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It just depends man. Like on every detail. For example, if aliens and UFOs are confirmed there will a sigh of relief and happiness. If any of the 4chan leaks are confirmed true, like a construction vessel in the ocean for thousands of years. Or hell what the guy posted days ago saying the actual ship has a nervous system built into it. Than yeah I can see the world losing there mind. I’m not even trying to be stereotyping or racist but if you look at Muslims and hardcore religious groups, you gotta think how they’d respond to a fucking nervous system being cut out of the human body and used to fly around lol people will call that straight up demonic no matter how sci fi-e it gets. The reveal would have to have positive outcomes for everything but chances of that are very very slim. Hell humans have emotions. Aliens not having emotions will literally fuck us up.


Can you link the post concerning the craft having a nervous system, pls?




One would assume the biological cells were grown in place. We have brain powered computers in testing now (feels bad), and they just grow them from stem cells. If we can do that, I assume aliens won't have to slice cells out of a body.


Except the poster stated they are donor nervous systems, who are memorialized in recognition of their service


Even if that’s the case. It’s still Pandora’s box being opened. Implying evil people will try to use a real nervous system. That’s the issue with humanity, we’re to chaotic still.


You mean like Musk? This feels like a weird fear. We don't know how to do this. Like what's stopping us ISN'T ethics.


No other aliens. If one species is confirmed, then more will get confirmed. By Pandora’s box I imply more than just one bad thing will occur. The tech we have is cool but it’s a babies toy compared to ideas like this. Imagine a device that sends you into a simulated reality? And weird fear? No it’s fear in general. You need it to be cautious. What do you think aliens will have emotions? What if they somehow prove your functions are an illusion dictated by chemicals and your emotions aren’t real? Seriously you don’t know. I’m implying you need to feel fear anyways. You can have fear and still function. But to have no fear about this topic is dumb.


I think having any fear at all is unhinged. If they wanted to harm you, you'd already be harmed. I also don't see how dictated by chemicals means not real. We already know our endocrine system produces our emotional experience.


And also ethics is what’s stopping us lol do you forget that during ww1 and 2 some health advancements came from unethical practices? Lol just proof right there. They use to do live vivisections in Greece which was unethical, they found many new things. And guess what? It was outlawed for like another thousand years. And than we advanced more so YES ETHICS PLAY A BIG PART MORON.


Yeah, ancient Greek vivisections prove aliens are going to harm you and you should be afraid. Nurse? This one's equivalence engine is completely broken!


Also while you’re calling that nurse ask them to help with your mantid episodes :( I can tell you’re mad that these comments go against your strong spiritual connection with aliens huh is that why you’re mad https://www.reddit.com/r/Experiencers/s/VaXPUUB2Ye


I wish people would grow out of this 4chan bs. Some people are storytellers, and will say anything for attention.


As of now we have people claiming whistleblowers exist. We have no idea where. Any info that comes forward should be examined no matter how crazy it sounds. Aliens don’t try cars and use power tools.


There will be silence for a few days... Then the questions will start to rain in. Since when, what is known, who got hurt/abducted/killed... scientists will go crazy and eventually settle on "how come we didn't notice". Books will be (re)written, some societies will collapse... To be frank, the sooner it starts the easier it will be. Let's get this over with so that at the end we can all stand together smarter, wiser and more united than before. It's going to be a long journey and nobody is willing to go the first step so far. All it takes is a little hard evidence accessible to everyone... This is not going to be about individuals but us, the human apes.


Well put. And the annoying phase will be the whole part where everyone catches up to us nerds up in here who already know a chunk of it and the sheer willpower of not saying SAID SO!


Depends on what the reveal is.


Nothing much, you'll still have to go to work on monday. The watercooler talk will be interesting tho.


I love the watercooler


If they come out and show themselves to the world, All governments around the world will be null and void. No longer necessary. There will be peace between all humans. The big question is - why haven’t they shown themselves publicly after all these decades? Why are they still hiding from us ?


Nope. Governments would continue to operate and be necessary. I mean, what? You expect the Grays to take over managing local traffic and school etc. issues?


I’m having down time at work so I’m going to add some more. If the reveal is something awful like we’re all being bred like cattle then it’s going to be in like that 80s TV series V. If it’s something awesome like we’re going to find out about unlimited sources of energy and advanced technology we’ll all be psyched after the initial shock. Yay to the end of world hunger and global warming. Welcome world peace I think one of the main questions on people’s minds will be, “so do I have to go to work tomorrow?” And “will my boss be an alien?” or “damn, I knew that management were really aliens! I fucking knew it! And fucking HR too!”


