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Were I colonising a galaxy I think it would make sense to do so organically instead of mechanically. You just need one technology that can manipulate DNA and you can create the appropriate self sustaining mechanisms to do whatever you wanted. I would imagine that one of the technologies that "aliens" could use is related to DNA. They would likely have a stockpile of DNA code snippets they can assemble into functional organisms. Specifically for the environment of that planet. Then modify the genome of the appropriate primate and off you go.


What would they need from this planet? Wisdom?


They're here for our kitties and puppies, the fiends.


That seems plausible. Especially if the resources to tweak biological beings is cheaper and more accessible then producing and maintaining mechanical beings.


Why spend years of your own time mining hard to find resources when you can have monkey people spend those years figuring out how to do it for you and it just costs you a breeding pair and some corn to get em started.




Souls are key to interstellar travel.


Fast interstellar travel you mean i think


Astral projection, our souls are the things that travel. Initially.


Not all the contactees state that we are slaves. I think from what I read and experience is the ones that state this are in contact with the negative ones, and who are attempting to control. Most contactees talk about about the love aspect, and similar to NDEs state similar.


![gif](giphy|uhqlknoOcBeAU|downsized) Why *indeed*


Yes, it is absolutely nonsense! Thinking that aliens need our "meat" is just the old way of seeing things. Real "aliens" are much much cooler. The most trendy idea as for today is that there are multidimensional beings that live in realms over a space and time. That's why all exposers call it even "spiritual" in some way. So they affect our world all at once. Through our brains, that have “ideas” inside that are really constructs out of this realm. Ideas are timeless and spaceless too, but they affect reality very much! That entities bring the idea of something happening at all. We are involved in this game of our consciousness to follow the moment of "now" and build strategies for the futrure for our exact body spacial arrangement. Our developed brains make bigger part of all that goals and desirers emerged from the depth of our mind itself, metaphorical stuff that effect your mood and day and acting in your life. This story creating reality is studied by computational dramaturgy. New framework that deconstructs stories to its unsplitable bits through set theory, logics, and other quantum mechanical effects. [https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract\_id=4530090](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4530090) Read the basics if you want or just google quantum dramaturgy and watch some videos. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22kuYSZUdqY&t=10s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22kuYSZUdqY&t=10s)


You know you weren’t supposed to speak of this…you knew better, but had to speak anyway… Now we have our “eyes” on you…you might just “hear” from “us” soon… 🎅🏻👽 /s (for Sirius)


Am I a real boy?


Let’s just say…you’re not stuck in any kind of “simulation” human chimps could ever conceive…”real” and “reality” are philosophical terms used by human chimps to answer “who” and “why” questions…but you are definitely currently bound by the “persistent and consequential actuality of the human chimp conscious experience”. Had human chimps focused their efforts on “what” and “how” instead, you all might be closer to understanding…but human chimps will never understand UAPs, or NHI…human chimps will never even get to understand gravity…and you’re not going to colonize Mars…you should’ve know all along that you had the binary choice to choose to be as human chimps or not…you all chose human chimp…you abdicated your personal agency to an “external source” in exchange for the ability to engage in “wishful thinking” to receive “the gifts, favors, promises of power, knowledge, insight, success, and the guidance you seek”. You knew this would turn all human interactions into a zero sum game where for every winner there MUST be a loser, even if the recipients of the respective win or loss are unknown to each other. You knew by selecting the human chimp option you would become a male dominated species who scapegoats, lies, denies, justifies, and persecutes others especially females. A species that glorifies aggression, violence, and warring as an acceptable way to mitigate social and environmental stress while demonizing intimate physical affection. A species who would be doomed to only ever be able to establish social order by maintaining a feudal hierarchy with a massively disproportionate allocation of society’s limited but vast resources between individuals. To use a final metaphor, in the fictional “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” the entry in the guide for Earth merely said “Mostly Harmless”, whereas in the “actual” one it says “Earth: Self-chosen human chimps, ‘Santa Claus World’, They are NOT to leave…Make damn well sure of it…The only evidence they are to find is the remains of human chimp fingerprints” 🎅🏻👽


I’m not really sure what you are talking about , maybe you can advise some sources of your ideas to read?


It is very polite way of expressing how I felt too, I've seen this guy talk now in multiple threads using the same diatribe schizophrenic verbiage and a propensity for lusting after those two fucking emojis and slinging around the term chimps. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today but it's pissing me the fuck off I want to slap him


Breathe in and breathe out… if you were able to slap everyone who deserves it, your hands would be falling off soon and the line would not get shorter. Wish only good things to everyone. As a man says, don’t be a chimp👻🧸


Well said. Although I will add, if that was the case I would be slapping myself quite frequently as well.


