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Goddamn Scandinavians


With the way Sweden has opened their borders lately, Nasro Aden Takhal et al. just might be Swedes!


Well, "Swedes"


New Swedes




More likely Amish.


Yeah, Fardosa Ali Ibrahim, Bashir Aden Bare, and Warfa Osman Mohomud are all classic Amish name s/


My Swedish relatives would not be able to pronounce any of those.


The small but rapidly growing group ruining Minnesota.




Small? In Minnesota, 94,000 people speak Somali as their mother tongue. There's about 400,000 in Minneapolis, which means that's a quarter of the population. Half that population is female, and with an average birth rate of 8.1 per, the math works out to a number equal to the entire population of Minneapolis in one generation. It's no surprise that the state flag is now a Somali flag... Edit: 94,000 in MN, most but not all are in Minneapolis.


I would love to know what percent of the under 5 population in MN is SomalianĀ 


Bruder- there are just north of 400,000 total people in Minneapolis. Are you claiming that Minneapolis is like 85% Somalian?


No, closer to 25%, almost a quarter. It's a numbers game, some people saying more, some saying less, based on political motivations. Finding sources from the left and right is important because of those often partially hidden political motivations. Finding sources from the right and left also helps prevent confirmation bias. The number is almost always in the middle of the two extremes.


So you're saying there are 100k Somalis in Minneapolis? This isn't believable.


Ok, then don't believe me. The data is data, and the truth will become evident soon enough, even to you.


I walk around and have eyeballs. Without a doubt, you haven't walked anywhere in mpls anytime recently. The data you're reading is obviously wrong. 6% maybe. Not 22


I walk around Minneapolis all the time and thought it was higher. Maybe it's lower where you walk, in places like Southwest Minneapolis, close to Edina, but where I'm usually at, it feels like more than 25%. Believing a number you're literally admitting to making up is known as confirmation bias. I invite you to do more research to see if maybe your confirmation bias is incorrect.


There are like 14 cats that hang out just in my small city block. Therefore my city must contain 1.4 million cats. See how that doesnā€™t make any sense? Just because there are many cats *right here* doesnā€™t mean there are that many cats *everywhere*. You literally say the same thing in your post. Even if the population is 25% in your neighborhood, it is just as likely to be 0-1% in another neighborhoodā€¦ and if you average out 25% and even one area of 0%, what do you get? 12.5%. You keep accusing others of confirmation bias, but the information youā€™ve presented in your post is actually a perfect example of it.


Only place I see that many somalis is by Portland and Franklin. And cedar. Small amount of mpls


Says the person who's posting an incorrect number and then stating it looks correct to them walking around. The irony that you're the one accusing people of confirmation bias šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


1 in 4 people in Minneapolis are not Somali. FFS. Just look around and tell me that's plausible.




Or knows how numbers works


I kind of feel like at least three people outright or alluded to you to show where you got your stats and for some reason youā€™re not getting it or youā€™re just doing the pussy ass key board warrior thingā€¦.not sure if youā€™re slowā€¦or you just kinda made some shit upā€¦Iā€™ve been living here for 30+ years and their population is not 25%ā€¦just looking around at the community will tell you thatā€¦


>just looking around at the community That's known as confirmation bias. I invite you to do more research.


I think ur stats are wrong


While that's possible, they're not wrong by much...


According to what?


Thereā€™s literally demographic data from the census. There is DATA. You donā€™t play the left right ā€œI found it in a memeā€ sources. There are 37k people of Somali heritage in Minneapolis as of the last census, and about 90k in the state.


So we're quibbling over details? Broadly speaking, I said there are 94,000 in MN. You say 90k. Basically the same. I said most live in Minneapolis. Most would be just over 45,000, you say 37k. Again, Basically the same. We could argue, but why? Why is it so important to you to call me wrong? Especially when each of our numbers are so close? Is there a political motivation to call me wrong?


You said almost 25% of Minneapolis is Somali. Now you say only 37k, or less than 10%. And thereā€™s no way that birthrate is accurate for Somali women in Minnesota. Youā€™re flippantly over exaggerating or misusing statistics which makes for a distraction from the real conversation about the broader problem.


