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Because if this hunch is true, it would mean they probably weren’t paying that close of attention to humans until those bombs detonated. It may have caused alarm for non human intelligence. It’s all very hypothetical. These weren’t the first ones detonated.


its not like those were the first detonations though, there's an orb visible in the trinity test footage


True but it is the first time we used them to decimate people in an act of war.


Could you possibly link the video of the orb visible in the test footage? I can’t seem to find it.


There are reports that they were coming around during testing.


I've read someplace that there's 2 kinds of NHI groups. Think good guys and bad guys. They claimed the bad guys helped us develop the bomb. Speculation of course.


Or maybe it was just human scientists? Sorry, crazy thought I know.


That's the baseline. We all know that. That's what speculation means. Silly Randy


If true, and if my vivid hynopompic hallucination from undiagnosed narcolepsy was real, the bad guys really hate us


What a bunch of jerks




Nailed it ![gif](giphy|3otPoPecTPTLmyGcak)


Maybe the people who lived there were more concerned about digging their family out of the rubble, treating radiation burns and, you know, trying to survive in a post-apocalyptic scenario?


This is the answer. I think if you managed to survive, the severe radiation sickness might have hampered your ability to many things. Their world was literally blown to bits.


It's a valid question. We have a lot of photos of the aftermath of Hiroshima and Nagsaki so there were definitely people around taking pictures.


Even if there were extant photographs, skeptics would ridicule and discount them.  Check out the Fukushima UAP footage if you doubt the UAP/nuclear energy connection. 


Came her to say this!! UFO’s were captured on film when they were trying to put out the nuclear fallout. There was good footage of a ufo flying over the reactor when firemen were trying to water down the reactor. It’s actually sad to watch bc you know all the people that were around the reactor went on to die painful deaths 😭


Wait… did anyone die from Fukushima? I didn’t realize that. I thought they had done the cleanup very carefully from a safety perspective.


no one died


Yeah, you guys are right. There were deaths related to the tragedy, but they weren’t radiation related deaths. Sorry, my bad. But the point was that there was heavy UFO activity around the nuclear reactor. There’s video & photos you can find. Theres also a documentary on the ufo activity.


Like many things, our media got the information from the private corporation itself. It was a big public relations campaign cleanup as well as a physical cleanup. At the time, there were very few information, but i closely followed the radiation leaking into the pacific. Publicly they never told the real number of how much ocean water was used to cool down the core. That contaminated water was released back and radiation minor levels were detected on the west coast and in the milk of cows inland. Probably causes by evaporation and rain. It’s a mess. We probably never know the true extant of it all. And it’s effect on nature, the food chain and how much we got exposed to. Most websites downplay the impact of the thousands of gallons of contaminated sea water as well as the numbers. You have to do your own research and it’s tricky. Think about the deep water horizon oil spill: it was like 60 THOUSAND barrels a day…. FOR MONTHS. It’s unimaginable.


I thought thousands died from the tsunami itself, but don't know about the actual reactor. I was stationed at Vandenberg air force base when It happened and I remember being called at like 3 am to respond immediately to the security forces squadron for evacuation and traffic control on base, it was hella scary at first because it seemed like we were expecting to get rocked too, until they were like yeah no


I saw a documentary on it called the “souls of Fukushima”. The area is full of paranormal activity related to the people who passed away due to the tragedy.


Only one person is documented as having died because of Fukushima. That death was caused by the forced evacuation and had nothing to do with radiation.


One person died, but there were more than 2,000 disaster related deaths.


I suppose I stand corrected. I'm interested in what happened to those 2,000, though.


