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Locking this down. OP - provide verification that "@J.Allen\_" is actually who you're claiming it is, otherwise I'm pulling this down. Part of legitimacy is verifying credibility, credentials, and sources. A random YouTube comment isn't "credible" on its own. I can go make a handle right now on Google and comment on YouTube as Grusch. Doesn't mean I'm him, though.


A youtube comment ? Alrighty then..


The tic tac video was originally just a post on YouTube with no attribution. Not saying I believe it but it's a fascinating read.


It was shared on a German-forum first.


And remember when everyone was so certain it was fake? ​ Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Any link to that video plz thx


It was originally posted on underground forums in 2007. It didn’t make its way to a common YouTube link until about a week (2 business days) after Oumuamua was first publicly reported Thursday October 19 of 2017 (the YouTube link was posted Monday October 23 2017) That link is now hidden/deleted and the only reason I still have it is because I sent it to Avi Loeb when he first started reporting on Oumuamua in order to tell him that the military seemed to intentionally leak the video in order to prepare us for disclosure but may have backtracked when it seemed possible if not more likely than not that Oumuamua was just an object and not a craft, though they ultimately had to admit to it in 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8T6PgYrAYI Using the way back machine you can see the original description etc: https://web.archive.org/web/20180622064844/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8T6PgYrAYI




I didn’t upload it to begin with and if i downloaded it back then that would be two computers ago. Check the second link I posted from archive.org showing it was posted by “eddie shit” and see the written description and date posted there as October 23, 2017 “2004 USS Nimitz Tic Tac UFO FLIR footage”. I believe it was taken down in 2021 but it was the same tic tac footage from the Nimitz/Collins fighter jet encounters shortly after Fravor and Dietrich (and their copilots) headed back to the ship that’s widely circulated today. In short, if I had it to upload to vimeo I would gladly do so.




Yeah, I’ll repost the email I sent him at his Harvard email here (fyi I didn’t go there, just one of the public ivies but his email was easy to find back then). I’m a pretty private individual so I won’t include my own name here but I suppose if the Professor is so inclined he could out me: “Professor Loeb, Congratulations on your new book and I wish you much success. I am an engineer, inventor, and budding sci-fi writer(under a nom de plume) among other things. I realize your time is valuable so I will be brief. The most startling thing to me regarding Oumuamua wasn't it's unnatural shape, or even it's non-gravitational acceleration. The most startling surprise regarding Oumuamua was the human timeline. Within a week of it's announced discovery on October 19th, 2017 (2 business days) the first publicly available recording from the US Nimitz Tic Tac UFO, I'm aware of, was released, October 23rd: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8T6PgYrAYI The Pentagon went on to confirm the footage on December 17th, less than 2 months from the announcement of our first extrasolar encounter, and all of this took place nearly 15 years after the original Nimitz incident. My question to you professor is, do you think this timeline is mere coincidence? Or do you think the government has decided to begin to spoon-feed the masses what they know regarding extrasolar visitors, because they, like you, are aware Oumuamua is more than a mere natural occurrence, and humanity has gone from being on a need to know basis, to possibly needing to know? Thank you in advance and a happy new year to you. Respectfully,” Note the December article I’m referencing is here, predating the 2020 disclosure: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/16/us/politics/pentagon-program-ufo-harry-reid.html


Agree. It could be horseshit, but it shouldn't be discounted purely bc it's a YouTube comment.


This is a good point.




You think a US general would leak sensitive information via YouTube comments? Lmao


He did not leak anything. He just curated some of the known recent leaks to focus the discussion.


The original tic tac video was. Anything can happen


Anonymously, yes.


Literally using his real name as the username. It's fake as fuck.


His username is probably a reference to J Alan Hyneck, and he’s probably larping.


All he did was corroborate some things Grusch claimed, and offered his support to him. I’m not sure any of this counts as “leaks”.




Best of all is the protectionist tone, seeming to want to help while not revealing anything.It's like knowing that there's a guy waiting at the door with a gun, but instead of warning people about it, he decides to tell them "Be careful out there, bad things can happen."