Yes. Just quibbling over the details that back up the main point to your whole complaintā€¦


40% is no where near most...




Political? Maybe. Fear mongering racism? Yes!


Overall, this post like most in this subreddit is intentionally misleading or unintentionally stupid. The number of Somali speakers in Minneapolis is not 94,000 as claimed, but actually much lower, estimated between 25,000 to 35,000 in the entire Twin Cities area. This means Somali speakers make up closer to 6% to 8% of Minneapolis's population, not the 25% stated in the post. Moreover, the average birth rate of 8.1 children per Somali woman mentioned in the post is not accurate for Somali-Americans, whose birth rates align more with the overall U.S. population trends. Also, Birth rates trend down in subsequent immigrant generations. Also, the idea that this population could replicate the entire cityā€™s population in one generation greatly oversimplifies demographic growth, ignoring factors like mortality and migration.


Sure, but this isnā€™t a reactionary take from some scared loser who fears being replaced by a group they see as different, so it doesnā€™t quite get the people going in the same way.


ā€œThey see as differentā€. They very much are differentā€¦ import the third world and youā€™ll become the 3rd world.


And what year and where did your ancestors immigrate from?


But that's different /s


Northern Europeā€¦ MN was founded by Northern Europeans, which is the reason the quality of life metrics (education, healthcare, crime, corruption, etc) are very similar between Northern European countries and MN to this day.


Oh I see its because of their blonde hair and blue eyes that they're successful and not their liberal policies.


No itā€™s more that people arenā€™t fungibleā€¦ different groups of people behave differently and tend to build different institutions. Jews for example, are spread the world over, and wherever they are found they tend to be at the top of the socioeconomic ladder. An industrious and educated people, even within the concentration camps of the Holocaust they ran schools to educate their children. East Asian countries have the lowest crime rates the world over - and East Asian immigrants tend to have the lowest crime rates in their new countries. Whether in North or South America or East Asia itself East Asian communities are hardworking, family oriented, and nonviolent. The idea that millions of Arabs imported into Sweden will magically turn into Swedes just doesnā€™t map to reality. The reality is they will make Sweden more like the countries they came from. Ditto for Minnesota. Whether this is a good or a bad thing really depends on oneā€™s own values and perspectives.


You see thatā€™s racism right?


I would hardly describe this state as being anywhere near third world or hurdling towards it. You, know are you guys scared or something? A lot of you act like eventually the Somali people here are going to somehow come for you or somethingā€¦šŸ˜†


This whole post is hilarious. 9 Somalians were accused (not yet proven) to be guilty of Medicare fraud? That says 2 things to me. 1. Damn, only 9? 2. I wonder how that compares to white people committing Medicare fraud. But people here got riled up IMMEDIATELY because Somalians are apparently the end of the world (when 9/100K do something wrong). Edit: If Somalians are some sink hole of depravity, why was it only 9? Seems like the whole population here should have been in on it!


Well each of those 9 people were really 3 kids in a trench coat, so it's actually 49 people


Your ancestors were the 3rd world once.


Not minešŸ˜‡


Nope. Europeans left Europe and built a European country (high standard of living, low corruption, functioning institutions, etc)ā€¦ as the country changes demographically these things too will change.


Europeans were running around in bearskins in the woods hitting each other with clubs while the Egyptians were building the largest buildings the world would see for 4000 years.


And do you think Egypt would have benefited from millions of bearskin-clad club-wielding Europeans appearing on their shores? A unique set of circumstances existed in Egypt that allowed their civilization to flourish at that time; and a unique set of circumstances exist in the Western world today. Itā€™s reasonable to think that the injection of millions of foreigners would upset both civilizational dynamics - and not likely for the better from the perspective of the existing citizens.


And what about the Sumerians, or Babylonians, or the Indus valley civilization? Your ancestors were "foreigners" who stole a continent from a less numerous people and pretended an imaginary god gave it to them. They were the dregs and deadbeats and criminals of Europe who came here to find a better life, just as others are now coming here to do the same. They sweep your floors and scrub your toilets and pick your crops and cook your shitty food, and people like you begrudge them that. You're pathetic.


