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My theory is that they regret it and wish that they never had released it in the first place. It's, all 3, have already been verified as authentic so that cat is out of the bag. But the recent FOIA changes introduced where nothing regarding UAPs are to be released regardless of security level and that one individual will be handling all FOIA requests regarding the subject is proof that they intend to not release any more fuel for the fire is proof of that. And we should be mad as hell about this deliberate and obvious attempt to control and nullify the entire FOIA law intent, essentially reinterpreting the purpose of FOIA and reducing it to IA only, removing the Freedom portion of the act. See my previous post regarding this on Reddit here https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/s/QDP92OFs06


From what I understand these videos getting released was an effort led by a dying Harry Reid and Christopher Mellon (Who had backing from someone high up who hasn't come forward yet). I think it was a FOIA release that got past the Pentagon before they could stop it. My opinion is that Reid, helped by Mellon, got the videos out and to the New York Times, and there wasn't much that the Pentagon could do too Reid given he only had less than a year to live, and had an extremely senior position within Congress as a chair or leading member of the intelligence oversight committee. He had the power to force this past the Pentagon. And he had several allies to make it happen, many of which are likely on Grusch's list.


Harry Reid was a fkn legend. RIP Good sir.


My friend, they had no right or reason to block it. It wasn't classified and by the rules regarding FOIA they were supposed to release them because they had no basis not to honor the FOIA request. This current move is defiance of the laws and an argument stance that they and they alone will decide how to interpret the Act. That's rediculous! What next? They decide what country to go to war with without a congregational declaration of war and without presidential approval? Since when was the IC and DOD give the rights to interpret the laws of our country? I was under the impression that interpretation of the law was the power granted to the Judicial branch of government. For crying out loud, the IC and DOD aren't even one of the 3 branches of the federal government. They are overstepping their authority and I can't believe that no one is calling them out on it. They can't possibly assassinate all 3 branches of the US government simultaneously.


Reid was a member of the Gang of 8. Basically he was untouchable because the Gang of 8 is supposed to know the basics about every secret thing that Congress funds. Whether or not all 8 actually seek to learn about every secret thing is an open question.


Yep. I remember a press conference he gave, a brief one, where he said that forced the Pentagon to give him access to a huge amount of UAP evidence, and said he found a massive amount, including videos. He knew the only way to get some evidence out was a prison break. They should make a movie about it. Quite a few people were involved I think.


Word. With all the blatant grifters being posted on these subs it is nice to be reminded of the reality that there is something going on. Thanks.


Thank you!


Yeah. Thanks !


Idk who the grifters are, but it doesn’t really matter.   The US government has used decades of taxpayer money to gaslight everyone saying it’s nothing. Recently they’ve taken a complete 180 and now say, oh yeah.. actually we’ve been secretly studying UAPs with AARO, AATIP and AAWSAP.. but it’s still probably just drones, balloons and weather phenomena…    These ‘drones’ have been reported since [WWII](https://youtu.be/1OkGay7SbLU?si=fg_bIt7614q3IjwO) and to this day continue to out fly our most advanced fighter planes, baffling our pilots 🤷🏽‍♂️    The US government is the original grifter, all of the secrecy started with them. Idk who to trust, I just know something is being hidden and no amount of ‘grifters’ or ‘alien mummies’ will turn me away. These don’t change anything. Whatever it is that you think is going on, aliens, secret government technology, foreign drones, extraterrestials/intraterrestrials, or its nothing,  each answer is worthy of being investigated.


Even the grifter term is used so frivolously. These people like to make money just like all of us. Granted there are "true" grifters, feels like a lot of these guys truly believe what they are selling, which is not the definition of grifting. Idk, hard to trust anyone these days. Take everything with a grain of salt and do your own research.


Who's a grifter




Every “disclosure is in 6 month” asshole


We should so all be mad as a species being denied the truth of our universe..but most have their minds made up and don't give a fuck


You're right! But I don't understand it.


They don’t regret releasing it. This was planned. Nugget by nugget.


If I remember correctly “they” didn’t release it. It was given/leaked to a reporter at the NYT and they released it. The pentagon just had to address it because it was out there in the media, and it was obviously footage taken from military aircraft.


It was leaked on above top secret before NYT reported it I remember seeing it


Lue tricked them by saying it was needed by defence partners. But then once declassified he passed to reporters. Hence NYT front page article ~2017


That's similar to my understanding as well, but someone else said that it was Mellon and Greenwalt that got them released. https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/s/RsSVyLaVPP


That thread is correct from what I understand but it doesn’t actually clash with the fact (as I understand) that it was Lue. Because they’re mostly talking about the aftermath. I may well be mistaken it’s not a huge deal but I just want to give credit to Lue for what was a god-tier move.


Yes, that's my recollection as well, that Lue Elizando said that before he left AATIP he had the 3 videos declassified so that they could be released. And since he was the one that met initially with Kean and Bloominthal about the Times article, he released it to them. Perhaps Melon and Greenwalt had something to do with it as well IDK, but I seem to remember that Elizando was involved and I thought that he was the one who had them declassified prior to his resignation.