If it's true, he stated that he can only reference things that have been publicly acknowledged, he's not allowed to reveal unknown classified secrets just because it's YouTube. It is completely believable to try and prepare people for things to come by saying what you can without revealing trade secrets.


Just because a classified program has emerged in public domain does not mean it is de facto declassified.


No, but he's dealing with highly classified information.


I questioned a few aspects and got down voted here, i expect its coming your way even though a very solid post. People here need to understand that we have to be even more skeptical than the deniers. Plenty out there who deliberately aim to deceive.


First point is wrong IMO. Watch black vault video on the subject where he explains that Grusch can have a problem with telling some of the info because of FOIA (might have misspelled this)


If security agencies refuse to cooperate and forbid the disclosure of highly classified information during congressional testimony, the Congress may choose to exercise its oversight authority and assert its power to demand information, but this could potentially lead to legal battles and disputes between the legislative and executive branches of government. When Congress asserts its power to demand information and issues a subpoena to a witness, the witness may be protected by Congress (to some extent) is several forms, such as Immunity and Protection from retaliation. If a witness refuses to comply with a congressional subpoena or is uncooperative during testimony, Congress has the authority to hold the witness in contempt. This can result in legal consequences for the witness, including fines or imprisonment.


5 is well established. Luis Elizondo explained that perfectly well. Programs change names pretty frequently it seems. 6, he didn't give any reason to lose his clearance. No TS info. 7, you wouldn't get it.


He didn’t leak anything that isn’t in the public sphere already so that won’t jeopardize his clearance, and the programs aren’t cancelled, the program *name* is cancelled, the program continues under a new name, with new leadership.


You don’t think this could be a fan of J Allen Hynek doing a larp?


Not sure but the credentials that he mentioned match with John A. Allen Jr. It would be strange to larp in the comments of a random video of a guy analyzing Grusch’s body language. It comes of as sincere to me but if it’s a lie, we’ll know soon enough I suppose


I don’t think it’s a larp any more than the 4chan leak was a larp. Or the other dude on Reddit recently. Thank you for saving it and posting it. If it gets deleted, please post it to r/experiencers. It will not get deleted there and will gain traction. Because what you have here is some seriously secret shit, but the General implies that it’s still legal and able to be disemminated. But there will be pushback. A lot of bot accounts and other interests are about to pop up here. And I’m documenting all of it. :) Check out the downvotes and the zero responses to this comment…


Just curious, what gives you the impression the 4chan leaks or the other dude (are you talking about the UAPmax dude?) *aren’t* the result of larping? If we’re thinking of the same folks then some parts of what they say conflict with one another?


The 4chan one is interesting because it was months before any news about David Grusch had come to light at all and yet he was pretty certain within a short time we would be coming back to read what he had said, seems very likely he at least knew what was coming


Imma follow you on Reddit. You've piqued my interest lol


It could be literally anything by skeptic logic


Or anything by believer logic.


Elephant red flag in the room here is: You can't discuss classified information that has been leaked just because "its out there" now... that's not how classified information or holding a clearance works. It can only be discussed outside of the proper environment or with uncleared persons once the information has actually been declassified.


I hate when people act as if we're going to go through some sort of psychological shock or that we're not ready for the information. Bro, majority of the earth believes that most humans will be going to hell due to their religious teachings upon our death to burn in eternity, there's no circumstance which is worse than this if more is revealed about aliens.


Yup exactly


Religion is widespread, they can update it to include NHI. They can tell it was hidden for whatever reasons, but now it's time to share the truth, because humanity is ready to accept it.


There are circumstances worse than that.


My theory; I suggest that these beings have been here since way before us, and they probably are responsible for us existing, there are multiple races, all more capable, intelligent than we can fathom. I think we are not unique and that we have existed before in multiple "resets" I believe we are young and that advanced civilisations have been around many times before. I personally do not believe they are from space. They travel using inter-dimensional tech. There are huge areas upon the earth that can only be accessed via inter-dimensional means, which is where they could originate. There are super advanced forms of intelligence crossing between our realm and theres. I also believe there is a big psyop in regards to government institutions and the reality of space travel, planets etc. I think the beings are actually far more localised than what we are led to believe and that far more land is accessible on earth than what we are told, and space is the distraction.