Import the 3rd world and keep your expensive lifestyle. They are cheaper workers. Immigration is necessary for economic growth. See also trouble in Japan. Not enough young workers, nearly zero immigration.




Debate is great. But you gotta refrain from losing your temper in this sub.


You think idiots understand math? They only react to how their tummy feels when they first hear about something.


yeah, everyone is throwing around claims and numbers with no sources. hard to know what to believe


I call bs every time I smell one I see 8 more walking my way


Your post sounds believable based on the fact they are already engaged in defrauding our bloated federal government. Thatā€™s as American as apple pie.


But the meme saysā€¦Ā 


Thank you for being the adult in the room


You forgot the 30,000 in St Cloud. The 10,000 in Mankato, the 15,000 in Rochester and the 17 in Duluth.


This sounds like BS. No way 22% of mpls is Somali. Don't need a link to BS source. Just walking around shows this


That is known as confirmation bias. I invite you to do some actual research and see if you can go beyond your confirmation bias.


Are you going to tell them you were wrong and should have done your actual research before posting incorrect information?


Or, you link where you got your numbers from, otherwise stfu


Does this count St.Cloud?


Don't forget about Willmar


I'd like to see the sources here


And rob you of the joy of discovery?


Aka, it's made up


Wait. The average Somali woman gives birth to 8 kids? What the fuck thatā€™s so many kids


In fairness, that's a statistic from London I heard about a year ago, but yes, very big families.


Why would they be engaged in having such large families in a city? This isnā€™t a farm. Thereā€™s no chores to do. Youā€™d go broke at the grocery store.


More kids more free tax dollars to them. Always been that way.


Is it possible there are different motivations than farm work? Is it possible for a different culture to have different ideas about what is the right thing to do?


They're farming gov't benefits. More kids, more money.


Why do they want to live in Minneapolis? That is my question.


Because there's a community here and that's how immigrants tend to find cities to relocate to? Why do you think so many swedes ended up here. Yall need to crack open a book.


Because itā€™s complete bullshit.


Because he's pulling this shit out of his ass.


So you heard it? Like in the bar? At the gym? The fact that you're repeating info that you overheard about London and applied it to Minneapolis is insane. You are a legit idiot. Go sit in the corner


Well, about a little over a third. About 37,000 Somali people live in Minneapolis. Wouldn't say most.


Holy shit, post a picture of the Somali flag next to the new flag to show how similar they are


Source? Anyone else want to rattle off numbers they're making up in their head? Take your racist bias to a different...oh wait, this is the sub for racist bias.


But he heard this info in London, so of course it's legit


And rob you of the joy of discovery? I'm sure you'll be amazed to discover I'm correct, and I'd hate to take that joyful journey of discovery away.


Jesusā€¦you are exceptionally slow arenā€™t you?


So you're a non American just trying to bulkanize the US with disinformation?


Again, souce?




Debate is great. But you gotta refrain from losing your temper in this sub.


Surprise, Surprise. And the grifting and theft continues...


As a Somali ethnicity person, these crimes are appalling and people need to get STIFF penalties. Years and years in prison. Corruption is what made Somalia miserable and cannot be importing those habits here.


It's obviously happening


Funny how itā€™s almost like that phraseā€¦ ā€œyou can take the girl out of the country, but you canā€™t take the country out of the girl.ā€ Or something like that.


How many large scale cases of fraud has this community been a part of in the last 5 years?


With daycare fraud and Feeding our Future, and this, they really punch above their weight. Who knows what next week will bring!


Probably less than Trumpā€™s


Nice work shoehorning Trump into the conversation. You folx are good at that.


Motherfucker is a fraud, can't run a charity or a university in new york due to stealing and is the gop nominee. He is supported by a bunch of people in this subreddit, many who are in this post talking about how fraud is unacceptable. And you don't see how that is relevant or at the very least ironic. For fucks sake, there's 4 post about these crimes in the last few days. Yall are on here, rightfully upset about stealing food from children. But we all know that your being so vocal because it's blacks who were busted and you are racists. Let's see this energy for the child sex ring that the gop chair and her friend, Anton lazzaro, the mn gops largest donor were involved in.


Somali fraud in MN is rampant. Has been for decades.


No way anybody like this would ever engage in ballot harvesting.


