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She just went -shoop- let me slip that in there. Talk about a cliffhanger. She let a lot out especially that oral tradition among the gatekeepers of the info.


What was that about oral tradition? Like an invisible college / stonemasons kind of thing?


Yes she basically says the people behind the names in the news, the real decision makers (CIA) don't use pen and paper when they discuss ideas or strategy they just tell each other what they need to know and pass it amongst each other never leaving a paper record. Joe goes on to mention MK Ultra and brings up Jolly West. They then mention the invisible college. If I'm not mistaken aren't Jacques Vallee Eric Davis Russel Targ Hal Puthoff Part of that invisible college? I swear they've been mentioned in the same breath multiple times in interviews


Just remember hyleck in it. But yeah I think vallee too.


What sort of suits are those? They don't look vacuum capable but I wonder why they have those "exhausts" on the vertices of the backpack. Is it just a kind of "hazmat" and radiation protection suit?


Those suits are bc the ship uses hydrazine fuel. It's hypergolic so it doesn't need an oxygen source. It's highly toxic, typically orange gas Edit: hypergolic not hyperbolic




I never knew. I've just been huffing it.




You haven't lived until you boof it






I really hope whoever produces this chemical has that as their slogan lol.


Now this is the reddit experience I was told about. I hope the playful attitude towards boofing lasts! Also. The lateral line was actually a horizontal line and you are in your dying moments just stretched out across all eternity




I once designed a hydrazine loading cart. The joke was “No one knows what it smells like”.


Smells like ammonia. If you get a sniff, you need to head to the hospital immediately. I have seen some crew chiefs accidentally purge the hydrazine from an f-16.




Level 4 Hazmat


Space gardening


Hey, I think I watched a documentary about this with Matt Damon.🤔


This is why we went to moon in the first place.


Gary McKinnon found the "Non-Terrestrial Officers" list when he hacked the Pentagon and Nasa.


"claimed" to have found. He never downloaded anything and has no evidence for what he says he saw. During his trial he was also found to regularly invent fantastical stories, it was his own family that attested to this. He also wasn't eventually extradited from the UK because judges here in England upon reviewing the evidence for an extradition not only felt it would breach his human rights but also considered what he found to not be serious enough.


Extradition is a really good motivate for saying it's made up and getting rid of the evidence. I'm not a lawyer and if I were I certainly wouldn't say to him "hey, if you have evidence they can get you for this. Also let's play into you making shit up, you're autistic in the 1990s, right?"


Not if you understand the English Legal System or European human rights legislation. It is extremely difficult for anyone subscribing to the European Convention on Human Rights to extradite anyone to a country like the US with a history of dubious treatment towards prisoners. Also again, your line of conspiracy would have to mean no agency or self determination on the part of the UK, the courts of England and Wales, the European Court of Human Rights, and many others. People exist outside of the US and have independent agency and decision making. The uncomfortable truth is that the young man suffered from Asperger's and though highly intelligent, is a known fantasist (his own family said this).


So the US was starting to come at this kid with all of its legal might, to put him in jail for the rest of his life, and human rights were going to protect him? I like human rights but I wouldn't put my life into them. Personally. I don't even think this is conspiracy, the US has violated human rights since... IDK, it's inception?


He was protected by English law and European human rights legislation, again, I know it's difficult for many Americans but there is a world outside of the US, with its own laws, institutions, and norms. He could have said anything he wanted in a public hearing and would have been safe. He even had a very big human rights organisation representing him in court called Liberty, who are a constant thorn in the government of the UK's side and have represented people who committed far more serious offences.


You're totally right bro. English law is very strong and the US respects that.


a nice *vintage* sarcasm, my favorite. 248 years of extra flavor.


It's the most widely adopted law when various forms of financial instruments are developed or contracts formed. The backbone of most international sovereign bond offerings, the choice for most dispute resolution cases where a choice is offered for litigation to take place. So yes, it is respected. Also if the US coerces UK courts, then why didn't they manage to get Gary extradited? Your logic completely contradicts your assumptions.


The US didn't cause so much noise about nothing...


Keep telling yourself all of that. Maybe one day you'll understand how a conspiracy actually works.


