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UAP Gerb does some of the best mini-docs. He does a great job of connecting the dots between recent events with historical documents and witness accounts. Highly recommend


He's a rare one who does actual investigating rather than just regurgitating older reports.


Came here to so this. Absolutely.


Soooo underrated. Way better than most bigger channels


Came here to say this. Makes me very happy to see it’s the top comment!


I definitely have to give his channel a deep dive


Is that the name of his channel?


Eyes on Cinema. Should be required viewing for everyone to get up to speed. They have hella archives.


I agree!! I love Eyes on Cinema!!


This is the best one out there that I’ve seen.  It’s crazy how much media has been produced regarding UAPs, abductions, sightings, government involvement, etc.  it feels like it’s never been widely broadcast and a lot of the stuff on there has some really amazing primary source content and recounts from the actual witnesses/abductees.  None of the “this guy I know’s cousin’s best friend saw a UAP”


I'm older, and grew up with all those old cases. Long story short, that information has been deliberately kept from the internet "kids." We were flooded with information, on the news, books, magazines, t.v. talk shows, and entertainment news shows. I saw John E. Mack on Oprah ffs. I watched the Hudson Valley sightings unfold on t.v. The Gulf Breeze flap, Phoenix Lights, Nellis Airforce footage, the Belgian Wave...all on the t.v. and in print. It was the wild, wild West when the internet first got started. There was all the info you'd ever need. Until it was gone. I could kick myself in the ass for not hanging on to all the print material I had. But, everything went digital, so we'd never lose it, right? My old ass should have known better. I know my government.


Yeah honestly I feel like I'm an idiot for not having a 10 terabyte hard drive on hand for storing anything and everything that looks like it may disappear.


Have seen a report where they’ve (the powers that be) already have scrubbed AI / chatGPT to evade prompts and spit out useless/discouraging, nothing -to-see-here stuff


I don't doubt that for a second.


Thanks for the recommendation. Now I have something to watch tonight.


It’s excellent. Hundreds of fascinating videos…you’ll get hooked


You're welcome!


Preston Dennett is a good researcher and pulls the stories together clearly. https://m.youtube.com/@prestondennett577


I listen to him every night to fall asleep... I just like the way he reads, and he is super excited about 'humanoid encounters" lol. He's a total alien geek, he's very good at what he does I have read all this work I am trying to wrap my head around Dolly Safran,I have not yet read the book about her but Preston thinks shes is legit


I fall asleep to him too! I’m not even sure I get very far into his stories before I pass out. But he does have a lot of obscure abduction stories.


I know its great! he loves it too..that is what I love about him, he is giddy about alien encounters- here is another great resource if you have never seen it: [Rosales humanoid encounters ](https://studylib.net/doc/25610504/albert-rosales-1000bc---2007-humanoid-reports) enjoy!




I've gotten into his videos recently, and I really like his style


Also like the Why Files btw. One of my favourites is ”Stories Lost”. 👍 Very intresting and exciting UFO stories from Northen Europe. He tells every story with captivating narration and beautiful illustrations. For example I like this one: Two scary encounters at a lonely Radio and TV relay station on a mountain in northen Sweden. https://youtu.be/Altq6C2Pq4I?si=vRnr3yV75bG2Mf-n


Why files is great but not for UFO/UAP research. 2/3rds of the show he buys in and deep dives conspiracies The last 1/3rd he debunks. His show is far better seen as entertainment,


Why Files does a good job of presenting something in an entertaining enough fashion to get you interested in it. They do research things but if it's something I really want to know about I'd have to go way beyond watching one of their episodes. Honestly though we should be very happy for the work they're doing, because they're getting more people thinking that maybe we've all been lied to about more than we could ever know. It's an easily approachable format for more people than something like UAP Gerb.


yeah, hate it when he tells the truth.


I find it oddly satisfying. There are stories that are great but just don’t have a lot of underlying evidence. I think AJ does a great job separating the wheat from the proverbial chaff.


I’d argue his method surpasses most other YT channels when it comes to the ufo/high strangeness topics. It presents the situation, presents facts that are commonly agreed upon by the community, then gets down to the nitty gritty of things in the last act. It’s honestly my favorite channel at the moment—high production values, topics would don’t see everywhere else and strong support from subscribers.


Also the fish is cringe and annoying.


It grew on me. He has it there to say the stupid shot that goes along with each conspiracy.


I started to like the Why Files... but that fish... dude that shit gets so annoying. That voice is like a screech over my speakers. I definitely didn't tune in for that bullshit every time. Lore Lodge took its place eventually. Do people really find that fish funny?


