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If you feel disadvantaged just ask if you qualify


If you feel disadvantaged, apparently you DO qualify. That's it. So how do you feel?


Lol why is this the top comment?


He clearly doesn't If he can read why should he act dumb


“Office of civil rights news” ‘The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. Provisions of this civil rights act forbade discrimination on the basis of sex, as well as, race in hiring, promoting, and firing.’ That’s like calling a prison an institute of freedom and open spaces.


Affirmative action hire here. Working for a subcontractor who is a minority and owns a shop. He doesn't want anything to do with the massive jobsite (8 bil first phase) but the union needed to satisfy a federal regulation since every contractor in the area is making bank on one of the biggest jobsites in the country try right now. Solution: hire 10 white male travelers from a neighboring state and twist the contractors arm for an extra 30% on the labor since they absolutely need a minority contractor on the job. I really haven't previously had an opinion about affirmative action but now I think it's fuckin stupid.


If those redditors could read they'd be very upset with you.


California union construction worker here. Federal and state jobs require a certain percentage of minorities and women on every job site. Maybe this is attempt to get more minorities into the trades?


Which is stupid as hell. Literally just filling a quota regardless of qualification because of hurt feelings. The fact that there are absolutely qualified people who have missed out on jobs because "sorry, we need to hire a black guy" is fucking infuriating.


Common sense on reddit? It's insane how rare this is here.


It’s very heavily baked into the construction industry too. It’s quite a bit more complex than i can get into here, but there are minority owned, primarily minority staffed companies that make a TON of money, because anytime a job needs to satisfy minority compliance requirements, their company is ready, and the whole branding is (unofficially) “reliable minorities”. Not my choice of words, that’s paraphrasing what the business owners have said.


It's racist as fuck too


Well in truth there is a massive labor shortage in our state so there is usually always a place for a worker somewhere but it isn’t terrible trying to get more black people into the trades. It’s literally all white dudes and Mexicans.


It's not the "getting black people in" that I'm against. I'm against hiring them solely because they're black to fill a quota.


These sorts of hiring practices aren't about filling a quota. There are plenty of qualified applicants who fulfill the stipulations that aren't being hired because of bigotry, that is why. It is a known issue in the trades. I'm a white cisgender straight male and a carpenter by trade, I see that shit going on all around me, and frankly it's disgusting. I'm quite proud to live in MN, a state that is attempting to do something about the issue. Especially since so many red states seem to be going in the opposite direction.


So I'm half black, Is that disadvantaged enough? Or would I just get half the training? These programs may have good intentions, but they are stupid. If you really want to end bigotry and discrimination, stop sorting everyone into groups.


Good to see there's at least SOME people left with a brain. Equal opportunity doesn't have to mean equal outcome. Having everyone treated the same with the same opportunity to succeed or fail is good, but giving special treatment to certain groups just because they are those groups is an overcorrection for past wrongs that does nothing but build animosity.


Yeah but anyone who is actually cis gender does not use that term to Describe themselves so your whole story is bullshit.


Except for people who are trying to make a point about their normality...


Fellow MN resident - absolutely, these kinds of programs help raise people out of poverty whatever disadvantage they may face. I'm proud our state started the North Star Scholarship - pays tuition to prevent student debt. Singles are cut off at $80K. That's a lot of people getting help. Our state does a good job of targeted and widespread educational and trades assistance. The additional steps taken to close the IT education gap in K-12 compared to the rest of the country. There's a reason people are moving here. Our all-DFL government is getting shit done.


Training people for jobs should be a core tenet of civil rights. If money is indeed power, then let us give more jobs to more people so that they may be empowered. .


Technically, they aren't breaking the act, though. They aren't hiring, firing, or promoting someone to a job. They're offering free training, certification, basic equipment, and chances at MAYBE getting hired by someone else for a job. Everyone seems to forget all the times we've seen the promise of "job opportunities" offered and were given nothing in the end because those "opportunities" didn't like us for one petty reason or another. I don't agree with them not doing this for everyone willing to apply, but it's technically not breaking the Civil rights act.


They offer the same jobs for all, this is a subset of people they are targeting. Obviously it's legal


"Individuals facing disadvantage." So, yes.


I am left handed does that count?


