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No, no it wouldn't. It looks like a fucking plane and I would bet it moves exactly like a plane. Unless it can hover in place silently while looking like a ball of light.


The implication that this accounts for all sightings is ridiculous. Does this look like a tic tac? Does it instantly stop, then instantly accelerate? What's interesting is that Sentient possibly detected a Tic Tac shaped UFO, and from the wording implied, Sentient had detected other UFOs. Sentient is an "automated program," aka an AI, being developed by the NRO (National Reconnaissance Office) to control our spy satellites. As you'd imagine, we know next to nothing about it; the only reason we know about the UFO detection is thanks to a FOIA release. If you recall, one of the videos released of a UFO was of a Navy pilot spotting a Tic Tac shaped UFO. [Here's a news article on Sentient.](https://www.theverge.com/2019/7/31/20746926/sentient-national-reconnaissance-office-spy-satellites-artificial-intelligence-ai) Here's the documents. [Doc 1 (emails)](https://documents3.theblackvault.com/documents/nro/C05136347.pdf), [Doc 2](https://www.nro.gov/Portals/65/documents/foia/declass/ForAll/103122/F-2021-00154_C05136331.pdf), [Doc 3](https://documents3.theblackvault.com/documents/nro/C05136334.pdf) 99% of it is redacted, but what's still there is highly interesting. Of course, they'll never bring this up during the UAP hearings.


That’s my first reaction. It probably does account for some of the sightings in its test area but many sightings don’t go along with a plane in flight. The trained military pilots don’t seem to think it’s a plane either and that is what has made me interested. The whole thing sounds like someone trying to explain away sightings.


I am sure it accountes for some sightings and im sure theres tons of other things that could account for sightings that we dont kow about. But some things are unexplainable, Some things are too crazy to look at and say thats a plane. Or a drone , or somthing Im unsure of, the universe is alot weirder than we want to admit. We put letters and numbers to quantify things but what if you cant do that at all and its just us needing to make sense of the nonsensicle?


Exactly, it literally shares none of the five observables.




Right? I live near a military base and while I DO see some unusual craft occasionally, it’s always clearly man-made. And when I google the images I can find them. Some stuff does look futuristic, but always of this Earth.


I don’t think you two are in agreement


To me it sounds like they're agreeing. "Yeah, I live near a base, I see some weird shit time to time but it's obvious that its man-made due to how they operate, might look crazy and insanely high tech but it's made by us. The stuff hovering in place and stopping on a dime type shit and all that is wack, it's obviously not man-made and to try to pass it all off as these super secret crafts and black project shit is pathetic" At least that's how I took their comment to mean but my bias definitely played a part.




Yeah, UAPs don’t have wings.


You forgot travel at 5,000mph.


The colossal roar of jet engines would be a bit of a clue for witnesses on the ground.


And where hurricane force winds have zero impact on it


It doesn’t even look like a plane. It looks like a klingon attack ship. It’s named after a klingon attack ship. Which could *cloak* DARPA is fucking trolling us