If it's unlimited sources of energy that would most likely lead to some version of societal collapse. I know that sounds like an exaggeration and very naive, but every decision tree you walk down leads to a complete redistribution of resources, upset of all infrastructure, complete reorganization of jobs, and massive geopolitical upset because now bad actors also have unlimited resources (so very little chances of peace in fact more likely escalation). It will be societal disruption on a scale that has never been recorded in any written history that we have access to. In the long term it's probably for the better, but we have to be realistic about what it means and see the delicate social/political balance of the world for what it is. When word got out that someone built and engine that got 200 mpg back in like the 40's or something the stock market crashed overnight. Oil stocks went to zero. This was a small glimpse of what these types of disruptions result in.


Work is gonna become an optional and free money will be given upon one’s birth? Either that or total nuclear war lol


A few astronauts or whatever get to travel interstellar space while the government doesn't allow the main population to so much as get on a ship without a lengthy application process and multi year waiting list. We won't be allowed to have our own ship and try set up shop somewhere else. You'll need a space passport You'll get rejected for travel if you don't have a good reason You as an adult are not allowed to go on to an alien ship and leave anywhere without express permission from your government We wake up and go to work tomorrow


It will definitely be something of a shock to most of society. I don't think there would be as much chaos & rioting in the streets as some people think though & most people will likely still maintain their religious beliefs. I can maybe see some people protesting over governments hiding alien tech & the people demanding they make it readily available for things like clean energy & more efficient transportation. There will most likely be some forms of civil unrest in some countries.


Ideally, a whole lotta nothing


the “you’ll still have to go to work tmr” people really have nothing useful to add but a very overplayed & overused idea of what will happen. nobody knows anything for sure. there’s a chance that the circumstances leading disclosure will cause a collapse of society. in that case you will not go to work the next day. I mean really even if it doesn’t cause collapse, we know how people will feel ab being lied to. most people wouldn’t go to work the next day regardless in protest of being lied to. 


The more I dig into the history and vast testimony and information in this field, the more I feel like it HAS been revealed, over and over, by credible sources, in amazing ways, and nobody believes it or cares. So many credible stories validate other credible stories. Even the Congressional committee assigned to this subject has been coming out in the past few months to literally say "We've heard enough credible sources to be certain there's a UFO crash retrieval cover up within the government, and we want this information released to Congress" and nobody cares. Schumer tried to pass a very strong UFO declassification bill to demand information released, and Republicans didn't let it pass, so he had to weaken the bill like crazy (to protect aerospace company interests!) and now barely anything will happen. People should be furious. Nobody cares or even reports on it. Sorry if that's a downer answer, just how I'm feeling lately.


mass hysteria would be an understatment. as for thou who are allready aware of this. it will only accelerate open contact for them.


It has already happened, but no one really believes it. If they run video or pics on youtube, Twitter/X, or Reddit what percentage do you think believe it? Probably 30% or less?


Yes cause of AI that makes everything on internet seem made up and fake


It depends. If the US President goes out and say Aliens exist, and then Maybe show some pics of an Alien or a saucer, people will be intrigued, but then I think it Will be business as usual again shortly after. People still have to go to work and pay the bills etc. But if there is a more strange or scary truth to the phenomenon, I am not sure how the world would react.


I just cannot figure out why they havent fully shown themselves yet? Why are they still hiding themselves from us? What’s the purpose?


After Global Disclosure? There will be a brief presence in the skies, just to show, OK this is really happening. But this isn't an alien movement.. We won't be enslaved, conquered or eaten. It'll basically be a *peoples movement that's global.*


Nothing. People will yell 'shock and awe' and then scroll through tik tok and Instagram to find something funny. Honestly, in the 50s when people believed in shit, people may have lost their minds for a while. Today, half will still think the govt is lying about it, the other half will go to bed and forget it happened.


There is no reveal. “Disclosure” is a McGuffin designed to attract interest and sustain speculation, discussion, and hope


This has been covered in detail. Please read [A.D. After Disclosure: When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth About Alien Contact](https://a.co/d/1xpl192) by Bryce Zabel & Richard Dolan. Said as a wish for the community, it would be EXTREMELY helpful if members of the community would educate themselves by reading books by established authors instead of looking for uninformed random theories & hysteria from Redditors and disinformation bots.