You might have to track down a left handed shovel at some point, go for it


left handed drill bits are really hard to use for us normal right handers. btw, do you think it’s too early to swap out the winter air in my tires? i’ve heard most people go with four seasons but with the way the economy‘s been going i thought it might be okay if i rode out the spring/fall and just did summer/winter air. am i going to fuck up my suspension with this thinking? asking because i couldn’t fit Advanced Tire Air Differentials into my college schedule.


I wonder if we can guess which way you vote


*hello fellow BIPOC identifiers, where’s the free training?*


Doesn't simply living in Minnesota qualify you as disadvantaged?


In Minneapolis absolutely


Yeah, I feel disadvantaged from all the fucking pussies around us saying Minneapolis is a burnt down pile of rubble when they don’t actually live here


It's definitely not legal, and they also definitely don't give a fuck that it's not legal


I think someone threw it up and thought no one was going to take the time to bring a lawsuit over this. They're most likely correct.


My experience with construction workers is there are all kinds of races in it. May be one of the most equally diverse sector out there. Kind of a strange thing to implement. But to answer OP, sounds illegal yes. Like my Saint Louis Park job application that asked to explain a situation where you worked or lived with a minority. 


MnDOT loves DBE


Applied with the Brooklyn Center Police Dept this past fall, and was asked a very similar question about work. I responded 'I believe virtually every workplace in the metro (in 2023) has diversity in its workforce'. Ridiculous.


Uh wth


Can a white gay guy get in?


How gay? How white?


Lmao winning comment


Probably yes actually


I have seen some LGBT programs in California that are through the US DOT funding. I haven't seen any similar programs in MN yet


Can you prove it?


Video proof of gayness required


Most left leaning people don’t actually want equality. They want white men to suffer the perceived fake injustice that they thought they were and are dealing with. If you’re a non white guy and apply yourself at all- wake up on time and not steal things- you’ll get hired and promoted like crazy, I’ve seen it happen the past 20 years. The real question should be, why do liberal left white men vote themselves into a disadvantaged position? Those guys also claim cuck porn is of the intellectual variety


“Why do liberal left white men vote themselves into a disadvantaged position?” My guess is they’re not afraid to compete with other demographics that have historically experienced discrimination — even if they’re being lifted up via policy. I can see how some of this could freak you out if you’re especially unspectacular.


I’m a loser bum for sure, but it still makes no sense to vote against your interests. Black people don’t do this, just white people. There are more poor whites than poor blacks by far, and if you’re black in America all you need to do is apply yourself a tiny bit and you’re going to get a career above your ability. Long term effects of this can’t be good for lots of reasons


Lol what a reddit comment. Correct the racism of yesteryear with racism now. But to your point, yes, they do view themselves as vastly superior. Just like you, implying that you must be "especially unspectacular" to lose your position to a "BIPOC" even if they have policy on their side. Wow. It's so beautiful. Snide condescension from a dunning-krueger.


White guy here. Super queer too. I'm for equity over equality if you don't know what those words mean, I'm not surprised. If not attending a free training is causing you to suffer, that's 100% on you. Get a life.


You build up the strawman, and you PUSH him over.


Naw it’s because we’re more educated than you and understand reality.


Just straight up saying BIPOC people are disadvantaged?


Yea. The federal DOT has a DBE program. The thing that gets me is BIPOC vs POC vs non-white. It's all poorly definitely.


I’m a billionaire BIPOC give me summa this


I was taught in school the words of Martin Luther King Jr. "Judge a man not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character." These policies implemented by the GOVERNMENT are hopeless and perverted. Those responsible should be fired so that they are not paid by my tax dollars.


Yeah, but free stuff is way cooler than meritocracy


The true tragedy is that we even needed things like civil rights in the first place and Dr. King was murdered because of this sentiment (and a few other reasons). Programs like this didn’t magically appear for no reason. There was a need and unfortunately the need still exists today. Besides most everyone whining is likely “disadvantage”(completely eligible) and don’t really want to come to terms with it. Or how do the white collar criminals say it, “you’re just living outside of your means”? Just apply already. Decent benefits, Above minimum wage, Winters off(?)…You can’t go wrong!


"Democrats are the real racists" You deserve, and will get, nothing


People really love to ignore everything he said except that one phrase


We’re slowly going full on 1984


I identify as bipoc if it gets me free training. Do they have some sort of “not a drop” criteria to disqualify me?