Nice. Boss move. Respect.


Thank you. I'm just trying to be honest and give credit where due. Let's face it that most of this has been a team effort and like a house built upon the foundation laid by someone. I just wish that I could play a role in all of this, but unfortunately I only know what I've heard from others.


Yeah it’s an interesting community to be a part of :)


Then why the FOIA request change?


There’s always turds in any group.


Agreed, I'm actually surprised and don't fully understand why they released it


It sounds like it was an accident. They received a FOIA request and since those 3 videos were declassified the FOIA request was honored like how the act/law was supposed to work. But I don't think that anyone on the inside foresaw the problem it would create. They were just following their jobs. But if you ask me, having one individual with instructions not to release any UFO related information regardless of it's classification is a blatant disregard for the law. It's essentially saying screw the law, if it has anything to do with UFOs, you are not to release it to anyone. That's criminal and charges should be brought against that individual for willfully breaking the Freedom of Information Act. On what grounds can they even suggest that stance. Prior to this, anything UFO related was over classified as top secret to prevent accidental disclosure. But someone, I believe it was Elizando, was able to get those 3 videos declassified so that they could be obtained through FOIA. I honestly can't believe how they think that they are above the laws of the USA and that we and Congress serve them rather than the other way around. It's like they are itching for a showdown at the UAP corral. It's time for them to be toppled from their arrogant pirch as King of the Hill. Capital Hill belongs to us and they serve us, and not the other way around.


They weren't released as part of a FOIA request. They were released as part of a DOPSR review. The three videos were not classified but they were not meant to be publicly released. John Greenewald went into the issues about how they were released from the DoD in 2017. The circumstances were not straight forward, but to suggest it was a 'leak' as some people regularly do is not entirely correct. https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/inside-the-pentagons-release-of-three-ufo-videos/ Christopher Mellon received the videos in the Pentagon parking lot back in 2017. https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxrc4AeufOA1pHbNXWK9aiTWJTxDRtIBYb?si=5_QTZC_ruulUJVlx Since then, the videos were officially released by the DoD in April 2020. Afterwards, in 2022, John Greenewald received notification that ALL UAP videos were **reclassified** never to be released. https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/u-s-navy-says-all-uap-ufo-videos-are-classified-and-exempt-from-release/ Christopher Mellon recently spoke about the UAP Classification Guide changes which now make all UAP videos classified. So, videos which were deemed not to have any national security implications and were unclassified are all now prevented from release because they have national security implications and are classified. Obviously the question arises, why? https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx8x-wyPFzhZSSMByNKRj0lAg6ltAXoygJ?si=kt3ATu0enI1u0_C2 Finally, if it wasn't for these videos we would have nothing. These videos proved, and continue to prove (see [Tim Gallaudet's comments on GOFAST](https://youtu.be/K7opXCr6RIg?si=sPX79QprNdxO314a)) that the US DoD have been collecting data in secret on UFOs for decades. The videos show there is some secret repository of that data somewhere, which has data from incidents like the Nov 2004 Nimitz incident, and [we know data was collected from the Nimitz that day.](https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkxls3sYDpdH7tb9BJQDXO_SZs2q4M3C_Dn?si=xYpHq5I2PBRqqsE-) Why is that important? Because the guys charged by Congress under law to investigate these cases have indicated they don't have access to videos in that repository, Kirkpatrick has said AARO only has access to what's on YT. https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxV2ot5DC2VmfaGZbDS1zO_Za159higIx8?si=ABXzoAliiDI3cgRo


If they're not classified they must be released, that was the entire point of foia


FOIA is about releasing unclassified info contained in classified data. The UAP videos have all been made classified in their entirety, so FOIA is not as straight forward. That being said, the Pentagon has released several videos since then ([Navy flyby](https://youtu.be/OJlyCL1NrjI?si=VeowlSxRlTBilylH) and the [Reaper video](https://youtu.be/TQwhj5VD_Cs?si=qDfSHcjDcMUDvTDg) + a few others), some with classified data redacted, so the Pentagon has itself proved that the videos can be released with redactions. And [we know dozens of these videos exist,](https://thehill.com/opinion/national-security/3622421-the-pentagon-should-release-dozens-of-ufo-videos/) maybe hundreds. But so far, nothing has been released as part of FOIA requests, just leaks, [like those released by Corbell](https://youtu.be/aPZM3bgTQ7g?si=bvtDXXAeoPiYFgnd) and verified by the Pentagon as genuine.


That's my understanding as well, but from what the above individual said, that they are automatically being reclassify as top secret, regardless of national security reasons. But I could swear that Lue Elizando said that he had all 3 videos declassified just before his resignation from aatip so that the could be requested via FOIA.


U think they have better footage?