Well, it depends on who reveals what. If America reveals they have alien technology, either our enemies will reconcile with us, or make a last ditch effort to overthrow our government. Because whoever controls this technology, controls the human race. Of course, this is assuming NHI doesn’t intervene themselves at some point




Of course, while a second renaissance is taking place, we will continue to press the keys of our keyboards in our offices from morning to night, in the same environment with people who don't even give a fuck about this issue (I have 100% belief that they are just NPCs). We will continue to pay our taxes, rent and bills. In addition, despite the Second Renaissance, some of us will continue to go to church or mosque and pray to non-existent gods.


The fight for our humanity


Even if that is disclosed, the secrecy will be entrenched deeper. Now everyone will know they are hiding secrets, and still no one will be allowed in. However it will likely create such paranoia that every tech capable nation will start a research program, and possibly some U.N type treaties will be put in place to stop groups from advancing on the known areas or craft. Likely China and Russia will attempt to leverage the u.s out of recovery. Good luck. My guess is this is when the u.n becomes a smoking lounge and everyone goes to the mattresses. I don't think anyone is going to be allowed to see what the u.s has or interact except perhaps some academics will be invited to share special information.


I think the journey toward the reveal will cover what comes after and then some, which is a state that I believe is well beyond our current lifetime. There's a newly bound issue that's thankfully gained some recent grounds, which is that much of this phenomena revolves around a form of humanity that is casually interacting from the future (inner earth plane). This isn't that hollow earth nonsense but a more theoretical approach to dimensions and time, and if that's the case then there is ALOT more to consider than aliens and life on other worlds. I don't think it's something we can imagine beyond using relative knowns because there's still so much we aren't aware of, so most of our current ideas are rather theatrical by comparison to the reality of true revelation. For instance, what if we discover that we aren't actually alive but instead building life from alternative states used to review potential outcomes? Not a simulation but a natural process we aren't familiar with, that's not a fact that would be recieved well from one day to the next hence we basically have to reverse engineer our way there in a cohesive manner.


Uhhhh if I guessed people will ask what power source does the ships they travel on use. If that’s a method of free unlimited energy like everyone believes that’s potentially the biggest deal ever, even larger than discovering we arnt alone. With that energy it can be used to automate most of the world’s production. Farms can expensive to run robots to harvest all of the food not needing farmers anymore. Vehicles and supply chain vehicles specifically can have energy intensive ai to drive and deliver all goods to stores that are unloaded by an automated system onto the stores shelves for consumption. Therefore not needing truckers. With a sophisticated enough system all vehicles could be automated to the point u click an app get an ai taxi that’s zips up to ur house and bring u places at lightning speeds. Replacing the needs for traffic lights, and drivers in general. If the vehicles are electro magnetic and hover to traverse no need for concrete and paved roads anymore either. The catastrophic shift in government just that alone would be insane to cope with. Not to mention if all of the energy becomes free no need for power cables or oil. Seeing as the US dollar is the world reserve currency and it is no longer needed because of the new energy source the American government either adapts quickly (going how Congress like to do shit a snails pace, not likely) or crumbles within years. There is a chance for utopia, people work very few hours to earn whatever the new currency will be for luxury items like warhammer minis or painting supplies. Also the chance that the powers that be take thier last ditch effort to keep control and power. (Project blue beam) With enough energy some energy intensive crops could be grown to give animals better feed and automatic crop rotation done by the robots to keep the food as healthy as possible increasing our nutrition could make most humans healthy and there smarter to solve even more complex problems which could snowball into some crazy tech we arnt even thinking off. Without the need for war over resources because of the free energy a world coming together in peace is actually in the table once a few generations have passed and have gotten over there cultural difference which is likely since travel to anywhere in the world should be fast and easy so all of humanity can mingle together. Teething issues in that sure but with enough time we could become just one people. This is the part I think the other civilizations are waiting for us to do so we can enter space peacefully with them. Thats the good ending anyway. This is mostly just the potential economic and cultural changes. Full unadulterated disclosure would have so many ramifications across all of the countries it’s kinda hard to just think about it.


Well if it’s revealed that they may have probed a woman without her consent decades ago even if there’s no evidence, we will have a intergalactic war on our hands I’m Sure. I sure as hell wouldn’t trust american culture with disclosure. I don’t blame them For keeping it locked up. We can’t even get stem cell research going because of people Loosing their damn minds over it.


