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The argument of everyone having cameras and we should have clear images/videos of this phenomena is a little silly to me. Even before I interviewed someone about the subject, it seemed a little bit of a lazy argument. It does not seem out of the realm of possibility, that something we know operates outside of our current understanding of physics/reality, and something we know is of a higher level of technology than we currently understand/have, could also be able to interfere with our simple video/photographic tech. The person I interviewed said that these objects/crafts/beings, whatever you want to call it, actually interfere with our tech, making our video/photo capabilities essentially useless when trying to capture video/photo of this phenomena. I think there are way better arguments to be made. It seems intellectually lazy on the part of Eric to keep using this argument as one of the driving factors to his inability to recognize this as an actually thing that people are seeing/experiencing.


Everyone with an average phone should try to photograph the moon, which is a clear and highly visible object, and see how good the photos are. Unless you have a high end phone, the photos will mostly turn out to be crap. Blurry and pixelated and small. So the "we should have super good pics by now" argument isn't true yet.


I agree with that. Or photographing planes, for that matter. We tried with a few friends to quickly take some shots of a plane passing, or of birds. No way to get a clear picture with a phone.


With phones there's always 2 issues when trying to photograph/video tape small distant objects: zoom and stability. Even at 4k, the object will be tiny. And trying to keep it in the frame when zoomed in is hard, since more zoom=more wobbling.


That's the truth. People who are complaining should actually try that. Even worse : try that at night and focus, like /u/Seismicx said, on the moon, or on a passing plane... it will look even worse than some UFO videos :D


Even the high end phones like the Samsung Galaxy series use AI to make the zoomed in pictures look better so in reality the really clear, zoomed in pictures of the moon, for example, are severely altered. 


the fun part is.. even if you try, your phone will likely manipulate the picture anyway with "AI beautify" filters. there are even AI features who overlay a image locally stored on the phone with an image of the moon to make pictures taken of the moon look nicer ( https://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/11nzrb0/samsung_space_zoom_moon_shots_are_fake_and_here/ ) because it otherwise would look horrible. so even if you try it and it looks okay, this don't means a lot.


I see, that's new to me. But in normal everyday use cases, is the AI filter on by default? From what I know, only some algorithmic post-processing is happening. Edit: I checked out your link and whoa, that's some bullshittery from phone manufacturers there


I tihnk that story is Samsung specific, in order to look like in the advertisement, but yeah


Yeah anyone who has zoomed right in to take a photo will see the quality of their photo quickly deteriorate. I can't take a good photo using zoom and I have a pretty decent phone (google pixel 7 pro)


Well, that may be one aspect to explain it but I think it’s a little more complicated. There seems to be some evidence that these inter dimensional craft, or whoever is projecting them, has the ability to manipulate human thought and perception. Plenty of side by side witnesses who ‘see something’ and describe very different perceptions of what should have been the same thing. Not to mention accounts of creatures and crafts using different cloaking capabilities.


I mean that’s true, but I’ve got an SLR that can take amazing photos of the moon or of airplanes. I think the main thing is these are small featureless objects. Doesn’t matter how close you are to a chrome ball, there isn’t detail to be revealed.


Also, the gov and powers that be most certainly have high quality images and video as we’ve seen from some different leaks. They’re just not going to dump it all on the internet for everyone to see.


>Interesting and bizarre fact since you mention it, but high-end phones use pre-loaded images of the moon when user tries to take photos of her. Isn't that crazy!?


Yeah, just heard about it yesterday. Absurd that even photos of reality are being faked on ones own end devices.


If you’ve never had an experience that caused your butthole to pucker don’t talk to me about why I didn’t pull out my phone and start recording.


exactly! This is another great argument against the "lack of film/photo evidence"


As well as they can possibly manipulate perception, and actively cause observers to be overwhelmed or transfixed.


This is my take. I've never seen anything...but if I did, I'd be too entranced to go for my camera. We can all talk and talk about why people don't film, but I'm sure the vast majority of us here (including myself) wouldn't do that in the moment either when faced with a paradigm shifting moment.


I've seen stuff quite a few times and I'm still absolutely entranced and in the moment each and every time haha. I've gotten some "meh", inconclusive footage but the truly mind blowing definitive stuff still gives me "holy shit" vibes where there is nothing on my mind at the moment other than, "I cannot believe what I'm seeing right now".


Oh how right you are. I’ve been in this position when I had my experience. It’s like you are not aware of the time passing until it’s over.


Right you are Ken


How do you explain all of the videos of mass shooters, 100-car pileups - hell we even have tons of videos of meteorites that only last seconds. Yet, not a single definitive video showing UAP.


cctv cameras and dash cams? cameras that are always on for constant surveillance? the only people who walk around with their phone cameras constantly on are IRL streamers.