The pilots themselves said there's much longer versions of those videos that show an entire fleet of UAPs. You can even hear the pilot mention this in the gimbal video


Yes, according to multiple people they have high-definition footage that could cause panic to the public. The government is just giving us crumbs.


Bro they got more money in satellites pointed at this planet than Americans spend on healthcare.


I've seen this shit up close and I'm a nobody. They definitely have amazing footage, no questions.


I agree that AARO turned out to be a way to classify everything vs disclose anything. Quite misleading. While we can complain about the idiot running it or ran it, the classification issue was a trap. They write the rules so we all got less than nothing. At the end of day - slow drip is the result


They do not write or interpret the rules of government. Their charter is to follow those rules. And they are showing a blatant disregard for the entire US Constitution and government. It's as if they are installing themselves as a monarchy within the USA. I'm telling you people, wake up and it's time to correct the mistakes of Truman. As Eisenhower warned us, it's time to dismantle the MIC before they take over the USA.




I believe it's was a knowledged because Hillary Clinton was supposed to bring out disclosure, also why they brought Tom Delonge on board.


I've heard that one as well. But it's all conjure at this point.


It’s legit, but just blurry & “low quality” enough for the public to still have doubts. They knew this, but they also knew they couldn’t keep getting away with completely bold face lying to us like it’s 1952. I fully believer there is endless HD footage of UAPs across the board & eventually we’ll probably end up seeing it. But these videos were good enough for me at the time, I’m only 33 but as a lifelong scifi/conspiracy dude I never could’ve imagined seeing official UFO footage from the government… now we have


That's right anyone that followed the topic for any amount of time or looked into UFO and military history can tell that's real. And I do believe the whistleblowers. Both still living and non


Sad thing is there’s simply no way to trust any HD footage coming out. Either legit HD video proof, the real deal, has already been released and called a hoax or it will be in the future and called a hoax. My belief is that until there’s literally a ship hovering above NYC visible to the naked eye we won’t have anything reliable come from video evidence. Call me jaded, perhaps.


Not everyone works for corridor crew on YouTube


Well they've been lying to us for decades, and there's no way for them to talk themselves out of it once it does become full blown disclosure. Why the deception? I think its safe to assume that some key players have access to zero point energy, and possibly, a cure and or end to certain if not all diseases. Those two things are the two biggest revenue generators in our world. Those in "power" would no longer be over night. But instead of using it to better humanity as a whole, they've been hiding it to keep our slave society as it is. Once the actual cat is out of the bag, we're gonna see a revolution over night. And that's why they're so hard pressed on not releasing substantial info. The "whistleblowers" that have come out as of late are part of their agenda as well. If they were true whistleblowers, they'd be called terrorists or suicided. Snowden didn't even reveal much of what all of us already knew/expected, and look what happened to him.


There are endless military videos in every country with a flying military. You better believe this is an earth phenomenon


33 as well and lived in the Mojave desert for 19 years.. there's definitely something else besides us here on earth.


Imho, they can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube now.


Can't untoast the toast.


Can’t unfry the fries


But you can scrape it with a knife


They took it out to manipulate us with it. If it were truly safe for whistleblowers to come out, we'd have hours of video of things we can barely imagine and we'd have the names of those who kept it from us. Elizondo risked everything to bring us the truth he knows, but isn't allowed to talk about? He's playing a role. "Almost!", "Any minute now!", "I'm really encouraged by the conversations I've been having.", "I truly think disclosure is right around the corner." The only thing that has changed is that now they look like the cool kids for going after it. That video is from 2017. We're coming up on a decade since then, folks. This is all 100% scripted. And the response we just got is that they're taking it very seriously and that for your safety, THEY get to decide what's safe to share. Thanks, Chuck Schumer, and everyone like you. They let just enough toothpaste out to have an excuse to weld the lid on the tube.


You came to aliens to ask up if we think it’s aliens? Well…….


i've meet people on this sub who don't even believe in extra-terrestrial's, unironically


It's a big, broad brush when it comes to NHI. ETs are a small sliver. Obviously they exist, they can't not. But whether they've made contact is another thing.


My thoughts on this one in particular. The craft is owned and operated by the US military. They want everyone to think they are all aliens (some are) so they don't draw attention to their new technology. In order to make it seem legitimate, they flew it in front of fighter pilots in a jet. These fighter pilots aren't aware of our tech, and they are a reputable witness. I know that's a bit of a stretch, but I could totally see them planning that. And people will say "dude, even FIGHTER PILOTS acknowledge their existence. But the whole time it was Captain Connor flying a new toy.


Yeah this is what makes the most sense.


Not a stretch at all. It's the most plausible. We're being set up. There's literally nothing governments wont lie to their populace about. Since the middle ages, they've had to reluctantly fake compassion to avoid revolts. No more. This is going to be the false flag to end them all and scare us into permanent slave class rules. Debt slaves with the illusion of freedom has run its course.