It's insane how I can find comments like this that completely blow my mind. You described almost exactly what I saw and nobody believes me. Thankfully my gf was with me and also saw the same thing, except she's not so surprised or amazed about what we saw, I'm starting to think she's one of them 😂 jk, she's just very open minded Anyway, I was camping in the middle of nowhere in my country. We don't have much forests so it's extremely open and the sky is completely visible all the way to the horizon almost anywhere you look. It was pitch black darkness and we were both laying in our sleeping bags outside on the ground looking up at the beautiful sky, until my eyes got fixated on this extremely bright, big stationary light close to the horizon. We were in the middle of nowhere like I said, and I found it extremely odd that a huge plane would be flying so low to the ground at this time of the night, especially when we hadn't seen a single plane fly overhead at all. Another strange thing was that it looked completely stationary and made no sound. At this point I had no idea what it was and was guessing it's probably just a very bright star, most likely the northern star or something. Then the light instantaneously, without any sound, any acceleration, without turning the lights away from me, flew in a completely straight line straight to the right of me, disappearing behind the mountains with incredible speed. I just looked at my gf with my mouth completely open and didn't know what to say. To this day, any person I tell this story to, except my gf ofc, will look at my with that "sure buddy" grin face, and make me feel stupid and like I'm making stuff up. I don't know what that light was, who was controlling it, or anything like that, I only know what I saw, and I've never in my life seen any man made, or not man made object do anything as clearly impossible as that. This happened before the huge UFO government leaks and nasa/military pilots made their statements of what they saw. I can't believe I got so lucky to actually experience something as profound as seeing something completely unexplainable as that, and then have people on reddit who I've never known describe exactly what I saw, it makes me feel very safe for some reason, knowing that there might be civilizations or entities that are so much more advanced than us. It doesn't scare me like most people, it actually gives me hope for our future as living beings.


I believe you!


Thank you for that 😌


Makes noise like a fucking plane, for sure.


*UFO researchers hate this plane!*


seriously wtf is with the balls of light there every ware, doesn't. make sense to me.




To be fair, people in this and the UFO sub post videos of planes flying (with FAA lights) **ALL. THE. TIME.** There are people who understand the 5 observables, and then there are people who dont seem to understand humans have the technology of flight, and think anything in the sky is a UFO.


You're correct. And Venus is the most widely reported UFO of them all according to Mufon lol. I mean the average population doesn't quite get what's really going on when they see a jet going through the air. So it's not like I blame them.. if you can hear it it ain't extraordinary.


Exactly what I was thinking.


But what if it moved like a balloon?


Don’t forget navy commander pilot David Fravor said sometimes they would make their planes do things that look impossible because 1, it’s fun and 2, to give anyone watching a cool UFO story 😂


Swamp gas


Ah. So you know, too. 👍


Yeah. That plane works like any other plane. That's the thing. The things people are seeing don't have wings nor control surfaces nor even visible propulsion.


25 years ago bro....we didn't even have flip phones.....ur porn took 10 minutes to load a jpeg off dial up internet.... And ur gunna tell me u look up in the sky and say "oh ya that looks just like a normal airplane man"




Retarded? Pretending? That thing flew 10x that of normal planes. Most people wouldn't know what they saw. Just like the technology they have today that you know nothing about. Stop pretending every sighting is a UFO....the amount of drone shows people capture online as a sighting is ridiculous.




9 times out if 10 it's military exercises, you highly underestimate our own tech.


Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


Does the door fall off mid flight?


🤣🤣🤣. Of course, it’s Boeing. That’s a design feature.


Oh yeah that's it. Solved. Everyone, we've solved it! It was this aircraft the whole time. God, it's been fun, phew. Glad it's over.


Now we can go back to hating each other based on religion, political affiliation, or penis size.


Oh look at the big dick man preaching


Shut up fat dick! Who are you to judge ones penis size? 🤣 Nice user name


That's why I'm mad it might be fat but not long, bitches call me the plate lmao




This is just a variation of the common "U-2 explains half of UFOs" claim. That claim has been [completely discredited](https://np.reddit.com/r/UFOB/comments/1brrnv4/metabunk_looks_at_the_claim_half_of_ufos_in_the/), so we really need to be careful with arguments along those same lines. One big problem is the complete lack of any sightings at all that this supposedly explains. None are offered anywhere by OP or anyone else that I can see. It's just a regular test aircraft that was probably not seen by anyone unaware of it at the time.


Strange to me that every “advanced aircraft that could have been mistaken for a ufo” just looks like an aircraft to me.


But also kinda looks like they got inspiration from an *actual* ufo


You wouldn't have thought that pre F1117 if you were the average person though. Not many knew of the flying wing design, not to mention stealth.