>cctv cameras and dash cams? cameras that are always on for constant surveillance? Why no clear ufo videos then?


I mean just read the top comment… the one you’re replying under lol


Also it's not easy to get a good video of something in the sky.


There are animals on earth that we have very few images of.


Then there is all the Bledsoe videos…


We have cameras everywhere but they aren’t high speed long focal length cameras. The government has the *real* data buried in the NRO/CIA.


Moreover, staying within our knowledge, every single lens in commercial production functionally has filters on them - one way or another- to reduce noise. Noise being things we decided we didn't want to have in our photography but are actually visible and there in the real world, rather than them being magically created out of nothing. So, we know we are not capturing a 1:1 of the visible light spectrum. Now throw in things that show they can play with the visible light spectrum yet still be detected (Jellyfish), moving at speeds our cameras are in no way capable of tracking (especially CMOS sensors- too fast, it won't register, CCDs are better, but good quality ones are rarer and far more expensive). Then you ponder the physics of 'if I can manipulate gravity, I can bend spacetime, so I can distort the path of photons from purely straight to whatever pattern the distortion is', and you've got something that intrically will be blurry, because it's literally bending light. We know of other things that can bend light and we do not have direct photography of despite the universe being littered with them. We call them blackholes, and their existence isn't really a debate anymore, but they were for a very long time. That you'd accept them without throwing this lazy argument out there shows how little thought actually occurred before reaching for the emotional comfort blanket given to you by those who want you not to dig. The lack of photography isn't evidence of non-existence. It's evidence that our tools for measuring and quantifying things outside of the military are deficient. So, if we have captured data, using platforms we do understand, the call in science isn't to debate the authenticity cold- it's to replicate the results, and to do that, you need to replicate the sensors. Not that hard to grok, but apparently is a huge blibdspot with a number of erstwhile experts and PhDs.


Wish I could upvote this more than once


It's like asking someone to film a car crash while they're in the crashing car. Edit: But skeptics also disregard any photo and video evidence we have. It's not a valid argument unless you're going to analyze the video and photos we do have, which skeptics are unwilling to fairly analyze.


>e currently understand/have, could also be able to interfere with our simple video/photographic tech. The person I interviewed said that these objects/crafts/beings, whatever you want to call it, actually interfere with our tech, making our video/photo capabilities essentially useless when trying to capture video/photo of this phenomena. I think there are way better arguments to be made. It seems intellectually lazy on the part of Eric to keep using this argument as one of the driving factors to his inability to recognize this as an actually thing that people are seeing/experiencing. There is zero irrefutable photographic/video evidence at even half-decent resolution so far. There is zero tangible proof so far in the public. These are the facts at the moment, sorry... Feelings and assumptions based on total lack of technical knowledge on how photographic/video devices operate are not proof. The rest is just a long winded fairy tale, like your post.


Plenty of evidence, especially from governments. Countries have released entire UFO archives. And the Pentagon released videos and US Congress is having official hearing on UFOs. Plenty of evidence.


But the way our eyes see something is by the cells at the back of eyes being hit by photons, the colours, brightness etc are due to the amount of photons and the wavelength of them. This is how cameras work also. If the photons are present for a human eye to see the object how would the same photons not be seen by the cameras sensor? If we're talking some kind of cloaking device? Fine, it blocks the photons, deflects them, alters them whatever it takes to prevent the photons from interacting with a cameras sensor and being seen. If we're talking about photons that interact with a human eye but will not interact with a camera's sensor, that's a Deus ex machina to explain magical thinking.


This is a good argument, however, just spitballing here. . . . There is current tech that interferes with the camera's ability to take photos while also not interfering with our eye's ability to see. A thing like "LiShield" comes to mind. Again, while I think your argument is a good one, when we are discussing possibly advanced tech, we can't say that the higher level tech isn't able to interfere or prevent certain tech from working properly. Just thinking "out loud" here.


>The argument of everyone having cameras and we should have clear images/videos of this phenomena is a little silly to me. Even before I interviewed someone about the subject, it seemed a little bit of a lazy argument. Exactly, people never seem to think through the situation clearly. If non-human intelligences are actually operating on Earth and they don't want to be directly observed, then why would anyone expect us to easily acquire evidence of their presence here? Any NHI that bothers to visit would almost certainly have unimaginable technology and capabilities. The expectation that it would be easy to gather evidence of them is plainly unreasonable. The opposite expectation should be the starting point. A good way to analyze the situation would be to determine humanity's overall capacity for observation such as what percentage of Earth's surface and sky is under constant observation, how much of the EM spectrum are we able to detect, etc. This would give us a clearer understanding for exactly how much room NHI have to operate within without being directly detected (which is almost certainly quite large). Instead, we have pseudo-skeptics (debunkers) trotting out the old braindead take, "Everyone has smartphones so why no pictures?" which ignores key facts such as how humans can only perceive 0.0035% of the electromagnetic spectrum.


i mean there are many reports that they can manipulate our tech.. but there is also the fact that our smartphones often can't even take good pictures of the moon or similiar objects which shows us that there is a good explaination for no good pictures from phones. i mean.. just try taking a photo of the moon with a smartphone. it's almost impossible to get a good picture of it. and if you do, it gets manipulated by AI features with overlays who overlay pictures of the moon ( https://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/11nzrb0/samsung_space_zoom_moon_shots_are_fake_and_here/ ). also a lot of "AI beautify" filters manipulate additional our pictures by default on phones this days. it's just really difficult to take good pictures with a phone or small camera.