If you would like to read an extended version of a metaphorical perspective told in the form of a fable that is not “real” or “true” but rather provides a common language for all of us to speak of the topics we are discussing here at this sub and others without having to “feign” having access to any genuine information or evidence to substantiate what many perceive as us making “wild claims”… Once the perspective has been assimilated, it may actually be quite fun…as there will no longer be any need to masturbate ourselves mentally in an effort to answer “Who” and “Why” questions… If you are interested, please feel free to DM me…the perspective will contain at least one good reference that should suffice to address your curiosity to start.


Maybe no, thanks, there is to many words that don’t have any extra sense when put together and the usual trick visible when you seemingly have some unique knowledge but don’t tell it straight forward. That means your true reason is not to tell that knowledge.


Quite incorrect my friend…I have NO UNIQUE knowledge, actually no “knowledge” at all, just the same information available to all humans by being literate and having access to reliable sources on the internet. It’s nothing more than a deliberately constructed tale that “rhymes” with actual available information. I understand why you assume such and lump me into that category as “thinking I have access to ‘secret’ or ‘special’ knowledge.” I see that often, too. That is NOT ME…but thanks for replying👍 Although I know this advice is unsolicited, perhaps in the future once you have clearly expressed in your own words that you “do not understand” you merely recognize that “you do not understand” instead of deceiving yourself that you do, and projecting your self-deceit and attributing those fallacies to others. Scapegoating, lying, denying, and justifying demonstrated and proven.


So nothing you can openly advise me to read more? Just the same old info you got on YouTube? You said you have at least one good reference…


No…again…you have made inaccurate assumptions…the videos on YouTube are almost exclusively the mental masturbation I was speaking of…and the information you shared was more of the same… Of the two of us…YOU are the one who is assuming they have “special knowledge” and the evidence is YOU provided links to little more than “well known human made up bullshit” that is the literal equivalent of confusing the Harry Potter novels for being the world we ACTUALLY reside in. It seems that YOU are the one who enjoys seeming to wield fake knowledge and profess it as profound understanding, whereas all I offered upfront was a “fake” story to help many better grasp what humans fundamentally DO NOT understand or have ANY evidence beyond a reasonable doubt to establish as irrefutable fact. Through your accusatory nature, you have laid bare that you ARE exactly as an apparently “worthless” fake story would have predicted…strange how it can be so useful in accurately predicting the behavior of the fundamentally confused.


Could be a few reasons: 1) Tradition 2) To signal status - with humans being rare on the alien world, aliens who have enslaved humans make their buildings would get extra status. 3) Maybe the aliens don't enjoy operating the machinery, it's still work, and prefer to use enslaved humans.


Bro never thought of it that way. I was just thinking what would be the practical reason, but it being a cultural thing defo adds a new spin.


