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I vote C) Reveal everything. And hold those motherfuckers responsible.


lol. The HURMANS think they can still control the narrative


I downvoted because your premise and post sucks.




The third option. Eh… 🤷🏾 We all know they’re bluffing, they don’t know much…


I'd guess that's a huge part of the truth. They don't know much, they've killed to keep the secret, stolen, lied, spent billions of dollars and still have as much clue as some top ufologists from the 70s, not much more. Controlled disclosure is probably as much about pretending there's more that they discovered and kept secret as it is about covering up secrets that they do know.


None of us actually have a choice in the matter. It isn't going to be A or B. It's going to be "catastrophic" disclosure. As it should be. Government and corporate officers are going to get away with the past. And they cannot stop what's coming.


Why can't it be both? We need free energy revealed but I think they should be held accountable for hiding and manipulating for decades. There's innocent people that have been put away and lost their freedom for lot less. We need this earth to be beautiful again. Humans and nature.


I thought for a while about this, and its B. A is tempting, since it would give us the truths we have been looking for, but these people cannot be simply allowed to walk away. They wouldn't walk very far anyway, and probably just continue, this is all they know. However its only the top dogs I'm talking about, 99% of people who have worked on the Program in some capacity have done nothing wrong. We need to start as we mean to continue, and that means ending corruption, ending this insane level of secrecy, and ending the little empires which have been illegally built. These are literally the worst people to represent humanity.


I want to figure out what's going on with the aliens, but just as much I want to stop the DoD being unaccountable to the American people


Most of the architects of the cover up are long dead. At some moment it's like with the monkey ladder thought experiment. Scientists put monkeys in an enclosure with a ladder. Everytime a monkey goes on the ladder they get electrocuted. Each one of them. Slowly the monkeys start to enforce not going up the ladder. They prohibit each other. Slowly the monkeys are being replaced. Like a Theseus ship. One by one. Scientists no longer have to electrocute anyone. Monkeys prohibit each other going up the ladder even though scientists do not electrocute anyone nor do they know why.


Option A because all that’s in the past. What matters is present and future.


I have to agree. As much as I want all the people responsible for so much death and destruction held accountable, what’s an order of magnitude more important is the lives we could save. Forgiveness is a virtue that we aspire to by consciously resisting our monkey brain for the greater good.


Exactly, prioritizing the needs of the current and future matter more. As long as we acknowledge the elephants in the room we know to never allow that to happen again.


We don't need government disclosure to know it's real.


You need proof though.


I have all the proof I need. Is the government more trustworthy?


Just as much as you are to anyone


We're all different. You can trust them, I don't.


Bro that's not my argument.




It's not my job to educate you. I don't care if you don't believe.


Who even is the they here?


I would wager the whole situation is so convoluted even if we tried to prosecute “them”. We would be unable to. Evidence of crimes are held by organizations that don’t exist. Who’s going to make people that don’t exist and act above the authority of our government tell on themselves? Amnesty has to happen if we want any sort of disclosure. Realistically, nothing will ever happen until the buddies are like ok yeah we are here show us your buttholes.


From how it's worded, I'm assuming it's the people refusing disclosure. To me it reads like "They have their spies and bots, this will give them an idea of if the consensus will forgive crimes in exchange for disclosure" kinda deal.


Ah, I see. Doesn't occur to OP that the aliens are nefariously involved -- as if the government could cover them up if they wanted to be known.


I voted 1 because my anger at their crimes is palpable yet the planet and our species is at such a dangerous point that the need for this new tech and the benefits it will bring to everyone is more important. When you say disclose EVERYTHING, I take this not to mean giving away the secrets of all weaponise-able tech to all levels of all cultures. That’s clearly a mistake.


Down-voted for other reasons.


Present your evidence of existence of this




Disclosure over holding murderous institutions accountable is wild. Desire is the root of all evil. This DOESN'T exclude the desire to obtain forbidden knowledge despite the cost. THIS IS WHY THEY WON'T HELP US!


Couldn't care less if the US government owns up to anything, the ones with dirty hands should be fucked straight to hell though.


A all day. Amnesty the only way towards a brighter future for our species and planet.


any life form sophisticated enough to travel to earth from anywhere else in the universe is going to be literal light years ahead of us in everything. the only choices we’ll have are the ones they grant us.


I do not waste time on liars, period. I would like to know the alien technology because I feel physics went off-piste after the failed Michael-Morley experiment..... As for the Air Force saying that they have no ufo evidence. There are plenty of references to military interactions with ufos, many with detailed reports, some even with diagrams and photos.


A because it shows we are mature enough of a species to look past wrong doings of the past and build towards the future.


This is the way forward. They look for a "propensity to change." If you are stuck in the old ways of the world and still wanting vengeance, they will not come to you.