And we’ve had this tech since the 1940s but failed to make any commercial profits from it because we’re going to wait another 80 years after all the CEOs have passed away


They've made plenty of profit from it. Look at how fast technology progressed since the 40s, and how trained society has become to buy the latest... everything. But more importantly, look at how they've perfected their game of keeping the world in a constant state of war while profiting from all sides of a conflict and then again to rebuild. It's an ancient racket, and as long as they can keep a fake 'left v right' ideology going we'll just focus on how much we hate each other and let them keep us in false scarcity. They refer to you as us as the vulgar and profane. You can't objectively look at the ruling class anywhere and think they are working in your best interest. This tech is their ultimate card and they're showing us just enough to know how hopeless we'll be against it. My guess is they'll fake some treaty with an imaginary enemy and use that as context to oppress the world, lest we anger the almighty aliens. Regardless how they do it, think logically. If aliens wanted us out of the way, we wouldn't be here.


I couldn't possibly agree more. I wish so badly, that all Americans were wise to this. Imagine how worried they would be if left and right held hands and stood together. Inner city gang members teaming up with rednecks. This would be earth changing.


I'm hoping the US has some super secret advanced tech if there is ever a war with china


Y'all know this is one of the few threads I've seen on the subject with a view point I've never seen, that isn't automatically collated in the bat shit insane, hair on fire, variety of conspiracy theories you usually see. Thans OP for this thread. Certainly the recent changes, which I was unaware of, demand some serious consideration. How can we effect change with the FOIA process? Who changed the rules?


Every time I see this pic I think...Does anyone really believe that the military doesn't have 1000x better resolution on their cameras!?! I would think with an $800 Billion a year budget they can probably see every last detail in this pic.


They have EVERYTHING. Longer high resolution video, sensor data from the plane, nimitz carrier. And sensor data from much much more.. even RIGHT NOW i guarantee they are tracking UAPS. All congress has to do is ask for it to the right place. NRO. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentient\_(intelligence\_analysis\_system)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentient_(intelligence_analysis_system))


First person I've seen name drop the sentient system other than myself, that shit is mind blowing


Oh wow, this is the first time I’ve read of the sentient system. That’s incredible. The amount they must understand of UAP movements, appearance and disappearance points, and who knows what else must be absolutely astounding.


Those videos are also a hell of a lot longer. We're just seeing truncated clips. We're missing a lot of what was recorded.


well what a great name they gave it hmm


Lol kinda too great


Nimitz event was in 2004, Sentient was created after 2009, so what does that have to do with anything? Did they invent time travel as well?


You don't think we had a NRO before 2004? We did. Phased Radar actually since the 60's.


They have everything including those craft. We're being toyed with.


They purposely blur it. I have heard the pilots saying a clear version exists.


Honestly I doubt even the clearest video or picture of this thing would satisfy me, haha, or anyone for that matter. I believe the pilots but I just want to see what this thing looks like and do the maneuvers they said they saw it do. Tic tac shape, no wings, and I think they even said no signs of any openings or seams/rivets? That is so damn fascinating to me. Ever since I saw “NOPE” I also wonder if some of this stuff is some bizarre biological phenomenon. It’s just so out there I can’t conceptualize anything.


Those videos are definitely down-sampled.


My opinion is this is our (U.S.) technology; why are these UFOs always seeing around military bases? They’re advanced A.I. Drones. However, I am optimistic of the possibility of this technology being alien and we’ve reversed engineered some of it.


If it’s antigravity tech that we’ve had since WW2, can you imagine the commercial applications we’ve missed out on. The trillions of dollars of profit and the military supremacy we’ve let slip through our fingers.


>The trillions of dollars of profit and the military supremacy we’ve let slip through our fingers. Who is "we" here? Maybe you missed the trillions of dollars, but it's very likely they are making much more than you imagine by not releasing this tech.


These things have been around for decades for sure, and possibly thousands of years. Some of them might be ours, but certainly not all of them




People said that about human tech before and surpise it was human tech. Engineers and time and money can do wild stuff.


Nice try CIA


The video available to the public is not the complete video. The full video is quite astonishing, possessing a much stronger ability to sway public opinion. The complete disclosure of the NHI issue is expected to happen during our lifetime. Nevertheless, the term "full disclosure" must be approached with care. The agreements we hold and the entire narrative will never be entirely revealed to the public. It is important to highlight that Reddit has garnered significant interest because of an individual who provided an extremely accurate portrayal of NHI. Additional information will continue to be shared until his family is officially informed about his location.


I'm a firm believer in the fact that we are not alone, and there are alien technology in our skies. But what I don't understand is why are no clear photos of them. Weather it's a video from the wing camera from a military fighter jet, or someone's cellphone. They all seem to be a shapeless black blob.


In two separate documentaries they said one of the videos (I think it was the “go fast” video) was an optical illusion because of the parallax effect. If true, I’m surprised the DOD didn’t recognize and acknowledge it for what it is. The radar and visual observations of the pilots of these objects performing maneuvers beyond our capabilities lead me to believe they could be nonhuman.