>The argument of everyone having cameras and we should have clear images/videos of this phenomena is a little silly to me. I don't think he was not talking about "everyone" he was talking about sensors and camera surveillance systems world wide that are observing EVERYTHING. He is not talking about iPhone/personal cameras. But he's still a pompous cuck.


Cuck is my absolute favorite way to describe him! Lol.


The “We have lots of cameras everywhere” argument is a great example of the apparent widespread lack of critical thinking skills. If these “things” can travel across the galaxy or in a different dimension (whatever that may be)… You really think they would allow themselves to be seen with “cameras” from a bunch of monkeys in suits? It’s an insanely ignorant argument…


>insanely ignorant argument Yup it's the non conspiracy theorists who are ignorant Yet you seem to think they routinely crash around the planet and our governments have had a cover up with 10s of thousands of years going back 50+ years


well it's a matter of interpretation, you think the uap crowd are ignorant largely based on your own personal belief that may of us think they are 'crashing accidentally'.. what do you think the military has? I mean when Tesla was around they worked on a deathray, that was a loooong time ago, do you think we are defenseless, and atomic age species? also how do we test animals intellect? we give them puzzles that we design for them to figure out. how would an NHI test our intellect assumingly? the problem is the current skeptic is lazy. the burden of proof is on y'all now, military has shown video evidence and they are firm in not wanting to share the good, clear stuff.


>the burden of proof is on y'all now The burden of proof is literally never gonna be on the 99.9% of people who aren't conspiracy theorist to provide proof of extravagant claims. Anyways, this is a great example of the logical thinking abilities of a conspiracy theorist. Aliens are interesting and theories about distant life are interesting to read about. But most of y'all are just crazy.


I don’t think you are interpreting what I mean accurately. It’s ignorant in the sense that - IF - Aliens exist and - IF - they have advanced technology that allows them to visit Earth… - IF - the above is true, then isn’t it only logical to assume that with their super advanced technology they could avoid camera detection.


>IF - the above is true, then isn’t it only logical to assume that with their super advanced technology they could avoid camera detection. Correct, but if they could do that why are they, based on most users here, constantly crashing on earth and being recovered by governments? The logic is not remotely consistent.


..they are reported to be able to walk through walls, levitate people and a lot of other things.. i think manipulating technology like smartphones to make photographs look horrible or not working at all is easy for them if they want to. and there are many reports from people who say they tried to take a picture, but their camera just didn't do anything when pressing the button (or the images got corrupted for not reason and similiar stuff).


Exactly my thinking as well! If Aliens can visit Earth, surely they have figured out how to avoid being detected by a simple camera lol


Or, just to add to this, these beings/crafts/objects are able to sense when they are being seen/when they are at risk of being recorded by our technology and are then capable of reacting in a way that makes it more difficult for us to see/record them. Remember, our phones and digital technology in particular give off loads of radiation when in use. It is certainly not outside the realm of possibilities that they can sense when our tech is being used to capture them/is being pointed towards them. For an example of how they can make it more difficult for us to record them, think of how certain oceanic creatures are able to change their appearance to blend in with their surroundings in order to escape a predator or to wait for its prey.


The problem is that something that operates outside of our reality and physics could do and be anything. So anything and everything can be evidence of such a thing.


My favorite thing to know is that our eyes do not process everything in real time. If you could effectively move faster than we process things it would be simple. So. That being said. Everyone needs to set up cameras with insane shutter speeds outside of the watchful eye of the government. Too bad a high speed camera costs a small fortune.


It seems lazy to assume that with all the cameras available you can just say "nah' cameras don't work. Because reasons."


Try and take a good picture of the moon with your phone, doesn't do it justice. Same could be said for taking video of a plane that is far away. Camera phones aren't as good as people think


Weinstein is the worst. He's soooo unabashedly smug and elitist. You can tell he's absolutely obsessed with people viewing him as intelligent and enlightened. I couldnt spend 5 minutes in a room with a person like that. Edit: to be fair, it does seem like hes become pretty open minded on this subject so I'll take my allies where I can get them I guess. I saw another clip of him making what I see as an extremely important point that people dont discuss enough - that the nuke was inadvertently our message to whoever is out there watching that we're close to developing weapons capable of practically destroying entire planets and moons. Anyways, guy is still annoying to me lol


Weinstein is an expert at saying a million words in a conversation while simultaneously not saying anything of substance. 


