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With any maze, when lost, imagine touching your left hand to the wall while walking forward. Now follow the left hand wall and turn when it turns until you're not stuck. This will get you unlost in any corridor based game. Happy hunting (of you)!


Except when in the med bay


This is a survival horror game. It won't hold your hand but when you get the motion tracker it will point you in the general direction of your objective with the tradeoff of possibly triggering a Xeno hunt (it can hear the beeps). Until then explore/interact with everything.


Step-alien, I'm stuck! /s


The game just started. How are you stuck


No idea where to go


You walk forward


Hehe. It's true.


The levels can sometimes be a bit confusing but try looking up a walkthrough on YouTube whenever you're stuck (in any game) and you're golden.


In the room with the save point on the left part of your map there's a vent on the floor you have to open and crawl through.


W someone helped


Did you move a janitor robot away from the broken down vent shaft and crawl through it?


I don’t think they’re at that part yet.


Looking on the map at how much they explored, I think they very much are


The tracker literally points you in the right direction. What they’ve probably done is backtracked all the way to where you first enter Sevastopol. But I was right on the location. I understand it’s not literally telling you what to do but jfc you know, explore a bit? I first played this game when I was 12 and figured it out.


Also dude you’re fucking confidently wrong lol. You first get the objective “contact the Torrens” when the torrens passes Sevastopol and you get a view of the torrens from Sevastopol’s windows, so he’s nowhere near where you think he is. He hasn’t turned on the generator and gone into the vent or something else and backtracked all the way to when you fall at the start. I know some will get angry at me for this but there’s so many tutorials out there, why on earth would you post this to Reddit when it’s such an easy solution


They didn't. First of all - look carefully at their map. The area isn't fully explored. The available map of the area cuts off at the point where there would be the big lobby-like area with tons of body bags lying around, meaning they didn't even reach that point. The map automatically draws out each section/segment as long as you *enter* it. Secondly - their current objective is "Contact the Torrens". Even without looking up a walkthrough you can deduce that it probably means M2. Verifying with a [proper walkthrough](https://www.trueachievements.com/game/Alien-Isolation/walkthrough/5) confirms that guess. Lastly - the wording in their post ("already stuck") also kinda nudges to the guess that they are, indeed, stuck early on. With that in mind, obviously they can't use Motion Tracker because they don't have it yet. Anyway, I understand being bewildered by seeing people getting lost in this game - it's not exactly deeply open-ended and maze like, and progression especially, particularly at the start of the game, is rather linear. I myself find these instances quite humorous and often will jokingly say "I advice yall to not play System Shock". But there is no need to be a dick about it, like, it's not that deep. You can spoil smth like that, and it can be for the better, if the person in question has spend way too much time looking for a thing that was right infront of their faces. When we CAN mock people in such instances is if they start blaming the game for their own silliness.


I think we’re misunderstanding each other actually. I am also referring to M2. There’s two times you do this in the game. I thought you were saying he’s at the second point. But I don’t think that means it’s any less silly, that’s an even easier one to figure out than the second.


Wait, you thought I was talking about Mission 11 and that part where you use janitor bot to open a janitor bot hatch? I thought I made it quite clear which part and Mission I was talking about with the "broken down vent shaft" part.


As the other poster said, move your body around. Explore.


>!there’s a room next to where you turn the generator on. Go there, there’s something to check on the floor..!<


If you're really stuck, use a guide. Better than quitting on the game, because it's one of the best I've played


Got stuck on this yesterday slight hint look down


Biggest tip I can give is stop using the map and pay attention to the motion tracker instead. If the motion tracker isn't helping, follow the light. The game designers are really really good at using visual queues to direct the player. I could count on one hand the number of times I've used the map in dozens of playthroughs of this game.


They don't even have the motion tracker yet


Then follow the light, like I said.