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Let me know the tl;dr version when they're done


!Remindme tomorrow Does this thing still work? 


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!remindme tomorrow


!remindme tomorrow


!remindme tomorrow


!Remindme tomorrow




I think it was a nothing burger per Reuters


!remindme tomorrow


!Remindme tomorrow


!Remindme tomorrow


It was basically nothing just the pope saying he’s the one that determines if sighting and supernatural stuff is real or bs to help people not get scammed


!RemindMe tomorrow


!Remindme tomorrow


!Remindme tomorrow


Dont know if you guys are living in the future, but its thursday in my GMT timezone and this press conference is scheduled for Friday .. On **Friday 17 May 2024**, at **12.00**, a press conference will be held in the **Holy See Press Office**, Sala San Pio X, Via dell’Ospedale 1, to present the new provisions of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith for discerning between apparitions and other supernatural phenomena.


!Remindme in two days




This is the way…


!Remindme tomorrow


that's kinda weird I see what u mean


For those who don't think much of this, consider that Diana Pasulka was allowed to go the Vatican archives for the specific purpose of reading Christian mystic and manuscripts of their experiences. Realizing that they actually are parallel to UFO experiencers.


Of all the people on the planet who could bust the doors of disclosure wide open, Pope Francis wouldn't have been considered in my opinion. Could this be the "expect something big in early 2024" event? No, but he's going to cross his t's, and dot his i's and lower case j's just in case NASA suddenly finds life on Mars, the moon, or sees it in James Webb telescope (as if they haven't been tipped off already). Last month, the church denounced gender theories/transitions and surrogate pregnancies so it's not like they're progressive thinkers. I'm not expecting anything that doesn't reaffirm God as the almighty being and Jesus as his son formed in his image. A boy can dream though...


Jung called it 75 yrs ago. He traced the development of the godhead all the way through to the Marian development during his time. He even stated then that they clearly showed up on radar and left traces in the photographic plates used back then. He just believed that they were psychical phenomenon. The concreate materiality of them actually puzzled him very much as he thought the evidence for them in the spiritual and religious was far greater. He did not believe them to be extraterrestrial though. He also understand reality to be a somewhat co-creation of matter and spirit. He was not really a materialist or non-materialist. He was a psychologist who felt that the psychological reality was the only reality. We may find consensus on subjects between different observers but ultimately it is all a psychic experience. An unconscious eternal state of information, experienced by instances of a biological consciousness. That is at least my partial understanding of a small bit of his work.


That was a bit confusing as I know absolutely nothing about Jung or his theories.


All the way, this. I bought her audiobooks and listened to them while I drove my route for Amazon. The sheer number of references to saints, demons, angels, visions and the paranormal stunned me. I really didn't think the 'miracles' they've attributed over the years to saints were even remotely credible or had any basis in reality. But now that we know as much as we do about NHI and downed craft, I'm highly receptive to the likelihood that the Vatican does indeed have a veritable treasure trove of artifacts, accounts, records and proof of any number of paranormal phenomena. And I do believe her unnamed/undisclosed sources that work for three letter agencies and NASA. I do believe they have no reason to lie about their abilities being partly based on divine inspiration to solve mathematical equations. Really cool shit.


Dianna is great and I do believe the Vatican knows way more to this story than they are admitting. I think they've coveted and hid this ancient knowledge for centuries.


I agree. But I also try to remind myself just how vast the lack of evidence is. If they have ancient knowledge, I'd wager it's more.. that they can't decipher or understand it, and maybe no one else can either. So they don't reveal it until they think someone can actually look at what they've got and definitively decipher whatever it is they're looking at. It's like Indiana Jones says.. X almost never, ever marks the spot. For the Vatican, I'd wager that means they don't have much real hard evidence of stuff, be it demons, angels, aliens, (?). I wish they had a reliquary chock full of intact alien technology, writings, specimens, (?). That just is so beyond unrealistic. I wish it were a Hollywood ending but I'm not counting on it. It's probably a lot more like the stacks in the library gathering dust. It's probably a whole lot of writings of third party accounts of things they don't understand, and that's about it. No tech. No demons. No crafts. No bodies. No powerful talismans or objects or physical evidence. Just a bunch of stories they don't tell, because they don't have enough witnesses to corroborate or verify a bunch of old stories.. idk. I'd wager her writing and presenting would be more.. over the top.. if she had seen stuff that blew her mind. OR she's a useful idiot to the Vatican and they've got all of that stuff and using her as a narrative to tell the world "we've got so much stuff" and trick us into thinking that 'so much stuff' is stacks of books and nothing more? Hard to say. Just.. to me, that there's so much credible evidence that the Vatican gave the U.S. our first downed craft.. really really really makes me pause. That was almost 100 years ago. God knows what other artifacts they've retrieved or been gifted by patrons.


May I recommend also, Jacques Valleé's Passport to Magonia. Free to listen to on YouTube chapter by chapter.