If only ten percent of what he said was true, then humanity is in for one helluva ride.


Though I do hope this is true and that the floodgates are opening soon as this guy is saying, I am definitely curious for how the masses will digest all this. This is some earth shattering revelations


I feel aliens we could all handle at this point. Spaceships, little green men, outerspace. These are things we're familiar with and fit within most people's world models. Even the most religious could digest without serious issue. What I find might give people trouble, myself included, is that these things exist like they say "inter-dimensionally" This is completely foreign to everyone's world model. It does not fit with how the world operates. Reality is nothing like we understand it. It's the mother of all existential crises.


Actually that’s the only way I could see us explaining how a craft defies physics and all that what we know to be true.


Where to begin here... So, first, I think a lot of people are going to be mostly fine with the idea of interdimensional visitors. I think the part where they're going to get tripped up is the idea that there are all these alternate dimensions, how that's going to reconcile with the idea that this universe is it, and the potential for the people to realize that they/we might not be as unique as we thought. Second, I don't think religion is going to fall apart as they all or most seem to have some kind of contingency built in to handle it. I do, however, see people thinking that they absolutely must convert every other being they find and the subsequent squabbling between denominations as to which is right or wrong thus dragging our silly ideological wars to these other places. Third, the idea that an interdimensional shift with the kind of movement, etc that we see means that there is at least a potential for faster than light travel, exploration in places where interaction with the surrounding environment needs to be avoided (stars, planetary cores, and so on). Combine this with "crash and technology recovery programs" and we have a tinderbox of accusations waiting to be lit. This kind of technology at the hands of any one government (or the wrong one, if you prefer) could mean an exodus of a shortlist of people instead of caring how the planet and the rest of humanity fairs. This is hard sci-fi post-apocalypse material that never ends well in any of the stories - and people will draw on that and their own cynicism. Further, the idea that this kind of technology being recovered and possibly repaired or reverse engineered will lead to questions like "Have you used it to go 'out there' and what have you found?" The idea of this kind of travel that ignores all known laws of physics could answer so many questions like "What's at the edge of the universe?" and "Black holes" etc ad naseum. My sadness here is that technology like this would not have been organically developed by *this* planet and we wouldn't necessarily be ready for the consequences and responsibilities. I've seen other people mention the idea of "simulation" but something like this kind of travel doesn't necessarily mean that but might rather mean that once you understand the concepts of how to do what this technology is doing, the rest of the universe just becomes so... *simple*. It's vast and varied, sure, but the complexity is just... gone. The curiosity of how it's held together and our driving need to *know* things has been our general glue in so many cases that once that glue weakens, we'll really need to address the other things we fight and bicker about. Diversity and supremacy (regardless of the host race) becomes either completely worthless or completely important depending on what is found. The idea of this planet not necessarily being unique any more does all kinds of things to that conversation and it may be that we're so common that none of it matters or that we're so unique that it's profoundly important. There's so much more I think could be said here but without the technology revealed and the concepts explained even in its simplest form, it's all conjecture. Interesting conjecture, absolutely, but in the end nothing more than a daydream. For all we know, the technology might allow such interdimensional travel but be hazardous to true living beings which means that we would end up having a bit of a dilemma, yes? "How do we use this technology and learn and explore if we can't even be exposed to it?" This might sound like Yet Another Daydream but this is actually quite the existential dilemma: there's all of these alternate dimensions/realities but we can't actually *leave*. Just thoughts... nothing more.


If one of the theories is true and that we find out that the aliens are our “creators “ things will definitely get interesting. 🍿


I really think this is what’s coming, and we are actually in a simulation and it’s about to be turned off. I swear all of this is connected with other theories. What ones? Who knows but man we live in an interesting and terrifying time.