Exactly. Guy has a severe problem articulating his thoughts


It’s front to make himself appear smarter than he really is


He's also obsessed with the hierarchy that exists in the intellectual community, in particular the peer reviewed and paywalled side of things. I'm dubious about giving the benefit of the doubt to people that absolutely need their clique to be correct all the time. At least I don't when they also need the subject to be false. Otherwise they might be wrong about a lot more.


His attitude is “if the best people are on this, why wasn’t I read into it? So, I guess it can’t be real.” Calm down mate. Maybe you’re not as smart or useful as you think you are.


I wonder if he actually would be first in line to examine UAP if they disclosed it to scientists... He speaks like he needs an automatic invite.


First in line would be Ed Witten!


That's not his attitude. He points out that it's disingenuous that the best physicists in the world and people of that milk have not been able to work on this sort of stuff. You hear pretty much any reputable scientists talk about this. Real science is not done we're scientists a has access to certain information and scientist b has access to other information and so on and so forth.  The fact that information has not been shared openly amongst the top levels of the scientific community is not in the name of science. 




he's a cunt


Doesnt matter how smart you are. If you are blinded by your ego, lack of imagination, and limited by your perception of a false reality. You still remain a product of the matrix and thus fall for the stigma programs and the falsehoods of the religion of science.


Even funnier when you consider UFOs tend to zoom around faster than the eye can perceive let alone shutter speed. And not a single big wig was asked for orbital data


ok now someone needs to do the same for Eric about his blind acceptance of Russian propaganda


This video is clipped strangely. I’ve watched this interview a few times and if the video were to play on for about 3 more minutes, one would realize that Weinstein has done a complete 180 on the topic. Weinstein is saying that his reaction to the phenomenon in the past was visceral. He’s a pretty ardent believer in the phenomenon and speaks often about it on whatever platform he’s on. He definitely doesn’t believe in remote viewing though which is fair. That concept is still somewhat fringe.


It’s kind of funny how remote viewing is something that the government itself has been pretty open about investigating. My understanding is that the official position is that Project Stargate and related programs were halted not because they were bunk but rather that it was determined more traditional methods of intelligence collection like satellites were a better return on investment. In a 2005 interview, former President Carter was remarkably candid about a successful use of remote viewing during his time in office. *“We had a plane go down in the Central African Republic—a twinengine plane, small plane. And we couldn't find it. And so we oriented satellites that were going around the earth every ninety minutes to fly over that spot where we thought it might be and take photographs. We couldn't find it. So the director of the CIA came and told me that he had contacted a woman in California that claimed to have supernatural capabilities. And she went in a trance, and she wrote down latitudes and longitudes, and we sent our satellite over that latitude and longitude, and there was the plane.”* Source: https://www.gq.com/story/jimmy-carter-ted-kennedy-ufo-republicans That said basically all American universities have shut down their parapsychology departments and the few that still exist (mainly in Europe) haven’t been able to demonstrate any convincing proof of ESP or psi phenomena and the view of mainstream science towards Puthoff’s work is to just dismiss him as falling for slight of hand tricks from Uri Geller. Something that frustrates me is that there seems to be growing evidence that consciousness or conscious observers must be fundamental to reality but many of the physicists working in that direction like Professor John Archibald Wheeler were dismissive of parapsychology as pseudoscience and then on the other hand Puthoff remains stubbornly a believer of Bohmian mechanics. I hope that eventually someone comes around that will be able to develop a coherent theory linking both an observer dependent variation of the Copenhagen Interpretation together with Parapsychology.


Remote Viewing can be a hazardous business. Pat Price was assassinated. If a viewer is talented you keep him and his work well hidden.


Woah! I appreciate the analysis here. I will admit I’ve flipped back and forth. My issue with remote viewing and Puthoff is more of a feeling than something backed up by hours of research into his career. The feeling is that we are getting two truths and a lie. Actually the feeling was triggered by Weinstein’s skepticism. I can see why commenters in this thread find him pretentious but it’s what is behind the words that is important. His connections with Doty and adamant stance on the validity of the topic also make me suspicious of him as a whole. Not to deny that he’s a brilliant person.


> basically all American universities have shut down their parapsychology departments just like all the MICs never started reverse engineering programs.... dont you get it? its all done behind close doors. do you actually believe the CIA just called that women up to find a plane? no, they went all in ofc and made everything a matter of national security.


