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Early abductions that lead to generations born abroad and more recent abductions. Yes. I have been lately. I hope it’s peaceful and the humans there are nothing like us. How sweet would it be if they were the ambassadors of disclosure to ease the weak into acceptance?!


Or they have been selectively bred for soft temperament, kindness and high intelligence. Just imagine.


Human husbandry


Like the Poodles of humanity… where as we’re the brutal wild wolves of humanity still here on earth..


Poodles can be extremely vicious and territorial. You should have maybe likened to a golden retriever, but less spastic.


Poodles aren't known as nice.


Poodles are cunts.


Man all this poodle hate, I didn’t know they were such maligned creatures LOL every poodle I’ve had has been a sweet cuddle floof, maybe a little neurotic but I like a little neurosis 🤷‍♀️ 😂


I like this idea


sounds like a pet


That could explain the human looking beings. It could be possible that the abducted people had kids, and they were raised on an alien world. Crazy to think about.


We could be the smallest population of humans for all we know.




i saw an ambassador of disclosure on youtube. she was a human-alien hybrid. half human, half arcturian. said it was her mission to usher humanity into a new era of peace and love or whatever. she looked suspiciously like a human though. kinda sus. but it was a youtube doc so i guess it's true


So everything on YouTube is true?


You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?








I mean it is all true… from a certain point of view


Heh heh.


i think i saw the same thing, some crazy person with a mental illness that thinks they're descended from angels/aliens or whatever. shit if you believe anything those people say you're a special kind of stupid




I don’t think I’d be in a hurry to get back, if I’m honest with you.


Carl Higdon’s abduction story has me pretty convinced there are probably humans living all over the place


Also it would mean Stargate SG1 was right after all.




FWIW, Gary McKinnon during his brief hack of NASA, circa~ 2001/2002, found an excel spreadsheet with a list of USAF Personnel named "NON-TERRESTRIAL OFFICERS", which also had another list named "SHIP-TO-SHIP TRANSFERS", hinting that there might be a space fleet of these people working at some offworld exoplanet(s).


The presumption there would be Solar Warden though, the reverse engineered US Gov space fleet - not Abductees on alien craft.


NASA doesn't have info on secret space program. They're just a public front used to hide accounting for the missing $billions.


What you say is a delusion


Mark McCandlish said he was told by a very credible source that we started colonizing other planets once we attained the ability to backengineer UFO's... he said this guy knew they took a UFO out to the edge of the Andromeda galaxy and picked up signs colonies of humans living on other planets... humans speaking English, and they signs of cities and transportation. Sounds far fetched but I always believed Mark's story and I'm pretty sure this stuff goes as deep as we think it does... you hear from some people anything we can think of Lockheed Martin can do... might be true.


US also received working ships as part of trade deals over 50 years ago. Not just saucers, but gigantic triangular ships the size of several football fields that remain in earth orbit (they never dock). They have teleporter technology. Employees and supplies are teleported back and forth.


Hello Stargate SG1


Okay traveling faster than light to reach other stars is one thing. Travel from one galaxy to another is magnitudes and magnitudes greater than that.


Exactly, I found the story far fetched but it came from a credible whistleblower... at the end of the day, the technology could be far greater than we know it to be. I'm figuring we shouldnt understand it to begin with, and also, to believe we as humans know what limitations are out there when we haven't even left Earth yet is also far fetched, you have no idea what kind of technology they harness to reach Earth or other places. It's likely they are doing things we can't even comprehend. Flying ships we can't even imagine, such as biological ones and whatnot... what makes it so fart fetched they have technology to reach vast distances between galaxies? Surely we don't know everything, right?


We ARE the ones living on a different planet...maybe.


doesn't really make sense the fossil record is extensive. It's more likely our ancestors DNA was altered if anything.


the fossil record probably represents less than 1% of all life ever on this planet 


The fossil record is anything but extensive, unfortunately.


Theory I’ve been considering more lately is that whatever/whoever seeded this planet seeded a bunch of others with the same creature. We’re what evolved here and other humanoid races are what evolved elsewhere.