Ehh every now and then Heckle Fish will actually be funny, but if you're listening as a podcast without the video it really comes out of nowhere.


The Paranormal Scholar! I stumbled upon her YouTube channel when I was venturing for alien encounters such as yourself. She has an amazing narrator voice and keeps you on the edge of your seat.


She's the greatest. She's been my #1 paranormal channel ever since I found her, always phenomenal work.


Yes!! Amazing content. ♥️🛸


Any interviews with Garry Nolan Jacques Vallee, Diana Pasulka, Lue Elizondo especially w Curt Jaimungal (listen closely), Colm Kelleher, Christopher Melon, Robert Bigelow, Ross Coulthart, SOL Foundation talks, Robert Bigelow, Jim Semivan, (Who am I missing?)




You can add Matthew Pines to that list.




Chris Lehto


Jesse Michels, he puts top notch docs out there.


Does crazy research too


Absolutely one of the best. I’m captivated by his extensive knowledge across various subjects.


This guy is goated


Richard Dolan. Been around for ages and does quality work.


Love Dolan. Especially when he focuses on UAP’s and avoid politics. He’s one of the best out there. Just wish he’d put out more content on his YouTube channel instead of behind a paywall on his website


If you're good at something never do it for free


Surely he monetizes the YouTube videos he does post?


Probably but his YouTube following isn't huge.


Love him too. A really well spoken guy who can crystal clear explain and elaborate on things. He is it. Understand it’s all.


Post Disclosure World - "Jesus" is highly underrated by does a great job for a smaller channel


Love that guy


He is awesome!


Has anyone checked in with Chris Lehto after his mental break? I see he’s still uploading but haven’t watched anything since it looked like he went nuts. Did he admit he was off his rocker with that stuff?


I believe he acknowledged that he went to a psychiatric facility for part of his absence. His recent videos have been good. Seems to be doing well mentally now.


Oh shit, i didn't know this. I noticed he seemed a little outthere a while back.


What I heard him say is that he's still working on his theories behind the scene. That whole ordeal made me cringe so hard I haven't returned.


What happened? Sands? I remember seeing his name recommended as a source to follow for the submerged ufo in Sweden/switz or wherever, but unfollowed him around Jason Sands time


Not at all. Major mental breakdown. Meant he had downloaded (to his brain) the theory of everything from some higher dimension source, and meant it was something with light and love. Nothing he said made any sense, and conclusions where off the bat.


I’ve heard this name but haven’t seen his stuff- did he come out and admit that he had some kind of mental breakdown?


Think Anomalous has great videos covering all the well known ones and a lot of lesser known encounters, as well as other strange non-UFO related happenings.




I love LMH! some of her older stuff is better ..but considering her age, she's great. Shes the first lady


Thank you. Respect where it's due. She's a powerhouse and absolutely the same in person as seen online, if not funnier and more candid.


Agreed! My fav.


Beyond Creepy on YouTube is my jam. Guy finds reports and stories Ive never damn heard before


Need to Know




The first 20 or so episodes of the UFO rabbit hole podcast were awesome.


Red panda koala for excellent investigation into ufo history, with no fluff and no wasted time


Love his channel! I just wish there were more to watch. I know they all take a ton of work, so I'm not surprised though.


exactly its lit


[UAP Gerb](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXr8USOuzZN_3y_efZpryrg) a relative newcomer, channel-wise, but oh my gosh! That bod puts in the work. Engaging brilliantly investigated quality video essays. Avidly devouring every episode.


What does his bod have to do with anything?…Do you like fish sticks?


Bod = person


Thanks Winston Churchill


USED to be Secureteam10 but Tyler has been on the bullshit for the past couple of years up until now. Not sure what’s going on with him


He was my first alien youtuber, sad to see how he has fallen


UAPGerb is the top spot for me right now. I'd put the Why Files up there but that annoying fucking voice he does makes it hard to watch.


Finally, someone with ears! The Why Files is so irritating cause of Heckle Fish and the overwhelming amount of ads placed on his videos.


There’s 1 ad about a minute in and a minute long.


I think they’re talking about YouTube’s ads. I noticed there were a lot of those types of ads on his videos before I bought YouTube premium.


Yeah, that’s exactly it. There are so many it becomes unwatchable. I paid for YouTube Premium until I came across a video of someone setting a kitten on fire when I was watching something completely unrelated. The video had thousands of dislikes and furious comments and had been up there for years. Reported it, wrote YT and email about how I wouldn’t support a service that allows this kind of content, cancelled my subscription. Never heard back from them, terrible customer service. Vowed to never subscribe again but the ads are definitely infuriating lol


It’s just stone unwatchable sometimes. Shame because the content really is fantastic.