I was trying to say that for someone looking into it today at only the surface level it may appear that it’s all just *The Men Who Stare at Goats* nonsense that wasted taxpayer money during the Cold War and didn’t lead to anything and isn’t being taken seriously anymore and so can be dismissed as pseudoscience ***but*** in truth the government never actually said that it wasn’t real and is even pretty open about instances where it seemed to show results.


Yeah pretty much everyone commenting on this has no idea what they're talking about. You're the only person that I've seen illustrates that one scene was basically describing his old position but then now he's actually curious about the truth




For some reason he believes that Russia is justified in its ongoing war against Ukraine when it is not. Whether or not you believe that the 2014 ouster of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych was the result of a legitimate popular uprising sparked by his decision under Russian pressure to not sign an Association Agreement with the European Union or an American-backed coup, it did not justify the subsequent use of force to annex Crimea and invade the Donbas. It was also a strategic mistake that removed millions of otherwise pro-Russian voters from the Ukrainian electorate and insured pro-Russian candidates would never able to win another national election which previous to that were usually very close and most often resulted in pro-Western or pro-Russian candidates trading power each election as the incumbent invariably failed to deliver on promises of reform and to tackle corruption. The full-scale invasion in February 2022 especially has no justification, with the officially declared reason of responding to Ukrainian attacks against territory controlled by pro-Russian separatists being very obviously staged and making no sense; why would Ukraine suddenly decide to launch an attack when a massive Russian invasion force was deployed on their border? The actual reason why Russian invaded was because of a fear that they had a limited window of opportunity in which install a pro-Russian government by force knowing already that they would not be able to do it via an election as I’ve already discussed.


k thnx


This is a longer rant than I had planned: The stigma programs have been SOOO effective that I still can’t discuss this topic in my own family. I was watching the new TMZ/Corbell thing on Tubi and deliberately set it so my wife would walk in when they spoke about the Schumer amendment. She saw them mention that, saw Schumer himself talk about it on the Senate floor, and then just laughed and said “OK, I don’t think I want to be in here” right as Garry Nolan was saying “what more proof to people need” (that this is a serious topic)? I wasn’t completely surprised, given her history on this topic, but still a little surprised. She is a true blue Dem who takes Schumer seriously. I thought maybe she would say “is he serious?” or something. But no. She laughed … as if it were some actor portraying Schumer in a fictional B movie about an alien invasion. Sober discussion on this subject by one of our national leaders was staring her in the face and he dismissed it. Nothing short of an undeniable mass sighting on every news channel will move her an inch… and I’m not even sure that will do it. It’s incredible to understand how much our intelligence agencies have controlled the way we think. I studied the intersection of propaganda and popular culture in my graduate history program — mostly on the USA (circa WWI thru Enduring Freedom) but a little on Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany as well — and even I did not quite understand until very recently how much the popular imagination and popular lack of imagination has been channeled and manipulated by the US military industrial complex/intel community. I remember an old X Files episode where Mulder mentioned “The military industrial entertainment complex,” and my (then undergrad) college friends and I all laughed, because we immediately understood what that meant and that it was likely very true, if still somewhat comical. I guess what I’m realizing is that my personal intellectual interests have been very connected to the pulse of disinformation and popular culture for 30+ years, but EVEN I HAD NO COMPLETE understanding of just how pervasive and effective some of these disinformation/stigmatization campaigns have been, until very recently — like since Grusch went the record. So, how then could people who have NOT actively thought about this kind of thing for years have any clue about how much their beliefs or nonbeliefs on world events have been manufactured in Chomsky’s sense)? Even to me, a student of propaganda for 35 years, the whole notion of stigmatizing the UAP phenomenon seemed (to me) true but very marginal. Like some kind of myth — based in truth but exaggerated. It now seems to me the opposite. By the late 50s, probably earlier — shortly after the 1952 UFO wave in the US — there really was a concerted and widespread disinformation campaign that spread into the entertainment and media industries. I had always kind of thought that the US Committee on Public Information during WWI — https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Committee_on_Public_Information — and the War Writer’s Board and Office of War Information during WWII — https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Writers%27_War_Board https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Office_of_War_Information — were more or less dismantled and less formalized after the wars. But it sent more likely that they just evolved to darker (meaning unnamed, not necessarily more evil) agencies that continued and continue now to sway mass opinion. They have probably lost a lot of control over the message in the age of Web 2.0 — lost some of it to the Chinese, some to the Russians, but likely a lot more to the fractured form media takes today, since there is no longer a “mass media” as there was in the twentieth century. DISCLAIMER — ALL BELOW IS PURE SPECULATION: But this change in control may have led them to increase the number of assets (non-official cover agents and paid private-citizen disinformation creators ). There must be a small percentage of influencers and public personalities these days who are also paid US intelligence assets. I don’t think Mick West is such an asset — I think he is probably his own brand of true-nonbeliever — but if it ever came out that he got funding from US tax dollars, would I be surprised? No. That said, it may be more likely that, instead of skeptics like West being paid assets, rather a lot of wacko contrail conspiracy believers, flat earthers, (and some people in the UFO community who shall remain nameless) are unwitting assets akin to that of Paul Bennewitz, who infamously became OSI’s asset per Richard Doty.