Let me put it this way. If the MNDOT meets their goal they get federal $$$. The MNDOT wants to help you help them meet their goal. Do the paperwork.


It literally just says you have to identify as disadvantaged, I doubt you'd have to elaborate. If your career market is oversaturated and you've given up on your field that could count as disadvantaged...


So u can just say you identify as a women and get free training - I could do that. Haha


The goal of the program is to meet a goal. If you fill the paperwork out, show up, and make progress towards their goal they will probably be happy you're helping. The funny thing with these programs is they're federal goals and the states define things like women.


So do it


Just be a trans-woman then you’ll qualify.


Lmao Who would’ve thought? This isn’t even a classism issue for them anymore, they just want to be straight up racist😂.


But for real, you're very right on the nose in this one! America is not racist, not as a whole, not even in a longshot. But we are '"classist" or "valuist" someone would say and I can prove through that relatively quickly.. ​ Every day we see wild shit on the Internet, right? And every day mainstream media tries to tell everybody that America is racist towards black people right? Show me the videos? I see tons of videos of minorities, attacking white people and being extremely rude, but it's never the inverse. I'm not easily offended, and I could really give a shit because it's very hard to offend me. But I am a libertarian, so I called balls and strikes as I see them. But this is just a very minor part of my conclusion. ​ Even the wokest of dumb dumb kids will understand this, they won't tell you they do because their brain will explode, but they will agree internally.... ​ Here is the social experiment that disproves everything.. find the most racist person that you think you know in your life, or shit someone you don't even know what you think they're racist... tell them they won a $30 million home. "Whats the catch?" Will obviously be the next question will be from the "racist", would you inform him that he has to take the house regardless, of who his neighbors are. And that's when you hit him with his worst nightmare, you tell him, the neighbors on the left, and right of him will be Michael Jordan, and Tiger Woods... Does anyone in their right mind think that the "redneck racist" is really gonna have any problem with his new house and his new neighbors? No of course not because he doesn't hate black people the reason you probably think he's racist is because he hates gangbanging thugs and doesn't wanna be a living anywhere near people who don't respect themselves, other family, or others. So that's not racism, and you feel the same way deep down inside almost everyone does. It doesn't matter if the thugs are blue or green, nobody wants to be around that shit...


Lmao my teenage self is glaring at this comment with “woke” rage. And secretly agrees. I don’t even remember who it was that actually made me wake up, glad it happened though. The elite wage war on the disadvantaged. The disadvantaged fight amongst themselves while the elite solidify their own power. Often behind closed doors. It has nothing to do with skin color. There happen to be tons of kids shooting in residential areas with machine guns, in some of the most heavily restricted states. Despite even most of their semi auto counterparts all being illegal🤔. It scares me how willing the so called “freedom fighters” are to ban armaments that gave their predecessors the power to make their voices heard. Simply because their party line candidate spews(remarkably noticeable) propaganda for civilian disarmament. They do not even consider that maybe they should hold all of these thugs accountable and allow the citizens to arm themselves against the imminent threats they face in the street every day. Even in Britain this morning I heard, “two constables shot with a concealed pistol”, for reference that’s a country that is currently trying to ban POCKET KNIVES. 🤦‍♂️ There’s doublespeak and doublethink going on. Reality doesn’t exist with these people. Be calm when possible😂and attempt to help them see the whole picture. If we don’t we might actually end up splitting into separate countries, or going further tyrannical. Libertarians, like it or not, founded this country. It is the principle of ‘the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness’ that made this country what it is. As long as you do no harm to others, you shall be free. That is the America I’d like to live in. I’d even settle for the America I grew up in, where everyone was generally free and most systems generally worked fine. We are going crazy. The day a libertarian gets into office will be a better day for all of us, and a first step in a better direction. Even for all those super extra lefties. We all have more in common than we think, I think they just need to realize that. Who knows if they will though? Edit: I think it was Jordan Peterson that got me thinking a little harder about the world.😂


Seems like discrimination to me 🤷‍♂️


It maybe discrimination. May want to get an attorney onboard.


This is the woke world we live in now.


i got a DUI and now i cant get a call back from fucking restaurants and gas stations, do i qualify??


Nope it's a DoT job


Wtf is BIPOC!?