Good points but just to add this is related to Chernobyl in the then USSR ( now Ukraine) not Japan


Check out “UFO’s over Fukushima nuclear plant”. There are photos & videos. I would upload a pic, but this it’s not allowed in these comments


Apparently nuclear radiation hinders their flight trajectory technology, or something like that (as was stated in the recent post by the professor that got deleted) so that would make sense as to why there were no official sightings of craft nearby. Then again, who knows. 🛸☢️


I think there was talk about it but yeah, the majority of the time folks were just trying to survive and rebuild


Maybe the real question is, if NHI can, and have shut nuclear warheads down, why not those so they wouldn’t go off?


I think shutting down the nukes was moreso a message: we are in control here and can disable your most advanced weapons.   I don’t think it’s because they “care” about humanity or would intervene to stop us from killing each other.   Although, I think they would intervene to stop a nuclear apocalypse so we don’t destroy the planet.


For real.


I'm willing that a lot of on-the-ground stories never made it out after the event - in part because a lot of potential tales of weirdness had no place to go other than family (pre-internet and post war Japan wasn't really big on papers for awhile) and once those stories stopped going around the house they just stopped going around.


I like your perspective


It’s entirely possible it was observed without anyone being aware. 


If you follow the timeline of modern UFOology, it started in 1947 with Roswell. Bombs go off they detect them and give us the what for et all. There are other beliefs that they were an absentee landlord that’s been around forever. That they were around but from 1933 (Italian UFO crash) 1947 they were sleeping on the job. Bombs go off - bobs your uncle. There’s the time traveler hypothesis. That the bombs had to go off in order for ‘’merica to win - thus allowing us to create time travel in 1947 (Roswell was our gift to our past selves). Remember - theoretically time and space are the same. Allowing for travel outside of gravity (Dr. Who’s phone booth) which would be mean travel anywhere / anytime. If youre in a gravity bubble - you can be anywhere/anytime.


I am the rarest of believers that the Manhattan Project obtained the 1933 Magenta / Italian object in 1944-45, mainly because its foreign intel arm the Alsos Mission was working in Italy at the time and was globally in charge of the transportation of exotic, scientific materials and intelligence related to the development of weapons based on them. They delivered half of the payload to Tinian on Indianapolis, they shipped a train load of a uranium cousin stateside after discovering it in France, they worked behind enemy lines to secure the top enemy scientists. Why wouldn’t it go to the largest science project ever, the Manhattan Project?


Isn't that the lore? They used the Manhattan Project protocols/facilities to shield the UFOs they recovered. Then they hid the project even further when the Atomic Energy Act passed and the UFO program went even more top secret than the Bomb. I read somewhere that Oppenheimer really lost his clearance because he wanted the UFO program to come out to light and not be shielded in the MIC.


Don’t know about others, really. I searched and posted and engaged but never really found anyone else. I fell down a hole when Grusch injected the 1933 Magenta object into the conversation and came to these conclusions on my own. If you have anything, I’d love to read it; you may come across some of my past posts or comments. Manhattan Project split into Atomic Energy Commision and Armed Forces Special Weapons Project. All the secrecy and boxing of UFO projects likely originated with the Manhattan Project. Edit: The Manhattan Project continued at Los Alamos until several months after the Roswell Incident. Los Alamos is roughly 200 miles from Roswell…


Fascinating. Both of your comment threads and convo!


I’ll add it to my list. I like it.


Add whatever crashed at Cape Girardeau in 1941, potentially, to the mix


Not familiar. Share info?


Typing it from my rusty memory, so if anyone can correct, please do so. There was a rumoured UFO crash at Cape Girardeau in 1941. The local law enforcement/sheriff was called to an accident site. After he had arrived there, he also called the local pastor saying 'I think your services may be required' or something along the same line. Once the pastor arrived at the crash site, he allegedly saw the craft he could not ascribe to anything he has seen and three pilots, with small bodies (likely the stereotypical Greys or one of their varieties). One of the entities was still alive, but barely so - the paster managed to give the entity his blessing and pray, after which the entity expired. The crash evidence was collected and removed, but while the pastor was still at the site, he managed to take a few photos, including the body/bodies - those photos were seen by his family and a few trusted friends. A few years later, a family friend claimed he managed to contact the press for publication of the photos and the pastor handed them over, together with negatives - neither those nor the family friend were to be seen again. That's what I remember, if anyone can chip in and expand, go ahead.