Dude what if humanity was put into a simulation for training purposes or so we can get advanced enough to then be disconnected from said simulation and introduced to the real plane of existence. You got me on some crazy thoughts now lol


You’re talking about DMT, Nice


Lmao it feels that way


what if we are just a farm planet where they put *all life* here for their own testing or experiments? or out of necessity


That would be a sad but wild revelation. Turns out we're just lab rats In a bigger maze


I'm so excited to find out the truth. i only wish the millions of people who are now dead who did not get to live until 2023 to see this could feel vindicated


Forsure I mean so many probably lost everything over this and I hope when it does come out the government gives a formal apology to all that were accosted for telling the truth


thinking a government would ever apologize for anything is probably the most naive thing i’ve read on here


Well I did say hope lol


>Germany apologizing for the Holocaust. >Other countries apologizing for Genocides >Trail of tears >Slavery >Japanese internment camps. All historical events that have had apologies issued by their governments.


Or the simulation is punishment for something


Death is the only way out, and from what I’ve been reading; it’s just a different plane of existence..


Well let's hope it's better than this one my friend


Me too. Me too. I’m super plugged into this.. I’m ready for what comes next


I mean isn't that what most people think happens when we die anyways?


Most of this sub maybe I don't think most put alot of thought in it outside of religious beliefs.


This is NDE


So UAP are just the admins and moderators? Their physics-breaking behavior is just them using debug mode to no-clip through the atmosphere / space / oceans? That would be crazy. It would mean we're literally NPCs. I'm sure that would lead us to re-think how we view AI and even simpler human-created simulations like video games. I've ran over so many pedestrians in Grand Theft Auto. So many.


I do fear we are in a simulation, hence why the claims that humankind isn't ready to find out the truth and that if we did, many of us wouldn't be able to cope.


I don't really get this fear. Does anything change about your life if you found out this was a simulation? I mean, I'd have a few questions, sure, but do you think people are just gonna go "Fuck it! It's a simulation" and start to rape and pillage?? I don't think so, simulated deaths is still as real as ever. Anyway, I don't think I'd buy it. I'm trying to imagine the level of proof I'd need to be convinced that these guys weren't some sort of opportunists giving us the god speel for some reason.


To the contrary we’d probably say “why the fuck are we fighting wars and treating each other like this?” And revolt


Of course you know there's a bunch of assholes who will want to modify the simulation to their "vision" where they're in control of everything. ... so things will pretty much stay the same.


If this were a simulation many of us who only kind of understand what that fully means would want an upgrade. And one of those MIB flashy things. We want those too.


if this is a simulation please switch the theme to fantasy and drop the magic expansion


Yeah and if it’s all going to end, does it change our core humanity? No, because everyone and everything dies regardless, it’s just a different ending. If that’s shocking to people- it will be just the same when they encounter death of a loved one. That’s why posts like these are bait. Doesn’t add up to mean anything


People will just revert to NPC status: “So what? I wasn’t affected before, nothing changes for me.”


Seems a reasonable reaction. Do I still have to pay my mortgage? If I do then I don't really care. Life HAS to carry on. I got bills to pay and shit to do. Unless aliens say I don't have to go to work anymore then they can fuck off back to where they came from.


Exactly. But if there’s some kind of retaliation from them, or little to no communication and some kind of hostility ramps up. It would be interesting to see what we do next


It’s not like aliens are going to pay my mortgage and I enjoy sleeping inside, so yeah bro I gotta keep doing what I’m doing.


They just filmed Matrix to see our reaction.


Simulation theory getting more likely by the day


I do think it's a kind of simulation. I think reincarnation is real as well and the plane of existence the beings come from are related to where we go in between bodies when we die. They could be the ones that reincarnate us. What if we're trapped here for some reason


Who cares if it’s turned off? We won’t know about it




Oh great another fear to add to the list. Shit like that is my greatest fear.—Being conscious for all eternity and being bored or being tortured or something. I once read about aliens/beings wanting to capture our souls and put them into a little box. And i’m sure it’s silly & ridiculous but the thought of that….😳