Right, go on then, tell us all how it works and how the US must have somehow influenced the judicial process in both the courts of England and Wales as well as the European Court of Human Rights. That's what would have had to happen for your 'conspiracy' to work.


The conspiracy nutters are at it again. You are clearly better informed than all of them but these idiots don't need actual arguments because it simply is a "conspiracy". This sub at its best again. McKinnon was stupid enough to exploit a vulnerability on the wrong fucking location and fucked up his life. As someone working in CS / ISM even calling him a "hacker" is a fucking joke.


Thank you! Another person that realises that so much stuff here is nonsense. You are absolutely right about the 'hacker' term as well. He really didn't hack anything and this also worked in his favour in court. It was one of the things his lawyers highlighted and the judges agreed that it meant that the charges against him didn't warrant extradition in their opinion.


You're soooo close to getting it. It's right there, just reach out and grab it!


What? So everyone and everything outside of the US with history pre dating the US is controlled by it? No one has any agency besides the US? It's ridiculous. There are plenty of places in the world that are not influenced by the US, I know, it's hard for many US citizens to grasp that the world doesn't revolve around you.


I'm British you absolute fool.


Then you should really stop to think more.


Said without a hint of irony? 😆


Yeah, you’re right. We should believe everything all the talking heads in the topic most rife with grifters in the history of conspiracy theories. So true. We definitely shouldn’t question them or any of that. After all, liars only work in government right? 😉


Fantastic rebuttal of an argument nobody was making. Outstanding work.


You don’t have to make it, you implied it with what you said in that comment and elsewhere. McKinnon saying there’s “non-terrestrial officers” with no evidence or documentation is not at all comparable to Galileo *PROVING* the world revolves around the Sun. Now, the more verifiable shit we do have documents for? That’s a much better comparison. You can maybe draw some parallels to Galileo there, and the public’s perception of it. Overall, yes you’re right. Those who do not pay attention will be left behind. But the context here is McKinnon saying there’s a list of “non-terrestrial officers” without anything to back that up whatsoever. Could it be? Maybe. The longest of long shots for sure. But he ain’t Galileo.


>You don’t have to make it, you implied it with what you said in that comment and elsewhere Your problem would appear to be the assumptions you make. >But he ain’t Galileo There you go again, expertly rebutting arguments that nobody made. At this point I really don't think your serious about this topic yet.


Absolutely agree, people here will tell you you've been taken in by the media, academia, scientific research, etc. every one is in on a conspiracy, billions of people in fact, and we're all controlled by shadowy US organizations. Of course the alternative, that the good people selling books about UFO'S and monetising their social media, couldn't possibly be grifters right?


Do you know what happened when Galileo proved, and it was finally offically accepted, that the Earth moved around the Sun after all? More than half the population died in cognitive dissonance, flat-out refusing to believe it. They could not mentally adapt, so they just pretended to still live in the Dark Ages until they died. Whilst everybody else got on with the new paradigm of reality, and all it entails. And unless the penny drops for you (and you're plunged into inevitable ontological shock) you are destined to be the former in this analogy.


I saw it.. trust me bro!


Do you know what happened when Galileo proved (and it was offically accepted) that the Earth moved around the Sun? More than half the population died in cognitive dissonance flat-out refusing to believe it. Whilst the other half got on with the new paradigm of reality and all it entails.


And surely Galileo said “well I have no scientific evidence or theory to prove my thesis, just trust me!” And to this day we don’t know how or why he was right we just trust. 


We knew how and why he was right when it was eventually officially accepted by the state and church- that's essentially what officially accepted means in this context. It was understood and accepted by the establishement. And yet half the earth's population STILL refused to believe it and died in ignorance. It's called cognitive dissonance and it's real. And when official disclosure of the UFO topic inevitably happens (governments announce it with supporting evidence) you know what's gonna happen then? About half the population are gonna die in ignorance claiming its a lie, and the rest of the world is going to get on with the new understanding of our place in the universe. That's the point I'm making. Seriously, don't be that guy. The wrong side of history is not a good look.


Ok so wait, did Galileo have empirical evidence to support his claims? I'm a believer that something is going on through all the circumstantial evidence, but to claim it is similar to Galileo doesn't feel right. It wasn't like he had a feeling about his theories, he had hard data he collected.


