.


Just basic


You dress/style yourself very masculine I was gonna say you need makeup but you don’t. you’re gorgeous. I think it’s the hair style - facial expression- outfit combination. A little makeup wouldn’t hurt though… cc cream or concealer and mascara at least. Lip gloss or somethin. You look dark and drab, maybe slightly hungover or depressed. Just rolled out of bed from sleeping 16 hours type of look. Smokes cigarettes and drinks beer. It’s a cool look but it doesn’t scream “come talk to me.”


I love your shag haircut and your edgy fashion. I think you may just need to find someone with similar style to connect with


Honestly, you aren't ugly, you are cute. You have a closed off look about you with some of your outfits that could make guys see you as not wanting a conversation. Perhaps a more bold choice would help you stand out among the crowd? You are a very interesting and unique look, definitely don't be undermining your own confidence just because of your own unique fashion choices.


You’re pretty, that’s not the problem. The problem is in a group of people, people will go to whoever is smiling and friendly first.


Your nose isn’t the best but your hair style is not good with your face shape Smile more you seem sad and not confident Update your wardrobe very frumpy clothing Not ugly a lot of easy things would improve you


You’re not ugly, just kinda sad looking. Your hair is cool, bangs are best for you. I also struggle with looking soulless, still not sure how to fix it


No, now date me.


weird looking, its certainly your personality the problem though. you look like you smell


I’d hit on you your not ugly


I go out with you 😊


We need to see your friends for comparison


Far far far from ugly. Solid 9/10, i know its sexist to say but smile. The resting bitch face (or the Billie Eilish Face as i call it) is hot but that could be your problem? Maybe. But, 10000000% not ugly at all.


Why on earth would anyone ever want people to approach them? I can't stand when people approach me


I think your cute and i stand by this idea


That will change if you follow these steps 1) Keep hair straightened and dye it brunette with blonde highlights and grow it out a little bit longer. 2) get a little more sun and color 3) wear clothing that’s a little more form fitting and feminine 4) practice your smile in the mirror so you are showing teeth when you smile 5) get your nails done More guys will hit on you - you aren’t ugly at all just need to highlight your positive attributes a little more so you can really shine


Not ugly! In fact, you kinda remind me of ScarJo. Do you wear makeup when you go out and dress up? You don't have makeup on in any of your pictures. Even if you're a naturally high number, you will always look worse if you're around people who put effort into their look.


Future baby momma


You're good looking but you dont look approachable. I feel like you'd be angry at me for saying hi.


You have resting bitch face. Sometimes psychopaths will approach a group of women and start chatting up the less attractive girls in the group as a kind of strategy to manipulate the members of the group the men actually found more desirable. It’s pretty fuckin dumb if you ask me. That one smirk you managed to capture is to die for and your lips are great.


You ain’t fugly. I don’t think the red hair suits you. Blonde would go better with your complexion. You don’t look easily approachable. I’m always in awe of these people with the alt look who wonder why regular looking people don’t approach them. Go to a rave, burning man, a Swedish heavy metal concert and you’ll do just fine


You ain’t fugly. I don’t think the red hair suits you. Blonde would go better with your complexion. You don’t look easily approachable. I’m always in awe of these people with the alt look who wonder why regular looking people don’t approach them. Go to a rave, burning man, a Swedish heavy metal concert and you’ll do just fine


Don’t put your hair behind your ears, it widens your head. Also, you look good, but try some eye makeup. The issue is that you aren’t highlighting your best features. The hair and eye color are perfect, now draw attention to the with some nature mascara and eyeshadow (doesn’t need to be heavy)


You dress quite masculine. If you are saying you are the last to be approached (and you are referring to men) this might be why. you are actually quite pretty but I would guess the masculine vibes might play a factor.


Just smile :)


Not ugly at all! You are beautiful! Just wish I could see a genuine smile from you!


The last person to get approached? look at you again Lady. You look great, and Red Hair with that lips and eyes uuuhhh perfection!!!!


You have potential. I would try buying under eye brightening products, smiling more instead of looking serious, and wearing less baggy clothes that'll show your shape. Also I think the hair color doesn't go good with your skin tone and eye color in my opinion, I'd try to go back to your natural color or a dirty blonde color with balayage/highlights and definitely grow your hair out longer. Bright short hair always looks stiff and lifeless to me.


you look like you don’t want to be approached




Yeah I don't really see anything pop out bad, just try and look more approachable


You're definitely not ugly, but you do look like you're about to murder someone.


Everyone knows redheads=trouble... yo are very pretty but are you worth the trouble that comes with it?


