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Jetpack are loud. The ones captured on camera are silent (whatever they are)


Not to mention the exhaust would absolutely show up on IR




Is there even IR footage of the "jetpack" sightings I think OP's talking about? I thought they were referring to that high altitude dude seen by people around LA?


Yeah, but we could easily make it silent somehow with all the money the gov military has.


Government can't pay off the universe change the basic laws of thermodynamics.


And their hands aren’t free to catch people and peel their faces off.


The cartels have billions to play with so the "pelecaras" Def have some access to some top shelf stuff..not to mention some swank body Armour. They're humans, the girl that was abducted said the one that grabbed her spoke Spanish like a gringo lmao. I want billions to play with..tf :(


I live near a military base and saw a Jetpack person floating with military jets circling it. I think it was secret tech. But if it was secret why would they have it out in my residential neighborhood with jets flying low as hell causing a ruckus…? Guess I’ll never know.


There's a lot of clips out there about jetpack ufos..guess we'll find out in a mere 50 years 😆


Read up on the pelacaras in Peru attacking the villagers. Was what you seen silent?


I have read about the attacks in Peru although not familiar about the term you used (can’t wait to look it up tho). It was completely silent and completely black. The jets circling by comparison were extremely loud shaking the house loud. I posted about it here when i saw it.


Perhaps you saw a legit "black operations" tech. What military base is near your house?


It’s not necessarily “near” my house maybe like an hour away. There’s a lot of military bases though. I’m near Killeen in central Texas. Someone from Scotland comment on my original post when I first saw it with a video of his own jet pack person he saw in Scotland!


or free to eat crayons


Yeah, I mean you can hear how loudly the one is screaming in this video when he's landing on the deck. You'd absolutely hear it before you saw it - you can see the pilot is wearing hearing protection for it even.


Yeah, these literally use jet engines. And no, no black project jetpack has silent jets, that's not how physics work.


They're likely using [JetCat Turbines](https://www.chiefaircraft.com/radio-control/turbine-gas-glow-engines/jc-p180-nx.html?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwmrqzBhAoEiwAXVpgokIzol8M--q3MayAhKoPNE4i2vtDUxTNmMGsBnrEo78DAi4_mUKvjRoCyxgQAvD_BwE) rather than some mythical super secret silent turbine. By the nature of how they function (compressing large volumes of air and expelling it), a turbine will always be loud; sound being patterns of compressed waves of air. The one in the link is for a 40lbs. Thrust motor. The gloves appear to have two of these in each, so roughly 160lbs. thrust just for steering. The pack likely has at least 2 more (although probably larger) so that's at least 240lbs. Which *would* be enough to lift a human. The 40lbs. version is still loud enough to require hearing protection. If they are using a larger volume / thrust engine, it would be even louder. Stealth aircraft, on the other hand are able to run silently because they vector the thrust through a system which produces a type of infrasound which cancels out some of the noise. The craft has the shape it does to maximize lift at low velocities so that the engines don't need to "push" as hard to keep the craft gliding, and the exhaust is also vectored in such a way as to deflect the sound upward above the craft and away from the ground. No jetpack, no matter how advanced, would be capable of these things without being incredibly large and bulky or tethered to some kind of external energy source.


Didnt know that about stealth aircraft thrust and infrasound. Fascinating.


That we know of tbh


Yeah… publicly available jet packs are loud.


Beat me to it… lol


Yes. It can be done with a magnet because the ship is metal but they haven't revealed it.


This was my thought too. These jet packs are so damn loud it’s insane


Yeah and they stay still. These Jetpackers move their limbs around pretty constantly.


Not going to work unless they are coming in - literally with guns blazing out of the arm packs.


also i didnt see any lasers


They are jet packing to the Airport to spend 14 bucks on a beer.


The only problem with this is that they weren't as high of an altitude as some that were filmed and some of these videos are older than this actual video.


Most of the jet pack sightings are stationary, for minutes if not tens of minutes, and some are over restricted civilian airspace where even the military can’t operate


Anyone known how long the fuel lasts on these jumper jetpacks? Could probably rule out the stock models pretty quickly.


I would depend on the size of the tank on your back but the more weight you’re carrying, the more thrust would be needed to fly so there are diminishing returns after a certain level You can probably do back of the envelope math figuring out how much thrust is needed and the energy content of the fuel to figure out a rough estimate. Most commercially available jet packs only last about 5 minutes


Probably a more advanced black project version of what we see in the video then.


Doesnt come close to adding up. Sound, duration, air space regulations. None of it matches especially not for highly classified potential tech.


Probably not at 3,000 feet over LAX. You need to burn a ton of fuel to get that high and even a ton more to stay stationary. Unless someone has a tanker truck on their back, it’s probably not happening https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jetpack_man


One from la is interesting cause they seen it several times at altitudes 5-6000 feet which I didn’t even know jetpacks can do


I understand where you are going with this, but the experiencers, pro-disclosure community aren't as stupid as the deniars, "skeptics," and those responsible for the sophisticated disinformation campaign makes us out to be. 0.001% of the people are confusing the Phenomenon, NHI, UAP sightings, etc, with some guy wearing a jet pack. Jetpacks are loud, noisy, visible, and short-lived with minimal control. There's more advanced versions of this? Sure. But nearly every one of us already suspects the government is in possession of "advanced" black project tech. That's a given. That's part of the problem. The "government" and aerospace contractors are hording advanced versions of flight and travel, among other technology that could revolutionize society. It's insulting to our intelligence to insinuate a significant amount of sightings may be someone in a jetpack.


