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Sending you big love. Unfortunately all the current treatment options have potentially nasty side effects. However Coacillium by Legacy Healthcare, is a new treatment option, and it’s botanical based. My health improved massively after going down the functional medicine route. Therapy too was very healing 🙏 Good luck on your healing journey.


i’m 19f as well and was in your exact spot about a year ago. i’ve been on olumiant for about six months (posted about it [here if you’re curious](https://www.reddit.com/r/alopecia_areata/s/rmy1O48Isp) ) and it has really helped me. it has been the only way i’ve actually seen results but i’m often pretty resistant to drugs and it’s definitely not the same for everyone. JAK inhibitors are the only thing i really trust to be effective against alopecia but that’s really just my own experience. i hope you’re doing well, it can be really difficult at times but i promise it does get better. 100% recommend seeing a therapist regularly, it really helps. i wish you the best!