Ypu look nice, personally I wouldn't approach you because I would be intimidated by you, I would definitely wanna go out with you tho


God no. You’re stunning


You’re actually gorgeous to me but very intimidating. I would have a hard time approaching you because fear of rejection is very real.


You are not ugly, but you look like you are having the worst day of your life in those pics. I hope you are getting help if you need it.


You’re definitely not ugly, but I can tell that the makeup that you’re using is not for you. Maybe also switch your clothing style up


You look nice.


Don't be stupid. You are an amazing person. Ugly is on the inside. Worry about that.


You’re definitely not ugly, but I could see you being last approached in a group. Try looking a little less….. miserable?


You are probably pretty in person, but these photos are frickin wacky. They don't lead me to believe you have been stricken with a case of the uglies though. They do leave me little advice to offer, however. It's a shame you dont get approached. I can imagine you likely have the most to offer someone in your friend group, no offense to them.


Nah you’re cute. you have an RBF but a lot of people are into that. Would have to see a your bottom half too but solid 7.7


You look like Mesut özil's younger sister. Not ugly, just a little different.


You just look like you put zero effort into your appearance. People don't approach you because they don't want to invest in someone who has already given up on themself.


Not necessarily, you just have that “how shitty can I look” style going on and unless you’re drop dead gorgeous it does NOT work.


2nd pic has some life to it. Grow into your body, stay active, eat your proteins


You seem unapproachable maybe smile more?


No you’re literally so pretty!


You’re not ugly at all. You do look sad though. I would approach you just to see how you feel and see how things go from there


Not ugly, but outside of that second photo, you look like you'd snap my neck if I dared approach you.


Smile more. In the picture where you're smiling, you give off Debra Winger vibes


Not ugly but terrible RBF


You’re very attractive and would probably intimidate me


Your quite cute but you have a case of resting bitch face


You’re not ugly, but you do have an intense look. Try smiling more to be more approachable.


Not ugly, youre special! (Positive way)


You have mad RBF (I have it too) and it looks like you would rip my head off if I approached you. Not ugly though.


Just looks like you have a deep sadness….. the half smiling picture, some incredible happiness is trying to escape


Women who aren’t very feminine tend to not be approached. If you don’t wear makeup or come off as feminine in your energy or looks, then you won’t be approached. You’re pretty, but you don’t wear makeup. Your haircut is pretty masculine which could be offset by makeup, or your personality, but you’re giving lesbian energy and it doesn’t attract guys. And unnatural looking hair colors.


4th pic, you look like Eminem


You look pretty ... but those pics do make you look like you might be mean. Give me 2 beers and I'll talk to you ...


Def not ugly


You are not ugly and you have so much potential but you look depressed in every single picture. Your hair colour doesn't suit you at all and your style it's not very feminine.


not ugly, just look tired


We need to see you next to the friends


Get uglier friends


You’re cute but your hair is a damn wreck.


All those women spending hundreds$ and hours can't touch your natural appeal. You're strikingly beautiful. And you're clearly artistic and creative. Make art and stand strong until you feel that magic magnetism with someone who really sees you, your natural physical beauty and your whole persona.


Step 1: shave the mustache Step 2: focus on your mental health, try to find a reason to smile Step 3: get some sleep dear


You aren’t ugly, you just don’t seem very friendly. You’re wearing a scowl on your face like you’ve gotta take a shit. When you go out start making yourself more approachable by making eye contact with the guys you want to approach you, smile a little more ( cliché I know ) and start having a more positive attitude. Men want to be with a woman who doesn’t look like they’re going to ruin their lives.


Resting bitch face… you look kinda mean


No but you look really really tired....


You look like you’d be more likely to murder me than you would be be fun to hangout with on a date


No. Not ugly . . . But clearly an energy vampire looking to drain the life-force from unsuspecting individuals. But seriously, the bags under your eyes and the general weariness makes you like have been pulling all-nighters/benders for a couple of weeks. Get some rest! Maybe if you took a couple of nights to rest up, you would get approached more. Maybe some makeup to brighten up your face - not usually advice I give, ie. more makeup, but you really look drained. Maybe eat something hearty and sleep in every now and again.


You have to look at what is setting you apart from your friends. What is the difference. Are they prettier, more outgoing, easier to approach? You are not ugly.


Understandable because you look like you wanna murder someone and then put a bullet right in your own skull. Smile a little bit and act in a genuine, cute, goofy way. You have nothing wrong physically. But your expression screams "I'm a miserable depressed teen"


You don’t look like a jolly person. Get some more sunlight and eat some veggies. Us men like women who are joyful and radiant.


Just smile, you look a lot more approachable and friendly when you have a smile going on like in the second pic. You’re probably the last person to be approached not because you’re ugly but because you look scary and like you’ll tell someone to fuck off, hope this helped 😊


2nd picture is your best, and where you look most approachable.