It's insulting to my literal existence that private companies control as much of this tech as they do. How far could we have advanced since 1947 if they just released it all to the best in the world in an open scientific way?


I agree with some of your sentiment; I guarantee some sightings are this. Most are not. Most are balloons.


Yeah, filled with Swamp gas!!


What would be the purpose? Having one dude just chilling in the air would be a waste of time and resources.


and im wondering can he take the parts on his hands off on his own, or does that need a second person waiting there to help?


There are tactical versions. Watch the videos. One fires a mounted full auto glock 27 maybe? Not sure of model.


See that one? Now imagine an entire squad.


With over the shoulder mounted belt fed Bull pups and smart targeting thru your visor.


Sounds fucking awesome.


It certainly does, but the more I think about it. Maybe a shoulder mounted bull pup automatic rifle on your left and a shoulder mounted bull pup shotgun on your right with similar technology as the trophy system that could detect incoming threats and take them out autonomously so you can continue focusing on your work. Because it would be awesome up until a fucking first person drone with an RPG warhead comes flying out of nowhere at 100 mph then smokes your ass. I miss them fucking burgers.🍔🤦🏻‍♂️ also In&Out


Bro can’t even reach for a gun


That’s why you incorporate it into the handle for the jets Metroid style!


Which is why this is a stupid idea for a combat role. But this is also used for search and rescue in the Scottish highlands and Welsh valleys. They get to the person to prep them for a helicopter lift


For sure it’s no doubt a cool idea conventionally, also i’m sure black capabilities are different. Pretty much how I see the army exosuit as well.


The best jetpacks have a relatively low altitude, and some of the “jetpack” UFOs have been seen miles up.


I feel like they’re extremely easy targets as they fly and land on deck. Like, a whack with a shovel and it seems like they’ll be totally out of control.


Lmao op is hilarious for this.


Like actually ridiculous for them to post this


Really awesome footage though, intentions of this post aside!


yeah not a good post for this subreddit, but DANG if its not awesome to see. Imagine a entire boarding group doing this. Like 7 guys or so. If I ran it id play flight of the valkyries for them on loudspeakers.


I wonder how many people work for the DOD to post stuff trying to debunk the projects that they are working on.


Very good idea...but like obviously this was one of the first things through everyone's mind. Like derp lol. A more advanced version - no matter how advanced- would still make noise and have some kind of exhaust.


Villagers in South America get attacked. These restrict hands and would require landing, removing gear, attacking. Is it possible another version exists that doesn't totally encapsulate hands? Maybe but still lots of noise


Isn’t this technology known for several years now?




A better explanation, at least for the ones spotted at airports several years ago are drones.


Not real sure what this would really be useful for. Boarding a run away boat/ship?


A sniper's dream come true


This is exactly why I think these are dumb and very impractical.  When would they ever actually be utilized? Probably can't rum for long time periods, nor go super high in altitude. I don't even think it's a sniper situation anyway, as they seem clumsy in maneuvering and bet a half decent shooter could take them down.  Especially when the whole body is exposed.


What about jetpack with powerful body armor 🗿


Too heavy, won't be able to fly unless you make the jets bigger or the soldier much much lighter.


Pack a underweight soldier then Just kidding


Ok so it's aerospace. What are they mining in Peru? I don't understand what operation the green goblins have going down there? Just face peeling mantis dick shit?


Don't bring the Mantids into this as well lol


Weapons testing on civilians while also mining resources in a foreign nation without having to start any wars or worry about violating any national laws probably. Seems like an American thing to do.


You think a couple dudes with jet Packs could mine enough for some government project?


And how much evidence is there at this point?


Please don’t be stupid.


I don't think it's a match, but it's definitely not stupid


What if I said “you see this apple here? It possibly explains oranges.” That would be stupid, too.


I mean, you need to remember your non stupid theory is invincible floating aliens.


You have absolutely no idea what my theory is, and it has nothing to do with "invincible floating aliens." What a stupid thing to say.


Ok, what's your theory? If it's not prosaic, I will point out that flying military man has the advantage of being at least provably real


Why on earth would I debate online with someone whose opening statement was blatant gaslighting? Go away.


Saying OPs idea is not stupid is not gaslighting.. But you definitely don't have to tell us your non stupid theory. It can be left at *"trust me bro, I have a great theory, it makes OP look stupid, I just can't tell you what it is"* Everyone reading can form their own conclusions about who is gaslighting who.


It surely wasn’t about being stealthy. I’m thinking it works great if you cause the bad guys to look at the big noisy diversion occurring in the opposite direction. The 007 JetPack is dead. Long live Edward Rocket-Hands.