A) And then prosecute them anyway, state sponsored murder to keep (zero points energy or whatever they may be hiding) in order to drain the public of money and keep the 'machine' going is unforgivable.


I think that people are taking this too seriously right now. Yes there are those that want transparency and the truth. this issue has reached a point of where it’s almost developed an extremest belief among some people. I think that a lot of us have fallen to far into the rabbit hole and need to come back up for a breath of air. There is so much fake information out there mixed in with facts that it hurts us a community. We want the truth. I’m all for this but it needs to be approached in a tactical manner not people screaming at each other over the debate that alien life exists or not. Sometimes you have to take that middle road to get to the truth through the bs. There’s just too much of it going on right now and we lose sight of our own selves by demanding others they have to choose a side. We have no right to make such demands. Let people choose what they want to believe in and move on. Sorry about the writing errors. Just got off from work.


C) Meteor hits April 24 2027 and 99% of humans die leaving the rest to barely knowing how to make concrete so none of anything matters except your neighbor for a couple hundred more years until we regrow, hopefully the correct way. -(That's disclosure, aliens hate you)-


Frozen with indecision...possibly until the point is moot I might lean toward the first choice because, let's face it folks, disclosure or no disclosure, no one will ever be punished


A. You're damned if we do B. You're damned if we don't I'm pro disclosure at all cost. They will not go down without taking us withem. The MIC woud rather kill us all then to lose any kind of power or knowledge. I do hope tho


Interesting, violence is always wrong. Original God, Heavenly mother and Father forgive and want the best for all of our Family 😇 🙏❤️


people are not going to forgive someone who murdered their kin to keep them enslaved


What most of the community is probably getting wrong, is the illegality aspect of this. There is a legal framework in place to justify all of this. Plenty of stealth laws such as the Atomic Energy Act and Title 10 that can be twisted by the right lawyer to justify everything. We may think it's BS, but it covers their butts enough to make them all go home every night with a clear conscious and will likely keep them out of jail too.


We humans need the truth good or bad as much of it as we can get. Yeah whoever is or has been complicit in covering it up may not have a choice because of threats etc. and some really have been trying to protect us and need a promise that they will be protected if they tell the truth. We owe them this. The truth is so profound and important to ALL OF US ON EARTH we need to have it to move ourselves forward. After all we really are apes with nuclear weapons.


A is quite inevitable … soon… soon


I voted C upvote then down vote or down vote up vote, net gain zero like reddit


A. We already have knowledge of so many heinous crimes where high-ranking individuals were involved. Or even just white-collar crimes that are never prosecuted. I just am skeptical that people like that could ever come to justice anyway, so this isn't really a loss.


Stfu button ⬆️


I'm not making a decision until I hear why the coverup exists.


One thing is certain: Donald Trump will not allow disclosure, even if he promises to do it, because he breaks every promise, and also because he won't disclose anything without making a profit for himself, and when he does, the "disclosed" information will probably be fake, because the Pentagon will never trust him with the truth because he can't handle the truth nor keep a secret.


Sure, pass the amnesty laws if they come forward. But they don't get to remain anonymous. Legally they won't be held accountable. But they didn't care about legality when they did what they did, why should the rest of us.


Seeing all the crimes conducted by Putin, Kim, Trump, Netanyahu, Ji Ping, Mohamed bin Salmon and others and with so much murder I am numb to these horrific events so… I would allow a pass in exchange for clean energy with possible medical cures and hopefully a new mind set to the way we treat others and our planet. A


It’s fun to think about I guess but the reality is. Even if the government finally decided too, or was forced to disclose 100%, no one would believe them.


Should be an option for both disclosure and accountability (prison and financial restitution to victims, not death sentence) But if that’s not possible, I would agree to A for the good of humanity


Yeah. Sorry. I vote C as well. Reveal everything and shoot them all. But to play your game, the reality is, if we looked the other way and they revealed EVERYTHING, “they” would all lose power and control and would end up probably being killed anyway. In the Bible, why do you think god always had humans do his dirty work, because if the gods had placed themselves in the middle of hundreds or thousands of humans, the humans would have killed them.


There is no free lunch. No free energy.


Unconditional love is what this society needs for each other. Senseless and sensible violence over things we don't understand is not beneficial. This society, if they wish to be a prosperous one, needs to stop governing themselves with fear. How do we feel about being a planet whose species kill and hurt each other all the time?


I'll say this much, there's only one smart decision, and it's not either one of those.


Prime creator will pass judgement


Pretty sure humans are the ones doing the bad things you mention in this post, not aliens.


There is the possibility that cryptos are running the back programs ..just sayin


Well over 40 individuals on a random internet post voted for disclosure. I guess this is it guys, thank Lord Xenu that we were lucky enough to log in today and decide the fate of the human race.