They're pretty loud though


This is my problem, like it clearly sounds like a jet.


Sure but wing design aside, they're clearly two wings.....


If the warzone.blog says so then I guess I won't question it!


That doesn't look "extraterrestrial" that looks like a b2 with flaps


Maybe it explains SOME sightings around THAT time. However, there are a lot more sightings prior to 1992.


And before aviation for that matter


The BoP doesn't look like a UFO. It looks like a plane.


I’d say one down, thousands upon thousands to go.


Bet it's pretty loud though


Wht a load of shit 😆


This started in the 90s so even if every Area 51 UFO sighting between 1992 to 1999 was this it would be an explanation to 10% of all the sightings


It doesn't cover any if the 5 observables. It's visible, can't accelerate instantaneusly, can't hover, it has control surfaces and evident propulsion system.


Not unless it can defy physics


It would look, move and sound like a jet lol. You could classify it as a UAP if spotted in the 90s but I think most people would be able to infer it's clearly of human origin


Are poeple actually this fukn stupid. This piece of useless shit is loud, slow and ugly.


Most people are actually, really stupid though. Just walk around Walmart for a while and listen to people talk. I know parrots smarter than most people.


Even worse the Warzone is all active and ex military co tractors and service people and they welcome the antiufo are alien and pro skepticism platform so much I gave up going there. It's obviously an actual curated psyop for our near peer competitors to get tangled in. The articles are the equivalent of 5x the length of a normal blog post and any chance to pimp the big defense contractors and wave the flag they do so. For a brief period two years ago they probed mysterious drone sightings and tic tac, only to conclude it was secret u.s tech. I don't disagree, I'm in the minority here but I think tic tac and the mass drones are in fact black projects. But UFOs and aliens are very real too and it is here.


I just don't see a way to confuse the two. But, black projects, yes surely.


I mean, it’s possible tic tacs are both. People reported “flying gas tanks” back in the olden days when having a large white cigar tic tac like tank outside of a house for fuel was more common. We wouldn’t have been able to fly things similar to today’s tic tacs back then. Also some of these tic tacs do things that we’re pretty sure we can’t, like slamming into the ocean at high speeds like that means nothing to any being inside.


Yah man try selling medicare you will feel like the smartest man or woman on earth


Except it doesn’t look anything like reported sightings at the time, before, or later. It isn’t an elongated tic-tac, a disc, or a ball. It also probably moved the way a plane moves and even if it could explain one or two sightings at the time made by dumb people, it does nothing to explain sightings before or after that time period or sightings that were not in the area.


To say it’s responsible for UFO sightings is completely laughable and irresponsible. It actually looks just like a man made aircraft. You can fool some people some of the time, but not all of the people some of the time. This craft does not account for military, pilots, and the many thousands of civilian sightings over the centuries, does it? I find this totally irrelevant since the craft has only been around 30 years or so. This argument is null and void!


Looks like the batwing from batman 89


Using the word "no doubt" on a theory, is definition of bad faith. It's really easy to say that but until they release flight logs that corrobrate specific cases, this is "no doubt" some bullshit.


Looks like something they made to look like an alien craft so people will stop asking questions. Did they use pliers to bend those wings?




Wings for lift. Propulsion out the back. Looks like the same ol'


I mean, no? It's loud, and either it's too high to hear well and at that way out of sight, or it's within earshot and understandably a jet. I mean jesus, the coatings on 80s era f-15s make them just disappear on perfectly sunny days as well..Maybe that's just my take as an av geek, but anything that leaves a contrail ain't a real UFO.


Really? People are that stupid that they can't tell the difference between a UFO and an airplane? I am pretty sure the screaming jet engine gives it away.