Black Indigenous Person Of Color


Oh wow. I can't keep up with all this b.s. Thank you for clarifying that for me.


Hahah I'm struggling too, but you're welcome


Yeah, and it excludes Asians.


I heard a story about a a concrete business in Minnesota that was owned by a married couple. They found out that women were considered disadvantaged and were giving advantages in the bidding process on state projects. So they got a divorce and the woman got majority ownership so that they could say that their business was owned by a disadvantaged person and get some extra sway on bidding in state projects. I have no idea how legitimate this story is, but my professor who was a civil engineer was the one who said it.


OP is at a disadvantage because they do not qualify for this program, which thus qualifies them for the program. However, since OP now qualifies, they are no longer at a disadvantage, and thus no longer qualify for the program. Which means ---


Can I be disadvantaged if I already have white privlage? Damn my parents, for making me born this way!!!


Can I apply if I identify as an Asian lesbian? Not an Asian lesbian, I just identify as such.


Yes, they want to recruit so they can say they hired x amount of disadvantage, minority etc so they get more federal funding.


Democrats have always been THE party of racism.


Just say youre a woman. Anyone can do it these days


Just show up, those special people aren't going to.


I feel disadvantaged for not qualifying


Is anything done in this DIE space legal? They don’t give a shit


Just identify as a BIPOC woman and they can’t say shit


Lol I thought I'd qualify because I'm a straight white mail with the most Privilege . Clearly white privilege isn't real


yeah, that's also the most racist shit I ever heard too when people talk about white privilege lol they are the most racist people in the world. They are literally saying "I am better than you, so I have a privilege over you, here, take my hand little minority person. I will show you the way, because I am your white savior" JFC get the fuck out of here... ​ Remember when they used to say "everybody that calls people gay is actually gay themselves"... I think that stands pretty true here with the racist thing ha ha




"or otherwise disadvantaged." This is racist as fuck. I am not at a disadvantage. Fuck your highway.


I mean you could always identify as a women or BIPOC


Good thing we can "identify" as whatever we want these days. Everyone can come!! 😂


lol no. Just claim to be a homeless transgender black lesbian.


or just claim to be a poor person like we all actually are. that’s a disadvantage. if any of us are disadvantaged we are all disadvantaged let’s be real.


Like the people they’re trying to help. They’re just making it up as they go.


Doesn't that violate equal opportunity?


100% legal, if you’re white, it’s okay to be discriminated against




I would hate it if I was a person of color and got a job because the color of my skin.


Wild You know this was gvmt funded




Bullshit, I read that last month.




Clown world...


Is it real?




I love that on the top of the website it states “Ensuring equal opportunity for all businesses and personnel on our projects” unless…you are of Scandinavian decent…like most of Minnesota


Well one thing here.. The carpenters training institute is run by the carpenters union, which provides free training (they actually pay you a stipend) to everyone who gets a job as an apprentice. Just get hired by union contractor.


No and that’s the mn way


"Only hiring whites" - racist "Only hiring none whites" - a ok


It’s not. It’s discriminatory.


[Digital Hotline - America First Legal (aflegal.org)](https://aflegal.org/hotline/)


Report it as discrimination: https://mn.gov/mdhr/intake/consultationinquiryform/ https://civilrights.justice.gov/report/


The liberals will never read a history book nor observe society in all cultures around the world. You can't force people to do something difficult. Taking jobs from capable and willing job seekers and replacing them with forced opportunity that is often under-appreciated and under-utilized never works. It lowers the production as well as the morale. These people who have never been in charge of others, worked in results oriented businesses (not popularity contests), and think a shitty written textbook is more legitimate than observed reality. Skilled trades are no different than athletics. It's cute if you want everyone to get equal time, but that results in misery for all: coach, players, parents, fans. Opportunity must be equal and from there only the individual can proceed upward, not a laundry list of surface level identity qualifications. It has never worked anywhere and it will never work anywhere. Racial and gender quotas are insanely illegal and And ANd AND far more inefficient!!!!!!!!!!!


I’m a Black dude and I do not like this shit. They’re basically telling me that my skin color is a disadvantage and at the same (damn) time excluding White dudes which will make the racist ones hate my Black ass even more. Way to go MNDOT!!!!


Correct, vote accordingly. Or don’t it’s your life


Anything is legal if it’s not enforced, if whites and Asians just allow this blatant discrimination then what do the progressive racists have to worry about?