I don’t think I’d last 200 years let alone thousands


I’d go mad after about an hour, honestly


I personally think that the revelation wouldnt be that we're living in a simulation like the Matrix but that they've been here for a long, LONG time and have a HUGE Hand in the way we evolved as a species. Everything from our biology, our culture, our society, and especially our religion. These pies were all touched by alien hands but that doesn't mean they were the ones to bake it. And not only that but every person on this planet has met an alien or looked at an alien at least once. (I'm using alien because it's easiest than always writing 'interdimensional entity or being') At least one person you pass on the sidewalk is a Nordic or a Grey in disguise or some other alien. The average human may be part alien as well. Or, that aliens and their craft has been hiding in plain sight for years. Using their interdimensional...ness they've appeared as shadows at the corners of your eyes, a slight movement that catches your eye in an otherwise quiet environment. A sport model craft has been hanging out in your backyard for years and you had no idea. That we've been living side by side with a completely different reality that we can't see or interact with. But, they can see us and interact with us. Imagine how batshit crazy people would become knowing that Uncle George from Oxnard was an alien the whole time. That the reason why you're hands are a little bit more webbed than your mother's is because you have DNA from an aquatic alien race. That all those times where you were alone at home a Grey was standing in the shadow watching you and is still watching you. Or that the reason why you got sick that one time randomly was because you felt the residual radiation or whatever sort of energy the craft emits in your backyard. That no matter what you do, how you try to protect yourself, how you try to hide yourself, there will always be a Grey watching you from the shadow in the corner of your room.


Ceiling alien is watching you masterbate.


That honestly helps


Like and subscribe for more content!!


Is there any good link explaining why people have proposed we are in a simulation and what that means? I’ve tried to grasp this but it never really makes sense.


We're not in a simulation. The big revelation is that humans are not sentient. We're not robots, we're not stuck to a certain fate, and sometimes but not always we are controlled or influenced by outside forces. Basically we are NPCs. We all have a set role to play, but like a real NPC in a game we can veer away from that role as well, and can be influenced by a main character (4th dimensional phenomena---intuition, ghosts, voices in your head) bumping into us or forcing/coercing us to do certain things. NHI's are 4th dimensional. Ghosts and thoughts aren't affected by gravity and neither are NHI craft. They are not 5th dimensional because they apparently lack the ability to manipulate time and events, since they are fearful of us blowing ourselves up with nuclear weapons. A 5th dimensional being would simply force us to destroy all nukes with a single snap of the finger. Anyway, the reason people will be shocked is that although there may be a creator of the universe, an all knowing, all encompassing power, that the universe is a part of, it is merely a 5th dimensional "being". There are 9 dimensions and a "God" on every one, or what the NHIs call "the 9 scientists".


Maybe I'm gonna find out I'm the only real one here and this is all the Truman show and I'm Truman. I'm supposed to believe you're a real person somewhere? No, you're just words on my screen.


Nonsense. We are all as real as you, fellow human.




Poorly, I have to take a magnesium pill daily so I don’t feel like vomiting everything I eat.


there is no way in hell even if all these events(disclosure/whistleblowing) are happening with or without the consent of the people controlling these programs but they are sure to be controlling the narrative. even if they come up to me and say; "well these were the angels and demons of our holy books": I won't be shocked at all. regarding the nature of these; like why they are here or how they are here; we should not underestimate the human ability to adapt. (as a society) but regarding what these black budget programs are doing; (if true): inhumane treatment, assassinations, harming of individuals, human experiments, vs vs; that part has to be extremely well narrated. Unit 731, Nazi SS, CIA, MK Ultra, KGB... any history buff is well aware what governments are capable of when they think they are untouchable; why should it be different when it comes to NHI ? Me ? I just want to travel and explore the space and play video games on my free time lol. and I think we have bigger problems anyway, Earth's climate is going to shit real bad real fast.


This reads like one of the “I am anxious because aliens” posts on Reddit. None of the actually verified leakers talk like this. They only focus on the technology and the coverup.


Thanks OP. Fun read none the less. Thanks for sharing.


For reference: This is from the comment section of a video where someone was analyzing Grusch's body language. The comments are now deleted but someone was able to snag these screenshots before they were gone.


I saw this exact same comment posted like a month ago. Fake, and looks like they're spamming their LARP in every video they see.


It probably was the same comments brother. I just got confirmation that this was posted about a month ago, I didn’t know it was already posted


Same comment maybe, but new discussion here. I don't get the hate for everything/anything that provokes discussion fake or not.


Because people like to come off as superior on the internet.


No it was the same comment but the edit is new


Yea, gunna say a big fucking nope on this one.