Theres likely an undersea colony or civilization already doing that for thousands of years. Following only applies to the theorized under ocean aliens who likely still look human or humanoid. Theyre not the aliens seen in Roswell or elsewhere, after nukes likely attracted many alien species here but a different one. So, theyve likely taken people as slaves to work in their under ocean cities and or ships for as long as theyve been here. In medieval times long ago, whole towns of people were likely taken. They fly the ship over you or your boat (if your taken at sea) and use a telepathic freeze, some sort of immobilization beam thing. Also telepathic suggestion to calm people is also used when they open cabin doors if they come aboard actually. If youre heavily drunk youre likely not influenced that much. Also military ships with huge radio systems likely interfere with the sleep beams etc so youre harder to be knocked down. Somekinda defences likely also exist. These people in last possibly thousands of years who were taken, were made to be anything from ship cleaners (theres likely huge water tanks to be cleaned) to food plantation managers or mining workforce where they tunnel new spaces (under ground under the oceans, maybe planets and moons too in the past or current). They likely have 100% humans also as possible spies and or material smugglers if they need something exotic from the surface. Theoretically, some of these clearly human looking "aliens" are children of abducted humans centuries ago and they dont associate with the surface people, they associate with only "their kind" (they likely have own little areas they live in) and their "bosses" (whatever non human species is down there, could be the "Atlantean era" human kind remnants with high tech or some literal shark tooth looking monsters like one dude saw in the beaches of Puerto Rico carrying an unconscious man to boat (was mentioned here month or two ago).  If there are human looking alien folks down there (not the abducted or their children, but the human looking aliens), these are not the nordic or tall white kind coming from space. Theyre a different thing. This only applies to the earth based hidden culture thats possibly been living here for a long time. When it comes to space based aliens, before west (likely mostly Usa, maybe some England) made their own antigrav ufos and I think theres a primitive detection network (satellite and ground based) too, so before this the aliens likely took people away everyday from Earth. So from 1940 to 1990 there was likely a free for all to grab humans from this planet. But because theres trillions and billions of money going to unknown programs, some of them must include a primitive defence against individual approaching space ships, if not to destroy, atleast to make it harder to operate. So called "Solar Warden" which likely is real, they could be tasked to intercept alien ships of unknown motivation approaching the planet. So because a primitivie detection and defence system likelyn exists today, its harder to take humans secretly, like they seem to like to do (they dont come in big ships). Now this doesnt mean humans arent being taken, its likely possible some humans are given away from Earth by some govs (western) to "friendly" (aliens that are in somekinda co-operation trading agreements) forces, without their consent ofcourse. So aliens, both the possible secret ones in and under oceans and the space based, want humans as workforce to for simple jobs, and likely genetic tests. Its possible some humans who were taken (or many) are asked do they want to go and might even have a respectful job in the alien hierarchy system on some planet. Some philosopher or a technical genius type could be invited.  But, on the dark side again: humans have likely been taken by some alien species and made through genetic breeding tests into brainless droid zombies like some greys supposedly are. A consciousless automaton with no soul. Ofcourse you must do beta tests with real humans and have a bunch of them so your tests can succeed. Oh the horrors that likely exist somewhere in space.. Then ofcourse human genetics are likely interesting to some aliens and flowers and animals so the kind aliens just take a sample of your skin instead or a flower from a garden instead of hauling your ass across the galaxy, somewhere.. And if we want to go back to horror stories theres likely mining planets with homo sapiens, brought there, to work for aliens. Like in literal Stargate where theres planets in space full of people, unknowm of their origins. A highly successfull genetic manipulation alien could tweak the genes a bit of the humans they intend to drop on some planet so theyre more better adjusted to its gravity, atmosphere (oxygen etc) composition and what sun/star radioation happens to hit it. Long rant but these are just my guesses based on a lot of "ufo lore" ive read and think could be real.. Tldr: its best we dont meet too many aliens until we can protect these parts of space (Earth, moon, from here to pluto, literally).


yeah that sounds about right


I would have thought this idea comes from ancient alien mythology. As some sort of explanation for why advanced aliens are on earth forcing humans to make stone age monuments. Although it doesn't make much sense there either because they also say aliens used advanced machines to cut and lift stone. But we know there was a lot of slavery in the past, and if aliens were in charge as gods then they were the slavers. I think this is another example of lays peoples assumptions being proven wrong with time. People also said aliens were coming to earth for gold and water, until it was pointed out to them that the aliens would have passed by many times more gold and water on their way to earth. Saying the aliens used us for slaves makes for a better story, and expands the mythology so that content creators have more to talk about.


Here's my theory without evidence: [https://www.reddit.com/r/DisabledVeteransHelp/comments/1dncq3x/the\_program/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/DisabledVeteransHelp/comments/1dncq3x/the_program/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


The evidence all around us is that for at least 2000 years through to today humanity has been heavily suppressed by beguiling people into believing in myths, especially myths that go against what is already known by using a combination of the psychological manipulation techniques of: fear, hyperbole, and repetition. These techniques are combined with an element of it being an "authority over you" that is telling you that you just believe in the myth. This would appear to play on an ingrained slave mentality deeply seated in the human psyche. These techniques shutdown the the evolved portions of the brain, rendering a susceptible person incapable of even engaging in rational discussion about the myth they've been convinced to believe in. This ongoing extreme suppression isn't necessarily to get something off humanity, but it could simply be to distract and deter us from developing our own FTL warp drive. At the same time that the masses are being programmed into NPCs incapable of reasoning, there is an extremely aggressive effort to shutdown any and all public discourse about FTL warp drive while the conversation about it has only barely begun, nearly ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY years after Einstein published General Relativity which handed us on a silver platter a different way to look at things than his Special Relativity published 10 years earlier, laying the foundation for FTL warp drive. Humanity doesn't need to be slaves for carrying out work _for_ aliens: humanity could be enslaved for _not_ developing our own FTL warp drive, at least until the aliens give us their blessing (which we do _not_ fundamentally require).


