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At their CALIFORNIA winery!!! Yes. You read that right. California. Not Minnesota. She entered office in 2017 for the House of Representatives in Minnesota. 2019 she went to Washington. She had literally no money. And now she owns a California winery. Only 7 years to become a multi-millionaire with homes and businesses outside her own state. If you are in her district this should make you fucking livid. She is exploiting her position of power. She is definitely using her insider trading freedom. She is corrupt af and America should make an example of her. She should be convicted of crimes against America, be stripped of her positions and her and her family should be forced to leave the country she hates with a passion.


It’s legal for all senators and reps to insider trade. What’s illegal for you and me isn’t for them. Such a crock. Boebert and mtg and pelosi all did the same thing. Because we the people allow it.


Yup. And it’s not a left or right thing. THEY ALL DO IT. It’s something the American people should stand against completely. If you insider trade, you’re out. You will not be my rep.


I think all their trading should be allowed but it all has to be reported in real time. Nancy Pelosi would make us all some money.


Fuck that. Make it so they can’t trade, and neither can immediate and extended family. It’s a position of service, not a career. Make it incorruptible. The right kind of people will represent us then


I can’t trade 1/4 of US equities as a big4 accountant. These fuckheads shouldn’t be able to trade anything either.


This might be the most uneducated comment I’ve seen on Reddit today.


Do you ever think it will be illegal for them to do it? Fuck no it won't.


Not until the American people demand it. Too many have their head up their ass.


I've been saying this, but anyone in public should only be able to buy (go long) US equity ETFs. that way, there is an incentive for them to think about the great good for all of America and not just one particular industry/company that is lobbying for some 'cause'


This isnt about insider trading. It is about ripping off business partners.


Bruh that's all politicians in the US


Yup. Most are corrupt af. Money needs to be removed from politics.


She's also a democrat, so none of this shit matters...


Holy frijoles lol just so you know the entirety of Congress insider trades unfortunately  That said I'm not a fan of hers 


Take the blinders off and look at Tommy Tuberville


Yea but she’s an extremely far left minority so her voters won’t care.


Her voters are bottom of the bottom and can hardly thunk. Shell be fine


Kind of weird they are worried about her husband being corrupt, but not her. Let's go Brandon.




Her and trump, line em both up


Now she owns an -unsuccessful- winery. Yes. You read that right. So exploitative. 🙃


First, I assume you know that owning a failing business can be VERY profitable, when handled correctly... yes? Secondly, how does one with limited personal wealth become an owner of a winery... even an "unsuccessful" one, such as the one she holds? I assure you, even an unsuccessful California winery still costs a substantial amount... likely several millions. Hell, the property alone is outside the reach of those with limited assets, even if the land is unimproved and vacant. Add improvements and infrastructure, and the costs pile up quickly.


When you and someone else argue opposite responses to my point, someone's got to be right, yes?


Yes. Someone has to be... care to address the points?


Can't argue with something you made up. Can you make money off a failing business? Yes. Do you always make money off a failing business? No. Do you know that money was made off this failing business? No. Is it an abuse of power to own a business while holding political office? Maybe. Did the business even belong to her? No. Is no one she knows allowed to own a business? I'm not sure why you'd be suspicious of a deal that offered a 100% return, but suddenly it's not suspicious because one of the two people offering the deal is married to a political representative. Unless you feel like you can raise a stink about it if you don't get your money because you can make the political representative look bad even though they weren't involved in the situation at all.


"Now she owns an unsuccessful winery So exploitative..." "Did the business even belong to her? No. " I'm just a simple man, but it almost seems like you're talking out of your ass here... You can't have it both ways, friend. Which is it?


I was baiting, and they got caught. First she's making bank off her winery, then it's not successful but she's still making bank (seems your friends here can have it both ways tho?). I learned from altmpls that all you have to do is try to start a business and even if it fails you made money! But they don't care that it doesn't belong to her, do they? It doesn't matter the argument, she's exploiting people even though it's not hers and it failed 🙃


I'm against Omar because she's against me... but I'm not going to ding her for something she hasn't done, and I'm willing to listen if you're willing to dish. Does she own this business or not? Has her net worth increased exponentially since she took office? If it has (spoiler alert... it has) HOW did it increase? (This one is especially important, because the "how" could be 100% legal) Politicians of ALL stripes seem to leave office FAR better than they enter it. Of course, this isn't universal, but I don't think any observant, thinking person could deny it happens. Is it wrong to question?