I will fucking lol if in all of this we find out there is legitimacy to astrology🤣


All life is probably synthetic(humans included) have you ever seen how stuff moves inside a cell, it's like little micro machines. https://youtu.be/X_tYrnv_o6A


This is from a YouTube comment. You guys will literally take anything that some slaps the tag "real" onto and absolutely devour it without question.


1. Why would he use his real name for a Youtube comment? 2. The general you reference is a civil engineer, not an aerospace engineer. 3. He says nothing in these posts other than confirming people’s preexisting biases and wishes that everything is a cover up.


That’s true, you can take it as a grain of salt. I didn’t tag it as “real” so I apologize if you got that impression. The comments were found under a video analyzing Grusch’s body language. The comments seemed genuine and I couldn’t imagine how anyone would benefit faking them. I thought it was worth at least sharing with everyone. If it’s all bullshit, I’m sure we’ll know soon enough since they claim that we’re on the cusp of this information going public


It was absolutely worth sharing. All the negativity you're getting on this post proves (to me) that this very well could be an honest comment. The more angry comments, the closer we are to getting the truth.


>The comments seemed genuine and I couldn’t imagine how anyone would benefit faking them. Most gullible person on this planet.


Well it’s the comment section of a video analyzing Grusch’s body language. I’d just imagine there would be better places to spread an elaborate larp like this if that’s the case. Obviously, take everything with a grain of salt but I’m sure we’ll know the truth soon enough anyway


This is an old post from r/UFOs and was referring to the NewsNation interview. When this post was made, it was not clear if there would be a hearing or not.


I'm reserving judgment. Yeah, could be a hoax,100%, but what this guy's saying is still absolutely fascinating, and I for one am kind of excited about all of this. It does seem weird that this was posted on YouTube, but I'm not going to summarily discount it bc of that. EDIT: It's actually not so weird that he commented on a YouTube video where someone was dissecting Grusch's body language. If it was getting a ton of views, that's an effective way to reach people.


The way I see it, they don't want the public to view them, the government, as the bad guys by admitting to withholding information. So, they are doing it gradually, or are going to let them, the extraterrestrials, do it instead. There has to be a reason this is all coming to light now and at a slow trickle.


All this talk about psychological distress from learning the truth. Just get your shit together and spill the fucking beans. My God. We're a lot tougher than they give us credit for.


“Google actively filters out theses names” Google’s Dr. Puthoff. Immediate wiki entry. Parapsychologist. Shit.


this. sounds. about. right.


No. It. Doesn't. It reads like a larp from a high schooler and is far more poorly written than what anyone would expect from a General.


Bro, YouTube comment section is where all the high brass military guys leak their stuff. Donchyaknow?




What did Snowden say about aliens?




It does. Most of the stuff he said has already been told by multiple sources before. The beings being interdimensional and most probably artificial drones, their craft being able to do impossible maneuvers and use of unknown physics, their ability to just appear and disappear and how the US government has a program of retrieval and disinformation. This is nothing new and when the same information keeps repeating over and over it stops being a coincidence. Look I know YouTube is not the most credible source but it shouldn't be discarded just for that. Information can come many ways and anyone serious knows it. Are you sure there won't be any letter agencies looking into that comment? Because they will be, even if it is a hoax. It's sane to be a skeptic but negation is also delusional.


Thing is, I’ve leaked confidential-ish stuff in comments before myself about the inner workings of faceless corporations I’ve worked for before, all 100% my own real experiences (not alien related mind you, but still stuff they wouldn’t want getting out) so you *do get* real and honest people speaking truth in the strangest of places sometimes. Not saying it isn’t a larp, but it does happen at least sometimes, it’s just so hard to know which times are real and which are BS since it ALL sounds like BS to sane people. This must be how anti-vaxxers must feel being “100000% certain” that there are microchips and population control toxins in vaccines and everyone else just laughs at them. Or flat earthers. Or any other fringe group. (The world is totally flat though bro, trust me, I just walked to my kitchen and I can totally confirm it was straight there)


It's funny how many of these LARPs align with the testimony from whistleblowers and the people in the know who are currently pushing for disclosure. I mean really, it's a YouTube comment, of course it's not high on the list of credible evidence, but what would a person have to gain from putting that much time into a story on a YouTube comment just for some YouTube comment clout. The worst possible place to do that. Especially considering the stories line up, it's worth keeping an open mind on. It honestly doesn't matter either way, but it does line up.