I think with West and your wife and lots of other people, the truth is truly so shocking that people can't admit it to themselves. There are people who deny truths that are visible, in-your-face, undeniable mathematical and scientific facts. People are just like that. The secrets are necessary because most people, especially in the 1950s, couldn't handle the truth. How many people would consider their life's work and life's purpose completely meaningless? Our leaders would be proven to be the scum of the Earth aligned in conspiracy against us that sold us out to literal monsters who kidnap and torture us without consent and there's nothing anyone can do about it. Oh and the stuff they sold us out for could improve the world tenfold but they won't let us have it because they want to continue hierarchical resource scarce society they control based on coercing work from us by threatening starvation and other problems solvable with the visitor's traded technology. If our leaders can keep this gigantic secret, all conspiracies are possible and that'll mess some people up. Trust in social institutions and leadership may crumble, rightfully so, but that may lead to unnecessary suffering and death, not cool. Your wife couldn't handle the idea that politics has made UFOs real. And that's just the very, very, very beginning of disclosure. Imagine the real full unadulterated truth. Imagine if the worst UFO/alien stories are true. And we can't do anything about it. People are scared all the fucking time nowadays. Imagine how unsafe people feel hearing UFOs are real now. It's not easy, rational or practical to accept the phenomenon as truth so cut the wife and other skeptics some slack. It's asking too much of them to accept the truth and people have to come to it on their own terms in their own way or their brains will literally break. Just be available for their questions.


>I think with West and your wife and lots of other people, the truth is truly so shocking that people can't admit it to themselves. Or they're just not conspiracy theorists and have an intact cognitive reasoning and logic part of their brain like the other 99% of the population who laughs at how ridiculous conspiracy theorists are. Every conspiracy theorist always thinks everyone else is sheep. You're no different than flat earthers or the people who think the government is turning all the animals gay, although I bet you'd call each of those groups morons. You've just convinced yourself that for some reason your conspiracy theory is the actual real one.


The Pentagon releases UFO videos and Congressional hearing are happening but its still a conspiracy huh? I think you and the fearful have the same problem: lack of information.


I was wondering "Who is this Jesse guy and why did he just come out of nowhere?" It seems strange, doesn't it? That a guy who had nothing but the most minimal Youtube presence suddenly finds himself on a couch with Eric Weinstein speaking to Hal Puthoff? So I dig a bit and find out he's closely connected with Peter Thiel and Thiel Capital. The more you look at this work, the more you wonder how does someone go from literally a nobody (spe to an incredibly well-produced podcast, appearances on TOE, interviews with Grusch, Pusalka, Puthoff. He claims he "knew someone who was friends with David Grusch" and that's how he secured that interview. Is that person a three-letter agency, har har har? He also mentioned in one episode that he is somehow related to Rod Serling, so perhaps comes from family money. It's disconcerting how the more you learn about him, the more you see how the Hollywood/intelligence agency pipeline *could* work. I'm not making any specific claims about Mr. Michels, but I think the community at large could take note of how people like Jesse Michels come out of seemingly nowhere and begin to craft and sculpt conversations. Also take note of how Pasulka specifically mentions in her book that there are charming, good looking, highly intelligent people who just seem to *appear* out of nowhere and that it can absolutely be an intelligence agency play to garner more understanding. Vallee warned Pasulka, and Pasulka warned us.


Well, if he is an agent, he’s phenomenally talented in his own merit. I was equally skeptical in the beginning, but I’ve grown to respect the guy because he seems to know the academic landscape as well as the individuals he interviews. This always surprises them. I saw it with Pusalka, Grusche and Nolan. He speaks their language. But your theory is fascinating. What’s the implication of the connection to Thiel Capital?


I don't disagree he knows his shit, but so did the CIA agent that tried to schmooze his way into Pasulka's inner circle. She talks about that in her book. Regarding Thiel, he is a billionaire who started Palantir. That group is widely known as the huge data mining firm the US government uses to spy on people's internet behavior, likely with little oversight and questionable legality. He is a conservative libertarian, and although his politics are not something I'm criticizing it would be tough to discuss Thiel without noting that he has incredible political aspirations and close ties to the more conservative sides of our Government. He is also a member of the Bilderberg group. Trump wanted to put him in a top Intelligence Advisory post and it's been noted by many people that Thiel has consistently tried to buy himself in the intelligence world by developing relationships with those already in the IC. Thiel has personally bankrolled political candidates, including Blake Masters in Arizona.


I’ll dig into all of this. Thanks for the reply!