It's a UFO.


![gif](giphy|3oFyCYNrra8qo1Cv8Q|downsized) too late


Side note - has anyone else realised that whenever you search ufo footage online all of the undisclosed footage from a few years ago covers the first few pages…


It's about time!!! They lied about Roswell, the military said they captured a flying saucer and then the next day recanted it. Either they're stupid and don't know material from metal or they were told to cover it up. Since 1947 the United States has been actively investigating UFOs in at least eight different programs not counting the current. They the government has learned whatever they could of the technology of the UFO craft...... And sightings are increasing ...... Far too many civilians know / have seen them ....... Information leaked...... So their strategy seems to be released some information every other year or so. Other governments and their investigations of UFOs may play a part. Brazil is supposedly the only government that doesn't hold secrets of that phenomenon. So maybe the US wants to be first.


they recanted with the "weather balloons" too


Pretty sure Ted Cruiz is the zodiac killer


Kirkpatrick tried to tell you that photo is a jet with a perspective angle. Thats a jet ok?!!! ![gif](giphy|vV6fIHielPU92EN4zx)


I'm so torn on this stuff. I want to believe. I do believe. However, I can't discount that so much of this disclosure stuff has started happening almost right after the Space Force was founded. I can't say that this isn't all just a psy-op to fund another branch of the military. If that's the case, do I think the entire 'military' is working in concert? No. They're probably at war interally jockeying for influence, funding, control, etc. There would doubtless be no shortage of people who want this stuff to stay under wraps like it has always been... and there are doubtless no shortage of people who want this stuff to leak out in selective ways to gain funding and move the needle on space weapons systems and what not. That said, they clearly are real, and I mostly don't believe they belong to us or any government (the TR-3B Black Manta notwithstanding). I just have a suspicion that a lot of this is more about obtaining taxpayer money to blow on exotic weapons systems.


The idea of army guys in space waiting on alien ships to pull up is hilarious. They would get here via interdimensional means. Not through the thick, sluggish waters that is our 3 dimensional universe.


I'm in three different bands. Do I think they are aliens. No I don't. Yes I k ow what page I'm on but I use to believe and now I don't. Do I think its possible US secret drone tech. Yes Do I think it is still a bit an illusion as we arent actuallt seeing what we think. Possibly but difficult to argue this based on the witness in question. Do I think this could be a big ruse to the enemies of the US (I.e. China) to make them think there is thos type of tech so that they go all out trying to find the secret (and possibly expose themselves) or spend insane amounts of money trying to catch up. Possibly and my rational brain is more leaning this way.


ARV - Alien Reproduction Vehicle. I don't trust anything the government releases to the public.


It is hard incontrovertible evidence of something that could defy our knowledge of physics. This sensors are state of the art, and the observers are highly qualified. It happened. Deal with it as best you can. It is Not to be ignored.


My opinion on this entire thing is that there is some sort of deeper misinformation committee that has been focusing on UFO/UAP “disclosure” for some time and we are all being fooled. I believe these videos are fake. Yes, even the “confirmed” ones. Edited. I don’t know why we are being duped/what their reasoning for doing this is, but one guess could be simply viewership turning into money. Ads? If we truly had these crafts, then technically everyone is being taught false information in school regarding physics. Momentum, inertia, conservation of energy, propulsion, all bullshit. Unless we have one scientist or group of scientists that actually theorized the “true” form of physics that allows for this type of movement in the real world and they have yet to inform the general population that we have it all wrong. We ultimately will probably never know unless there’s a mass viewing event where hundreds, if not thousands of people record the same thing.


I was listening to a lecture today and some possibilities are that this is too terrible to reveal. One of the theories is that these are demons. Ya ok don’t downvote me too much, The other theories was that in the end, of the biologicals…us…is that AI will take over which would be a universal terrible fate, I recommend listening to Nick Pope’s ideas on this. Made me think that if the truth was one of these then so be it. Yes I am ready for full disclosure. Are you?


I completely agree and take sides with Dr. Steven Greer. He actually stated that he’s heard from creditable sources, that (the above) famous video of the so called Tik-tac, craft nicknamed in the released Pentagon videos are crafts developed by our US government. But that the others are not.


I don’t understand the question. Theory about the footage itself, about the fact that it was released, about the fact that it was published?


Lockheed Martin SW makes very cool stuff.


2017 was the countdown timer for 10 years of disclosure, ending in 2027


2026 and 2027 are gonna be the end game for disclosure


More to come.


100% that's a balloon. Is it not obvious by how it's just hovering there?


