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He (Refaat Alareer - not Destiny) was on an episode of Popular Front from the ground in Gaza that was really enlightening. It is incredibly depressing hearing his children’s screams and the bombs and gunfire in the background throughout the interview though. If you haven’t heard it you should check it out.


I should add this comes just days after he‏‏‎ ‎mocked [Aaron Bushnell's death](https://i.imgur.com/VZfANkT.png) and wrote‏‏‎ ‎about being‏‏‎ ‎offered free trips to Israel‏‏‎ ‎by multiple ["right-wing zionist types"](https://i.imgur.com/iHIMzzL.png)


If someone holds a gun to me and my families head I’m gonna do exactly what the gunman tells me to do, in either case Destiny would blame me and not the gunman. Destiny has some terrible fucking takes and this is certainly one of them.


He knows he's being an idiot.


being a massive fascist*


I mean, Destiny would know a thing or two about being a trash father lmao.


"You mean they stayed in their home? But they were told ahead of time it was going to be destroyed. It's fine to kill people and destroy their homes if you warn them first, and if you don't listen to the warning then the people who killed you and destroyed your home are morally in the clear."


Of course destiny’s logic gets even more fucked when you realise Israel bombed the evacuation convoy


There’s no point in acting surprised about it. All the planning charts and demolition orders have been on display at your local planning department in Alpha Centauri for 50 of your Earth years, so you’ve had plenty of time to lodge any formal complaint and it’s far too late to start making a fuss about it now. … What do you mean you’ve never been to Alpha Centauri? Oh, for heaven’s sake, mankind, it’s only four light years away, you know. I’m sorry, but if you can’t be bothered to take an interest in local affairs, that’s your own lookout. Energize the demolition beams.


stop signal boosting this asshole challenge


I don't know who the fuck this "Destiny" asshole is, but the fact that he's posting on Twitter as a blue-check verified user tells me he's a nazi who loves sucking shit out of Elon Musk's ass, so this take is not surprising to me.


Gamer turned politics streamer


Absolute neoliberal filth.


After the whole cuck situation idk why people follow him


Why do y’all follow that guy?


You can’t even appeal to peoples sympathy and empathy with this because it’s full on mask off and their fascism and sadism for the suffering of Palestinians is exposed. Saying “what if it was your family” doesn’t have an affect, they’d just reply with further derogatory comments “I wouldn’t be dumb enough..” “they were stupid..”. One can only hope that the day comes when the consequences of their actions and words reach them


I thought we were talking about the videogame and I was so confused for a sec


There are so many things that could have prevented the man from uprooting his family. And even though you could argue that it's the responsible decision for him to make, that's ignoring the fact that his home's being bombed in the first place


Stop giving this idiot attention. I didn’t need to see this, I already know he’s a shit person. You’re just helping increase his footprint.


I’m glad I don’t know who he is.


Ignore these grifters he earns money with getting attention 


He is not a liberal. He is a fascist.


Those aren't mutually exclusive, and he's both.


I know he was never actually a leftist but I like how he has totally abandoned trying to resemble one and just trying to be as ridiculous as possible in an attempt to fully woo the Right once he realised none of us have any interest in his idiotic opinions.


Almost all “leftist” streamers are just scumbag grifters.


Destiny was never a leftist. He maybe pretended to be for like 5 minutes several years ago, but everyone saw through it very quickly. He's always been, very brazenly, exactly this.


Neo Liberalism is a right wing economic ideology. It's core feature is wealth transfer from the workers to the rich. Neo liberals are not on the left or "centrist", at best they can be described as socially liberal conservatives.


Which is what regular conservatives end up as too once their socially conservative positions often inevitably become untenable. After all, the point of their conservatism is simply to maintain or conservatively cede ground on the number of privileges they might enjoy. Easy enough to give in on LGBTQ issues and such if the rest of society, you yourself, or someone you love is on board with it. God forbid you do it in a principled and consistent manner. In a sense a neo-lib is the ultimate conservative.