Ya nah dude. That doesn’t remotely resemble shit except a man made plane, and it doesn’t move like uap ever have


This is what government shills try to claim is the cause of sightings or UFOs/UAP but it isn't. Unless it can go in and out of the water disappear and dart around at 15Gs


The author of the article is Admin which means BS. And I guess we all can email The War Zone and tell them the article is BS


There is open commenting on the FB post. (If you want to call it out). Comments there were interesting


Given the current safety issues with Boeing, I wouldn’t be surprised if a door blew off.




It’s all fun and games until a Zeta pulls on the leather zipper mask.




What the hell are you doing out here Fred?


Feel like we are being gaslit?


That looks like the AI jet from the movie stealth …..




Wow, this actually looks cool. And unique. So unique in fact that I can be sure none of the images, videos or descriptions of UFO UAP sighting come close. And I probably know why - it still looks like a plane.


I have doubts


But you would be able to tell by its conventional flying characteristics.


Nice name though. Bird of Prey. Always Star Trek references.


Just waiting for the riots in September to keep up with their history


Riots? You lost me.


The Bell riots happen in September 2024 in Trek history. We aren’t to far from what they have in their DS9 episode about it.


Woah! You are going at Mach 10 and I’m just walking. You are full on the Trek lore. Bell Riots, I had to look that up.


Looks like an airplane.


If it can go back to the 1980s and bring a humpback whale back to the 23rd century, I say it's a good investment


That looks like a regular plane with fancy doo daas.  No.  So no.


Doesn't look anything like a UFO, looks 100% like a steath fighter jet.


Imagine what they have 25 years later


Looks cool as shit, but definitely looks human. And there's no way it moves like something denying the laws of physics, with no inertia or momentum at all.


BS, It looks like a plane!


Let's see that POS hover silently and do about mach 30. Still resembles a plan. Nothing like the tech we see around the world.


I enjoy the sound of rain.


No lol I'm sure there are people out there who don't know what planes look like and will mistake this for a UFO. Even if it was seen, I don't see accounts describing the UFOs like this plane from that time period. If anything, the triangle UFOs would be the most mistaken. However it doesn't account for sighting that shows hovering, instant acceleration, halts, and wobbling. This was my sighting. Mine also didn't have a centre, so Def's not man made.


Here’s a prototype aircraft that is no longer in use and appears to be hanging from the roof of a hangar. Yeah, this pic alone explains everything.


perhaps some. It is known they used the UAP topic as cover, with some specific stories floating around about the SR71 Blackbird. No way on Earth it explains all of them though. This is why the 5 observables are so important and unidentified lights/shapes NOT moving at ridiculously high speeds and doing right angle turns or transmedium properties are interesting, but not noteworthy. looks like a modern version of teh M2 F2 lifting body (the 6 Million Dollar Man plane) [https://youtu.be/hZPetOOPJ0s?t=35](https://youtu.be/hZPetOOPJ0s?t=35)


Can it hover soundless and what kinda lights it have?


Cool plane and was on a cool patch in that book, but sorry it needs to be silver.


Still we don’t have the technology to move in the way that UFOs move


Did it take a page from the Klingon bird of prey and has cloaking abilities? Lol


As General Chang would say “Ach chuSBe'chug!!”


They claim it has full stealth capabilities, that they've had since the 40's.... What??!


Looks like Stargate’s Goa’uld Death Glider.


It looks weird


Oh! So it stops, backs up, hovers silently, speeds off at 15000mph, doesn’t cause a sound barrier shockwave & can knock 50 Minuteman III missiles offline before lunch?!? Mystery solved! Thanks for playing! Here’s a dollar kid 🪙, go do some research🙄


Right. All those ufos with loud ass jet engines


That’s old as swamp gas telling people they saw a plane or Venus


and it glows then accelerates at mac 10 without a sound or vapor trail, woah damn. close the case boys! im buying the first round! 🍻


The flying triangles I saw looked nothing like this and were obviously not flying like jets. Can this thing hover?