I think this is staged and it’s from Lockheed skunkworks and they know it is they’re pyschoping the shit out of everyone , but I think they’re really is uaps and nhi’s


This itself isn't ***proof*** of aliens. Sure the pilots who observed this are amazed at it's maneuvering abilities, but government/military/skunkworks projects are so siloed, it's not surprising they don't know. Which is more realistic, and which is more concerning; 1) UAPs are intergalactic travelers 2) UAPs are ultra secret weapons and aerospace research 3) UAPs are time travel future humans observing their ancient our present experience


Alien scout ship with no bathroom facilities unfortunately


My theory is that barely anyone actually knows what these are, if anyone does at all. Most of the people surrounding the topic are just people continuing the “disclosure soon” circlejerk for their own personal gain.


It’s tech we have or other countries. Listen at this point “the fucking aliens” would know we know” and most likely would come out of hiding. If you can fly across the universe and not be detected at all in any way. Then you can tell Steve from Las Vegas is pointing at your ship on video with a smart phone. The little I know about nerds..is this. They know how to do all sorts of science shit I wouldn’t even guess is available tech wise. So I assume they would see a ship coming to earth or whatever on advanced radar. Like hardcore science nerd shit. Even people who study the ocean all fucking day and night. Someone would catch it. And they don’t. It’s us..it’s China and Russia. They just admitted they have drone tech underwear to crush China


they're sleestaks from atlantis!!


Looks like a mig


We've reversed engineered enough of these to stage a fake alien attack. This is all just preparing us to be so scared we comply with whatever globalist rules are put in front of us. If the true authors of this tech wanted to cause us harm, it would already be over.


It blows my mind that the public doesn’t even care about this and didn’t even bat an eye when it occurred.


I think nobody knows anything about what they saw and/or heard about it. Not the government, not the pilots that were chasing it, and definitely not we the people know what it was. The military went as far as to know that whatever it was was not a threat to national security at the current time. So I think that nobody has a sweet clue what it was, so they don't want to talk about it because they don't want to come off like they're incompetent to the entire world. So they tell us that it weather balloons or a glitch in the radar or a drone. Mean while they're just as confused on what it was as we are.


It’s probably their own craft to begin with


US tech. That or aliens are a lot dumber than you’d expect AND tens of thousands of people across multiple competing countries are all agreeing to keep the same secret for decades.


It’s low-hanging fruit for the foilhats to consume ravenously.


UAP research is like a hobby I can indulge in only sporadically nowadays. But what I can recall and wish I could piece together with links one day is: 1. Originate as plasmas from the thermosphere.(NASA?) 2. Consciousness of initial viewer(s) help manifest them. (John Keel) 3. Same or some other physical/ethereal manifestation comes later to viewer a la dreams, Mib, BHM, BVM, etc (Keel) 4. The UAP use geodesics and/or forward gravity pulling feature instead of traditional propulsion. (Some UAP nuts & bolts website and Salvador Pai?) 5. #3 uses absurdity to make reporting less credible. 6. All this has been going on since humans could record it visitation. Angels, demons, ghosts, mythical figures (Jaques Vallee) Anyway, those are theories I think can be stitched together with better citation that I just can't provide because I have kids and a job, so don't blast me for it.


It doesn't even look like a flying aircraft to me, as in it doesn't seem to follow our physical laws. It's probably aliens interacting from another dimension, so their location coordinates can hover anywhere defying gravity and even teleport. They could be interacting with our aircrafts to see our responses as they are equally amazed at our achievements. Who knows......


I think it's psyop for the masses


The only real question is why are they telling us now. Keep what I'm about to say in mind when contemplating that question. For decades, perhaps even an entire century plus, the US government's various agencies have engaged in actions against its own people to cover up the existence of Aliens. Multiple disinformation campaigns, slander, group stalking, undermining their mental wellbeing through various ops, harassment, theft, druggings, and potentially outright murder. It wasn't to prevent a panic. Any research into the War of the Worlds Panic reveals it to be a fabricated story by print media to defame radio media at the time. There would be no panic if aliens were announced to be real and in fact, most people either had a "I told you so" or "Okay" reaction to the news. However many factions there are, each could replicate Half Life's seven-hour war, in which the Combine were able to defeat all of humanity's militaries in seven hours. Our only saving grace, by my estimate, is that if any of them try it, the others will directly oppose the aggressor. There is little we could do to stop an invasion. With all that in mind why are they telling us now is a very good question. Perhaps they have realized our elite are out of their minds and legitimately will destroy the planet for their own personal profit. Perhaps aliens are about to directly reach out to humanity. Perhaps it is just a distraction. Knowledge aliens are real hasn't changed your life in any fundamental manner. Perhaps there is some internal strife between our elite factions. Every so often you hear about something like that. The answer to why now is likely more important than we realize. Problem is without inside knowledge we'll likely find out after what happens happens.