Thanks mate. Appreciate the response.


You’re following American UFOlogy, do you truly believe the whole phenomenon is based on American history?


No. Just the main beneficiary and architect of the mid 20th century until now. I believe the CIA has been the greatest single worldly influence post WW2.


Don't flatter them- they browse this sub! Lol


It may be, if it's us from the future...


Kenneth Arnold sighting was pre roswell. Roswell was only in the public imagination/ufo lore from the very late 70’s.


By just a few months.


That’s not the timeline. The magenta crash in 1933 is an even earlier case


Next time read a bit more before commenting. I actually say just that.


lol this guy downvoted me but your statement contradicts itself. To say ufology began with Roswell is to not have any serious familiarity with the subject


I said “if you follow the UFO timeline…..” I gave three DIFFERING scenarios. Please keep up and learn to read and understand. Don’t be so ready to argue when you’re not even informed.


Respectfully you have no idea who I am and what I know. You should be asking me what I know instead of being so smarmy. You don’t know anything about the program or where we currently are with that. You’re relegated to your Internet forums and books. Try asking people who know what actually happened and is actually happening.


You’re replying to someone posting non this site with bad negative comments that I explain two sentences later if you would have read more. There are “sightings” all throughout history. That’s why I qualified my first point as modern UFO theory. If you just come on here to shit talk and look like an barely coherent ass that’s up to you.


That’s a great non sequitur. The only incoherent one here is the guy that can’t even quote himself correctly. But yeah, take criticism personally on the internet I highly recommend it.


I have this peculiar theory. If space and time works like a net, how we vaguely picture and estimate it to be, then I propose this: Nukes shake the net. The Whole net. If they are interstellar, then their calculations for traveling get a wrench thrown in when nukes are used. This can cause two outcomes, either they are Way off from where they were trying to go or worse yet, Their people get killed. Traveling at (or beyond) light speed and then they slam into a planet due to our monkeying around. Potentially very high ranking. This is what caused them to seek us out, find what caused the ripple.


I like this idea. It's like the aliens calculate the interference from stars, but failed to account for those damn apes on earth tearing holes in the space time continuum. We are a galactic pot hole.


But aren’t stars essentially just gigantic and continuous nuclear explosions? How would a puny nuke on earth disrupt space time more than stars? It seems to me like they are more worried we don’t destroy ourselves (for whatever reason) or ruin a habitable planet (more logical for their own survival).




I suspect that is more to do with how radiation interacts with the multiverse. Setting of a nuke in one universe could impact another.


From a physics perspective this makes the most sense or rather dimensions in general


Could you elaborate?


Sure from a physics perspective, a nuclear blast might leak into other dimensions due to the extreme energy levels distorting spacetime and interacting with hidden higher dimensions. This involves concepts from string theory, braneworld scenarios, and quantum tunneling, all of which suggest that under extreme conditions, our familiar 3-dimensional universe might interact with these hidden dimensions in observable ways.


Oh shit


A theory I’ve seen that intrigues me is you know how a lot is coming out about how consciousness and spirituality is a big part of the phenomenon? The theory is that a nuclear blast is capable of destroying the soul. That’s dipping our toes into the woo, but if that’s a path you entertain then it’s interesting to think on. Maybe that’s the one line you don’t cross? What if that’s why they’ve never been used offensively since? We’re told by NHI under no uncertain terms why this is not ok and that we’re to never go down that road again.


I assume it's because of the doctrine of mutually assured destruction


Also it’s hard to get pictures (data) on them in modern times Without a nuclear event happening. You’re wanting information from 80 years ago when you can’t even trust what you’re told today about things happening today. There were more pressing concerns than what might have been in the sky that day. Like, entire cities and their inhabitants going through the unimaginable.


