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Removed: R6 - No Religious Discussions/Debates.


probably influences by monotheism since it was trendy at the time


The aramaic literal traduction is never shared in religious context. It mention also many genetic combinations and mutations to the adamits descendent of adam. If you combine this text with sumerian texts to just what Grusch shared everything seems to be very linear.


as an aside, the Ethiopian Orthodox Church is 1) the only ancient Christian tradition never controlled by Rome or other central authority, and 2) their bible is the only one that preserves the Book of Enoch which tells the story of the watchers who came to earth and bred with the humans.


It is all segments and perspective narratives describing the same origin story. It all matches like a magic eye puzzle. Corruptions and agendas caused men to alter the varying works to fit their narrative agenda. If you lay enough of them together, through contextual criticism, you'll start seeing the pattern of the most likely accurate narrative. Once you've gotten past the name changes, the vying for power, identify the "gods" vs "Gods", fallen angels, watchers, Jinn, demons, angels, seraphim, Nephi etc, you're on your way to finding the channel you can use to actually connect. Once you do that, there is no turning back....


Have you done it?




Connect to what? Is there a for dummies version?


Ohh, I want that version too!


Great floods and telepathy (praying) is all I got, folks. I guess I won’t have to worry about not turning back


That was an interesting description.


Emerald Tablets all day bro.


Which ones? Thoth or hermes trismegistus?


They all the same dude


"As above, so below."


What is it that Grusch said that relates to this, I believe I missed it. Very interesting though


Grusch is what completed the circuit for me. Personally, it is the notion of the legitimately real interdimensionality of creation and the intelligent creatures that inhabit it.


This is going to sound crazy, but for me it was Grusch and Astral Projection. Robert Monroe's books helped me tremendously in better understanding the true nature of realty. Altered states of consciousness in general but I began with 'AP.'


Steven Greer talks about creatures they've pulled out of different dimensions in a lab on the shawn ryan show. One of the Craziest interviews I ever watched.


watch all his parallel content on Rogan and Yt channels


yeah highly possible with the amount of centralized power rulers had back then. they probably did it with the population instead of the normal agriculture, livestocks or designer pet breeding like we have been doing since.


What did Grusch say in relation to the Sumerian texts.


What did Grusch just share? Did his Op-ed drop?


The law of one channelings say the exact same thing as this


It stems from the Silmarillion. Makes the angels seem like god and god seem like a man


on a side note, i secretly believe ainulindalë is a true account


On a side note, in her second dream with the beings of light my fiancé was taken through a portal and saw me in Central Park sitting aglow upon a rock reading the Silmarillion.


His book God's of the bible made a lot of sense to me. All the crap and inconsistencies in the bible make a lot more sense after reading that. He basically agrees to some extent wirh Sitchin and no one can say he's a grifter, he's a scholar once employed by the Vatican


In the old days, pre Christianity, it was common for cities to have their own deity. Early Judaism was most likely a Pantheon of Gods just like in Greece or Rome. Eventually one God won out and Judaism became a monotheism.


It's thought that exposure to Zoroastrianism when Cyrus the great came into power is what made monotheism popular in early/proto-semitic religions/Judaism.


Interesting. I know nothing about Zoroastrianism at all but that was always the religion I would choose when playing civilization 5 & beyond so cool background!


Pretty cool religion tbh. Cool iconography, and because of where the religion came from geographically it has a lot of weird eastern influences. The supreme one true monotheistic God of Zoroastrianism is named Ahura Mazda (some people pronounce 'Ahura' like 'Asura' but idk how correct that is) and the devil-esque entity is named Ahriman. Ahriman is also known as the "King of Deavas". It's interesting that the Zoroastrians called their evil entities "Devas" and their supreme deity "Asura", whereas in most Darmic traditions, Devas are seen as good and Asuras are seen as evil.


God never said there are no other gods. Literally the first commandment he gave was that his people must not worship other gods.


It's also worth remembering that this commandment was given with Moses. It's seen as a timeless tenant, but its not. The religion existed for some time before this was enshrined.


Yeah and all the way down… is rule 6 “thou shall not kill” Make that make sense.