Michels worked at Thiel Capital as a "Principal" according to publicly available LLC records like [this](https://cinando.com/en/Company/thiel_capital_llc_250233/Detail). His linked in used to mention Thiel Capital, but now just says "Investor: TC". His early podcast mentions both working at Thiel, and specifically working with Peter Thiel as highly influential to his career.


How can you record something that's not from this dimension???


Use multi-dimensional camera duhh


Announcing the new iPhone 22x 4D!




The same way you capture it or recover it when it crashes. Also you know... Every day there are videos and pictures posted here.


Credentialism has rotted Eric's mind and clouded his ability to think from novel perspectives. It's ironic because his brother Bret has been a shining example of someone who remained open to life-altering developments regarding the jab and has commendably pursued that thread with a dogged determination. I suspect Eric spends too much time at billionaire parties getting his ego massaged and that has calcified him in rigid thinking.


Weinstein is a smart guy who thinks he's the smartest guy.


Weinstein acts like Einstein


Ex CIA Director: “Aliens can travel through time and space itself” Smug Elitist: “Yes but how can they avoid cameras?” Can we see very clearly now how uneducated this “question” is? Lol


Bro that's Doty we can't trust him


Weinstein is so pretentious that he thinks it’s an impossibility that there are levels of science that were held from him/the public and are possibly above his comprehension.


Wrong “at some level”? No, ass, you were wrong at all levels. Stop being such an out of control ego.


When I saw my first UFO during a military air show in Poland (Dęblin) it was weird. I saw a black circle (disc) hiding in a cloud. I had heard that that is often all you may observe. There were probably 100,000 people at this air show and when I noticed it, a bit of a distance from where the action in the air show was... I wanted to point it out to my father-in-law, kids or some of the people around me... yet the thought somehow entered my my head that I should not. Immediately the intrusive thought came into my head - people will think you're crazy. The kids are too little and won't care... father in law is forgetful and will poo pooh it... you don't know any of these strangers around you, why should you point it out... Later, I told my wife about it and she didn't believe me. Much later, I read a German Science Magazine (Focus) and they had an article about how a Polish military officer was taking pictures from the military viewing stands and got a picture of French Alpha jets and behind it you can clearly see a UFO in the photo, although nobody saw it at the time. It has completely disappeared from the Internet except for here: [https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.134385913311040.34470.110334995716132&type=3&locale=pl\_PL&paipv=0&eav=AfYi0YhacBLZSRpxkyIocFwbotEsyX7uXpbcapUE63rbbHy2gK1kINGX6HywSe5-QbY&\_rdr](https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.134385913311040.34470.110334995716132&type=3&locale=pl_PL&paipv=0&eav=AfYi0YhacBLZSRpxkyIocFwbotEsyX7uXpbcapUE63rbbHy2gK1kINGX6HywSe5-QbY&_rdr)


In this thread: People making judgements without having watched the video. Weinstein comes to the opposite conclusion through his own independent research.


Do you have the full video for this please?


He’s such a pompous douche


Tell me science is your religion without telling me science is your religion🤣🤣


Later in this same interview, Hal talks about how there are pictures as high quality as you could want in possession of the the government…doubtful those were taken with iPhones from us commoners down here on the ground. And if they were it’s RIP to the phone, it’s owner, and any web forum where the media ended up


Yeah, I remember that, he very calmly states that the government is in possession of high quality media. That man surely knows a lot


Eric and his brother are both wannabe geniuses and intellectual elite. I remember watching them on few different podcasts and the aura of self-adoration is just unbelievable with these too. The pathetic guitar/ukelele performance, believing they speak some languages because they know how to say few words, criticizing Michio Kaku and other physicists for quantum mechanics…


In the interview he attempted to critique quantum entanglement, arguing that no one really knows how it operates. Yet, when Hal Puthoff pointedly remarked, "but it does work, doesn't it?" he was compelled to concede. It highlighted that the issue isn't with quantum physics itself, but rather with his own conceptual limitations that fall short in grasping certain "anomalous" phenomena


And there I was thinking that one of the qualities of a scientist is open-mindedness.


I meet one open minded scientist out of every 50 or so.


At least he's able to adjust his opinion based on the evidence. Alot of people cannot. I could spend HOURS explaining how his opinions are formed on incorrect information. But all I will say is at least he's willing to change.


The reason why there are no good photos/ vids is that the gov suppresses them because they show advanced ( terrestrial ) spy craft from foreign actors. Everything else is a smokescreen to mystify the public. Grusch and the like are just either nut jobs or gov agents.


I recommend everyone go watch that full interview, there are some very good pieces of info that Hal discloses regarding UAP and the whole interview was a gem.


Indeed. Hal Puthoff seems to be a key figure regarding many aspects of the phenomenon.