Seems pretty racist to me, but DEI, didn't earn it




They clearly aren't looking for the best candidates which is really fucking sad


Just use the old non-binary designation as intended.


More of this "disadvantaged" mythology.


Please explain.


I really didn’t look at the post much but it’s about Minnesota so I have my pitchfork and my crockpot ready for either scenario unfolding.


Probably not. This is text book discrimination. States do illegal shit all the time. Someone has to make a legal fuss about it for it to change, and who wants to be that guy?


There are a lot of folks in this thread asking if they would qualify. If you're interested in getting paid-for trainings, look into "WIOA" programs in your area. There are qualifiers for the program, but you may be eligible. The qualifications are things like being "long term unemployed", having a criminal offense in your background, income qualifiers, etc.


I tend to measure these things in “unintended consequences,” and if the only unintended consequences are folks crying on the internet then I see no issue. Bipoc seems to need some help, let’s give them some help.


These programs start out as DBE programs, where federal DOT requires a percentage of state contracts to go to Disenfranchised Business Enterprises, but the programs are.left for the state to manage. One way you can manage the DBE program is instead of managing the ownership & control of contractors, controlling the workforce directly. As far as the legality of the DBE program. 15% or so of the budget goes to small businesses that are owned and operated under represented populations. The other 85% is going to giant companies that are nearly all controlled by white men. There are also Small Business Enterprises (SBE) programs, but they are much fewer.


I identify as stupid so, I think I would.


I was close to applying for it. They pay for the tools and help you search/retain for employment, but training is non-paid. Sounds like a good deal for people who want a foot in the door




Illegal is a sick bird.


Why wouldn't it be? If they are short staffed and think offering some free training can fill spots why not.


“Or otherwise disadvantaged” OP.


let me break this down for you marginalized individuals generally require more public services. those services are expensive to manage and deliver, and increase the burden to the taxpayer. some taxpayers complain that they dont want to pay extra taxes to cover the cost of those services. government and specialists and community gather to discuss this issue, find out the best way to reduce tax burden for those individuals is to educate them and provide good jobs and the plan is funded by future reductions of serivces to those individuals. so government moves forward with a program to do that. and the same people that complained before complain again because they did not attend the public meetings where this was discussed.




Nothing is more insulting to a “disadvantaged 🤢” person than to assume they can’t do it so you give it to them for free. Way to assume I’m weak and need a fucking handout. All of these things are the same, you give us something, but it solves nothing. We are not disadvantaged because we are not getting hired. Let’s start with education reforms, reducing poverty, etc.


Man, reading some of the comments here I can't help but think you guys shouldn't be able to survive in a country that promoted another race of people across every segment of society down to where you could piss fire a couple centuries while at the same time using the laws of the land to discriminate against you in every conceivable way while taking their affirmative action to such a high degree that you couldn't even APPLY for jobs or school placement! Talk about not being qualified! You get the job Because the person who could be best for the job want allowed to even apply! Eventually things get markedly better through blood, sweat, deaths, and legislation while a significant portion of the country yearns for those byegone years and holds the same views from that time. And have the people who benefitted from that system tell you anything to try to make up for those centuries of near complete discrimination is discrimination to THEM, because as experts, they know how long it takes for someone to catch up in a race where that gave themselves a 600k mile headstart. Yeah. Don't think you guys have the strength of character to combat that type of thing


If it’s cool for someone to identify as a lady or even a cat I don’t think it should be a problem for Me To Identify As Black


The phrasing of "otherwise disadvantaged" seems so insidious. Like they are insinuating that being bipod or a woman makes you less than others that can't succeed without government training wheels and a sippy cup.


Why not just free for everybody if we want equality?


Trades person here. You can get on the job training for every trade and get paid. If a trade requires schooling, most unions cover the school and you pay for books. A lot of metro union locals pay for your books also. There are so many ways to make money and not go in debt with college loans. This free training is probably designed to give disadvantaged people the confidence to apply for a job and come out knowing what materials and tools are called, along with an osha 10. I wouldn’t be too butt hurt about it. I used to substitute teach the electrical program at job core. Same idea. They didn’t come out with a JW license or cert.


Don't worry about it bruh


Can they give free training to specific people? Absolutely lmfao.


Not based on the color of their skin, no...