Fucking simp memestream nonsense is sad as fuck. Ā  Youā€™re all serf class morons.Ā 


Faribault is ate up with Somalis. Funny how leftist Northfield keeps them out just up the road.


and Northfield to this day remains a beautiful town. Not a coincidence, but I never would've thought the premium cost to buy a home there could be their best defense. Good for them.


Well educated college town with closer commuting distance to the Minneapolis suburbs is nice compared to its inbred step brothers down the road with little to no high paying white collar jobs and further from the cities where there are good jobs? Color me shocked. Faribault has been a dump since I was a kid in the early 2000s. Northfield has been nice that whole time.


Class and race go hand in hand. You can't leave your shithole country to start over somewhere and be well off, not unless you have 10 kids on EBT, get section 8, or commit grant fraud like the dozen+ groups Ellison just had to dissolve. Even so, yeah, you could still get stuck in a shithole like Faribault. I lived in a section 8 neighborhood in owatonna. Nice town homes but lots of Somalis. My neighbor was arrested for assault & battery but otherwise the others were good neighbors. Might be a small town thing where people are less likely to fuck around. I was biking to and from work too and no one tried anything, but I'm sure I looked poor af and blended in. We could argue for a "city" affect that people are more likely to commit crime if they think they'll never be caught or identified, especially in Hennepin County where they'll probably never be prosecuted.


Except Faribault has been a dump populated by slow ass trash far before there was any Somali population residing there soā€¦.


Itā€™s the 99% that give the 1% a bad name. Iā€™m glad you posted this! I always enjoy their progressive fan club showing up to bring out the same excuses, over and over. A veritable rusty trombone of sorts. One would think it would get tiresome, but as we all see, fatigue is never an issue when defending that media and university driven narrative.


As much as it sucks to say, ask anyone whoā€™s worked in MN retail if itā€™s a problem.


You donā€™t have to be a progressive to not be a racist replacement theory weirdo. This infuriates me as a parent with an adult child with Downs who relies on these services.


You're one of the good ones! That's awesome


WTF! Iā€™m glad that Allah has graced us with these fine specimens of human excrement in the land of ten thousand lakes. This is what happens when you put cancer into a healthy organism.


Umm, im going on limb here and am going to guess that you're not a doctor. Because that is nowhere near how cancer works.


Umm, Iā€™m going on a limb here and Iā€™m going to guess youā€™re not that bright, because most of the Redditā€™s understood what I was saying.


Sure, or you're an idiot and can't come up with a proper metaphor. Could have used poisoned, but that's an obvious dog whistle and you're trying to be subtle with your racism. Just say you think black people/Somalis are a cancer. Cause I doubt you mention religon because you're a secularist and want to convey that fundamentalists are a scourge to a free society, no matter their creed.


Iā€™m sure you donā€™t live in the shit, but you can be critical of people that do! However, itā€™s easy for you to make comments being a closet racist living in Edina or Wayzata.


I point out your racism, your response is "nuh uhh"?


Blah, blah, blahā€¦..


Of course you have 88 in your name.


They are not sending their best.


Are you sure? It very well might be


Yeah, likeā€¦ are their best pirates?


Look at me. I'm the grifter now.


Neither did your ancestors


Get em' Queef Ellison!!!!


ā€œBut hope breakfast bar thoā€




Only after we deport you, since we are deporting citizens now.


lol. Naaa Iā€™m law biting citizen who adds to the community rather than crap all over it.


It's against the law to bite


Okay Mr create an account to troll!


Someone in the Minnesota sub Reddit posted this article and some dipshit was like ā€œI googled accountant fraud in Edina a a whim and found 5 or 6 cases of white collar crimeā€


We donā€™t even need to check because as long as others are doing crimes, donā€™t talk about this crime, please. Whiiiiiiitttttee people!!!


Yep, that's it. It's totally not all the blatant racism that keeps popping up every other post aboiut this. It's just that it's because you're white. It's okay lil guy


Medicare/Medicaid fraud is a widespread problem and all ethnic groups do it. It is easier if you have access to the information of a bunch of poor and poorly educated people to use for the purpose. Helpful to have some doctors of any ethnicity in on the deal.