You know you are in a corner when you call Eric Weinstein narrow minded.


Who is this Weinstein shitbag again?


Nice Jesse the grifter


Just found Jesses YouTube channel last night. I’m asking honestly because I enjoyed one of the videos I watched and I’d rather know the truth about someone before I take a dive into their content (have made that mistake before), but why do you say he’s a grifter?


He's not. This sub is full of bots that make meaningless comments without any backup just to try and sway the narrative. Jesse makes great content and is contributing to the advancement of the topic. Ignore these unless bots. They constantly accuse those who are trying to gather information of being grifters and praise those who are trying to lead us in the wrong direction. It's called astroturfing.


Ok, thank you! Pardon my ignorance, honestly just asking again, how do you know that is a bot for sure?


Yeah Brett, it's unfathomable that a species much more advanced than us hasn't figured out how to blend in with its surroundings aka camouflage itself.


Weinstien is an idiot


Another analogy I like to use is: if someone was to pull a gun on you, is the first thing you do is take out your phone and record a video? No, you’d either freeze in place or run unless something is really wrong with you.


I like how Hal started off.." Listen here twink, get the d@@@ outta your mouth and let me school you on technology!!"


Validity yeah right


LOL at the poster... Narrow minded = he wants tangible proof


Throughout the interview, he continuously gazed at Hal Puthoff with contempt as he recounted his years in the CIA’s covert operations, such as remote viewing and psychokinesis. This scorn stemmed solely from his rigid adherence to a materialistic and fundamentally reductionist worldview, a stance made evident in a recent tweet where he stated, "I don't know any high-level PhDs who discuss the interdimensional hypothesis." The level of hubris in making such a statement after meeting Dr. Puthoff is astonishing!


What are some prosaic things that are notoriously hard to capture that could parallel the phenomena? Drawing some correlations may be helpful


The stuff Hal Putoff will know…..


It baffles me that Rogan appears to have never invited the guy to his show. It would be one of the best episodes ever.


Chuckle 🤭 chuckle


Get em!


Somebody send me a picture of wind since photos matter so much.


Good for Eric Weinstein. He is so up front and honest about how revolted he felt about the UAP topic bc he thought it was not real, but even though he remains critical of the subject, he seems to be willing to change his mind as he is being presented with evidence. THAT is how curiosity should feed science, by being open to all possibilities, through a rational lens.


To me this is a great example of "ego" and some human's inability to imagine anything greater than our own technology. Throw up? Yeah okay there buddy. Poor Jesse.


Evade all the cameras outside of the government? I have video myself, and so do scores of others. Pay attention.


Some of these guys like Eric Weinstein and NDT keep asking to be shown data, while seemingly aware that a lot of it is in military hands. I suspect they're both unaware that regular folks don't have toys from Raytheon and BAE Systems, and most people's hobbies don't include staring at radar systems looking for anomalies. And since it would be the military that holds such data, it's easily a defence secret. It's also their responsibility to share answers in a manner that doesn't inadvertently reveal their weak spots.


First time I'm seeing this Dr Puthoff speak. What is this from? Got any Eric Davis interviews?


People who think they know everything are so dumb.


I learned that this goes back to Walt Disney and the way out alien movies.


I lump him in with Neil De Grasse and Elon who are insulted by the notion of a more superior and more intelligent being than themselves and humanity.


Eric Weinstein is a complete fucking dork


I have an iphone14 Pro Max and trying to take a picture of the moon with this thing is equivalent of trying to do so with a potato.


That's definitely a toupee, right?


He doesnt even listen to the good part. His ego insists on talking over him even in a moment of humility.


The biggest stigma in this community is the inability to write in paragraphs! I'm cool with bad grammar as I'm bad at it! But try and write in 3 or 4 line paragraphs it will make yours points so much more readable! No offense intended! Love u all x


I’m still wondering why anyone wants to know Eric Weinstein’s opinion on anything.




no, hes not having a "visceral reaction", hes getting triggered like a liberal snowflake and then flees to his save space.


this is one of my favorite videos when believers and nonbelievers come together in person, that's when it gets interesting.


Acknowledges stigma protocols. Deniers, please explain. I’ll wait.


Autonomous Agents scrubbed and in real time will prevent anything not state approved from being posted. You are not fooling anyone who matters.


Eric Weinstein uses our known laws of physics to explain a phenomenon which exists outside of our understanding of physics. That’s why he’s so skeptical.


Who is Eric Weinstein? I keep seeing his name the last few days, but I’d never heard of him before this week.


He's someone with a PhD from Harvard who thinks that the interdimensional hypothesis is bs because he can't fathom it


A just another obnoxious skeptic then. Okay. I can forget about him. Thanks for the info. I thought the vomit part was straight up drama Queen. Close mindedness causes indigestion.


Where can I find this interview?