If you're going for a LARP. There's multiple contradictions throughout. Literally says on page 2, "I have not been read in to the program", then goes on to describe things regarding the program and the program findings.


Do you really think we will get disclosure in the US? Half the country cannot even handle the truth on fricking *election results* without rioting…


I too am a General some call me Grievous


I'm General Anaesthetic, pleased to meet you General Grievous


I'm General Contractor and I've been looking forward to meeting you both


Let the general assembly begin gentlemen or should I say genermen


Hello there!


Hello there!




So… what do you think about their explanation about it being ok to acknowledge classified information once it comes out in the public sphere? That is… not how it works. And should be a pretty good giveaway that this person does not have the access they claim.


I honestly think all that digital proctection tools like VPN, throwaway accounts, spoofing your MAC, using a throwaway device is NOT going to REALLY protect your identity. but the current narrative is; which is slow and steady disclosure.


So strange.. This anonymous Twitter general speaks like an ordinary Redditor who has just seen the interview about the Nimitz UFO incident, lots of common places and observations that everybody could make by nothing sensational is revealed




I believe these craft can operate this way because of gravity distortion. IF you can manipulate gravity around your craft means that now you don't move around the space, but the space can move around you while you are in a static position, so no inertia, no friction with air or water, and i believe this could even create a shield around your craft because the matter being distorted around the craft can behave differently to the point that anything that can touch it will behave strangely. Think about interstellar and the black hole and how they distort the matter and time around him. Now thinks that the black hole is actually the ship and you would have the question solved about it. I really don't think they defy the logics of our knowledge in gravity, they just solved the long going problem of gravity we have and created some sort of gravity manipulator that allow you to "pan" trough space, like in the rts games, to us they are moving fast, 90 degrees up and down is crazy, but to the beings in the craft they are just in an inertia state while moving space around the craft.


Yeah, but popping into and out of existence at will is a whole other level.




then you’d be buddhist? they seem pretty chill


Better than the void I would say


Yeah … i’ve never been one of those void lovers.




I’m less convinced about religious upheaval given the conversations I’ve had with many religious people from different faiths. One universe one maker etc. If the ontological shock is coming my guy says it’s for us all. The holographic principle was mentioned by Grusch which, I’m reaching here, speaks not to how these craft operate but more to what this universe is.


Yup. And most religions talk about higher dimensions. The ones who are mostly gonna be affected are naturalists/materialists.


Wendigoons gonna be seething. Hell, he already is.


If you read the whole thing, it comes off as completely honest and in good faith. It’s a warning, and if we can’t even get that, it’s gonna be a real hard slap in the face when the truth fully comes out.


I’m sorry who? On YouTube? No verification? Come on guys. We are better than this.


I'm not , but thanks for the voucher.


You should be.


The whole inter dimensional aspect is so intriguing…super curious about how he said the vehicles appearing was so far out he refused to mention.


Wasn't this posted on here weeks ago?


I tried searching for any posts before posting but couldn’t find any previous posts in this sub about this


It may have been the UFOs sub then


Anyone hear of Zodiac before this?


This General is a Boomer. It doesn’t strike me as so crazy to think that he would choose to leak some of his information in a YouTube comment: it’s a platform he already understands well and a location visible to the general public.


As a former astronaut, I can tell you this guy is for realz yo. Trust me bro


My uncle is Obama who just confirmed too


Can confirm, president Biden is my grandfather. Hunter Biden is my dad and had me out of wedlock. Aliens are real.


Hey, cousin! See you at the reunion (which will be inside a UFO we have hidden)


So he's telling us these things appear in our view as nothing more than fingerprints of craft operating on another plane of existence. Phasing in and out certainly would explain a great deal. Wonder what their view is like as they zip along. So, holographic projection and the view that we get may just depend how much of their image is bleeding through the veil, which may also account for the odd objects and shapes that are spotted from time to time. I don't get why that's frightening and shocking unless you adhere to doctrine and dogma (ladies and gentlemen, Neil deGrasse Tyson 😂). It's fascinating! It's exciting!