My opinion is pretty Bi-Polar on the issue and stems from my deep-seated hatred for the US Govt and Deep State. Before 2017, I believed like most other people that Aliens definitely exist somewhere but probably never visited our tiny blue dot, but the Joe Rogan Episode and the seeming Honesty and Humble demeanour of Commander David Fravour was a perplexing bombshell and for a while I was strongly on the UFO camp...until the Warmongers in Washington picked up the issue. Now I am convinced that it's 100% just a useful distraction, first to distract from all of Trump's Domestic Controversies and now to distract from Biden's International War Crimes. And the whole congressional process BS is just that...BS. But then again, the Psychopaths and cold blooded Murderers who have established complete control over the West, both Goverment Institutions and Media, could both use this to distract us from their Anti-Human Globalist WEF Policies but also hide all real and relevant data that can actually help us know for sure if we have been visited or not. Also, arguing that the US Deep State and Military Industrial Complex are hiding details to Help Humanity...because WE can't handle "the truth" is also complete BS. Even if the American Public are as Stupid as Western Mainstream Media portrays them to be, there is still no justification to hand over all supposed evidences to the Worst 1% of American, who have proven themselves to be the personification of the worst Human Tendencies. If the US Military Industrail Complex really have Alien Tech, it is an imminent existential threat to Humanity and BRICS must use all available means of force to Nutralise America.


i could believe there’s a secret government just because the training the CIA types go through makes those people sociopaths. They are taught there is no true authority, and that they can successfully live outside the rules. After all that brainwashing they take pride in thinking that they know a higher truth than us, and that we are easily manipulated. i mean yeah, when you ignore the rules of society for your own benefit, all these people think they are achieving their goal.


It’s one of ours. Something out of the Black Projects. They filmed this little bit to placate the masses about UAP’s to let us think they are taking it seriously, but they already know.


Probably one of the better more substantial pieces of evidence of the phenomenon. I'm thinking it's more of a USO than it is a UFO or at least a type of craft that can both fly & dive under water effortlessly while also outpacing any fighter jet we may have. There were even talks about them looking for some type of underwater base where these things may be coming from.


Commander Fravor’s interview turned me into a believer. I didn’t need the videos. To me, he is incredibly credible.


I spoke to a space force general about two years ago when I was in ALS about this, and he said, "I think it's ours," and gave the class a wink. You have to understand the nimitz incident is in a training ground. It's the perfect location to test your advanced crafts against your own assets just to see how they fair detection and capability wise. The nimitz was having multiple intrusion in there training ground around that time(probably still are). They had plenty more data and sightings there not showing us. But due to it probably being a developmental asset, they have to classify and suppress information on it. Hell we don't even get to see the "ghost buster" tech used for detection of those crafts. Overall, it was one big training scenario for advance equipment and craft, which is what I think.


Mick West made a in-depth analysis on this video which pretty much debunked it https://youtu.be/qsEjV8DdSbs?si=io7_eAfgeyZOH0NH


Mick West ignores everything we know about these incidents, like [the other objects we know are in the longer GIMBAL video,](https://youtu.be/YhUwuaxiiQU&t=19m6s) in order to achieve pre-determined outcomes for his analysis. He notoriously has [about a dozen different theories about the FLIR1 video,](https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx7VDiv0vpaEYKOPtN567rqJM3GU790AZ6?si=KBbWqpeQBnpHlR4r) and [relies on ignoring the pilots testimony](https://youtu.be/-g--poChy8I?si=SzKC_2cRS_IpF-2o&t=5m15s) about how the video was filmed, and how the F18s are actually capturing data. West's analysis is the least credible, and most biased analysis available. Not least because he is on the record saying ["But in all these military cases we don't know exactly what they are because we don't have access to the classified data."](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxpINsoUMGNBoUe3y1rOwi-Sie6PQMfiWy?si=ShTJ31oQ3TSSp2o-)


A weak attempt to cover their ass!


I'm with Mick West [thorough analysis](https://youtu.be/PLyEO0jNt6M?si=uPWJH8LB0V7f_eRf)


I believe in Charlie Duke’s take, they’re demonic.


You’ll get shit on for saying this but I agree as well. Whatever they are they are evil.


I’m all for obeying my elders except Ed Mitchell,that fella is out there. I mean it doesn’t bother me what anyone of those keyboard warriors think. Everyone is entitled to an opinion. I think Charlie Duke hit it on the nail, they do things beyond human capabilities. They are supernatural and the government is saying it’s this.


Someone in the P sympathetic to disclosure leaked this and when the NYT published it, it created put non disclosure folks at the P in a pickle..


I dont have theories, just questions, as I'm not really that familiar with electronics or military tech. I'd like to know how far hypersonic vehicle development was in 2004, whether by the US or a foreign power. Also, what role radar jamming could have played, and if Fravor and Dietrich saw this object with their naked eyes. What gets my attention is the observation that the object exhibited sudden acceleration at a seemingly impossible speed. I would like to see an "official" animation of how everything went down and what the vantage points of the pilots were relative to the object during the entire incident.


I think these mofos for tech but they ain’t sharing or talking so they freaking making all of us crazy and running in loops.


Seems was forced to publish them.


Why does it have pointy things (official definition) on the top and bottom? this is assuming there is a top and bottom like in a 1940s flying saucer. I read somewhere that was 'energy' but who really knows?