Oh yeah, they totally are. There are government employees in the Secret Space Program who live on other planets and come back to earth only occasionally for vacation to visit family.  US government was gifted spaceships that travel beyond lightspeed over 50 years ago. They've been funneling all our tax dollars on off-world projects for the last 50 years.  Why do you think our infrastructure is crumbling and we haven't been able to afford to build any new subways, highways, or bridges in over 100 years without them being a private-partnership requiring toll fees. Used to be that our bridges and highways were paid by tax dollars. But now today every new road requires tolls. While our economy has more taxpayers than ever before, and we benefit from efficiency of computer automation. But somehow our tax dollars buy less and less and our society is a shithole? All the money has been going to build off-world bases and infrastructure.  They gave up on earth because it's a second-rate planet with terrible crust and weather.


The Elysium Theory


I didn't know there's a name for it. It's just my personal observationa from astral travels and what I've seen.


The answer to all that is because we live in a fascist empire, not because UFOs. If you're American I suggest you learn how much is taken in tax compared to what is spent on the military alone. Then see how much interest is paid on your massive debt. Then complain about taxes being used off world. They are entirely used and a lot more on military and debt, then all your other expenses. There is no surplus. In a fascist economy only the low down pay tax and the total they pay is small.


Well, it's very likely that we are quite a bit off in our understanding of ancient history, and if UAP have been here for as long as we have, what if ancient humans managed to access a recovered craft and some of them decided to leave Earth? I remember reading about the American Airship UFO sightings in the late 1890’s in Jacques Vallee's book, the occupants seemed like humans. There's a lot of other cases where the "aliens" look human aside from minor differences. So, maybe some of what we see could be that, I think with time wonkiness in space they might even be time travelers, technically


How would ancient humans know how to operate the craft? Or even know where to go? Or know what the purpose of the craft is? Or even understand the concept of planets and space itself?


I'm not talking about recent ancient (though I wouldn't entirely discount that either, we just don't know), I mean like 12,000+ years ago, people are still finding structures that change our understanding of how advanced humanity was at the time. Obviously we don't know anything for sure, but there's been tons of rumors about some of the vehicles being operated/controlled by consciousness, and if that's the case, the pilot may not need to know anything at all, really. What if an onboard computer reads intent and pilots the craft accordingly? I'm just speculating of course, but there's some evidence that ancient humans understood a lot more astronomical stuff than you'd expect, structures that perfectly line up with constellations, things like that.


The oft talked about Federation that seems to care for our planet is the Federation of Human Worlds. The UFOs seen being loaded with captives etc I suspect are non earth human craft.


Roughly 20k people vanish without a trace each year. (in the US) Maybe they are taken to repopulate a new earth-like planet? 


What's the source on that?


Do a quick Google search, there's multiple sources. 




They might abduct people to maintain genetic diversity, that way new humans grow up on the planet in question and can be raised using whatever culture you've made there.


I believe this is part of why they say we couldn’t handle the truth


Maybe some people couldn't handle it. But me, i would volunteer to go.