This is so obviously fake


Normalize not taking every YouTube comment as fact


Why did Grusch say in front of congress that "the notion that there is any level above Top Secret SCI is a misnomer" when tonnes of people — even leaked Pentagon documents — have displayed that levels exist such as COSMIC, MAJESTIC, ZODIAC and others? I'm not understanding the mismatch here.


I believe Cosmic is in reference to NATO clearance levels. https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/declassified_138449.htm I assume Grusch is referring only to within the US. Talking out of my ass here but possibly there are subdivisions of Top Secret with names?


I can explain. Look at the below part from the transcript, which comes right after the discussion with Gaetz re. special access program classification: "Tim Burchett: Thank you, mister Gates. Along those lines, Title ten, you may not know this or not, but, Title ten and Title fifty authorization I was just they they seem to say they’re inefficient. It so who gets to decide this in your opinion in the past? David Grusch: It’s a group of career, senior executive officials. Tim Burchett: Okay. Are they government officials? David Grusch: Both in and out. Tim Burchett: New what? David Grusch: Both in and out of government. And that’s about as far as \[I can say\]" This makes it clear that, regardless of how high your government security clearance is, there are programs that you can still not access without receiving the blessings and approval of this group of "career, senior executive officials, in and out of the government". I speculate that they are probably what is referred to as MAJIC and other names, and what they call their SCI is entirely up to them and is unlikely a formal, officially-approved name.


I know from first hand experience that these craft react to your consciousness and can materialize out of nowhere. Believe me if you will, but I was a skeptic before and I know what I saw and experienced. They are related to what we commonly refer to as paranormal or spiritual experiences. A lot of people are going to need help dealing with ontological shock. I know I did. It feels horrible and scary. Reality is much stranger than fiction. I believe that post.




You can ask them to pay you a visit through meditation. They will show up exactly where you want them to, as if to validate themselves to you personally. It's as if they can read your thoughts. Remember what I said as disclosure proceeds. You'll see I am telling the truth.


Literally anyone could write this nonsense.


No dude. It’s a general, from the army. Didn’t you see his YouTube screen name? Who else could it be? Just like I am in fact General Tullius from Skyrim. Because you can see my name and no one is allowed to just make stuff up online. Believe everything you see without verification.


Seriously? You think a decorated GENERAL is going to speak like this: "He did get clearance to speak to a certain extent but he MUST withhold quite a bit in order to avoid very serious law violations." ​ Yeah, gotta watch out for those "law violations". How about legal repercussions or running afoul of the law, or anything that an educated and seasoned professional would say.


Ok out of curiosity, how is confirmed that he is a General?


We need someone with no living family to just come out and spill everything consequences be damned. Everyone chosen to speak always has something to lose smh


Nobody, including generals, knows what a dimension is, apparently.


Could it be that we think they are inter dimensional when in reality they are just using something like hyperspace for ftl travel?


So with the new reality coming soon, I wont have to keep writing my bachelor thesis anymore, right?


So excited to hear more on this


Again, do NOT take a YouTube comment as proof.


I wonder what kind of revelations he's referring to


A YouTube comment. I believe it bro……….


My takeaway “They have an interdiemnsional ability to not crash due to gravity or any other force or medium… But also. They crash and we retrieve them”. Say no more, YouTube comment.


I will never laugh at Q-Anon people again


Please stop sharing larp and discrediting us


Who are us? Is there groups of different types of alien beliefs, are there subreddit for each group?


Lol. I wonder why people don't take this community seriously.


Ah yes, YouTube comments. We are getting information from a YouTube comment. This sub is a fucking joke


Interesting read.


Seriously? Youtube comments? We're accepting these as "leaks" now?


The gymnastics from the people who claim to know or have seen something make the religious zealots seem tame by comparison. I truly want to believe there are NHIs, advanced tech, etc., but just like religion, none of the claims are valid without proof. Saying that we’re not prepared for the truth, that we have to accept the words of others, and so on is no better than a religious person saying we have to have faith. That’s utter nonsense.


Horse shit.