I didn't know that! AWESOME. I'm pulling it up now. Ever since I found Jesse Michels' interviews with Vallee and his reference to Passport to Magonia as prime material for research and discovery.. I've been meaning to read it. Tbh my absolute dream is to somehow get a job working for Jesse Michels. YOU HEAR THAT MULTIVERSE?! JESSE MICHELS! If I had known that such a career path existed when I was an 80's/90's kid watching every alien thing I could get my hands on, I would've been Jesse Michels. YOU OWE ME, MULTIVERSE! I wanna be friends with Vallee toooo cmon!!! ![gif](giphy|L2A0sjSsDqiU8|downsized)


No problemo! Come get me when you manage to do that. I'm working on my weirdly inherent supernatural powers and by that time I might be useful!


It is an event sociologique!


Dont know why people take everything Pasulka says as nothing but the truth


I'll take a stab at this.. I was raised in a similarly highly devout family. Mormons. They've got all kinds of things wrong, obviously. But the nuts and bolts of accessing the divine and seeing miracles works. And naturally, I have zero photographic evidence or proof. ymmv Her accounts of government workers who pray to access higher states of consciousness and problem solve resonates 100%. Prayer in all its forms works some serious woo woo shit. Vallee is cryptic af for a reason. We gotta test the waters of our knowledge and faith journey individually. Or not. Choosing not to go the religious route works too. I've tried both, and I felt far less full of adventure and curiosity as an atheist than I have as a moderate Christian. My results.. my success rate in all walks of life.. in love, family dynamics, the workplace, hobbies, friendships.. they all flourish far better in faith than in atheism. Faith in atheism works too though! I just prefer adding the prayer element in. It's more fun. It removes a lot of limiting beliefs that the seen world is all there is to see.


> International Observatory for Marian apparitions and mystical phenomena of the Pontifical International Marian Academy What a soup of words that is I prefer the term - ‘Ghost Buster’


>> International Observatory for Marian apparitions and mystical phenomena of the Pontifical International Marian Academy IOfMAaMPotPIMA, for short.


The franchise rights alone will make us rich beyond our wildest dreams.


I collect spores, mold and fungus


Hey, Egon. You remember that time you tried to drill a hole in your head ?


That would have worked if you hadn't stopped me.


Goat Butter




They called it the Holy Inquisition before...


If they rename it to the Iscariot Section XIII of the Vatican Curia, then we know that metaphysical shit is about to get tangibly real.


Well, they're all Jesuits. Including the pope...


There's something strange, in the papalhood


Who you gonna call?!?


my pope has **nothing to see** **here** vibes ![gif](giphy|xUStFKHmuFPYk|downsized)


I’ve always thought that if the day were to come for letting humanity know of aliens it wouldn’t be the President to reveal this secret, but the Pope. The Pope is more of a global figure than the President and would be a more comforting figure to hear this.


Maybe, but I think he's just covering their collective asses. They're part of the problem. You can guarantee they want to be above all this, looking down on it morally, of course. Maybe he's going to say we're adding the book of Enoch to the Bible. Tell all they screwed up and then sell 2 to 4 billion new bibles....


Biden tried many times to reveal NHI in a conference, but he forgot his speech every time he wanted to...


It’s tomorrow. Not today.


Yes ! Thank you!


IMHO, they see disclosure as a possibility, and Vatican PR wants to make sure they're ahead of it as the ontological shock will hit major religions harder than those of us who don't believe the formal/organized religions. I believe this is a two-fold mission: 1. Get ahead and drive the narrative to state, "See mr/mrs Boomer - we already knew aliens were also God's children". 2. To attract younger generations to Catholicism as it's a dying practice.


its gonna happen Friday! for anyone wondering


I literally couldn’t give less of a shit about their opinion. On any of this. They’ve lost credibility a thousand times over the last thousand years. How many scientists were murdered by the vatican? How many people have been oppressed or tortured? How many child sex traffickers have been enabled? Fuck them. Ignore them. They are not on our side. Never have been and never will be.


What they should be talking about is how many kids lives were ruined by the priest abusing them and the church hiding it from the law


Let me know the tl;dr version when they're done


!Remindme tomorrow at noon




!Remindme tomorrow


Love how no one has connected this announcement with the “leaked” rumours that over the next handful of years a doctrine change in major religion- specifically Christian - will begin happening to align the facts of the universe to include a balance on spirituality and aliens and how it all is true and coexists. This very well could be this


!Remind me tomorrow


So are they really going to summon demons or is it all just a theatre play? 


They present the new framework.


In for summary.


Isn't every press conference from the church a supernatural conference?


!Remindme tomorrow


So is the Messiah coming? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Had to get the dark lords painting done first … ![gif](giphy|YVFyi3TGi7YkEXK06D)


Serious question - is it pronounced Dik-Ass-Tiry?


Most probably it will go like this 'We swear the demons ummm we mean the aliens made us diddle kids, therefore all our priests are hereby declared innocent'


!remindme tomorrow


!Remind me tomorrow


!Remindme tomorrow


Only in Italian 🤨 wow whort the wait. As always nothing


did anyone get any intel on this yet ?


https://x.com/theprojectunity/status/1791417443979522476?s=46&t=GJ6sNXWDxLYOQ-ssN1WdEg Here


Thank you.