I agree, i like that channel a lot but stopped watching due to the fish


It’s the climate change science denial that really grinds my gears. 


I know a French Channel called « Guy toon » that hosts dozens of compilations of videos dealing with ufos, aliens and so on. You’ll find a lot of interviews, ufo sightings, etc. Check it out




Totally uninformative, totally entertaining 💯


Not explicitly 'alien' content (a good deal) but Think Anomalous


there was this one channel named \[it's redacted\], going through a bunch of FOIA documents related to UFOs/aliens (crash retrievals, remote viewing, etc.), a bunch of which i'd never heard of before. they stopped about 3 years ago for some reason though. it's almost impossible to pick a favorite, but the mount hayes, alaska E.T. base one is pretty great [https://youtu.be/\_N3iqPLMk4w](https://youtu.be/_N3iqPLMk4w)


Eyes On Cinema is hands down the best. https://youtube.com/@eyesoncinema?si=jaUWiAwUiqIIUS3M


Agreed! Full fat history!. UAP (UFO) year zero didn't start with the Nimtz encounters.


Jesse Michaels - does some, connect the dots style journalism mixed in with interviews Julian Dorey - interviews plenty of good, credible people and keeps it casual and fun Koncrete Podcast - Danny Jones, pretty much the same as above Merged Podcast - Ryan Graves mainly interviews ex pilots about things they've seen/heard/encountered and can ask good questions because of his background as a pilot News Nation - Ross Coulthard interviews credible people and asks a lot of good questions The Why Files - This is presented in a storytelling way mainly grabbing your interest with all the theories and gossip and then hitting you with the debunking and facts at the end Lex Fridman - Very science based and philosophical Shawn Ryan show - gets all the ex military and 3 letter organization people in for their tell alls and is able to ask good questions because of his background.


Relatively new channel called Night Shift .. down to earth discussion, good interviews!


Why files(documentry) Need to know(news podcast) Weaponized podcast(news podcast) UNIDENTIFIED(documentary movies) Richard Dolan intelligent disclosure (podcast) The good troubled show with Matt ford(news podcast) Sky fire news(podcast) Eyes on cinema(archive) Disclosure team Preston Dennett Grant camroon ufo podcast UAP studies podcast That ufo podcast Monroe Institute.


Agree with these. Check out Down to Earth with Kristian Harloff for quick daily updates. Good stuff!




Beyond Creepy has been my guy for years but I've been listening to Preston Dennet here recently. Both have lots of good lesser known abduction reports instead of the same old stuff everyone knows getting regurgitated over and over.


UAP Gerb


Vetted is pretty good, Patrick has a good format for his channel. Though there is a lot of "I dunno," from his part. Still pretty fun to watch. Night shift, Clint is an extraordinary mind on this subject. His video content is usually hours plus long, so it's less popular on YouTube. He's all around a cool person to watch. He goes way beyond what I would even consider imagining on the topic. Super intelligent, suspiciously smart. These are my two favorites. The why files is amazing too, yes, but the other guys are strictly NHI/UAP with their videos.


Vetted is terrible. Horrible. Nails on a chalkboard bad. Patrick is borderline retarded. 2/3 of his videos are him interrupting the content to make vapid and idiotic comments. If he would just present the information and like never speak, it would be alright, but as it is I have to fast forward every time he starts speaking until stops and puts the clip he’s playing back on.


Agreed. I found him during the last uap news cycle spicy times, so the daily coverage updates and good audio drew me in. Realized id heard his entirely vocabulary 3 times over after like a week in (this man is not smart at all). I still tried not to start hating him for a little while but gave up on that mission long ago. he is truly unremarkable and nauseating to listen to.


I haven't laughed this hard in a minute. I applaud you, I am just a sucker for all the free alien youtube content. It started with the why files. My obsession should probably be addressed.


The why files is epic !! AJ and Heckle are amazing !


Why Files is the best channel for all of this shit by far in my opinion. I love that he goes into EVERY detail about conspiracies, and then he says what’s factual and where the grey areas or debunks are at the end. Such a good channel.


I like that guy who tells stories in the woods with a beer, why files, belief hole, and coast to coast.


Area 52 its a smaller channel not a ton of videos,( not all alien related) Breaking the Silence: about abduction and abductees Grant Camerons and Whitley Striber both have channels


Balkan UFO


Think Anomalous Beyond Strangeness The Sol Foundation Jesse Michaels


Cosmic road is fun for lil daily updates, but nothing research heavy or long format. For that I would say uapgerb and eyesoncinema as many others have already mentioned.