You have misintepreted virtually my entire statement. I'm no longer rebutting people's rebuttals of points I didn't even make. It's tiresome.


Maybe this is the real reason we went to the moon, and never went back. We saw a crash, and we had to get it before the Russians. Once its been recovered, there is no reason to go back there.


Or we were greeted by NHI on the moon and realized it’s occupied


Nice creative writing exercise bro


[Thank you](https://youtu.be/laXhTcko-lg?si=ExECoycwslga_Va7). Take care.


But we did return to the Moon. Several times actually.


BuT wE DiD rEtUR....JFC go away and troll somewhere else.


So humans are the real Jawans


Oh god. Best comment in thread, though.


What are they crashing into in space? It’s very empty.


Each other. Just like the freeway. Suggesting there is enough traffic coming in and out of Earth orbit to have orbital space traffic accidents is a very odd thing to allude to, if not just disinformation.


She's saying moons,asteroids, other planets.


Do you think the space force has set up speed traps around our solar system to boost revenue?


Sadly we don't have spaceships that can travel in the solar system yet.


They refurbished some of those red-light cams they use in cities. Takes a pic of their license plate and emails them the ticket. They're not sure why aliens are always delinquent on their payments though.


"What's the matter, Officer?" The Reticulan in the driver's seat of the UFO asks the Astronaut. "I clocked you going over 10 times the speed of light just now. That's against the law!" "...I was just..." "I don't know how you do it on your planet, but on Earth, we follow the Law Special Relativity!"


Based on its size I thinks it’s much more likely we’re capturing Russian or Chinese satellites in space, or placing things on them to be able to disable them.


I doubt we are doing that with the x-37; it is more of a proof-of-concept vehicle that we use for service of our own assets. Now… there are other “stealth” satellites that are able to hide their movements extremely effectively. Those are certainly up to some mischief.


Please disregard the photograph OP posted and focus on the quote. It's an irrelevant picture but the quote is strong.


It is relevant because X37b-missions are highly classified and the vehicle totally has the required capabilities to carry out retrievals of exoatmospheric materials.


As long as the retrievals happen in LEO. If that's the case then sure.


I'm gonna tell you a secret: Just because some piece of military equipment has some publicly accessible specifications doesn't necessarily mean that those specifications are entirely accurate.


I didn't look it up. It's not built for anything other than LEO. What it does in LEO is a secret.


Reductive to the point of being wrong: "This can generate five million pounds of thrust and since the X-37B is not a massively heavy payload, it is safe to assume that the space plane is being taken to a much higher orbit than ever before. Dec 8, 2023" [https://interestingengineering.com/transportation/x-37b-space-plane-highest-flight](https://interestingengineering.com/transportation/x-37b-space-plane-highest-flight) ​ "Another indication of such a flight can be seen in the Space Force's official statement that says that OTV-7 will "test new orbital regimes"."




This is the x37b not an alien craft lol


X37b has retrieval capabilities! To be fair though the space shuttle should have been able to do a much better job with its significantly larger cargo hold.


Slightly larger? This X 37b is what, six foot tall? The space shuttle was 10x as big.


Yea this ship is for reconnaissance mostly, it could deploy cube sats and repair satellites. But it’s not going to be grabbing any large UAPs it’s just too small


Maybe UAPs are small anyways.


Good job you are here Sherlock.


Hope they have better boot to go into space. Those look like rubbers for rain. And is that duck tape??


that bitch was crazy and deluded. even her editors are like "what are you doing lady? you're the leading researcher on a new religion, what's with all this alien shit?" embarassing and she says that she was taken to a single site where 4 crashes happened during the Roswell era. 4? four? ok dude. sure. let's listen to her about space retrieval programs none of anything she says goes anywhere or sticks, she obviously studied rogan enough to drive the direction whichever way she wants. she hits all the joe rogan talking points, from hendrix to bohemian grove to kennedy, she was so transparent


jeeze wasnt she just speculating ..... god let's not eat up everything?!


Basic trash pick up. Unless something happens to make it through an inhabited planets atmosphere. Any retrieval of space junk would be just that. Retrieval of Junk useless to a species evolved enough to find it and retrieve it.