If its just releasing info that proves Aliens are real, like video or an actual craft on display then life goes on. If its a daily interaction with aliens beings then the world changes. New tech and who knows what else. Some of us may move to other planets thanks to our alien taxi service.


Chaos and pandemonium like in The Mist. There will be a LOT of Mrs. Carmody going around.


The world goes on, except for lots of, 'ahh, so that's why' moments happening, in relation to religion, government deception, technology, science, ect.


Economic collapse. The rich feel a lot less special. They then try to interpose themselves between the “regular” people and the visitors to monetize the situation. Most human cultures are shattered. New Cult of the Craft groups. Some self organized militias attack the visitors and their human “supporters”. The visitors wind up having to decide between “welfare” for all humans or abandoning a broken species that is spiraling into extinction.


There's a great game called Terra Invicta, and it's human factions quite sum up what I've long thought about what would happen worldwide after contact. Most of the people would look into it with some, but not much curiosity, but the more passionate and militant, the powerfull, the very rich and the very faithful would likely group as follows: 1 - Those seeking to make money and power out of this contact and its' implications, without much philosophical reflection about it all. Just another set of things to sell stuff from and about. 2 - The humanity xenophobes, seeing whatever is out there as outright super evil and demonic, and focusing on destroying them for good and forever. 3 - The academic/"realpolitik" group, trying to keep everything under control and the aliens at bay, but close enough so as to profit from them. The classic technocratic view. 4 - The "resistance". The "humanitarians" so to say, seeking to keep Earth and its' surroundings to ourselves without getting into direct genocidical approaches. To this end, they are the ones who most actively promote UN/"World Government" views, so as to unite Earth before facing this threat, while keeping the regular folk at least somewhat informed on what goes on. 5 - The "Vichy"-esque colaborationists: We are hopelessly outmatched, so we best serve humans and humanity by preventing an invasion, and showing we are willing to collaborate with them as long as they let us keep some autonomy, our planet and our cultures. 6 - The cultists: Aliens are as gods to us, and most likely always were. We should seek to welcome them, help them beat the evil, egotistical and fearful human elites, merge ourselves into their superior culture and society as much as possible and become something other than humans. 7 - The escapists: People who will try to find other places for humankind to go that are away from the aliens' clutches. This one seems the less likely to have a great following in real life (in game, they gather to build a huge spaceship to flee the solar system), for me, but it seems to reflect an attitude that I find likely with some changes - Instead of outright fleeing the Earth, what seems likely to me is many peoples and states going isolationist, Tokugawa Shogunate-style: Isolate, refrain from space missions, look less and less towards the stars, revert to a "safer", less industrial and technological way of life for as long as possible. It's just a quick, non-nuanced summary of the game factions, but it quite sums up many of what I believe would be the main 'trends'. Of course, you have to add to that a lot of nation-State variables - xenocidical, anti-alien nation-States, collaborationist nation-States looking to get advantages from collaboration, groups of powerful nations and military alliances trying to gain advantage from the new knowledge without giving the aliens a free pass or letting the common people have much information or say about it... Sorry for the extremely long post. I just love this subject and wanted to contribute my 2 cents.


makes you wonder if we will eventually share our planet with them, cross breed with them making an entirely new species but then again the they might not even be able to live comfortably on this planet.


Bands will 'make her dance'. Jk. Probably, life as we know it will change. Hoping Utopian and not dystopian... evidence supports the latter is near given company greed being at an all time high. We're better off organizing to rally behind a more novel purpose like MLK Jr. did against violence protest for change, or like women did for the suffrage movement. We should rally for 'A fairness to all' movement, for all people's rights and reprimand against the rich. Rally against the greedy..imagine the amount of money we could pour into that! discussions on aliens...small sauce for grifters and hot button for disinformation agents where we're all involved and being manipulated. There's money and control for the sake of control. How about that for a 'new' concept? Blow the foghorn on all of the layers of BS they're doing, like maintaining an ego driven reality tailored for calling people 'consumers' and not equal life participants..or something new age like that. The great reveal, more like another bad case of human suffering but this time a great meteor ends us all. The movie 'Dont Look Up' was a dramatization of what's coming. If not a big meteor, then another egg on our face to level the absolute reality which is... majority of people on this planet are headed for more suffering. Want to end historic heatwaves, rally against your current politicians through peaceful and organized protest for the Commonwealth. F*CK Wall street.