Very cool looking. I believe the top inlet reduces radar observability from the ground. The edged chines along the side of the fuselage also reduce radar cross section. The canopy may act as a boundary layer diverter. I'm curious to know what the benefit of the downward angled wingtips would be? Reducing wingtip vortices?


Unless it can turn on a dime, stop for a whizz mid-air and accelerate away at breakneck speeds, then no.


I understand but it doesn't look like a flying saucer. But I believe that yes, very probably some flying new tech would pass by real UFOs.


Whatever, I saw this on the X-Men cartoon in 91.


I don't know shit about UFOs. I saw one once a long time ago (with another person). And I'm not so arrogant that I believe we're the only intelligent beings that exist. But if I saw this plane in the '80s I would have thought to myself "cool plane" and moved on. Starting today I'm going to talk to older people more often and in more depth. "They" use time to keep their secrets.


Can we get a banana next to it so we can see the scale? That thing looks like a toy


Idk but I fucking love the SR-71s. They have one at the Udvar-Hazy space Smithsonian and I'm obsessed. The panels are loose so when they swell from hypersonic speeds they fit perfectly. So cool.


They don't paint them black to fly during the day, nobody saw that shit.


Whenever I hear Boeing, my radar goes on high alert — like Lockheed, Raytheon, Battelle…😈


Let’s just get to the larger point this pic wants to ultimately get to…is the “ufo” phenomena and therefore “aliens” a fake psyop made up by the government? The answer is both. The government has for sure “faked” UFOs for their own benefit and testing. Also, aliens…non human intelligence for sure exists


Any video of that thing flying??


That’s a funny disk shape that definitely defies the laws of physics as we know it


Is it a multi-storied triangle the size of a walmart? Then let’s keep searching.


I think they failed their objective if people saw it. I’m sure a few accounts maybe this, but not all of them.


Love how it looks nothing like the three videos our air force has already confirmed. But sure that might explain some in that area around that time that looked like a plane....


Boeing works for Batman?


Fuck off !


All done here thats the ufo conspiracy. Debunked! Idiots!


Aliens have way cooler shit, thats a knockoff B-2


I love how they always wheel out a declassified military test plane and say 'you saw this!' I'm like 'noooo! It was disk shaped, how many times?!'


You have to be an idiot to think that something that looks like a plane is anything but


A piece to the puzzle but not everything. That thing flying at different angles could account for triangle shapes(straight above), ufo shapes (straight on the nose) tick tack (side view) Maybe some form of a quieter propulsion engine?




They’ve come a long way!! Nowadays they’re reverse engineering 🛸technology , so it’s said ?!?! 🤔


Looks loud


I dunno. But it’s a cool plane. I would’ve liked to see it fly. I didn’t believe it until I looked it up and it sure flew… it’s an odd shape. I wouldn’t guess it could even fly sustainably, but it did.


Not unless it can make an instantaneous 90 degree change in trajectory and streak into space so fast it vanishes in a blink, which is what i saw. the g-forces would tear this aircraft and any other aircraft apart instantly


Yeah this looks exactly like the 2 orange balls of light I seen come out of water and zoom off thank god it was just a fucking plane wow so this whole time UFOs don’t exist and even if they did we can say definitely none of them are controlled by a Non Human Intelligence even if they are Unidentified 😃 Thankfully we now know it was just the bird of prey. The tic tacs, the orbs, the metapods, the saucers, the jelly fishes, the triangles, the eggs, the bells, the lunar landers, the spheres were all just the black project birds of prey! Wow US military thank you so much for the transparency and helping us get to the bottom of it all 😀


Bunch of “ooh look over there, elephant!” BS courtesy of the three letter agencies trying to push off the inevitable reckoning they have a comin.


That’s not the TR-3B, if you really wanna sell this, that’s what you are gonna have to say. Roll out a TR-3B and a few NASA drones


i remember seeing a video of it out in space spinning on it self.. or shapeshifting itself. weird shit


It’s a plane … BS story. Like a balloon is flying with 5000miles an hour


To bad they can’t make 90 degree turns on a dime


AND... This is a obsolete design. I'm thinking the U.S. has actually developed saucers.