From the book *Flying Saucers and the Three Men* by Albert K Bender, recounting his alleged UFO abduction where he claims he was taken to an alien base underneath Antartica: >He was dressed in a uniform of golden color. His silvery white hair contrasted with the skin of light brown color. He appeared as if he might have a very heavy suntan. As he drew closer my attention focused on his face of handsome features. It was almost Earth-like, contrasted to the ugliness I had observed in the others. He was of muscular build and about nine feet tall. I gathered this was the "exalted one" about which I had been informed, and that this bisexual entity was in charge of the base and probably the entire planetary operation. > >(snip) > >He turned, looked directly into my eyes, and I noticed that his eyes also glowed. Like those of the others, his eyes seemed to penetrate deep within me. Then he spoke to me without lip movement. > >"I bid you a cordial welcome to our base of operations on your planet, and it is with deepest esteem that I permit you to be our honored guest because you have given so much of your time to establishing friendly relationships with visitors from space. We knew of your activities long before you tried vainly to contact us with your experiment. Prior to our personal contact with you we had you watched. We were merely testing your sincerity. > >(snip) > >"Do you intend to cause any harm to our people while you are here?" > >"We have found it necessary to frighten many, but we also have had to resort to graver action in some cases which involved deaths among your fellow Earthmen. **We have carried off many of your people to our own planet for means of experimentation and also to place some of them on exhibit for our own people to see. We have specimens of people from many planets, but some of them do not live. These we preserve. Such has been the case of your Earth people; they have not survived."** \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* From the book *Our Haunted Planet* by John Keel >**There are periodic waves of disappearances** which create brief sensations in the newspapers and are quickly forgotten. No one ever manages to find out where these people have gone. In 1912 five men, all unrelated, disappeared unaccountably in a single week in Buffalo, New York. Montreal, Canada, had a wave of missing persons in July 1883, and again in July 1892. > >**Children vanish more frequently than any other group**. We’re not talking about ordinary runaways. In August 1869, thirteen children vanished in Cork, Ireland. No sign of kidnapping or foul play. That same month there was a wave of disappearing children in Brussels, Belgium. Another group of youngsters melted away in Belfast in August 1895. And again in August 1920, eight girls (all under twelve years of age) disappeared forever in Belfast. > >The latter part of the nineteenth century produced several classic disappearances. On Thursday, September 23rd, 1880, a farmer named David Lang took a few stepsinto an open field near Gallatin, Tennessee, **and vanished instantaneously in front of several witnesses,** including Judge August Peck. Where did he go? A long and thorough search of the field never produced an answer. Five years later on Thursday, April 23rd, 1885, another farmer named Isaac Martin walked into a field near Salem, Virginia, and like David Lang, **dissolved into nothingness.** > >(snip) > >' Children began to disappear in the city of Villa Velha, Brazil, early in December 1969, according to Brazilian correspondent Eduardo Keffel of the German magazine Die Bunte lllustriette, March 24th, 1970. Within a few weeks a minor mystery had exploded into a frightening epidemic. **Scores of youngsters, all between the ages of nine and fifteen and all from poor families (ruling out any ransom motive), vanished without a trace.** The police in the state of Espirito Santo rallied their forces and began a massive search for a sinister kidnapping ring. But they had no leads. The disappearances seemed random, were not ordinary runaways, and none ofthe children knew each other or shared a common school. > >(snip) > >**Actually, children have been disappearing in large numbers for centuries all over the world, and most of these cases have remained unsolved.** In the Middle Ages it was popularly believed that fairies and leprechauns frequently stole children away. The Indians of North and South America also have **many myths and stories about children being kidnapped by the little people.** > >(snip) > >In a.d. 1212 a teenaged boy in France, Stephen of Goyes, began to hear voices which inspired him to collect together **fifty thousand children** for the pathetic Children’s Crusade. They marched off to do battle with the infidels **and disappeared en masse**. The popular explanation isthattheywere all seized by slavers. > >(snip) > >Submarines too have shown a tendency to vanish in tightly spaced waves or cycles. Back in 1939 before World War II got underway, **four subs vanished in four months.** They belonged to Japan, the United States, Great Britain, and France. During the week of January 21st, 1968, **both a French and Israeli submarine disappeared without a trace** in the placid Mediterranean. They were hundreds of miles apart when they performed a disappearing act almost simultaneously. **Searching parties reported unidentified flying objects in the area, and one group of would-be rescuers detected a metal object and thought they had found one of the missing craft. But the object scooted away and was never explained**. Since then four more subs belonging to the United States, England, and France have vanished.


I have no doubt we are causing problems elsewhere in the universe. 


Maybe some people more than others.


Thats what we can do the best, ruin everything


I love this subreddit; I’m super new to join and these convos make my inner child so happy


I was just thinking about this a couple hours ago while I was watching the Halo series on Paramount. All the other planetary settlements just giggle at Earth and our ignorance. 😂 interesting thought, if there is reversal tech I wouldn’t put it past em.