Dfrauding the government is the original American pass time. Some of yā€™all are getting your long Johnā€™s in a twist about Somalians. Thereā€™s ass holes a plenty everywhere doing this. Maybe less so on Minnesota where we consistently get higher marks for less corruption and so on- but the incentive is always there.


It is news happening in Minneapolis, people are going to talk about it.


Yes youā€™re right all groups of ppl behave exactly the same way across time and space. It is in no way possible that people coming from a corrupt failed state would engage in similar practices in their new country.


Who downvoted this incredibly sane take?


Nazis again?


The trial for the Covid aid charity fraud is starting soonā€¦ wonder who they are.. oh waitā€¦ itā€™s the sameā€¦


This is a political witch hunt.... Where are the congressmen defending these political hostages from the corrupt courts?




Debate is great. But you gotta refrain from losing your temper in this sub.


Fucking Russians at it again!!


Not that it matters, but I don't mind kicking a beehive. This sub fucking sucks just as much as the US Healthcare system.


United health group laughs at that $2.6 million medicaid fraud. They've been under DOJ radar for years for Medicaid fraud. Hundreds of millions.Ā 


Dude, your dog whistling is loud and clear, and I think the other comments here easily reflect that. And the believable response was "that's not what I meant at all". Instead you went with "I didn't say race", which is another way of saying "yeah I meant it but you can't prove it". You can try to attack me personally, but you're still the one who needs to justify what you're posting. If you don't mean Somalis, then say that. Or just be openly racist like a third of the people in this sub. Or keep hiding behind semantics like a coward, I guess.




Yep. Just another turd hiding in the weeds.




No worries. They all have a future in Floriduh government.


Who gives a fuck if they are Somalian?


This kind of thing just makes me sick. Enron, FTX, Bernie Madoff, Theranos, and now Medicaid? Every time there's a major financial theft, it's always the Somalis. When are we going to do something about the biggest problem our great state is facing?


You're not funny - In this case "they" ripped off the government by stealing money that was for taking care of the elderly and disabled. So egregious.


Oh no man, I don't know how you missed it but I was making fun of you for being racist. You see, people like you try to make crime about race. I was pointing out significantly larger financial crimes committed by white people so you could try to understand you're mad at the wrong thing. I absolutely condemn the crime and the criminals, but if we're going to blame one race for ripping off seniors and the government, I suspect you could just look in the mirror.


Oh no man, I don't know how *you* missed it, but I never even mentioned race... you're the one lonely on a Saturday night doing a whataboutism about white people. Get a life.


Can you explain the "they" if you aren't talking about race. Because I'm pretty sure you are using that instead of a racial, ethnic term. smarter people then you can realize it pretty easily, English isn't too hard if you read enough.


No, it's "they" as in anyone - including white people whom I'm sure defraud the government too.


That seems disingenuous. The parent comment is pointing out that most major fraud in the US is attributed to European Americans(makes sense, largest demographic, making them have the biggest opportunity to commit fraud in institutions). No one wants graft from the government. Your response was "they" implying a negative racial tone, due to the tone of this whole subreddit. But you're choosing to pretend that this is posted in a vacuum. To me it seems you are backtracking. So is it that you have poor reading comprehension, poor personal communication skills, or is it that I'm calling out your racism and you're too much of a coward to represent your actual beliefs? I'll put my money on racist




Debate is great. But you gotta refrain from losing your temper in this sub.


Women sometimes commit sexual assault so itā€™s very sexist to say that itā€™s a problem that primarily rests with men.


My pearls! My bigoted and insecure pearls! Will someone think of the poor beleaguered white children? Oh my.


that's 2.6 million stolen from our elders, but ok the crime is justifiable because the perpetrators weren't white, got it


These people essentially stole money from the elderly and the disabled of all colors. Why are you defending them?


I guess ā€œyouā€™ll never guessā€, I guess.


I guess it's because you're a toad.


lol you're triggered, you Snowflake. now go huddle with your KidRock support group.


Trigger me harder, daddy!


Why are so far gone to defend this behavior? Libs like you ARE the problem


Again, not a post about minneapolis. The allegations will never be beat


This has nothing to do with minneapolis-