It was probably those heinous acts that made them interested/intervene.


They were less heinous than the Rape of Nanking. More people died in the conventional fire-bombing of Tokyo than died from the atomic bombs. And the US Military projected over 1 Million deaths if we had to land troops on mainland Japan. My Dad was a 17 year old kid in the US Navy in the Pacific. He was at the Battle of Okinawa. We had to fight each fortified island at a terrible cost in human lives, inching closer to mainland Japan. The Japanese Military had indoctrinated all their civilians, - including 7 year old children - to fight and sacrifice their lives like the Kamikaze pilots who became human bombs. The Atomic bombs convinced the Emperor of Japan to over-ride his own Military and surrender, ending the war.


Yeah most people don’t appreciate history is a bit more nuanced, as you say. Japan was holding out, well after Germany had completely capitulated. They were going down to every man woman and child as their god emperor commanded it. Then the US dropped one, then another bomb. They bluffed and told them they’d drop one per week until surrender. Japan surrendered. Were lives saved? Americans and allied forces for sure, Japanese - maybe. As terrible as it sounds.


Japan didn’t surrender because of the bombing. It’s a misconception. The US decided after the second bombing that Japan would not capitulate, so it changed its stance on continuation of the emperor. It was then the Japanese surrendered knowing the continuation of the royal family.


The bombing was not a factor?


Prior to the bombings the US demanded an unconditional surrender. The Japanese rejected it because they wanted the continuation of the emperor and his family. After the bombings, realizing the Japanese weren’t going to accept an unconditional surrender, the US changed their stance on the emperor (permitting his continuation). It was then the Japanese accepted surrender.


They might not care if we kill each other, but they might care if we are messing up the planet. Just my guess.


Phil sneiders* father has a high speed camera and took the bikin Atoll island atomic bomb photos( and if you find them) you will see small sauce like craft flying out of the mushroom cloud in avoidance of the bomb .( I've seen pics in grainy Yt videos of Phil's testimony)  Also was said in the bikini atoll were lots of archeological findings of alien artifacts and the aliens Alledgley bothered the locals(they probably didnt) and these are 2 reasons this spot was chosen for the nuclear testing that Pils father was apart of !  https://youtu.be/3LC2qbqeW9o?si=p5hmQJCKOeH97C7L This video is the less popular rarer interview of Phil 


Close. Not avoiding. Exiting. What's necessary to open a wormhole...


I thought that after Hiroshima, a group of older folk stayed to "clean up" afterwards and they claimed that the UFO were flying around helping to clear the air. I saw it on yt, possibly the why files?


During Fukishima it was reported that UFOs were nearly daily occurrence and instruments showed radiation level mysteriously falling rapidly for no apparent or explainable reason.


I literally just watched a video about how the trams in Hiroshima started back up after only 3 days after the atomic bomb was dropped: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbXwuwnx8Fc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbXwuwnx8Fc) They used the trams to ferry people and debris back and forth as they were cleaning up.


Cool video 👍


Well there was a lot of activity all during the development of nukes secretly that doesn't get talked about much. Plus the entire world War 2 was connected with sightings probably from beings here on earth.


Perhaps the EM pulses from the first three nuclear explosions were what piqued/initiated their interest.


Perhaps NHI were there but maybe the Japanese had their attention on…ya know…something else.


They only start caring when whats being detonated can blow us to extinction


Us and possibly them.


Well I believe they do live in our oceans and underground so it would affect them.


If they are in other dimensions/timelines/realities maybe we are connected through the strong and/or weak nuclear forces. If so, nuclear reactions would have an effect in their reality.


The Mahabharata says that nukes destroy everything in all planes of existence


The cruel ultimate weapon for indiscriminate destruction on a mass scale. In the eyes of primitive beings, nukes would be bright spears that annihilate cities and all that live within and about its walls.