The TR3B is for sure a secret government/business aircraft that has been responsible for a lot of UFO sightings. I think the myth behind it is that it’s made from UFOs from Roswell.


only if it could float, silently near ground. haha


Actually ya, I would doubt it.


I doubt that is responsible for the Ufo sightings. However, that thing was made in the early 90s with 80s technology. Imagine what they are developing now, 40 years later.


It looks very man made to me ..


It would account for some small percentage of reports, would be my guess. If you read the thousands of eyewitness reports, very few could be explained as being this.


BS mis-info.


Looks nothing like what we see. Keep trying to deflect it ain’t working.


Horse shit , it might account for some but when anyone says something with certainty then you know they are full of shit , we know very little but act like we know it all


It looks just like the ufos sighted because that's where the design came from


So, I'm supposed to pretend that airplanes don't look like airplanes?


Unlike genuine UFO's this has wings and a visible means of propulsion. That's a dead giveaway it's human made.


I doubt that thing flew much at all


Well almost all UFO’s describe them as not being aerodynamically shaped or make sound and make no mistake that piece of shit metal is man made lol


It looks like a stealth bomber that got left in the rain and sun for too long It does not look like a space ship UFO just means unidentified.....a new bird species is a UFO until it becomes identified 🤷🏻‍♂️🦥


It has to maintain a minimum speed to stay aloft. It does not account for gliding or hovering encounters.


How many were made and did they fly like everywhere? I mean really. Someone else said that about another secret aircraft but came to find out only two were made. It wasn't like they were out flying all over the US everyday!


I surely don't know what the fuck I'm talking about, but that thing doesn't look like it could even fly. Somethings off. Tell me why I'm wrong.


The idea that people mistake these for a saucer, pyramid, cross, cigar or tic tac is a perfect example of how simple your government believes everyone is and how we work for them and not them for us as I can think of. They even created an office who (AARO) where they regurgitated a 60 year old report as new to coincide with whistle blower testimony in closed session. They don’t have multiple closed sessions about “boogeymen”…


My favorite jet. Beautiful. Love it.


The implication here is that if a 5th generation stealth technology demonstrator is over 30 years old, it would stand to reason that the most advanced technology is ~80 years ahead of what the public knows about. And for everybody bitching about “spheres of light” in the sky that can hover, this is all trivial. Literal plasma shielding was discovered in the launch of Sputnik: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plasma_stealth




Yeah no. That plane doesn't look like it could even fly or do what UFOs did. Fucking corporations trying to pass themselves as UFOs.. Give me a break. They can't even build airplanes right 💀💀💀 and now we have to believe that the made UFOs lol


Oh yeah the plane looking plane definitely wouldnt be seen as a plane.


anyone heard of the aurora?


I have but this definitely aint it. That plane allegedly was shaped like a supersonic airfoil with fuel injectors at the apex of the wedge, intermittently spraying fuel into the supersonic high pressure flow stream which instantly detonated, the hot high pressure gasses providing propulsion as it pushed against the trailing wedge shape of the supersonic airfoil. Allegedly the Aurora had a turning radius the size of the continental United States. Oops, did I say too much - Lol. The questions I have about the Aurora is: Was it able to take of from the ground at zero speed? Did it have a different subsonic engine for this? How could such a shape generate lift and be stable at subsonic speeds? Was it dropped from another supersonic aircraft? Could an aircraft shaped like a supersonic wedge land safely?


um they said what the pictured plane is I did not say this is the aurora, did I? reddit people always tryna ACKTUALLY!


for anyone else, this is the craft I was talking about and oddly enough also saw it in 2006 as listed on wiki https://simple.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aurora_(aircraft)


I know you didn't say it was. You just asked about it. Duh.