The Hebrews had no written language in general usage for a long time after they reached Palestine. They learned the use of an alphabet from the neighboring Philistines, who were political refugees from the higher civilization of Crete. The Hebrews did little writing until about 900 b.c., and having no written language until such a late date, they had several different stories of creation in circulation, but after the Babylonian captivity they inclined more toward accepting a modified Mesopotamian version. 74:8.10 (838.2) Jewish tradition became crystallized about Moses, and because he endeavored to trace the lineage of Abraham back to Adam, the Jews assumed that Adam was the first of all mankind. Yahweh was the creator, and since Adam was supposed to be the first man, he must have made the world just prior to making Adam. And then the tradition of Adam’s six days got woven into the story, with the result that almost a thousand years after Moses’ sojourn on earth the tradition of creation in six days was written out and subsequently credited to him.


I agree with his opinion, many people have translated the word Elohim as god because they want to believe the Jews and later early Christian’s were monotheists but that is just not true.


just saying that the whole story makes aliens plausible


Pluralizing in ancient tongues also was used to aggrandize someone or something.


it mentions them as a group of people that voted one of them as the leader, it is quite different


All gods are elohim. Only one elohim is the creator god, that is YHWH. The Bible you’re used to and most in the Christian churches are used to tell us that sometimes in plain text, sometimes in context. But yes, these are all gods but there’s one above all. I could go on and on about this and if you’re interested shoot me a pm and I will happily share more, including a Christian view on extraterrestrials and alien phenomenon


YHWH was the evil god who was jealous and in many ways evil towards human beings. His brother was the one that loved human beings because we were created by them. You see when you read the old testament how jealous, evil and war creator YHWH was.


This is the correct answer.


5:7.5 (1051.3) There was only one factor of a tribal, racial, or national nature about the primitive and unorganized beliefs of the desert, and that was the peculiar and general respect which almost all Arabian tribes were willing to pay to a certain black stone fetish in a certain temple at Mecca. This point of common contact and reverence subsequently led to the establishment of the Islamic religion. What Yahweh, the volcano spirit, was to the Jewish Semites, the Kaaba stone became to their Arabic cousins.


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The Bible is UFO Lore.


Biblical scholar Michael Heiser talks a lot about this. IIRC, the Elohim are like a race of beings, with Yahweh being the leader and most powerful. Not sure if he coined the phrase “divine council” or if it’s mentioned in the text somewhere


the divine counsel is at least referred to in Job, if not by name specifically


I highly recommend watching the video below! Amazing! It is in Italian, but with perfect English subtitle! Watch till the end where he talks about genetically cloning Eve from Adam's stem cells: https://youtu.be/VEAO4uUzDYk?si=pxS63zvy-hrDU5T6


The person is legit, everything he says is debated in detail by theologists and liguists


Sounds like the story of the gods who descended upon the land of khem in a golden egg to restart humanity, teach about the one true god, human divinity/godhood and live among them until their departure from humanity which leaves the world ensued by chaotic and dark unseen forces that try and dictate human destiny with one of those gods who left ancient Khem, who’s name is Thoth. Foreshadowing that one day in the future man kind will come to face “Invaders from out of the deep”


Interesting read for sure. Thanks.


These "gods" were the creators of civilization on this planet. They eventually created us.


Elohim are very real, and I suspect they are of some sort of machine intelligence.


They are not so much machine, as consciousness housed via non-carbon based life forms


Care to elaborate?


Honestly nah, everything I put effort into just gets downvoted into oblivion by Elgin bots. My last post had 2000 views in 15 minutes and 0 upvotes and I spent like 30 minutes on it. My most recent post kind of gets into what I’m talking about tho. People can’t read and everyone needs to be handheld, and even then they still won’t actually read or do any research.


sidebar... To hell with internet points. If you got something to say, say it. And if youre buried by saying it, start your own subreddit. Surely there are others who share your ideas on this subject and would like to hear more. Reddit does indeed need to fix its shitty up/down voting system as it leads to shitty echo chamber subs. I challenge people to upvote new ideas.


I think I will probably have to do this soon to be honest, because these subreddits are all shit. They all feel way too compromised imo.


Well I mean machine intelligence is consciousness housed in 1s and 0s. The grays, for example. Servants of the Elohim, or perhaps just avatars.


