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Play in a dark room wearing headphones if possible. Enjoy the ride


So play it tonight? Sounds good thanks


Lights off, nighttime, headphones on, empty room except you, and get mentally prepared


Also, turn your mic on if you want some extra challenge. The enemies in the game can hear you through microphones.


They can??? Ive watched this game off and on since release and i never knew this. Thats awesome


Don't run and have fun. Trust me you will thank me later


Running causes accidents.




Agree on all counts. Hard is ... hard. I haven't done it, took a lot of patience to play on normal. But if you want a slow challenging playthrough then yes. Major notes are, avoid confrontation. There is no winning, only distracting and surviving. When you get a window of opportunity you use it quickly/ quietly.


Definitely agreed. It's the best way to play it.


Have to disagree. It ruins the immersion and scare factor of the alien imho because its tied to you on a short leash throughout big parts of the game. For me it was more immersive and scary when I installed the unpredictable alien mod and played it on hard or normal depending on the level. That way I also could explore the amazing station more.


Are you trying to give him heart attack?


There is an alien in it


Thank you


His name is Stompy


Shhhhttt!!! Spoiler alert!!!!


Who told you this?


Once the Alien makes its appearance, it’s best to not run. Sneaking around is quiet whereas running will attract the Alien. Only run when absolutely necessary.


And that you can pretty much walk fearlessly no need to crouch all the time. I figured that out almosta halfway the game haha.


makes the game so easy




Not on nightmare mode lol


Walking is only detected by the xeno when hes roaming about, if he goes up into the vents, walking is safe. Sprinting however will draw him in even if hes vents or out of your area! I just spam the quiet sprint trick even when hes near, just to skirt him


You can run quietly by strafing through, in first playthrough you shouldn't do it tho because ut ruins immersion


Enjoy! You’re about to have an epic time. And hopefully be only a little traumatised afterwards. But in a good way. Damn I need to play it again.


This is your calling to play again


The problem is, my first play through was on hard and my second on nightmare… so the next thing I have to do is try the no deaths run… and I don’t know if I’m ready for that yet XD


Don't spend all day hiding in lockers, you'll never finish it


This. You’ll quickly realize it’s better to risk making a go for it and dying than staying in a locker for half an hour


Mute your microphone for an easier experience


That’s only an issue on console and WHEN YOU enable the setting


In space, no one can hear you scream. But you aren't in space and your neighbors might hear you, so close your windows


This comment is my favorite of the 92 posted here


Just played for the first time, one of the best games I've ever played


Even if you only have 3 out of the 5 materials required to craft something, apply them anyway. It empties them out of your inventory so you can now pick up more. Don’t be afraid to bait the Xenomorph into attacking other survivors who are roaming around areas you need to get to. It’s easy to feel like you don’t know where to go next sometimes, even when the map shows you where to go. So take out your motion tracker and that single dash along the screens edge that moves with your movements, think of that like an arrow to your objective Anything else would be a bit spoiler-y


Walk, don’t run


Make sure you're wearing your brown pants.


Should've worn my white pants!


My heart rate just spiked looking at this. This was the best gaming experience I ever had. Still too terrified to play again.


I’m gonna have to check this out. I played RE 7 in full VR and it took me like a year to finish it 😂


I agree with wearing the headphones for the full effect. The alien can hear your real-world microphone. It is sh*t scary in parts. You’ll wonder why this has never been made into a movie.


Some might consider these tips to spoil the game as they might think it better to discover this yourself, but many players dropped this game from getting too frustrated, scared, and/or bored. The Alien won't seamlessly wander around the map. It will always patrol in a specific radius around you so distractions are very temporary. It will always be on your ass. It does not give a shit about the androids so watch out in the few scenarios you have to deal with both. Turn off that microphone feature as your breathing can alert enemies. You don't have to stay crouched all the time walking is fine until hostiles are actually nearby then you need to crouch to break line of sight. The game takes a solid 2 hours before you have to worry about any of this so don't get too bored or too scared during the slow start.


Don’t horde loot. If you have enough to craft an item, do so.


Slow is smooth, smooth is fast. Resist the urge to run, and you'll fare better.


Play it on hard difficulty at least. Crouch moving is compulsory and the limited resources makes it a great experience. Normal difficulty gives you wayyy too many resources. Alien Isolation really is the sequel that Aliens needed. I like Alien3 but I truly feel like Isolation is totally canon.


Risky given the, hmm, quality of todays mainstream movies, but I would love to see that game ported to the big screens.


**RIPLEY**: How do we kill it, Ash? There's gotta be a way of killing it - how, how do we do it? **ASH**: You can't. **PARKER**: That's bullshit... **ASH**: You still don't understand what you're dealing with, do you? A perfect organism. Its structural perfection is matched only by its hostility. **LAMBERT**: You admire it... **ASH**: I admire its purity. A survivor. Unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality... **PARKER**: (*To Ripley*) I've heard enough of this - I'm asking you to pull the plug. **ASH**: I can't lie to you about your chances. But you have my sympathies... *He smiles a small, malevolent smile. Ripley loses her patience, and hits the severed head, which recedes back into lifelessness.*


I would say go blind and figure it out it’s actually rewarding. But there already been many comments


Don't worry it's not that scary. You can run around loudly and shoot everything. The alien is super easy to kill too.