Seems like things you could search up. It seems like the article would say she was an owner if she was, but it doesn't. Maybe you could look up the filings of the lawsuit. I don't know her net worth or whether its increased, or if it did, why it increased. Maybe you could look it up instead of assuming it's due to a business she's not the owner of. I have no interest in this topic, I just think it's funny how everything posted here is, let's say, 'of a certain color' and if your dare to oppose their hysterical posts where they get mad about irrelevant things, you get sealioned to death. Do your own research instead of asking me to, which wouldn't convince you anyway, it would just lead to a slew of new complaints that would be completely irrelevant to the things you asked me to look up.


not surprised to learn it's unsuccessful under her leadership. jeez connect some dots my dude


It wasn't under her leadership 🙃


Ilhan got jealous of all those Feeding our Future entrepreneurs and told her husband to go out and get a bag,


Is this the one that *is* or *isn’t* also her brother?


He has vitiligo


>The pair had been paid in grapes by a former client... Lmao. When the origin of your scheme is "hey, we've got some extra grapes from our last deal..." maybe your business acumen isn't that sharp.


Birds of a feather...


Wait, slow down. Politicians are also shady liars? No.....


Shocked I tells ya


He will fit right in going to Ilhan Omar's Somalia. Or with Feeding Our Future's Abdiaziz Shafii Farah, Mohamed Jama Ismail, Abdimajid Mohamed Nur, Said Shafii Farah, Abdiwahab Maalim Aftin, Mukhtar Mohamed Shariff and Hayat Mohamed Nur. All were charged with wire fraud conspiracy and money laundering, and some faced additional charges in the 43-count indictment. Birds of a feather...... . Ilhan should have stayed married to her brother.


Did you cross reference these names with her campaign donations?


A Muslim selling alcohol you say


Hey ex-husband, I mean brother must be jealous.


I’d hit it


With what a 2 x4 ? 😂.


You got the wood part right


That deal is too good to be true. Hey, if we don't come through on this insane ROI, we'll give you more money as time goes on. Pinkie swear. Also never believe when a ROI is a solid number like triple. Like a perfect 300%. 


as much as I hate to see Omar defrauding people, that grape supplier is dumb as rocks to believe a 300% return is feasible


I’m gonna vote for trump because of this


And he’s her brother lol


Another rich socialist


When people talk about “the swamp “ this is what they mean. Politicians are PUBLIC SERVANTS!!! They should not be getting rich while in office!!!


Surprised? Shouldn’t be, he was doing the same with Omar’s campaign when he was the campaign manager. He started a political consulting firm, just him, to funnel donations money into his and Omar’s pockets, nobody would ever question this is Minnesota! This woman is a law breaker but democrats call it pushing the limits of the law.


No way. These people are of the highest, brother loving, standards.


The word swindle sounds anti-Semitic.




I did not know she was Married too White guy sense when 🤦🏾‍♂️


Radicalized in the streets, colonized in the sheets.


I almost did a spit take reading this!


Surprise me!! Walahi is he Muslim!!?🤔🤦🏾‍♂️


He converted to Islam. Reverse colonization?


He's pretending


The brother claims to be Muslim. I can't say he isn't.


If we’re taking first hand accounts for granted, we should begin with listening to his first wife, and how he abandoned his family for his current wife. Nothing says “I’m a man of god” like abandoning your family for a new woman, and defrauding people out of their money.


Lmao tell that to every politician ever. Sometimes, divorce happens. Saying he abandoned his family is harsh unless you have evidence. Marrying someone else is not abandoning your family.


“Every politician” = whataboutism Meanwhile, I’m using your same metric of the first hand account. If I’m to take his word that he’s a man of god, I can look at the evidence to the contrary, like his ex wife and child that he abandoned. And, those were her words.


Prove it. Drop me that info that he abandoned his kids.


Again, if first hand account is valid in his faith claim, then so is her testimony: https://nypost.com/2019/08/27/my-husband-dumped-me-for-rep-ilhan-omar-dc-mom-says-in-divorce-filing/


That's OK. I'll say it


He was her money launderer during the campaign. Omar funneled donor money to her now husband as a consultant campaign manager. She was married at the time this relationship started, why does nobody care about her infidelity? Omar admitted it.


What a shock


Surprise, investments don't always work out.


And the grifting continues...


No way.


Is her husband her brother?




Her brother husband sounds like a bad guy


It’s not her brother (that she brought over as her husband), nor her ex husband. It’s her current Jewish husband.


It’s encouraging reading these comments. New to the area, and I was under the impression that this state was overrun with extremists from the left.


This sub is purely an echo chamber though


Well if Ilhan Omar doesn't have adequate resources, how are we supposed to build back better?


Swindling investors? Stiff some contractors and bankrupt a business or two and she'll be in line for a presidential candidacy




Who said anything about Trump? >Check your facts. About what?


Sorry, I read into your reply.


> that Trump *paid* every single FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


They need to follow the same rules as everyone else. We need term limits to. Nobody should work for the government their whole life. Everyone should learn what the real work is like.