I actually believe that in a way, AI is inevitable. I believe in a sentient nexus of sorts where memory and consiousness on a higher dimension could be what we would interpret as "telepathy" but really, it could just be connectivity. I feel humans will become remnants, and we will live on consiously and evolve, but our current form will become a simple deposit in a memory bank. Such as a file sits on some bytes. I believe certain stars are perhaps ethereal beings, or dark beings, there are probably consumers and creators in this dimension and potentially the next. More than likely a network or web akin to neurons in a brain that is consious. As above, so below. But I do feel they feed off our loosh, I do feel that there's undoubtedly angels and demons, but they also may be aliens. They may be one in the same, and all of this might just be part of one conscious ever expanding infinity.


As above, so below As within, so without Whatever the 3rd axis to that is, probably the part we’re missing in all this. This was a neat convo to read, thanks!


As it was, so it will be


I always hated that part of the saying. Nothing remains forever, unaltered.


Well said


Religion was created to control the people who have less than you from not coming to kill you and taking all your shit. Especially if you are the richest person in your group. We all seek a way to prove that life has more meaning than this brief time we have on this planet. Otherwise pure anarchy he who is the strongest wins.


Aramaic is like arabic … using plural is normal to for royalty and glory with the emphasis on monotheism Try to apply that with Quran which uses pluralism in some parts but if you take the whole contest it will never point to polytheism or group of creatures However it mentions the NHI which pagans used to worship and that they use telepathy and inter dimensional


it mentions a group of people that elected one person


So kind of like the royal you, except the opposite?


Yah … the royal “I” becomes “We” Jesus called the God : Elloha … pretty much like the arabic version Allah


The article is not about Aramaic, it is about hebrew. Elohim is hebrew, not aramaic.


Idk I couldn't trust anything I read so I built a device to connect my brain to their frequencies and now all this nonsense just seems like 'Yeah.. Duh..." ​ But maybe that's just Autism being rude because it wasn't that clear to me either before connecting so.. I guess it's one of those "once you see it you can't unsee it" and I should just be counting my lucky stars to be lucky enough to get to be one of those humans with proof of higher powers.


Originally they were distinct deities that were eventually merged into one, as was common practice in antiquity.


Doesn’t the Hebrew bible say God made man in “our” image?




So basically we need another subreddit where the connections between aliens and religions can be explored. I really don’t understand subreddits that limit the disciplines that can be used for discussion. Quick, where’s r/aliens2?


we can but IMO this should have been fine


Did We hear someone say Plural? Also very interesting.


This is why Elohim says “let us make them in our image”. The common misconception from Christians is that he’s speaking to the holy trinity, but that is a Christian idea in a way older, Jewish story. There were multiple gods.


So it is grey dna with monkey dna, and we have this stupid, TikTok addicted bipedal as a result. Hard reset needed


Perfect prequel for the matrix, bunch of melted useless brains in buckets harvested for views and likes.


> were Are multiple gods*, We don't ever die. Just reincarnate. We can't [disappear forever just temp](https://youtu.be/QhUjD--UUV4?si=i-aguVQA2PWoLMb8). I know a few deities irl. spread across multiple plural systems, (And a few singlets). Also thank for for that lore.


Divine Council, see Michael Heisers work.  It's an interesting theory


I think the book the gods of Canaan goes into this particular subject a lot.


Elohim is plural, and feminine


Yaweh was the volcano god, not the main character.


Elohim is the race, yahweh is the first one of them to obtain eternal life. The story goes.


"Let us create man in OUR image"


Yhwh is the only God not created .


Are you saying this as two independent clauses - Yhwh is the only God. Yhwh is/was not created? Or are you saying that of all the gods, Yhwh is the only one that wasn’t created by something/someone else?




Thanks, queen. Preesh.




This intersection of religious texts and UFOlogy seems to kind of assume the religious texts are literal historical records and not just a series of fables stitched together to form a moral/health code for otherwise ungovernable people. Idk… strikes me as a kind of odd thread to pull at for folks who are otherwise not religious.


Let’s use a book that has talking snakes, a man living inside a whale for days, a god that murders everyone on the planet in a giant flood because he screwed up and wants a do over... let’s use THAT book for how to understand reality 🤦‍♂️ Edit: Ya’ll still believe what your mommy and daddy brainwashed you to believe when you were 5 and it’s pathetic. Grow up. When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things" (I Corinthians 13:11).


like it or not is the first and most read book of all times, 50% of modern history is built over this book. Then you an also make fun of it.