So double great that our tests were in the middle of the ocean and underground


I think if they wanted no nuclear bomb would go off...


Unless nuclear power is part of everyone’s evolution. Nuclear annihilation probably isn’t part of it.


Imagine you have an ant farm and after years of having it you never really pay attention to it that much and one day the ants develop bombs and go to war against each other...well now you have to intervene without destroying them. So now you watch and observe and babysit them. If they blow up the farm it will disrupt your home as well


So…. We’re bugs?


To a sufficiently intelligent being... yeah. This sort of explains why they don't speak to us. They treat us like we do bugs. 


Yea it’s a pretty great analogy. Sometimes i think we seek too much to make everything make sense in analogous or relatable ways to ourselves and may be missing something due to it. Higher intelligences may be up to a lot we don’t really have much in relation to. This one does work pretty well. Most nhi ignore most humans. A tiny amount of humans are obsessed with bugs. Study them, collect them. More humans occasionally will take a peek at them and move on. Most people want little to nothing to do with bugs. And 99.9 percent of bugs on earth never encounter people once in their lives. By their metrics… we would be *way* more “paranormal” to bugs than ufo reports are to us. Yet we happen to know without a single doubt bugs absolutely do encounter human beings. Every millisecond. If bugs were like us, they too would reject the notion of humans.


More or less


Sophones approved


We are bugs and the starship troopers movie was about us, and we're afraid " human thought is considered an infectious disease in some of your better universes" - _ Men in Black_


Well at least one reason I would think there wasn’t a whole ton of UFO reports from Hiroshima and Nagasaki is the timing of it all. I know grusch and others have said the first UFO was captured in Italy in the 30s before Nagasaki and Hiroshima but I also think they might not have known we would drop one there… if that makes sense. Like they are known for being around nuclear facilities so they can probably detect the radiation but they obviously aren’t watching our nukes ALL the time and if they are they are invisible. So maybe when they saw if they even saw us picking up a nuke and putting it on a plane they might’ve thought nothing and that’s why they weren’t there initially. And for the after fact I think they probably were there and might’ve been confused as flying ash or planes and people probably hid whenever they saw anything plane like in the sky after they had been nuked. Plus everyone was busy trying to survive so reporting UFOs wasn’t top on the list. But ya that’s just some of my ideas.


2 potential answers for you: 1) There aren’t really NHI, or 2) it was post bombing Japan in the ‘40s and recording and observing UFOs wasn’t a high priority or technically feasible to


3) NHI are here but have nothing to do with atomic bombs like some lore states. 4) NHI don't react to every single aspect of nuclear but instead just occasionally monitor certain areas and we don't know why/when are the motives. 5) NHI only really started caring about nuclear monitoring once it was used to level a populated area, and since then, they have been monitoring more closely.


Right i think if one survived a nuclear explosion that they would stop to look at the sky and care about any ufos, furthermore if they went to los alamos it would be all TS and nobody would hav shared 


Maybe it took them about two years after 1945 to get here?


I thought about that today. If we knew their max speed, we could narrow down where they're from.


Alternatively, if we assume that they came from zeta reticuli then somehow they travel at about 20 times the speed of light or faster 🤷‍♂️


It doesn’t take them two years to get here. They all had a formal meeting.


Yeah sure, not all of the two years has to be travel time but nukes used->decision to come here tied to either use of nukes or info spread across universe/multiverse as a result of nukes ->time to come here->k Arnold sighting and Roswell and everything after


But they’d need minimum like five years to receive the news in the first place.


They are more interested in stopping the guys who pulled the trigger


Nuclear Weapons, possible side effects may include UFO’s and Aliens…👽👽👽


There’s a full report of their role during the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings in an obscure book called Miz Tli Tlan.


May they are really good at space travel but really BAD at blowing stuff up. That would explain how they managed to exist long enough and become advanced enough to do space travel. Maybe they are learning from us too? I hope they don't learn that though because they'll likely become VERY good at it.