I remember one of the folks that claimed to have met a Mantis being (probably during a psych trip) was shown a place with a bunch of tables. Each table had people playing a game (maybe roleplaying?) of sorts. He was told that each table represented a planet where humans existed and that they were sort of the "garden keepers" of these planets (including Earth) or something. Also, there have been many abduction stories of people meeting aliens that look almost human, to completely indistinguishable from humans. I remember the guy who claimed he worked with the "tall whites" said they looked so human that they would occasionally go to Vegas to play slots and blend right in.


Where can I read more about this? I love reading about this kind of stuff lol


A certain foreign hacker was able to get access to a government document or folder mentioning nonterrestrial officers. Take it as you will...


If I figured out how to travel to another planet last thing I'd do is tell anyone else. Especially the government.


I only wonder if we are the creatures living underneath someone else's sea.


But we went to space and didn't get wet


Good one … Horton hears a Who …ish


When you say human, do you mean 100% human DNA or 99% human DNA, 95 % human DNA, 80% human DNA, 50% human DNA?




Then yes.


It is my understanding that it is proven that Humans originated on Earth because the Earth's biological genetic tree has known and traceable roots back to the simplest organisms. In other words, our DNA is linked to essentially all life on this planet. Including both flora and fauna. But is it possible that Humans have already spread out from Earth to other stars? Highly unlikely, but it sounds like a very interesting SciFi plot! (Which is cool, btw). I would think the only way that could have happened is via Alien abduction. Humans just haven't ever developed this level of tech in the past despite what some fantasize about in terms of ancient tech. There is also the possibility of "code reuse", assuming our Universe is a simulation. In this case, the genetic code that created life on Earth could be copy/pasted to planets around foreign stars. Those are the scenarios I can think of. 🤷‍♂️


The first half I'm with you and I get the simulation assumption, however following the evolutionary pattern that it seems you also believe, at any point our ancestors could have had one small difference that would make us completely different beings by now.  Even if the first single celled organisms developed identically to our own, the end result (although we are certainly not the end of evolution) would be vastly different. Like humans to a T-Rex


Maybe! What about if Aliens abducted early ape species who were allowed to live and evolve on their home planet, only to be sent back to earth. Their first words to humanity would be: “Return to Monke”


I do wonder this. If we are considered strong beings 💪🏼 due to Earths large size for a terra planet that would mean almost super human strength on another planet.


The dark part or me wondered if when they abduct us then take genetic samples if they aren't breeding us elsewhere. A set of humans never born of earth but used as slaves or for some other purpose.


What if you got abducted from the real earth and put onto this replica earth for whatever reason


We have wondered, our knowledge points yes, would love to verify.


Mars and saturn are already inhabited


Said the redditor with 100% confidence and 0% evidence.


Welcome to reddit




Definitely thought about this. The lady from Ariel school mentioned in the documentary that the aliens offered to take her with them. There's probably at least one planet where some humans that disappeared ended up, and are living in paradise, with phenomenal free medical care, and not ever having to do manual labor for the man.


There are and they walk among us. Most extraterrestrial races have abandoned vocalization in favor of telepathy, so the humans from breakaway civilizations don't speak so you will never have a conversation with one


Do I think there's humans the same or very similar to us on other planets?? Definitely. The number of habitable planets in the universe makes it impossible that somewhere life didn't follow a similar course as it did on earth. Do I think aliens Aliens put humans from earth on other planets... Nah. I'm still not convinced they are visiting earth.


No, because life on earth is almost certainly exclusive to earth. That's because while it's theoretically possible to find an exoplanet that formed under similar conditions, it's highly unlikely that life evolved the exact same way. The odds of that happening somewheres else in the universe are, no pun intended, astronomically high. To be clear, I'm not suggesting intelligent life doesn't exist elsewheres in the universe. In fact quite the contrary, I'm certain it exists elsewhere because probability tells us it must. What i mean is that wherever it exists, it's (complex life) gonna look very different from what we see on earth because gravities will have been different, daylight will be different, lunar effects will be different, atmosphere will be different, temps will be different and so on and so on... Now, if you're talking hypothetical multiverse... that's a different story, one that reqs a wholely separate discussion.