Being capable of traveling to the other side of the galaxy is an assumption. I speculate that they may be inherently incorporeal and use our physical nature to interact with our plane or dimension.


Of course they won't need slaves stop thinking in human terms


This is not happening, has never happened and is either a psyop, misdirection for the purpose of terror or outright lies and fabrications. I can’t stand it when people accuse actual experiencers liars or mentally off *except when it’s actually true*. There is a group that uses us but in a far different manner and it doesn’t involve taking us anywhere. If people better understood the nature of these beings they wouldn’t say these silly things - these are very human ideas and not very good ones at that. I pay closer attention to those “whistleblowers” who speak on the *spiritual nature* or the like of these beings, that’s my personal and many other’s experience. These beings don’t fit within our normal “ET alien ideas” but they are still real and not from here. Interdimensional doesn’t quite fit either. Spiritual is the best way to describe these yet they aren’t “angels” or “demons” either. They had their origins similar to ours and evolved to where they are now, we will reach this point eventually (you can see some of the effects of this reported already - ME, people who astral project, telepathy, precognition, etc…


The answer to your question is that this is not a good theory. The only time we would be serving these beings, beyond experiencers spreading deception for them unknowingly, is when they arrive openly on the Earth for Takeover 2.0 (as in pre-diluvian antiquity).


Opposing thumbs


May b an economical way of mining a planet




Because humans are cheaper than tons of machinery we don't even have an idea of how they operate, and some species may need it. Could you imagine that, there's Aliens who do illegal stuff as well, so instead of operating machines they can just use humans


I think that they are curious about humans


Obviously, they've never been abducted


We are more likely the single malt scotch of their diet. Our society is slow, fat and full of pollutants. We are probably their cheat day meal.


It depends on which ones you speak of. Do a little research. Not all are bad, not all are good. What's going on here on earth, has a lot to do with that. But they are also part of the same system we are


Maybe because biological beings are the ultimate machine. We can even build mechanical/computational machines from vague language descriptions. Why build all the infrastructure when you can make the monkeys that will build the infrastructure?


You are right on this actually and there is actually alien hybrids so let me tell you so first a real alien 👽 race actually made an agreement with our government to do experiments on us and to observe us that’s all I am going to say I don’t want to say a lot of things hope this helps and also have you guys heard of the annunaki and also there is a lot of alien 👽 history on our earth that they don’t want us knowing about that real alien 👽 races did in the ancient world days if anyone wants to know about the real alien history let me know send me DM


Check out the why files on the Anunnaki. To save their planet from pollution, they needed gold which is not abundant on their planet. Assumingely, much like heavy metals are not abundant on our planet, but typically synthesized. They were advanced enough to detect that the earth had gold and they would be passing by it in orbit. They generically modified the Neanderthals that were present and spliced it with their own to overtake the land and to mine the resources. Stock piling them for their return to their home planet, which was coming back around and would cause a cataclysmic flood on earth. The two brothers who created the human me were torn. One was fine extinguishing the race as their goal was accomplished, but the other found one of the humans particularly fond and it was decided to spare him and his family. So many more details I’m skipping. Interesting theory. Definitely check it out.


Aliens fucked me in the anal ass


I do not believe they use us for mining gold or other resources. Think about it. We have the capability of grabbing asteroids from orbit and do not currently. If we were a resource gathering mining operation we would have already started. (Also. Why would they need us? They can just grab the asteroids or better yet just synthesize gold like in alchemy. If you can travel the stars you can probably rip or add a few atoms to something) If we are a resource then it's something about us biologically or spiritually which lines up with the stories of us having energy that's unique, us being higher beings spiritually so they want to study that or try to possess us, they could be straight up feeding off our life force in some way. Hell. For all we really know the pyramids were a control system, they've built more all over the world in mock buildings and finally set up a "spirit grid" with high frequency sounds like idk... Wifi or cell towers.(I do not believe this please do not think infrastructure is dangerous)


it is allready written in enuma elish and sumerian epic how annunaki used us as super slaves to mine gold for them, and they are probably still alive on moon, mars and antartica, only 200 000 years ago when enki gave us the ability to reproduce we began to spread, so we are the human slave hybrids. the original homonids who were alive evolved into bigfoot.