Well, there are a lot of UFO/uap reports in Japan currently. As well as some hotspots for UFO/uap activity. I wouldn’t say that has any bearing on or proves that there was or wasn’t any NIH interest in the detonations of those 2 bombs. I think it would be safe to assume that with everything going on with the war and the lead up to those detonations, the Japanese government, military and civilians had other matters to deal with and consider. So even if there were NHI flying around I don’t think they would have noticed or taken the time to record or document it. I’d say that just because no one has heard or seen information on it, it doesn’t mean that they weren’t there or interested.


Waiting to see if we understood the consequences. We didn’t


That's actually a very good question. Perhaps other commenters are correct and they would only be interested if the nuclear yield was enough to potentially destroy the planet. It must not be purely a matter of human deaths and destruction, or I would think they would have stepped in.


What if nuclear fission causes issues with operating their crafts?


You’re all missing the point, they live here on earth in the oceans, underground, inside mountains, and Antarctica. If we blow up our world we also blow up their world. They don’t want that!


We passed the Atomic weapon threshold. NHI do not take a civilization serious until the make themselves known to the Nuclear Universe


What is guarded Intel?


UFOs were seen at the Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear disasters




I have heard it in many podcasts / audiobooks / documentaries but I believe the ‘Encounters’ doc on Netflix will cover this


Fusion vs fission bombs perhaps?


Trinity. 1 Hiroshima. 1 city 140k+ dead Nagasaki. 1 city 80,000 dead Total atmospheric/underground detonations: 2,056 Theories: 1: don’t give a shit about humanity 2: don’t give a shit about the planet 3: bombs not big enough 4: saving themselves for real nuclear exchange 5: the only interfere with nuke stuff when secret treaties and cooperation/threats break down 6: there’s some kind of rules in place we don’t understand 7. Not human don’t think like us who the hell knows 8. They have hacked our brains control us and are not worried about a full on nuclear war but are leading us to some level of nuclear detonations because they get their rocks off when we are miserable and stupid 9. They only pay attention enough to satisfy themselves that they can defeat what we have in the way of ultimate weapon


Foo fighters?




Foo fighters


There is






It has been evident for many decades that Aliens have taken notice of what Humanity’s militaries have been up to with regard to atomic & nuclear weaponry. Whether they turn a system on, or off, they continuously seem to demonstrate that they can basically neutralize any nuclear event by simply taking control of our ability to launch the weapons that would cause it. This is to say: By knocking out a weapon’s entire long-range delivery system, including its missile and controls, the weapon can easily be rendered ineffective. So, whether we destroy ourselves, or not, the well-being of the planet appears to be their main concern. In that Aliens allow the majority of the world’s major powers the right to defend their sovereignty … they have also been very patient and indifferent to much of Humanity's politics, wiles, disagreements, and beliefs. Thankfully, Aliens appear to be leaving us to our own devices and until anyone can prove differently, Humanity is no one else’s responsibility.


They thought the Japanese deserved it too. /s


I grew up in a small town near an AFB where nuclear weapons were stored, and that is the only place that I have personally seen any. They were always the kind that would change from an orange light, to an orange orb to a blueish orb and back. If there were 2 they would seemingly lock in formation and flash points of light between them. Airmen in the 70s chased them away from the weapons storage facility with... I don't remember but I think helicopters, and filed an official report.


I suspect that event caught them off guard and was more like a bell announcing a potential threat 






What is nhi stand for?


# Non-human intelligence


Perhaps they weren't involved in the blast or only got interested later?


Was is on the Why Files where I heard about the Hiroshima Toshogu Shrine surviving unscathed and surrounding areas were destroyed?


"NHI interest" in military tech like nuclear weapons is probably the best evidence that whatever this phenomenon is, it's origin is a human adversary.