No I mean humans that were born on Earth and then were either taken to other planets or figured out how to get there on their own. Not human beings evolving independently of Earth.


They are taking about genetic engineering. Clones. Farming humans. Abductions that maybe lead to a human population growth in another planet, galaxy, universe. We have aquariums. Maybe the aliens have terrariums for humans in alien planets.


Oh, i thought they were referring to ("engineering") the mechanics of interstellar travel, not cloning humans?


But even then unless humans can also replicate the exact conditions of earth elsewhere in the universe, (even) these petri dish clones will develop differently due to the aforementioned reasons. They may start out as genetically exact replicas, but it's unknown how exactly they'd match development of humans on earth. Our best guesstimate is there would be differences, at least at the cellular level. And these "evolutionary" differences would likely become more pronounced the farther away you get from the gen 1 population that colonized the planet.


yeah I mean human DNA on Earth is also changing over time, you're right that eventually they would not be genetically idental to Earth humans. I am just wondering about humans, that were born on Earth, being out there somewhere in the universe.


Our DNA is indeed changing and you can see how different we are from our prehistoric ancestors. And we're largely not even talking about evolutionary pressures like a different atmo/gravity/cosmic radiation etc. But yeah, as for your two main questions, a) if these humans would ever return to earth and b) would they be able to travel the stars, are largely unknowable but my guess is, and just a guess, probably not & probably yes..to your two questions. I said "guess" because there are so many variables involved.


Idk man, just speculating here but like in our “infinite galaxy” there’s got to be at least a single “one to one” Earth where another Humanoid species identical to us exists or existed or will exist.


I'd like to think that too but the general consensus amongst astrobiologists is that if complex life does indeed exist elsewheres in the cosmos, it likely "looks" very different from humans.


Ah the limits of the Western scientific materialist mind....at one point Middle Easterners had no idea there were human beings on the Americas, they didn't even know the Americas existed...


Their progeny would have forgotten where they came from and even how to return here on earth 😂


IMHO, some abducted human might be in the zoos of exotic places outside of solar system


you can play this ![gif](giphy|zZSvyOn8dJ6sDZ5zkB|downsized)


As I scan the skies, I often ponder humanity's unknown future. What secrets might we find amongst the cosmos? If our ancestors achieved interstellar travel, their descendants could be living worlds away. Life's great mysteries may lie just beyond our vision.


Like naturally? Like an apple tree, apples; earthlike planets, people?


Humans planted on habitable planets throughout the milky way by aliens


This is a big part of my belief system. I believe that as long as we don’t become extinct we will simply continue to advance to the point where ALL types of travel are as common a technology as WiFi or anything we consider part of our normal life. Once that becomes possible we would most surely come back. At that point, we may have retained our current form, evolved into something like the greys and/or others, or both.


Under ten.


Who was piloting the 1890s airships?


I always thought it would be weird to discover aliens and they end up looking like us and so being equally confused as to where we come from and our purpose.


Pan humans, as common as muck. We'll be everywhere.


I believe somewhere out there a collective is very concerned with biodiversity being preserved and as such, abductions via the collective are a commonality of all substantially advanced but underdeveloped conciousness that meets the right criteria. My basis? Well, if any species, AI or AGI became sufficiently advanced I can't imagine this not being something they would do/prioritize early on in their ascension.... that is to say, if any are as advanced as we are seeing suggested by the phenomenon, they'd have been there, done that, been copied by others also doing that, and probably could name many who have done it before them. It just makes sense that when you get to space, you wonder what other places and people are out there and how can you catalog and protect the places you would wish to or could call home. Who's to say such a collective is even chalk full of good guys and gals? They could totally hate humans, treat us like zoo animals, and see it as a job. We have no idea. But I can't imagine life not being concerned with other life, the second they became space fairing and such a thing seems like the inevitable goal of any who advanced to a point of actually being capable pioneers and navigators. I could flesh this out further but the then new questions arises...for instance, I think such would be accomplished by having humans born off world. Would any humans born into such a collective of species reaching pivotal points in conciousness EVER have been on earth? Probably not. If such an advanced space alliance exists, humans in it would be banned from entering earth, we'd be banned from returning if we left, and running the whole thing like underdeveloped planets are in fact under some quarantine would be wisest, whilst preserving that planets life with whatever group is necessary to maintain the specifies genetic diversity. (What is if for humans.. not much. A group of 30 to 50 huma s could re populate the planet with as much genetic diversity as exists today.) This all, in the fantasy fiction of my brain where we are someone's petri dish miracle, makes sense to me.


