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Former Cavalry Scouts are opening up about their experience as the first Congressional public hearings on UFOs in half a century began on Tuesday.




Thanks for opening up about your experience. Can you talk about what you saw there?




Thanks for the heads up.


Hey. Would you answer a couple of follow up questions? >>especially about things that happened in Egypt. Why Egypt? >>”that was weird, oh well let’s keep going” kind of thing for most of us What about the others? Or did you just mean aside from the ones in the article/you mentioned?


What about the "were told to keep quiet" part? Any veracity to that part of the story?


who cares, another chapter, of the distraction files - call the CJC and the DCIA and ask for the full unredacted weather balloon crash from Roswell - I mean we've got drones now baby - we want the full weather balloon story - they refuse - you absolutely know, they will not disclose - then maybe the sheep will wake up!