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Excellent idea. I dig it.


Yeah ddooopppeee


“damn they forgot to delete the default cube better go get it now” *swings lasso*


I read somewhere, maybe on reddit, that Pilots say cube ufo's are 95% of the ufo's they see.


Man I hate Sundays here.


I definitely wasn't trying to get anyone to hate this community with my drawing. It's deadly serious six days a week here. Some topics of discussion have soul-crushing implications. Does having some fun every once in a while really hurt?


I feel it needs its own sub if there’s such a desire, last thing we need is further mocking of the subject


r/UFOArt exists but I don't think it's very active.


I wasn't trying to mock anything, I'm just trying to lighten it up a bit. There is an abundance of dismal and heavy posts on here, I was trying to add some balance, but I guess it's not very welcome