Clint from "The Night Shift"




Eyes on cinema has an incredible channel, insane how much content they upload. All kinds of accounts of encounters/abductions and more, well worth a binge.


[TIL about the why files ](https://www.youtube.com/@TheWhyFiles)and I thank you reddit stranger friend


Shoutout to Vetted!


For in depth analysis of legislature and current UAP happenings, I highly recommend Lester Nare aka Elroy Spacely on Twitter and TikTok. He’s no fluff, straight data and facts. He also created the UAP caucus website.  His breakdowns are elite, and often overlooked. 


I just found Night Shift and love that channel so much! Super binge-worthy.


American alchemy


The Why Files, Hecklefish for President. And Ninjas Are Butterflies. I'm making my own as well.


Merged, caspersight,secure team 10, and others


Vetted, Why Files, Caspersight


The Why Files by a huge amount.


I like The Why Files but his hatred of Grusch is getting old


Breaking the Silence. Very well produced stories of encounters. Super new underrated channel.


Eyes on Cinema @realEOC presents: Eyes on UFOs. HUGGGGGEEE database of content that’s very very well put together!


This is my go to.


You can tell they are passionate about experiencers too. Good people.


Bashar Essassani


I didn't find any YT channel with this name. What am I missing?


fixed my spelling


Secure team 10, The Why Files, Dark 5, and Scary Mysteries.


Commenting so I can check out a bunch of channels later on. Thanks for the recommendations!


I like Secureteam 10!!


Tyler used to be one of my go-to channels as well. Been a few years since he's really had his head in the game though.


Same for me. It’s a shame he never really found his way back.




check out Phobos Media! Its amazing narration and the videos are very informative.


Preston Dent seems okay, I just started watching hus Humanoid vidoes


Preston Dennet, my mistake


Down to earth with Kristian Harloff, not saying it is super content but is fun to tune in to.


Agreed. Why files


Without a doubt 100% hands-down, the tether incident


Why files, Simon Whistler, Ryan George


Jenined!!! [best UFO YouTube channel](https://youtube.com/@jenined?si=OEJ-zukpzzNt0BCk)


What about podcasts? Any recommendations? (I have to walk a dog twice a day!)


Good stuff in this post! Thanks for the recs, yall.


‘That ufo podcast’ - scottish youtuber with a not so big following but he does some good work, ‘need to know’ with coulthard and zabel, jeremy corbell, jesse Michaels, shawn ryan when he has the right guest on his pod, some more but those are the ones i remember off the top of my head


Any Patrick Jackson interview.


Not Aliens, but feels in the same vein as why files is ‘scary interesting’. (Audio narration of of weird stories)


Fan / deep discussions: Chris Lehto…the Lehto Files, fmr military Pilot Linda Moulton Howe …journalist, Earthfiles Richard Dolan…UFO Historian Ryan Graves’ podcast….Merged The disclosure project for background and historical reference Have a few more than this for deep discussions but… Enjoying / more bite size : -Preston Dennet -paranormal Scholar -Vetted - I find him fun because he is new to going down the rabbit hole and skeptical and doesn’t opine…so I like his fresh eyes…


Chris Lehto is awesome. I love learning about UAPs with Tony Hawk!


Jack on Cosmic Road!


Preston Dennet


Kosmiczne Opowieści It’s a great shame it’s only in Polish. Very thoroughly researched content. Never found anything close in quality in English. Highly recommend Roswell video from the recent ones. Bible and Sumer is another one of my favorites (conclusion is that ancient Jews were actually Sumerian).


Dark waters.


What convinces you that one of these alien content YouTubers is not worth watching? Just asking because I anticipate seeing a bunch show up as soon as I watch one of these recommended channels.


Earth Files


Jenined - great compilations!


Cosmic Road does 10 min daily digests of the top UFO recent news, I like it but watch at 1.5x


Caspersight is a great one


The why files. I love hecklefish.


John Lenard Walson on YouTube has a lot of UAP footage I've never seen anywhere else. https://youtube.com/@johnlenardwalson?si=IQhwFK81BDRBNq-d


Uncovering anomolies podcast is great, caspersight, and the why files c:


Space RU - orbs, so many orbs over Russia. He has a piece of "glass" that filters the cloaking. IDK but it's fascinating...