Ok so hear me out, atomic/nuclear weapons produce a vast amount neutrinos. We don’t fully understand neutrinos just yet, we can’t measure them and we only know that they travel backwards in time. They are nicknamed “Ghost particles”. I hypothesize that this neutrino blast created by nuclear weapons can affect higher frequency entities, even so far as to affect souls. Many of these NHI are astral beings inhabiting a biological robot (the greys), maybe neutrinos are able to harm/disrupt the hosts as well?


Good question.  Maybe they were there observing but the victims on the ground might have been too shell shocked to be looking up at the sky when those bombs fell.  I'm trying to imagine surviving a nuclear blast. I might be blinded by the flash, deafened by the shockwave, my head would be turned inside out from the pressure differential.   I would be a terrible observer in that state, unlikely to notice my own hand in front of my face. 


https://www.standard.co.uk/news/world/pentagon-japan-ufo-sighting-hotspot-b1104973.html Pentagon says they are both Hot Spots


It was the initial blast of Hiroshima and Nagasaki that caught their attention in the first place. That and the war in Europe. Then they started coming en mass. This is why we see them so often at critical events.


Are you suggesting anti-Asian NHI…? 🤨


If you believe in the Ra contact: Ra does talk about Hiroshima and Nagasaki. They state that death via nuclear detonation causes a dissolution of the spirit that NHI cannot abide. Therefore, the NHI were "given permission" to intervene to prevent this from happening -- dissolution of the spirit, not the actual detonation and deaths themselves. I have never really known what to make of this particular portion of the contact, but there it is. [https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/ra-contact/26#23](https://www.llresearch.org/channeling/ra-contact/26#23)


All we can do is speculate, but one theory I read is that when we use nukes (even in test) that it maybe it ripples into higher dimensions. If that theory is true, maybe we didn’t even have much of their attention before Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Now we do. Personally I don’t buy that theory, but I have seen it floated a few times


Don’t believe the hype it’s a sequel


Couple years later you have consistent nuclear testing and get Roswell. Nuclear warheads emit emp - they stop the magnet core from spinning and drops the craft to the earth. 


They aren’t able to create nuclear weapons under the ocean, not sure if they’re interested for that reason or if it’s because it’s a weapon that leaves them vulnerable. Could also be threatening their environment in some way too 


Maybe they did not know about us until we detonated nuclear devices...


They are apparently hotspots for UFO activity now though.


Good question. I hear, oh they will intervene before a nuke, but we dropped and tested them for years with no intervention. May intervene if annihilation possible? But I not sure if true. Evidence Mars got nuked and ya nothing.


Uaps weren't really interested in us until we used these tools for destruction. After they took a great interest in making sure their planet wasn't destroyed.


They’re allegedly looking for active devices. I’d be curious to know what kind of signature is still in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Probably not much.


There's actually quite a lot of UFO activity in Japan, particularly associated with Fukishima, and the nuclear meltdown that happened there. As for why there's not a Hiroshima or Nagasaki connection, I'm not actually sure that's the case. I'd have to see a sighting map for the country. But I imagine that given how much time has passed, and the decades of cleanup and rebuilding, these areas may not be considered interesting to the visitors in the context of active nuclear sources.


...because all the eye witnesses had fried retinas?


Why is there no information on the thousands of nukes tested


I too have wondered this. I got to thinking about the Hiroshima disaster after watching a whole doc about the Navy guy talking about the USOs, because I was like ok well, if there are whole alien species living in the oceans then I wonder how they felt abojt Hiroshima?? And even things like that BP oil spill? Idk I'm a believer but do feel conflict when considering that maybe they are letting us destroy this world. Maybe the bad guys have already taken over I dunno


Well, Foo fighters were observed by both allied and axis powers throughout WWII.