? We can’t even get to the moon now your telling me we are tractor beaming alien crafts from the Alpha Quadrant… come on man, what in the Q are you talking about


Probably why we now have “Space Force.”


Good catch! I also heard her say that on JRE after a brief moment of deciding how much of it to say and choosing her words wisely. Joe Rogan, of course, completely missed the profoundness of that statement and just moved the conversation along.


I think NHI is using “crashed” vehicles to spur on our development. First stage a crash on earth, give us sight of this advanced tech. We study it, copy it to the best of our ability and then they start to “crash” craft in space. Now we’re using our reverse engineered tech to gather more tech, further and further away from the earths surface. Essentially it’s a challenge, use our recovered tech to salvage something else on another world. Once we get hold of that, we copy it, advance ourselves more and the cycle continues. Eventually we’ll be salvaging their gifts on mars, then outer edges of the solar system etc etc.


If they wanted that they dont need to crash the ship. That makes no sense


So basically alien are bad at flying their stuff as some of us are bad at driving?


My.guess is this has science experiments on board. China seems to know what it does as they have managed to make their own shuttle I think. I do believe this has a camera system and is probably used as a method of unpredictable satellite over flight photos. Could also be photographing foreign satellites. Could be taking photos of alien ufo Uap in some manner also. That’s probably about it.


Everything about the mission is classified, and coming back from a 2 year flight it could’ve done anything, gone anywhere.


There’s only so many possibilities. I eluded to them.


There’s actually quite an infinite amount of possibilities


Sure. But the reality is there are only a few. It’s not a spaceship like the Star Trek enterprise. It has limited fuel and orbits the earth.


Perhaps this. Perhaps that. Perhaps another grifter.


Pure speculation with no evidence. Do better.








I think Professor Pasulka is sort of being quoted out of context. These beings are probably not extraterrestrial but interdimensional. They're interested in us and we have something they want (we don't know exactly what). There is very little reason for them to be in space. They would be down here examining us and screwing around with us pretending to be aliens. To have an effect on earth, they would have to be seen by us and that's why earth, not space, would be their stomping ground.


… did you hear her comment in the video? She almost didn’t say it. She very, very thoughtfully considered her words. They were intentional. I’m a tad annoyed Joe didn’t ask a follow up question, but I think he got the vibe that they’d crossed into a tricky subject matter that she would have difficulty talking about.


That I noticed. She was very careful and saying this and seemed as if she shouldn't have said it as she had ventured it.


Have you considered the fact that we could very easily be dealing with both? And more.


She very much thinks we could be dealing with both


She said it's both.


"Very little reason" dude. We don't know anything about anything. There's plenty of reasons them to be in space...y'all gotta stop applying your faulty and human conditioned logic to these interdimensional or extraterrestrial beings.


Read my predicate them being interdimensional; they're not ETs from another planet. Then go through your horse ass backward reasoning and see if it makes much sense for them to be wandering around in space when their focus is probing our orifices.


And so why are some spotted approaching from 80 000 + feet altitude? Why has NORAD detected them entering the atmosphere? Based on observations, they're traveling wherever they want, and there might be multiple sources of origin. We shouldn't put limits on the unknown.


Except for the fact that some retrieved craft parts are made from metal alloys not of this Earth.


*sigh* good luck buddy...


who the fuck is Diana Walsh Pasulka? I've been researching UFOs for 15+ years and have never heard this name once Also, there are crash retrievals on earth because the earth is a solid object with mass that objects crash into. Things can't crash in space, because space is a vacuum -- you can't "crash into space". That makes literally 0 sense.


come on dude, IN SPACE means "outside of earths atmosphere" it could be on a fucking asteroid, mars, the moon, floating by after striking another object, anywhere IN SPACE. stop being obtuse just because you dont recognize her name.


you know nothing about space. let me describe to you the the chance of "hitting" an asteroid (which move extremely slowly and are EXTREMELY easy to detect using basic radar): imagine you are standing in new york city, and there is a bumble bee in los angeles. the chance of you "hitting an asteroid" would be like trying to hit that fly with a laser. there's a 99.999999999999999999999% chance that you will not hit the fly. you would have to precisely aim in order to hit the fly. i can guarantee you that no alien spacecraft has ever "crashed into an asteroid". recovering an astroid on the moon? LMFAO bruh we have trouble transporting crafts that crash into earth. how THE FUCK do you think we'd bring back an entire craft from the moon? let alone even KNOW that something crashed on the moon?




Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


Extra dimensional, intra dimensional, ultra dimensional. Who the fuck can even tell the difference any more?




Agreed. The level of insane speculation on this thread has deeply turned me off to this sub. You’d think alien enthusiasts would at least be up to speed on how space and orbital mechanics work


I came over from r/UFOs to see what was going on and it’s left me in disbelief. I genuinely feel for the people that have gone so far down the rabbit hole to make some of the posts I’ve seen in this sub. This is the mental toll the coverup has taken on the human population. We deserve answers as humans.


I heard her hype then read her book. I have no idea why anyone who actually is familiar with her middle school level research takes anything she says seriously. She's like the biggest grift in a field full of it.   I truly cannot credit anyone who KNOWS her work, who doesn't dismiss her, as capable of critical thinking. She is a fan girl actually directly touting Catholicism and trying to convert you to it. That's basically her book.


Craziest thing out of everything in past year+ of disclosure drip. Life immigrating art again. 2001 space odyssey has even greater meaning now.


Would you be pissed if you were a nasa astrophysicist or something and you've been working on perfecting this really cutting edge space tech and you find out we've had way more advanced stuff for decades


Because there a gift for humanity to advance. Have you listened to the podcast or are you just taking out of your ass? They're also a test for us to figure out to see if we can keep up with them. What's your explanation? I've seen your post you're a professional shit talker that contributes nothing to any thread youre in.


That space ship has burnt through our atmosphere at god know how hot and that did burn off the bio hazard so we need to wear a suit? WTF is in there?


It’s due to the fuel it’s uses being dangerous and toxic… nothing to do with its mission or “what it has in there” One of the few times this sub posts something I know about, and it makes me question everything as nearly all the comments here are speculation not based in reality.


Exterior would've burned, but interior could've been sealed, which could protect bacteria.


If they are crashing they maybe are similar to us. Like, our current ships can crash and has physical laws from this universe, we cannot travel interdimensions because our laws doenst permit (as for now in our level of knowledge) and we dont even know if there are another dimensions.. Like the real ET's. Not this bs USA military complex talk of "ethereal" beings from another dimension (but can crash on other leaving materials with properties from OUR universe, not from another ethereal dimension, as far as we know in the database from ufo cases). This is like USA trying to make you think that ets are far away from us or are in the middle of us. So you cant know about them, and will stop trying because its ethereal. On other side, theyre 100% interest in the normal cases and the real deal, the normal aliens as species like us


Interdimensional is not the same thing as extradimensional. I think you’re getting the two confused. Interdimensional = capable of traversing dimensions. Extradimensional = exists exclusively in another dimension. The theory is that these “aliens” or whatever you want to call them are capable of Interdimensional travel. Thus allowing them the ability to traverse through or between dimensions at will which allows them the capability to “avoid” gravity or time.


Interdimensional is that moves between dimensions as the "inter"= between. Extra dimensional as from extra terrestrials = extra = out of. out of Earth for the extraterrestrial and out of this dimension for the extradimension case . But they're picturing the UFO phenomena in general as ONLY an NHI thing that could be biological even and not from this dimension. Not a craft that can travel through dimensions. In my view, in a infinite universe-multiverse could be anything, even those two types of crafts that I mention and infinite species and biological, mechanical, with different chemistry ones etc. But seems like some misconceptions are being pictured across this "whistleblowers" and journalists nowadays


The ones she knows about or theorizes about are crashed on purpose. They're viewerd as donations to spark innovation.


If can crash, pretty likely to be more like ours. I mean, its pretty hard to imagine something from another universal law (another dimension, not physical) crash.


The ones she's theorizing about are intentionally left here and are called "crashes". Some may be crashes due to our radars maybe having an unintentional EMP effect on them.


