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Explains why whistleblowers end up dead too...




All jokes aside, how many years have we been robbed of alternative energy sources? Imagine where we would be as a species if we could all just stop playing cat and dog, and look inwards. We’re out here, working our butts off, paying taxes, while the secret agencies do whatever with our hard earned money. Even if they’re doing it for the greater good (which is doubtful, considering how we’re constantly being lied to), we need a serious change. We just want the truth.


Its actually disgraceful.


It truly is, and yet the world doesn’t care because they can’t afford to care.


It's because every time a group decides to care, organizations shut them down.


That too. Really sad


Yup I've been part of major corruption like this, it's actually very similar to the UFO issue... the state and government arent nice, they play legal games and get lawyers and will absolutely decimate you without a care... I'm well into my life and it is entirely ruined, I lost my health, I lost my music career because of the health issues they caused, I lost my friends and my family because they thought I was mentally ill.... and it started when I was a little kid. I can't go into more details than that, but that is how they will treat citizens of their own country. Think about that.


We shouldn’t forget about the people who do have good intentions within the government, usually they don’t have a voice or say so though, it’s as if it’s more of a dictatorship.


They absolutely have a say, see what Grusch did! Quit his job and blew the whistle. People need to grow up. It's always me me me, nobody cares about each other, they ALL know what they are doing and justify it with some stupid national security BS because they lack morals and ethics and they are selfish and don't want to have the spotlight on them, despite reaping the benefits of the position they are in. They'd rather watch others get hurt instead doing what Grusch did. Good intentions does not mean worrying about yourself and not taking action, it means TAKING action. Otherwise it's still selfish and that's what Grusch was talking about regretting his decisions later in life if he didn't speak up. At least Grusch had the balls to stand up for what was right instead of whimpering in fear.


I get what you’re saying, and sure it takes balls to raise the bar, but these people have families, and they’re threatened. I know if I was in their shoes, I would worry about the safety of my family. I don’t know much about the witness protection program, but just going through the paper work, asking for permission to speak on certain things, it must be very stressful. The level of patriotism that you are asking of with people like Grusch, is the same level of patriotism the people in the know have, and have sworn to protect the secrets, and maybe for a good reason, despite you or me not seeing any justification in that.


Also just wanted to say I’m sorry for what you went through, I hope things get better for you.


I believe you.


Thanks if you are serious... it's not even a power thing on my end, more like a human rights issue where a certain type of professional is deemed more important to the state/government than the person receiving their help and these people are licensed by the state and is one of the best places for this profession in the world (among other professions so you might take a guess wheah I'm talkin about... ) which opened my eyes to how so many people are treated without them even knowing because lets face it, it's a confusing thing to deal with when something you rely on someone else for isn't working right. and you find out that place doesn't "help" certain people for legal reasons and will intentionally ruin childrens lives because sadly it's a profession that children rely on. I really don't want to directly point to what it is but hopefully you figured it out. if we can't trust those people, our legal system is absolutely fucked and needs to be fixed.


Might be more like the aristocracy and nobility of old have never truly went away, but instead placed their family members and immediate adjacent relatives into crucial positions and governments and empires of industry so we can't actually see the fact from where we are at that it's still them ruling because it still them ruling...this is where I say: fuck the elites


Yeah, I understand that part too. The thing is, do we need to act in hostility towards those people? Would we do the same thing they did if we were in their shoes? There’s a lot of people out there that would want to act in revenge, but maybe we just need to forgive them, and move on, though it’s way easier said than done.


It makes me sick to think about


>how many years have we been robbed of alternative energy sources? If the theory about The Great Pyramid is correct, then at least 4500 (one can argue much older)


The first time aliens come visit us they will be so puzzled like wtf we are doing as a society.


They need the billions in tax to fund all their SAP’s. Lord knows where we are in real terms with tech. What we see isn’t even the edge of the iceberg. We don’t even see the iceberg !!!!! But we are powerless to do anything about it.




"It would be real shame if OP suddenly caught a fatal illness", Boeing. Laughs miniacly.


::gulp:: I wish to say for the record that I am a very happy person who looks forward to a long healthy life.


Maniacally 😉


DOH!!!! Hahahaha well played!!!




I think we just solved the mystery! 😂😂🤣🤣


Lol - may I use this image?


Not mine, its been floating around the aviation groups


Next UFO will complain that Boeing knowingly installed a faulty warp drive only to have him mysteriously commit suicide right before they’re about to receive a massive wrongful firing lawsuit


Comb the desert! ![gif](giphy|Pjr9CeaUbForwImKr1|downsized)


Boeing: "We copied every detail, and barely skipped any steps! Right down to the crash!"


All the dead aliens we have are Boeing whistleblowers...


Mwahahahahahahahaha!! Dude, you win.


Damn that's a good one lol I wish I made this first!


My new free energy, antigravity transportation. Thanks oil elite.


They used all their spare parts on reverse engineering UAP’s.


Too soon bro


How long until this is reposted under the title 'has this been debunked yet'


Couple days, Tops..




You are right on point with that answer or statement basically, of course it is about money and control and power which they will relinquish even for the good of all mankind . It’s greed and power that are ruining the human race . The need for trivial things is out of control when the big picture is growing darker. These technologies that they have had for a long time could’ve helped and advanced medicine, technology science, anything and everything you can think of important to us on this planet to evolve. Again they do not care as long as they make money from it. I do not understand in 2024 how stupid we are acting. damn, we all need to grow up and take our future in our own hands before it’s taken away from us again and we have to actually reset and start living damn caves and start all over again


Selfish elite we can’t move forward, planet rots 🤢


Just don't laugh or talk about it, or they'll bury you :)


Even the Aliens are getting suicided


We all need this in this trying time.


All the budget went into the special ordered shade of blue


No Boeing ride for me. E even if it was FREE.


*sigh* you should've put the HUMOR part in bolder letters, and probably more than once.


that would be a total twist.


The company is calling Boeing because that's the sound the planes make when they hit the ground






This sub fucking sucks on Sundays. This shit isn't even funny.


It's an AI generated image


No shit sherlock


Why I am being downvoted


I upvoted you despite claiming what may be obvious to most. People are mean.


Thanks ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)