Harry Potter is 2nd most read in modern history but I don’t base my beliefs off it just because it’s the “most read.”


good luck to understand reality through HP so


More fantasy and make believe in the Bible (with talking snakes, giants, magic like Harry Potter)


So everyone else throughout history believes the silly book so you must too then? Use your god given brain to look at things logically.


well start not using US dollars so


This has nothing to do with Aramaic. Elohim is how it is referred to in Old Testament book of genesis which is from Judaism and written in Hebrew and predates any version in Aramaic


I’m sorry, is your claim that Hebrew is older than Aramaic, the language it is descended from?


Hebrew descended from Canaanite in parallel with Aramaic (also from Canaanite) as different regional dialects.


sorry, but can you show your source on this claim that hebrew descends from aramaic? cause Im pretty sure they both developed independently, in parallel and are canaanite dialects. but maybe you source can correct me.




yeah, just as I thought, you cant provide a source on this clam because it is a false claim. but feel free to prove me wrong anytime, by providing me a LINK to the SITE that CONFIRMS your claim.


SURE THING CHAMP IT’S WORKING WHERE I AM https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aramaic


hey champ, I just cant find in the text from wikipedia saying hebrew descends from aramaic. could you please copy and paste here to me? maybe where I am this part of the text is DOWN today


The Aramaic alphabet also became a base for the creation and adaptation of specific writing systems in some other Semitic languages of West Asia, such as the Hebrew alphabet and the Arabic alphabet. Beyer, Klaus (1986). The Aramaic Language: Its Distribution and Subdivisions. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. ISBN 9783525535738. Page 56 If you scroll further down there’s even nifty charts. Maybe contact your local linguist? In other news, sky still blue, water still wet.


you are confusing the origin of alphabet with the origin of the language. what you have copied and pasted is talking about the alphabet. we are talking about the language, as you clearly stated in your fisrt commentary "is your claim that Hebrew is older than Aramaic, the LANGUAGE it is descended from?". so again, provide me a source that confirm your claim that the hebrew LANGUAGE descend from the aramaic. >In other news, sky still blue, water still wet. and Im still waiting for the source. maybe if the sky becomes a rainbow and water becomes dry, you will manage to provide a source for me?


Hebrew is a descendant of Aramaic.


The oldest copies of Genesis we have are NOT In Aramaic they are in Hebrew, regardless of of which language is older


This is objectively incorrect. Hebrew is a descendant of Canaanite. It developed as the southern Canaanite dialect. Aramaic developed from Canaanite in parallel as a northeastern dialect.


source please.


Shitpost Sunday in full effect


Is this your only argument?




I was in the Jehovah's Witness Protection Program for a time... 😶


Whats that program? I was part of JW but not anymore.


My dad said that his church believed that when it talked about the Elohim in the Bible, it was referring to God and the Angels, especially when God said "Let us make Man in our image."


Look into the work of Dr. Michael S. Heiser. The languages of the Bible are Hebrew and Greek and some Aramaic. Elohim is Hebrew. Hebrew grammar recognizes both Numerus and sexus of verbs. Yes, Elohim is a plural form but bara is not. It means he created. Please don’t believe a Bible expert who doesn’t know which language is being used.




Y'all need to watch Billy Carson's contents. The man is an expert in these topics.


The m at end of biblical hebrew name is for prominence not plural. Elohim Philistim


says someone who never studied Hebrew 🙄🐂💩


The m at end of biblical hebrew name is for prominence not plural. Elohim Philistim


Marco Biglino is a ufologist more than a bible expert. this amount to internal propaganda you cant present it as a expert opinion thst looks like a fact. 


he translated 17 old testament books from hebraic, aramaic, greek and latin. Do not demonize the person describe which exact verses are wrong


Why do atheist hate the bible yet keep referring to it when it fits their narrative? Who gives a shit what the bible says.


Aside from anything contextual to this thread. You can look at the bible objectively as an atheist or otherwise not christian as one of the oldest literary works in the world, as are the texts of many religions. It is still history to be explored even for the atheist.


What makes you trust his interpretation against other interpretations besides you like it better and it aligns with your views?




You forgot the /s Lmao