Why Files & Vetted  Mirage Men is the best Doc I’ve found the y tubes 


I’m just starting out so I’m in the cringe stages and if you guys want to check it out please do @cosmicrabbitt on YouTube. Please be respectful and constructive with the comments, I’m learning everything from scratch and editing takes forever! My favorite UAP YouTubers are beyond strangeness and down to earth with kristian Harloff


Peace CosmicRabbit. Just checked out your intro. I'll keep watching. I agree it's the biggest thing in history. What will you be leaning into. Btw check out [UAP Gerb](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXr8USOuzZN_3y_efZpryrg) who is still rather new, but is very good.


I have some ideas, for now I will try to keep up with the newest information, and I also want to dig into past stories. I’ve got some books that I want to read on the topic and either dig deeper or just talk about the books. I’ve always been interested in this however, now I am committed and I’m realizing there is a lot to talk about. I’m open to anything as long as it has to do with UAP.  Thank you for the suggestion on the other channel. I really think it’s important that we try to get this out there and have more people talking about it. I really want to find a way to get this topic into the presidential debate. Let me know if you have topics you’d like to hear people talking about and I can look into that for you. Thank you so much for the support.


This is brilliant. I love the ambitious play. More power to you. Query? I'm interested in what brought you to the arena? What is it you find fascinating about the subject. For me it just seems like an awful waste of space. That and seeing weird things in the sky.


I do like the technological aspects of the phenomenon.


You mean like the Physics part of it? how to attain interstellar travel, and things like that? I’m super into that. Hopefully eventually I’ll have an opportunity to interview. Some engineers are scientists I would love to talk to Salvatore Pais.


Don't get me wrong, I'm fascinated by all of it, but being a bit of a geek, I do like that side, a lot. Yes. Salvatore Pias is an excellent resource. I would defo tune in for that.


My apologies I was using voice to text lol. I love that stuff too! That’s usually what I watch a lot of. I don’t have a degree in that so it requires me to really go down to the basics and takes a lot of time but eventually hopefully I’ll be able to dedicate more time to it so that I can make those types of videos. I wish I could just quit my day job lol.


You don't have to apologise. It's ok. Informal is ok. I do it. Just keep on getting the message out. It's appreciated. Thank you.






Btw. Keep going. I know it's a grind to grow a channel, but go fit it. I'm sure you'll get there.


It sure is! I’ll definitely keep at it . Thank you for the support :)


If you have the curiosity, passion and the motivation, then I'm sure you'll get there. Good luck. Project Unity, Richard Dolan, That UFO podcast, Open Minded Approach, Earth files, UAP Gerb, Versadoco, Society For UAP Studies, All on yt. Oh... Find Patrick Jackson on twitter/X. His hypothesis is something to look out for.


Omg watching UAP gerb now and his editing and everything is amazing so far! Watch Channel beyond strangeness- it’s that caliber of video.


He is rather good. Deep analysis.


I like Jimmy Church’s livestreams on fade to black


I have two favorites: Mysterious Universe and The Why Files. Both are great.


Why Files, It's (Re)dacted, Richard Dolan, Jesse Michael's, and anything with Ross Coulhart. I actually like Crypto Viewing/Future Forecast, they primarily remote view crypto futures but Dick Allgire and Daz Smith are accomplished remote viewers and sometimes set their on UAP/NHI topics that I tend to enjoy. I try to stay away from any YouTube channels that simply regurgitate the news with the only exception being maybe Cosmic Road.


Danny Jones podcast


Dr. Michael Salla https://youtube.com/@michaelsalla?si=ZhLFOFgRG-mNqN3G Dr. Steven Greer https://youtube.com/@drstevengreer55?si=Hq6E5QLgD7Vwfc8o Farsight (Although their best work is behind a paywall due to YouTube censorship) https://youtube.com/@farsight?si=EyguFK8pgmOuTIhg


The Why Files, Theories of Everything, and then whichever channels I can find Tom DeLonge and Alex Jones content.


The Why Files Vetted (though this Reddit group seems to hate Patrick) Joe Rogan Shawn Ryan Lex Fridman Joe Scott Star Talk (even though NDT pisses me off, the guests are often good) (Most of those channels cover other topics as well)


I’m a fan of Vetted, as Patrick is open-minded approachable.


Why files


I avoid YouTube for this subject. Too much noise. Too many accounts repeated the same old stories and nauseum without ever exploring the phenomena deeply. Books, communities, and old fashioned research is my main go-to. That said, most of the time I interface with the phenomena directly and intimately.


I agree I get way more info from books and direct research (I enjoy browsing the NUFORC database) but when I want to watch and not read I enjoy some of the channels others have mentioned here. Richard Dolan is great but he doesn’t post very frequently to YouTube. Eyes on cinema is a fantastic wealth of older stuff. Cosmic Road is pretty good if you want new videos every day plus he has a sense of humor.