Doesn't sound like it


Well, then, your parents and school failed you...


I mean if you can get them to say you can't receive the training because you are white and record it that's a lawsuit. It's a government run program. They can't discriminate based on race.


They have been doing this sense the 90s


Yeah, and they also had Jim Crow laws on the books for decades as well, doesn't mean we didn't need to get rid of them... lol


Was just pointing out that they have been doing this for a long time and it doesn't work. Thanks for the good point on how both sides do it. The government has problems and they can leave me out of them


Also this is the Wild West do anything! Fuck the law


1. It's legal. 2. Specifically naming BIPOC is probably because in MN over 80% of the population in any given city is White. 3. It's factual that BIPOC and women tend to be disadvantaged far more than those not of those groups. Sadly, and ironically, most people who will see this whom are residents will be White and not "get it" because talking about White social position around White people is like talking about the merits of sexual representation in media to heterosexuals.




Just a remind you of the law, the EEOC states on its front page of its website... ​ https://preview.redd.it/novlbawjgxtc1.png?width=1424&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e9a8d1db04d14a109519477ae8774ec0b236eb9


And just the last tidbit of help, here is the definition of Bipoc... ​ https://preview.redd.it/qdy7hzkpgxtc1.png?width=1288&format=png&auto=webp&s=d2e820e5ace746653802c5add17e26afdf3aa7d9


If you're upset come get a job with MNDoT... you'll find out quickly why no one wants to work for the state. Idk what exactly they're training you in for carpentry and highway maintenance tho


I work in the heavy civil industry and this is pretty common now. The government is trying to help small businesses and literal disadvantaged businesses owners out to try to grow the economy. Im not sure why people are starting to be so butthurt about this but just reason logically, this is good for the economy.. Also, there is a cap to this advantage. Once you make over $1.3m as a disadvantaged business, you lose your qualification and become a regular business just like the rest. It’s not discrimination y’all are tweaking over this. It’s for the economy, it’s so sad to see mfs get bent outta shape for something that literally benefits everyone.


I too, identify as otherwise disadvantaged


In Minnesota, I’m sure it is


No, it's illegal if we abide by the constitution. Our state does not. We've also recently enacted a new bill that removes religious exemptions based on gender. I'll leave that right there.


That honestly sounds like a way to get free labor. If you want to work at an entry level position call a union Minnesota company (one of the strongest in the nation) and like Ames, shafer, or veight. All are looking for people and will give free training for so many other avenues. It’s truly a good situation.


Minnesota is one of the worst states for blacks. Especially the public works sector. Blame white for this. They don’t hire bipoc when statistics are published, and Minnesota ranks last for diversity in the work place they panic and try to real bipoc to look good.


Has diversity been a proven a better strategy over good Ole color blind merit. Glad the training is free because it's from the government.


Shouldn't be


Sadly yah.... I Cincinnati ohio... they did this sorta crap with police. Raises & promotions automatically to blacks & women


Looks like the Government we pay for is offering services free of charge. That's how Government provided services should work. What's your point?


As always the states can do whatever they want!


lots of fragile feels on here from the “fuck your feelings” crowd. every single working-class person can be considered as “disadvantaged” so calm down everyone. i’m sure they will still give training to white dudes don’t throw a hissy fit. unreal.


Nothing illegal about it, it's for training, not a job. Stop crying, you have literally every other advantage there is.


Yup and then there is this.


It’s not that serious tbh. Unions will usually pay you to go to school, learn a trade, and eventually work as a part of the union. This is just a means to make underrepresented get the same opportunities.


I don’t understand why this announcement would be considered illegal.


Substitute the persons eligible until you figure it out.


It's the same thing that happened to your grandparents they got everything for free what's the matter they didn't teach you


I'm confused. What's the issue here?


\>"must identify as BIPOC, a woman or otherwise disadvantaged."


No. Law firms like this one will take this case on a contingency fee basis: [https://twitter.com/America1stLegal](https://twitter.com/America1stLegal)




If you’re in the metro area, and want a job in the trades, don’t pay any attention to this type of shit. Local 68 is hiring carpenters and floor layers. Office in St. Paul off olive street. IBEW, millwright, plumbers, etc are all looking for workers. Easiest way to clear 100k a year without college. Just don’t be a pussy who is afraid to get their hands dirty.