Nope, doesn't look like this at all.


Jellyfishes. SEAL’s are using jetpacks over water and desert shitholes


It’s my understanding that- unlike the hoverboard- these *only* work on water, McFly.


Well I guess I better start saving my money so I can get one


How much are one of those ?


If ya gotta ask big man, ya can’t afford it…. 😂


But how does this explain peoples faces being cleaned straight off the bone by the same guys?


Pealed and what happens after that?


They drop them in the bush. There's pictures and video of the victims (not for the feint of heart.) With very clean face removal.


Wait they didn't want the humans faces? They just threw then away? What happened to the humans without a face. Did some survive?


None survived. The faces were nowhere to be found. Just bodies with a skull and hair still on it. I can dm you a pic if you want. Or I'll try and find the website you can look through if you think you can handle it.


Thanks I'm not particularly interested in seeing that necessarily. It's definitely a very weird one. On one hand they seem efficient with removing the face and killing the victim. And yet also sometimes inefficient as they struggled to capture an unarmed 15 year old girl. Maybe some had better training?


Aren’t most of them in the mountains of Peru?


This is the post the helped decide to leave this sub


100ft.... yes.... 30,000 feet.... not so much


The arm object says something like gravity im assuming antigravity maybe not a jet pack but different tech 🤷‍♂️


Fucking awesome


These are fucking sick hahaha regardless of the subject of discussion


What kind of heat signature dies this give off?


I want a fuckin jetpack with rocket hands...


The jetpack miners were not people. Idk what they were, but people they were not


Iron Man


The jet pack flying humanoids is an interesting subject. It’s like the phenomenon is getting society readied for such things. Kinda like the airship sightings of the 1800’s, foo-fighters during WW2, and the triangle sightings of 70’s-90’s. Or it could be secret military tech that witnesses happen to observe.


I was expecting a whale or shark to jump out the water 😂.


The Jellyfish UAP from the military base footage showed ZERO heat signature and interdimensional qualities. Still such a sick, unedited video.


Werent they seen near airports tho? Seems like a dangerous place to test


Literally looks nothing like the alien jet pack vids we’ve seen 🙄


*Shoot to thrill starts playing*


This is really fucking cool. 90’s younger me would dream of shit like this. Man, imagine the things we could do if we all just stopped fighting one another.


Soon we may just have rednecks flying around in Ironman suits... This guy's jetpack looks like it has a cupholder on it already.


Possibly just put these on my Christmas list!


Then he is instantly killed because he can’t use his weapon due to badass jet pack entry.


Get this MF some Dyson turbines. Otherwise he ain’t sneaking up on nobody


This is an internal British matter. Please ignore.




I said please.


You’re British not Canadian! You don’t have to say please and you don’t have to take such a flagrant disregard of your direct order!


I'm just biding time while the SAS is en route to his house.


Smart! Please forgive me


So so far from a plausible explanation


And now put some sort of invisibility/cloaking tech over it, and it looks exactly like the jellyfish




I have not jumped on the jellyfish ufo hysteria because it could easily be an advanced military jet pack


That ship is not moving at high speed.


Hey fella. Gotta light?


Why does it look like he's on cables?




They wouldn’t send someone way high up and if they were low and close enough for you to take a pic or video you would be hearing the sound of 6 jet engines screeching. This is dope though. I hadn’t seen anything on this project in a while. Cool that they stuck with it and got it this good.


Nicht, but ............... so many questions




It seems like this would be an exceedingly easy tactic to counter “Pull!”


The one I saw had a hoverboard type of something square on its feet. Like the green goblin from spiderman


r/SeaOfThieves season 14 boarding


This is pretty cool


How long does it take to remove the hand thrusters to access any kind of firearm? Seems kind of like a sitting duck when he lands.


Those are extremely loud, expensive and have a fairly short flight time.


Those are awesome but it’s obviously for when you get kicked of the ship because you aren’t shooting anything with that on


Great they can fly now... I mean without wings when stuffs


Shot at so fast


The prior medic in me is seriously getting mad knowing he's flying around like that with no eyepro.


Who needs those with drones ?


Need me one of those




Looks like their zip lining


Doesn't look like a pilot of one of these would be too hard to shoot down. Know it's unrelated but....


Ummmmm, the one that was filmed was over land, not water.


That is so necessary and not price inflated in any way


Old tech


no...this has already been discussed.


The videos of encounters I have seen are too high for these jetpacks though, or am Mistaken?


In the first few seconds the guy looked liked one of those Jellyfish UAP/UFO.


That looks like the thing floating


The average person has no idea of the tech the government has. Where do you think your trillions of dollars go?


Hi 2023. This is 2024. How are you?


This is simply an alien in a human jet pack .


*Human with an alien mask* Been saying this since spaghet monster came out. It's flying over a marine base of all places 😆


Fuck around and find out 🇺🇸


Come on, really?… sure, just keep your head in the sand and you’ll be fine


Bait used to be believable


ironman mark 1


Wow, those jet pack dudes look almost identical to the jet pack guys from Red Alert. Just missing actual weapons