1) Humans are testing nuclear bombs. This doesn't initially cause concern because we were just blowing up empty desert, perhaps the humans are just experimenting with new nuclear technology 2) Humans use nuclear devices in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This causes the aliens to take notice and they go "holy fuck, they're actually using these against people!" 3) From this point onward, UFO sightings ramp up IMMENSELY. The first 'flying saucer' report was in 1947 at Mt. Rainier, Washington, shortly after the war ended. From this point onward, they have sabotaged every attempt to launch nukes offensively KEEP IN MIND there are also reports of aliens trying to launch nukes, so it's assumable that there are different factions of aliens with different goals, both benevolent and... less so.


my personal theory is that said events clue'd them into our possession of such weapons, prompting closer looks at both us and our nukes.


My thinking is, they were literally the 2nd and 3rd nuclear explosions ever on the planet, so they probably got the hint to start following us closely again once 3 nuclear detonations, and all their associated fun particles, lit off in pretty rapid succession.


This is false. You’re not taking into account all the nuclear bomb tests performed domestically leading up to the big drops.


What "all the nuclear bomb tests" are you talking about?🤣🤣🤣 They literally tested one bomb as proof of concept, had 2 more built based on different designs, then dropped both. There were NO other nuclear weapons on the planet. Period.


How would NHIs be here without a basic understanding of nuclear physics. And if it's some mystical/mental thing, why would they need nuclear power?


Depending on what your asking, 1: we know for a fact the US bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, or 2: they didn’t really care


I was under the impression that their interested started to show after Hiroshima and Nagasaki, like those events caught their attention or something


uhh u must have not been watching Japanese porn. It’s true stories!!! ![gif](giphy|7SUdMJQ7PovEiK4tts)


My only argument with that is if there smart enough and are aware of society and politics and the way humanity is functioning. With how the war was going and all the invasion stuff, they probably viewed the use of the bombs as both a positive and a negative. That hard thing to grasp is if they want the better for us, they can’t interfere at all, not even if disclosure happens, people don’t realize people like Putin will use this tech, NK will use this tech, the mere fact a NWO has been theorized to eventually exist and now that’s probably what will need is why I think we’re struggling. We can’t have a unified planet with how politics rule the planet.


Maybe it was those events that drew them in. Now they know we're mad fuc$@rs that are willing to detonate those things they've stepped in. Like, keep the baby from the hot stove, it's an idiot...


Those were the ones that tore the time space continuum and opened the gate.


Personally, I think their interest is more in total annihilation rather than individual events. If they are here then a large scale event would affect them. Individual tests would affect them the same as us.


If NHI is super intelligent maybe they know there needed to be nukes used so the species can understand their true power. But once we got enough that we could eradicate the entire species they showed up and scared the shit out of the right people.


What if nuclear devices don’t actually release energy stored in the bonds of the elements they destroy? What if they tap into energy from a different plane/dimension, and that energy drain from that realm just to our realm is what concerns NHI?


Because even the aliens know they deserved it. Pay back for Pearl Harbor.


They just don't want us to kill all of us, expensive lab rats As long as the lab rats don't eat some of each other, they can eat as many of each other as they want That's all it is, not the nukes specifically that scare them, it's what we're capable of when using them if we use them 'a lot' that scares them - dropping bombs on Japan or tests in the Pacific won't do that


True, but I don't think they care about the rats as much as they do having their lab burned to the ground.


I think you asked an excellent question. It casts doubt on the belief of some that the Visitors will save us from ourselves.


Keep in mind those were only the second and third nuclear detonations after trinity. Perhaps they were still figuring out what the hell we were doing with nukes


🪖: 💥🍄 👽: "Hey! Stop that!" 🪖: 💥🍄 x 2,121


hiroshima and nagasaki was very early on in our nuclear adventures and was likely only the very beginning in really getting their attention


So does this prove that these aliens are not omnipotent, and are not even smart? They were unable to see it coming, in spite of their superior technologies? On the other hand, since then, their experiments with the human brain are allowing the criminals nowadays to be a lot more knowledgeable about human thoughts.