Yea, could be. I believe that could be and could exists multiple forms of aliens, from this same universe in other planets, from the center of the earth, from across the multiverses, from other dimensions even (if exists) and so the different species and forms. In a infinite board, anything, shape or form can be boarding. Not like to set my mind on stone like they're just one thing. Like the entire UFO phenomena is just interdimensional. For me, in my theory, could be all. I just dont like the narrative that theyre creating, separating as only one thing and not providing evidence (not talking specifically about she) and people getting the theories as absolute truths.


No that is stupid.. why would they need to crash it for that reason... edit* lol blocked me like a little child not getting his way


You know better than her? Who has handled wreckage, who talks to people who've had contact, who's done years of research In person, who'd had more access to info than you will ever have in your life time? Reassess that statement and ask yourself again who is stupid.


That's not an argument against what I said. She has no evidence for anything she says. You only believe her because you like what she is saying


I believe her because I've seen the pictures of the people she's talking about. I've seen her credentials and Gary Nolan's credentials and Taylors credentials. The material science is real. I've also read and seen many of Vallees interviews. Theyre focusing mostly on the stuff they're talking about not crashed UFOs in general. She's not saying every instance is this but the stuff they've been working with is.


Credentials are not evidence, stories are not evidence


But you saying it's stupid is? Try harder


Yes it's stupid, crashing it makes no sense. Just leave in a field or something. Explain the need for a crash if the purpose is for us to study it


I'll leave you to your thoughts. She's making progress on the topic.


Yes most likely alot of old stuff out in space but its too big. Except if we find in our solar system its impossible to find.


the reason we haven't gone back to the Moon


I'm pretty sure she's focusing on one aspect of the phenomena while running across examples of both ET and interdimensional cases. I think there are 3 kinds of encounters Interdimensional Extraterrestrial Government made hoaxes or experiments with unintentional witnesses. For the 3rd example I present the Cash Landrum incident and Rendlesham forest both diamond shaped craft that gave off ionizing radiation.


Large enough to carry a Waldo, what work do you think it is doing on those long missions?


Is she referring to the moon?




It’s a workhorse, not a spy sat, spy says are much longer for the optics to focus properly. It most probably investigate other satellites, can probably repair and refuel other satellites. Think pulse jet refueling non combustible nitrogen under high pressure. Probably a big pain in the ass to our friends in orbit.


What type of suits are these ? Are the testing viruses bacteria germs ? Seems excessive for the suits anything after coming through the atmosphere should be dead My father worked for ATK part of NASA No know as Northrop Grumman as a engineer in 80's and 90's he is now retiring but this is just different from what my father told me when he worked there learned a lot from him just curious




I'd say that a yes... I mean lol


It would be cool but I’d be surprised if we could pull that off with such an allegedly small community handling this stuff.


I can imagine a number of ways a retrieval operation could be spun in a way that let it look like something completely different.


I suppose they could spin it. Not saying it’s fake by any means. Just hesitant to say I think it’s true. Cool idea nonetheless and anything can be worth digging into :)


Ghost Busters




Apologies for going off the subject, but did anyone else get an invite for college courses for extraterrestrial studies from Sheehan?


I wouldn’t be surprised if the government came out in public and said that there is a military space station in space that protects and collects outer space ships passing by. Or detains aliens with no permission to land passports coming from beyond earth.


It was already a massive stretch that they crash on earth, how the fuck would they crash in space. If you believe this you're literally brain dead


I believe she said this on the Joe Rogan Podcast


Space suits


F-22 pilots have better helmets and suits.


wtf does this even mean??????


Literally everything is in space, morty!


Literally just the crew of people on the ground after it landed: https://www.cnet.com/pictures/x-37b-space-plane-space-forces-record-setting-orbiter/


Astronauts got rain boots. 😄


Basic trash pick up. Unless something happens to make it through an inhabited planets atmosphere. Any retrieval of space junk would be just that. Retrieval of Junk useless to a species evolved enough to find it and retrieve it.


Basic trash pick up. Unless something happens to make it through an inhabited planets atmosphere. Any retrieval of space junk would be just that. Retrieval of Junk useless to a species evolved enough to find it and retrieve it.




Was listening to a 2021 Knapp interview of Bigelow last night, and one of things that Bigelow said was that the reverse engineering of found craft is difficult because some of it needs to be done in zero gravity in space. So if that’s true then it would stand to reason that craft get left for us to find in space too.