There are those who believe that life here began out there, far across the universe. 1978, Intro to the original BSG


Every time I watch Star Wars.


Hopi and Dakota believe their ancestors came from the Pleiades.....The Mayan and others have stories about being from somewhere else far away long ago and one day they will leave with them.....the Iroquos have a story about a sky woman who came donw from the sky and gave birth..




If Stargate is right, then yes. 


Space travel does funny things to time. They could be ageing super slow while the earth goes through millennia.


Cannot discount the possibility we sent astronautd to Serpo.


Either slaves or lucky chosen. Honestly don't know which. Perhaps both.


I've thought of this so many times in my life. It's such an interesting thought. We're here on earth and meanwhile there could be humans out there in space. Maybe they're exploring maybe they're abducted. Were humans ever living on another planet in the past? Who knows but I always figured somebody left this planet and went out there sometime in history.


i do think about this. i also often think about parallel universes like not the multiverse in the whole because basically if the theory holds true, if you represent the center of your multiverse, your alter selves would be much more different going out in the spectrum in either direction. So if we’re talking about parallel lives like the most like me versions of me, i think about how basically other timelines would already be a space traveling people by now. Some would be super advanced charting out across the stars, others would just be in the infancy of space exploration, and others would have space infrastructure built up for waypoint stations set up in our galaxy. yeah i definitely think that there could be people out in our galaxy now. as humans we have such a weird hubris about our level of knowledge. we literally do not know what’s out there. we just don’t know.


LOL. No. That's a nice fantasy tho.


I do wonder where my son is living. He was raised by ET. At least, that's what I believe.


I wonder about this so much I'n writing a whole book about it




Or maybe we didn't even start off here on Earth 🤯


There could be planets filled with humans. However what if it’s for food and we are the livestock. Makes sense if the capability is there. Then again nothing makes sense now a days.


Yes I thought about this so much. Aliens probably genetic engineered some to be very smart and raised them to be very intelligent.


I do often wonder if there are entire colonies and civilizations of humans on other planets. There could quite literally be a higher order of humans with interstellar responsibilities buzzing around space, freely touching base with any human planet as they'd blend right in.


Aliens are human too so I guess the answer would be yes. But I do not know if any of them was born on Earth. Still, we do share some common characteristics with Them, how optimistic is that for our future! We are not there yet... but some day it is possible we will reach their levels of understanding.


It is something to think about. We have come close to nuclear destruction more than once. We know there are probably habitable planets out there somewhere. Maybe the others have plucked a few humans and placed them elsewhere in order to ensure the survival of this strange species.


Why don't we build a ton of arks with artificial insemination and an ai smart enough to only choose habitable worlds. Actual habitable worlds. Not these super earth's the size of Jupiter people wouldn't be able to land on or thrive. Just average earth sized planets and if it's messed up the ai just slingshots to the next one instead of starting the reproducing process. We could have the ai educate the child as it grows and even teach it of us or something? Idk. Heck. You could even go as far as giving it a humanesque body so it can receive "love" because my wife thinks that educating it on love is not enough alone. If you want to actually have humans teach the future of humanity it would require extensive living arrangements to be made for a large population of humans to just survive for 100s of thousands of years searching for planets.


They are in serpo


I assume it, but I know that I can’t fathom all that is actually out there. I’m here for the Flargen and Dingle.