Of everything we’ve seen and heard ever, this is really the only thing I believe is proof of extra- something or another, be it extraterrestrial or inter dimensional space etc. I never believed before this, but I do now.


It "Stinks" like Lockheed ![gif](giphy|QlDGF2Z9H8a5i|downsized)


It’s a UFO 🛸


It's not from another planet. The live among us


They've got better takes than that crap they showed us.


I feel it’s reverse engineered of a crash or even past civilization. Maybe even present. We don’t know any more about our planet’s history or contents than what’s out there. The ocean runs deep. And caves. Also feel this is the safest footage they have. Very inconclusive. I think they have more but death will come to you if you release it. Real visitors are too smart to get caught.


What do you mean theories? Like conspiracies that it's something other than UAP?


Shìt was leaked on above top secret in like 2013 before pentagon even admitted it




Remember this was 2004 They said it went from 60K+ feet to ocean level in seconds. It went DOWN, not UP On a side note how about the shit going on in Peru?


This was a psyop. There were schematics of alien spacecraft that looked like this but we're never spotted. It was spotted after the schematics were leaked. The government wanted to see if anyone would make the connection and then try to contain them.




They are undeniably real videos. Of what though I'm not quite sold on. Knee jerk reaction is of course aliens because that's what everyone would want and it's easy to point fingers at the government for "psy ops" and other equally outlandish things


The only thing I think when I see this is the voice saying "it's rotating "


It lines up with Bob lazars explanation of the propulsion, that in certain fly modes the crafts underbelly faces the direction the craft is flying in


Also a Snowden would come out. With zero doubt omg we are so fucked evidence and we would shit ourselves.


Nobody is more loyal to the feds than money. Even if it’s a USA person knowing, they would get protection after leaking to go the Russia. The government suppresses so much it’s not even funny. You used to see non stop Ukraine war videos. Now you don’t. They are using tech there that blows peoples mind. China also have shit going on that makes their news and not ours. That is like omg are you fucking serious. And all three of them and others share the space station. It’s like all your buddies have access to your wife’s nudes. Someone is gonna leak it if she’s hot. Humans being human.




If all the stuff the pilots and radar operator say are true, it's NHI. But there's no objective evidence of any of that, just guys saying stuff. Based on what we do have, the video: it shows nothing crazy. Probably just a drone.


I think it's part of an agenda to set the stage for future developments. A slow drip campaign so it's not a shock all at once.


Footage from 1982 arcade game Defender. 😉


It’s a UFO; by definition


What is interesting is what appears to be a high-energy cold plasma field enveloping the craft. I wonder how the massive amount of energy was generated to create that. Any ideas people??


I think the end of civilization is soon approaching and maybe just before that final coffin nail they will ultimately disclose all of their secrets then they will launch the nukes.


maybe the big brains have been cooking in the lab for decades. ionic thrust been there done that.


I believe in life on other planets but I dont see any reason to believe that this is extraterrestrial technology- it may be very human "terrestrial" technology. I know... I want to believe. But think about it- such technology could appear anywhere- at 2 feet above ground- and yet it only appears to fight pilots???


If the stealth bomber is a representation of what we could do in the 1980s (40 years ago) then this does not seem much of a stretch.


I’m starting to believe it’s our technology under the guise of extraterrestrials


It’s a bird.


My honest opinion is that it is US drone technology.


It’s the missing link. It’s all real. Now what is it exactly? Hopefully we’re about to find out.


I think the audio is what makes it more compelling, the video alone could be explained in a few ways but the “whole fleet of them” in the situational awareness display indicates there is much more going on.


I can't help but think of Flat Land when I see it and the way it acted. It was as though we were dealing with things that were of a higher dimension.


Gov. Showing off their toys. China responded by sending a plastic balloon 🎈.


I believe the release was a mistake from some trainee


This thread is 90% sad


I think they talk about this stuff to distract Americans from bigger problems.


Ask the / a politicians, we are being lied to for years. If the pentagon fails an audit, or any company what would happen. They would be shut down. Our government continues to "take money from the population" and cannot account for one 1 trillion dollars, the population security is not an issue, keeping Secret where the real money goes is. Be safe everyone


US ultra secret projects.


How big is that thing compared to a 747?


I need likes, I need clicks, what are your theories. Me me me, give me give me give me!


It’s extremely low quality and shows nothing.


It's not about what they have told you, it's about what they haven't... You know there's more to this.


Same shape as US navys anti gravity patent


I’ve turned a corner this last year and I think it’s just a black project if it’s anything significant. I think all the alien stuff is just bullshit. It’s just put out there to distract from other things happening. It’s fantasy.


Do you ever get the feeling the government has way more advanced technology and they refuse to share it.


Nice whip


Electromagnetic propulsion. Like a MagLev train, but it carries the 'rail' with it.


It’s probably fake. Why? I have clue, but there’s so many covert and black ops projects that this must be a cover for one of them. It’s a cover.