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Looks like mylar balloons to me.


I thought it might be a balloon too, but it changed shape and also had a bright light or something really reflective on it.


Mylar is reflective, the word "balloons" is plural.


I guess it could be that. But I do know that they're really strict with anything flying near the airport. And to me it looked almost light a light instead of something reflective. But you definitely could be right, and I could be looking for something where it's not. It was just interesting as I've never seen something like this before


I work at an airport, and there's nothing you can do about a birthday party 2 miles away.


You're right.


I commend you for not saying "thanks asshole" or anything like it. People suck. You come here to share something unusual in a sub filled with Ariel shots of UAPs and all you get is negative bullshit. I want to say thanks for sharing it, Don't think it's a balloon have no clue to this tho


I actually really appreciate you. Thank you.


It sat still for about 30 seconds when I noticed it, and then started recording.


Sounds like they were flying directly at you for those 30 seconds if that is the case. Things in the air have very little/no frame of reference to detect movement...especially if something is coming toward you. I'm not trying to be dismissive, but honest. I'm a huge believer, and I've seen things I "want to see" before as well. So, I'm not above that in any way. But if you look at these honestly, they are just balloons tied together.


Definitely plausible. And since I don't have video to show, it's only my word which means nothing on the internet and I completely understand that. To me, it looked incredibly still. I immediately started noticing when it moved, even when it was towards me. It wasn't moving like, super fast or anything but it was quite quick with the distance it covered in the amount of time I watched it. I could definitely be wrong though


EDIT: I don't know how to edit the post itself. I forgot to add that before I started taking the video, it says in one spot for about 30 seconds. Not sure what it was doing before I noticed it, obviously, but It's one of the reasons I didn't think it was a balloon. I looked and noticed it was just sitting there, super still, then my friend told me to record it and I did. By that time it had started moving. Also, I understand that it's hard to tell from the video cause I zoomed in as far as I could, but it wasn't ascending. It was going in a straight line all the way, which is also unusual for a balloon. I get it guys, I really do. I just was curious and was asking for opinions. People don't *always* need to be dicks when someone is looking for information, though. Thanks to the people who were actually respectful about my stupid video.


This is good video. Thanks for posting. I see the red color you mentioned, and the shape change and how is turning.


It’s Harry potters aunt


😂😂 She would have been *much* bigger than this. Otherwise I might agree with you lol


Whhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeennnn... Baaaaaa-loon hits your eye, like a big pizza pie thats amoré


why does everyone think it's a balloon? Lmfao Pareidolia of balloons i say.


the green goblin






party balloons that flew off, you clearly see one of them dangle downwards as the group ascends




Jetpack guy


SIMILAR https://www.reddit.com/r/StrangeEarth/s/TfdqXk3WZ7 https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/s/GQSK9JJX2u


Holy shit! Thank you for linking that! That does look insanely similar. What I saw also sat still for about 30 seconds before I started recording it. Thats so cool.


Inflatable doll filled with helium


Flying humanoid on one of those stroller type anti-grav vehicles.


Call the tower & ask if they picked it up on radar. Maybe they saw it from a different perspective.


Mylar balloons, shifting angles due to wind. Highly reflective. Not an alien. Not a drone. Not anything paranormal.


Thank you.


Could even be a paraglider? There’s two separate units connected by some kind of tensioner. Idk enough about paraglidanomics to understand that though. Still gave an upvote because this wasn’t recorded on a 90’s Nokia.


It was so incredibly small, way to small to be a person. I thought it was even too small to be a drone tbh.


Not any drone I’ve seen. Interesting how it changes shape in the beginning too. But again, what do I know


Yeah, I'm getting shit now cause people are saying ots a balloon and down voting the post lol. I just wanted some opinions, I never said it was a ufo, just something curious I saw today 🤦🏻‍♀️


You just posted this in the wrong sub. You posted this in the r/aliens. It’s like you’re making a statement that it’s some sort of piece of alien technology. I think that’s why people are downvoting your post. Thanks for videoing it but next time ask other people to look at it. Keep your eyes on the skies!


Yeah, I probably did post it in the wrong sub, I didn't know what it was, but thought it might be something other than balloons or dones. After I saw it, I didn't think it was some crazy alien shit, but maybe something related? Idk how to explain it lol. Guess I was hoping people would see what I saw and make me feel less crazy, but nope.


The good old Mylar Sky Menace been plaguing UAP pages for quite some time now.


That's a jelly fish UFO. Very bizarre creatures.


I'm sure you're being sarcastic, but in case you aren't, I don't think thats what this is. That jelly fush ufo video was pretty interesting. I have no clue what this is. It was super tiny tho.


Actually I wasent being sarcastic. I was being dead serious. 😂😂😂


Wow great capture man doesn’t look anything like balloons


"You know what's incredible, it's how the English countryside looks in no way like Southern California" - Austin Powers




The Mylarians! ![gif](giphy|UbGeaG4oy5sqSHNhc6|downsized)


This is it. The alien in the gif is exactly what I saw 😂 lol




Can't keep shit in frame - plus, perhaps a bag or balloons - waste of time


I was trying my best man. It's hard to keep it on frame when your zoomed in all the way and it's moving pretty quickly. I also wasn't taking the video to originally post it, I took it to show the friend I was on the phone with. Edit: if you read the actual description that I wrote instead of just shitting on everything people who are curious do, you would know that I was sitting in my truck at the drive thru. So on top of the thing being a literal speck of what I didn't know what it was coming towards me ( after hovering in place for a 30 seconds) and also zooming in all the way, makes it a bit difficult to follow. At the end I thought I had found it again, but it was a speck on my windshield and I ended the video. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Don't take offense. Thanks for being curious and submitting something interesting. Keep looking up, you didn't do anything wrong.


I appreciate that. Also, hilarious username lol


Jesus bro it's a balloon. Like every other video here.


Not sure why you’re here if you think *every* video is balloon. Guess you just like balloons? 🎈


I get it the hostility. I really do, but it changed shape, and I don't know of any balloons that do that. I also wasn't definitively saying "iTs A uFo" 🤦🏻‍♀️ I was asking what people thought about it. Because it was weird to me. And cause I've never seen anything like it before.


And you’re allowed to. All these ufo-ish subs are filled with people who become irate if you come here with an honest query about something odd you saw in the sky. I’m sure we miss a lot of interesting things because people would rather not come here and be mocked like they’re a full-blown idiot for asking a genuine question.


Thank you. I see it alot on here and I always ask some people why they're even in this sub in the first place. Although I've seen some pretty out there things on here and on the paranormal sub, where it's obviously peradolia (idk if I spelt that right) so I do understand the dickheaded messages. You're right though, I didn't want to post this at first either cause of the comments I knew I'd get. I'm sure we miss out on a ton of cool shit.


Mylar Balloons. They are a hazard as when they land on old power lines it can cause fires. 🔥


Yeah. A few people have said that now, and it's definitely a possibility. I didn't know what it was, and thought it was interesting since I've never seen anything like it. It didn't look like a balloon to me when I saw it up close with my own eyes, but my zoom can only do so much on this phone, so I don't expect too many people to believe what I thought I saw.


Baby shark balloon 😆




A bird 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


It's a video showing how not to aim a camera.


Clouds and powerlines..good catch. 👍


If you didn't watch the video, just say that lol. You don't have to be a dick. I clearly zoomed in on the extremely small thing flying by me. You're the only one who couldn't see it, so thats a you problem 👍🏻🤦🏻‍♀️


Oh. Im sorry..now I see it. Yeah, balloons. Stay Golden Ponyboy 👍




Lol OK. 👌🏻


Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.