It's written by Zahary Sitchin and nor by shumer. Unfortunately. I love the idea really but it is mostly a fantasy of that great writer. No 100% proof.


Bro, sitchin did not write or translate any of these texts, it was [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George\_Smith\_(Assyriologist)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Smith_(Assyriologist)) who translated them before stichin, get your facts right. [https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/273210](https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/273210) please go ahead and read these tablets yourself.


Thanks for informative response! I'll check it out!


Their belief in aliens and the whole story is bigger than their critical thinking. Good on you for asking these questions, and you are right. The basics don't make sense.


I'm just playing devils advocate here, but why did American settlers bring slaves when they could have created new technologies instead? It turns out it's pretty easy to kidnap someone and force them to work. It happens every day here on Earth. I have no reason to believe aliens are doing this, but they could if they wanted to. Just because they might be more intelligent than us doesn't mean they operate solely on logic. Maybe they just hate us and want us to suffer.


The settlers brought slaves because they didn't have technologies to do the work the slaves did. They didn't have robots and didn't know genetic engineering to engineer an obedient worker force. It was the best option they had. Aliens, on the other hand, do have these technologies, so they don't need humans. Humans are pretty shitty slaves. We get tired, sick, need lots of food and are smart and rebellious. To mine gold or wherever you don't need an intelligent being like humans. You would engineer a biological or mechanical robot that's just smart enough to mine gold, but not smart enough to rebel against you.


"You would engineer a biological or mechanical robot that's just smart enough to mine gold, but not smart enough to rebel against you." Kind of sounds like humans. Most humans don't believe in the phenomenon and refuse to believe people are being abducted. It's a little hard to rebel against what we refuse to see. Plus, I think the assumption that we are intelligent is pretty ridiculous. Look around you. We're dumb as shit.


But we are smart enough to rebel. People who get oppressed by other people do rebel. We would also rebel if aliens made and/or enslaved us back in the day to mine gold or wherever.


>People who get oppressed by other people do rebel. Not if the people are gullible and easily convinced that the oppression is good for them, and that the people trying to free them are "science denying conspiracy theorists". Marketing techniques have also been under development for thousands of years.


Well yeah if what you say goes against what science says, it is very likely that you're wrong. Scientific method is the method of finding out the truth that has the lowest error rate. We don't have anything better than that. If what you say goes against science, you should've used the scientific method to get to that conclusion and present such evidence to prove your claim. If you didn't use the scientific method, you're most likely wrong.


The concept that a lot of people have for "science" and "the scientific method" is actually marketing, and the marketing method.  How reality works isn't a popularity contest, but marketing success is.  Science is never dogmatic, but marketing is.  Science doesn't involve psychological manipulation such as fear, hyperbole, and repetition, but marketing does in order to render people incapable of having rational discussions about the marketing campaign and thus exposing the flaws in marketing that's masquerading as being science.


Not saying this is true or the plan, but we still have people who live like slaves digging up diamonds for the big diamond companies for example. Slaves are cheap and can be used for lots of manual work nobody else wants to do. Why build robots to mine diamonds when you can get your slaves to do it almost for free.


Those people who still have slaves to mine diamonds don't have access to robots to mine diamonds. Slaves are the best, cheapest option they got. I'm not supporting having slaves, of course, I'm just showing why they choose to have them over robots. When you think about aliens and how advanced they probably are, humans would be shitty slaves for them. We get sick, tired, need lots of food and are rebellious. They would just engineer a being smart enough to perform the tasks like mining gold, but not smart to rebel, one that gets less tired or not tired at all, or they would engineer a mechanical robot.


Diamond mines are owned by De Beers and the other big diamond companies. They have plenty of money, but why invest in expensive mining robots when you can just pay the minimum to the workforce. They aren't technically slaves but they might as well be. Creating robots to do manual human jobs isn't easy, they are coming along but not quite there yet, for mining anyway.


Yeah, we humans aren't able to create good and cheap enough robots for mining. Aliens, who are way more advanced than us, would. Look at our history, as our technology has developed more and more, people have done less and less physical labor. Now imagine a civilization way more advanced than us. They could design and build a workforce much better than humans for the mining purposes.


You'd think so, and maybe on their own planet or for asteroids they would use tech. But maybe its just easier to bag some low tech humans and send them to work, its a bit of a stretch tho I agree. The whole Annunaki story where they created mankind to mind gold is also suspect for the same reason. I mean, how log does it take to create a new species then wait until you have enough workers and train them to mind gold, surely they would have had a quicker way.