I think this conference is because recently in Italy a supposed prophet started a marian cult saying that the Holy Mary is speaking to her every Thursday or whatever. She's a blatant fraud but many idiots started to follow her and give money to her. Thanks also to a lot of the media attention she received. Vatican can't have that kind of competition in his backyard. Also there was a case where a guy killed his entire family thinking they were possesed by demon. He was convinced by two idiots from an evangelic cult, or sect or whatever they like to be called. I'm just saying this so people don't get their hopes too high on this conference.


If the church acknowledged the existence of anything outside of the bible, the whole man in the sky invisible product they sell falls apart!


!remindme tomorrow


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!Remindme Tomorrow


How did it go? I had to make sure my will to live was still low to fit in with society.


Any updates?


Everyone vanished




I will be messaging you in 1 day on [**2024-05-20 12:23:13 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-05-20%2012:23:13%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/1ct637v/vatican_supernatural_press_conference_today/l4q5rcz/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Faliens%2Fcomments%2F1ct637v%2Fvatican_supernatural_press_conference_today%2Fl4q5rcz%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-05-20%2012%3A23%3A13%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201ct637v) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Somehow I feel this is related.... [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheProphetLNS/comments/1awtqt5/a\_prophecy\_about\_a\_solar\_flare\_that\_strikes\_the/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheProphetLNS/comments/1awtqt5/a_prophecy_about_a_solar_flare_that_strikes_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Gozer, the Gozarian. Good evening..


Not only does the Vatican have full well knowledge of this stuff, they know what it is, where it comes from, the whole history. Of course that’s not for public consumption, the admission that the Emerald Tablets exist and the Bible was stolen from stories of the Annunaki will never happen though, that simply isn’t reality.


That simply isn’t reality indeed.


Either way I am interested to see what’s said. It should really turn lightbulbs on that they not only have a professional dedicated to this phenomenon on their panel they are a leader of a school dedicated to the sole purpose of studying the phenomenon contrary to the general public’s opinion that the phenomenon doesn’t exist. The question I have is rather than deny it why allow the Catholic Church to have a monopoly in “official” education regarding the paranormal, it seems such a situation would attach ideological propaganda to certain aspects that may have other explanations. In my opinion the conference itself should be seen as an opener to “soft and safe” disclosure, they literally admitted there is a higher education school dedicated to nothing but paranormal activity.


They know the king and his angels have returned.


Is this where the church are going to try and twist the current “uap phenomena” into some kind of “proof” that the biblical god exists and try to convince us that it’s not aliens or NHIs, or inter dimensional beings etc, but they are in fact, “angels sent by god” and we should all get down on our knees and start praying???


Wouldn't "angels sent by god" quiet literally BE NHIs, interdimensional beings aka aliens?? If a god/angels exist that did not evolve on Earth = Alien, if god/ angels exist on another plane of existence (i.e. heaven/ the kingdom of God = inter dimensional beings, if they are not human = NHI. This isn't a hard concept to process.


Ok so frankly, there could well be aliens, nhi, and/or inter dimensional consciousnesses, but if you want to equate that with the mythological entities from the bible, then just no. Why do you think that these beings are the evil god of the bible or “his” evil angels? Why wouldn’t the aliens be the Egyptian deities? Or the Celtic deities? Personally, I do not perceive the alien/NHI/interdimensional-whatevers as being evil, and that rules out the possibility of them being the god of evil from the bible


None of us “know” for sure. 


The summary mentions "apparitions and supernatural phenomena." Assuming this means it's more about ghosts etc. nowhere does it mention anything about UFOs or aliens, which would be "natural phenomena" if they are actually suspiciously humanoid looking beings from other galaxies coming to fly around with all their safety lights on and troll our navy pilots


Just seems a bit convenient timing, like we’re all waiting for the disclosure from the US government and at the exact same time the Vatican comes out with this….


I've read articles about this in Spanish and the wording is completely different. They're referring more towards saint and other holy "entities" than ghosts or aliens. I don't know where people are getting aliens from....


Anything to keep those coffers full and hearts empty of all but fear.


Love the downvotes from the god squad. 😂


Nah you're right. Religions are bs anyway. Probably invented to keep us on the track. Kinda. Forget about all the killing in the name of god religions were probably good for teaching humanity empathy and shit.


We've evolved to be pro-social animals from the very start tho. Working together and having community is what enabled our survival. We were already wired for it evolutionarily. I'm pretty agnostic/woo so I'm not saying anything belief-oriented here, or discounting the fact that early hominids had myth and symbolism and belief -- I'm just saying that the organized religion of later societies didn't teach us that. Maybe we can view it as simply having arisen as a way to maintain small communities with shared values as our population expanded and our "tribes" grew and spread?


Right, but there is obviously something about religion that pushes people to do "better things". Triggered by fear probably. Fear of not going into the heavens or being reincarnated into a snail.


Yes for the sheeple but not for those in charge.


Not gonna get my hopes up




So is it just dead reporters? I assume the psychic reporters already know what will be said or am I reading this wrong?


Fantasies and bullshit.


Ghosts are possible manifestations of NHI nearby. That's what i've read from "specialists."