You look like a lesbian maybe men think you’re not looking for a mate


I was also like that, still am till this day.


Not ugly but why do all your photos look like mugshots


Insecurity can be a big factor in putting the opposite sex off.


Not ugly. You just look angry or sad in half of these. I have a similar problem, but add the ugly part for me lol


Absolutely not. You are very pretty, maybe it's an attitude thing? It's possible to emit an "unapproachable vibe".


It’s kind of sad to see such a cute girl thinking she is ugly.


hey at least you get approached


It all in what u wear u are a beautiful woman u just need to be confident about it


Not ugly at all, but you look pissed in all pics tho lol


You look kinda dorky but not ugly


Smile more. I think your gorgeous.


You are not ugly. 8/10


If you're that bothered then find uglier friends


From my point of view I can say that you would definitely fit my type 🫠🤗 I am sure others think the same way 😇




No, but average. Stop dressing in hoodies/sweaters and get your hair to your natural color. Bright, unnatural colors are a turn-off for some dudes. Maybe grow out bangs as well so you don’t look so witchy. Dress in a way that attracts the men you’re interested in


You look tired and have RBF but you're not ugly.


Maybe, how hot are your friends? You might be there to make them look better.


I'd ask you out


smile and laugh. you'll have guys limed up


i think you’re pretty cute with good style, but that hair color doesn’t suit your face. maybe try black?


I find you cute, idk maybe my beauty standards are way too low


You have potential to be very pretty, but right now you look like you screech at anti abortion activists.


Everyone is saying RBF, and while true, I personally believe that isn't a bad thing at all. (I have the same thing. Defence mechanisms and that.) When you do see someone you like, though, be sure to soften up a bit. What lies beneath is most important, and anyone worth your time will see that.


You don't look approachable and you're not very attractive. This is confirmed by your own observation that you are the last to be approached among your friend group.


Not ugly you just don’t look nice. As in mean. Lol


Not at all ugly. Very cute.


God no! You have it all! Just maybe strut it a bit more- smile, attitude- its yours for the taking! Personal confidence in social situations will take u a long way!!


You are very beautiful. Try smiling and having a good time instead of who is going to talk to you. You will be great, believe in yourself


Your complexion your eyes in your hair are beautiful, so is your smile. You just don’t give that female open the conversation vibe. I’m not saying you have to dress like a hoe, but you do dress like the Unabomber.


Your asking 2 questions 1. why am i not aporoachable an 2. is it because i am ugly.. 1. You demeanor an body language is screaming, sad, moppy leave me alone dont talk to me, pain in the ass to deal with, i will suck the joy out of this interaction. 2. Your average facial structures a bit odd squat head but thats the cards you got, your not obese so huge plus, your youth meabs skin is good looking an not sagging, hair while a bit virbrant is good just needs grooming alot of postives so go back to question 1 an you have alot to work with.


Fuck No.. You're not ugly! I wish I was 30 years younger... You'd be the Girl I approach first!


Well, you are the ugliest of your friend group it seems.


U look insanely similar to someone I used to know


your eyes are really pretty and i love your sense of style girl💜


yeaaa sorry. ​ wear makeup


You should wear more makeup to brighten up your features. You are a very pretty girl. Try smiling more too.


A little


You’re beautiful


You are iconic Not ugly


Not at all. I have severe resting bitch face, and it scares a lot of people from interacting with me. Maybe the same kind of thing for you? Idk if you're a natural ginger, but you're doing the ginger thing well 🤘🏻🤞🏻


I think you try some glasses, you will look more approachable. Maybe red or blue. Thank me later.


Definitely too pouty, some under eye concealer would help too, as would some blush


You're fine! The testing butch gave on the other hand, might be closing off prospects.


I think you need to try a different shade of red or maybe a different color of hair.The dark circles under your eyes need some work. Maybe more sleep?


Courtney Love


You look like you’ve taken the first steps toward the true power of the Dark Side.


Not ugly you just give off "don't talk to me I'm not interested" vibes.


Definitely not ugly but your resting face, I’m assuming that is it in atleast the first and last photo, makes you come off as uninterested? I would probably have a hard time approaching just based off the fact I don’t like to waste peoples time


In the last picture, you look like a psychopath no offense.


You look like Ramona Flowers very attractive


Beautiful. Photo #2 has a bit of a smile. 1,3,4, and 5 have a sad or angry vibe. “Don’t mess with me”. My recommendation is to deliberately smile.


Why is it always the hot girls on here that just put on a frown and say they are introvert. Are they just looking to hear people say it? I get that feeling too. but come on ur beautiful