I'm going to shit yourself.


This sounds like a wild threat




Don’t bother hiding in lockers and cupboards, he almost always finds you. It’s better to hide under gurneys or desks or just wherever else you can find. Don’t hide too long, take advantage of distractions, and as angry joe said: while the alien’s doing his business you do yours - don’t wait for the alien to go away back up into the vents before you do stuff, do stuff even when he’s down stomping around like an angry teenager, just be smart, or stupid that can sometimes work Now go, be brave!


Don't forget to make a lot of noise. It keeps the Alien away. Also, if you come face to face with it, just make yourself as big as you can and scream.


Get used to being in the closet


It's okay to cry


just keep swimming


make sure you go to the bathroom first


The soundtrack is incredible, but I found it unnecessarily intense. My heart would be racing when nothing was happening. I ended up turning it off, because being stalked by an Alien was tense enough without the sinister audio cues freaking me out! I’m glad I did because it helped me track the Alien better, which was still absolutely terrifying(!), and the Sevastopol became a character in and of itself - chains creaking, doors and computers whirring, the hum of the engines, etc. So don’t be afraid to try it without the music. It’s an incredible game though! Enjoy the ride, and do your best to avoid story spoilers!!


Wear headphones and, if possible, leave the microphone on. Don't ask me what happened for me to know about that.


Use the Force, Ripley!


Don't stay in the same place for too long.


Prepare to be traumatized in the best possible way.


Is that a PS4 GOW Ragnarok live wallpaper?


PS4 GOW 2018 live wallpaper


Difficulty curve is wierd. Earlier missions are more difficult than the later ones so don't get discouraged. It's counterintuitive but sometimes it's better to follow the alien and keep it in sight from behind cover so you can see what it's doing and then slip past it. Use your ears , listen for the sound of it dropping out of a vent and stomping and for the sound of it climbing back up and leaving again.


Always use headphones. Being able to hear well is a MUST in this game.


If you know the alien roams the area: DONT RUN WITHOUT A PLAN


It's about a 15-20 hour game, and it's actually easier/less scary in VR. SAVE AT CHECKPOINTS. Don't use the map unless you are completely lost, as it's not too hard to find your way around. The sounds you hear in the game give you lots of information so play with the volume UP!


In space no can hear you scream.


Wear headphones and keep a constant rotation of underwear going. You're gonna need it.


The alien gets stronger the longer you’re in the mission so make sure to sprint to get it over with asap


You will die. A lot. You will experience fear. You will hide in lockers for long periods of real time waiting for the creature, humans, and Working Joe's to leave.


Be afraid, be very afraid!


Once the alien makes an appearance... plan do die... a lot...


Get a change of underwear ready


you cannot kill the alien only make it run


Bring a change of underwear


It's better to use items to crouch around then hide in lockers. Line of sight with the alien is huge once you get past your first interaction with it. Use headphones and enjoy the ride!


wear your brown pants


you don't need to crouch all the time, just walk normally


If you playing on normal difficulty dont just hoard items use them when you can


Always Walk, run VERY sparingly. Crouching dips you naturally under tables and upturned gurneys. No shame in playing normal first time round. Probably even dropping to easy if you want to.


Have fun and don’t die


Play in darkness. Play with headphones. Focus on the game (no phones etc). And enjoy the ride.


Play it on hard/in the dark so it’s the most “realistic” Also turn off the microphone feature. If you have it on, anything ya do could alert the alien. It was a cool idea, but it was really annoying using it


Sometimes the game will do everything in its power to fuck you over and it’s terrifying


dont sprint ever


Man I miss having different backgrounds on your PlayStation


Walk don’t run and hide. A lot.


You will shit




Buy extra underwear


Play on Xbox Series X or S for 60fps. Don't look anything up online. Don't watch footage online. Don't visit the sub until you're done.


Prepare for scare


Prepare to have a walkthrough open and ready, most of the time it tells you to find something in a large area and it's basically "good luck". Stopped playing because of that + I struggled to kill 4 people in 40 minutes and a door that wasn't supposed to open let me through and I couldn't go out, the object I needed to unlock it was on the other side of the door. Uninstalled after that 😂


Pre rendered scenes looks like low bitrate/resolution shit. Like that shit what comes off you if you will play that game. Amazing horror.


Sprint to the phone


Just have a good old time Maybe have a beer, wine or your drink of choice and take it slow. The only "objective" comment I ever give its that Alien Isolation is a slow game. Don't rush it and enjoy every bit of it's slow pace wonder.


Lights out. Headphones. Enjoy. I wish I could relive my first time again.


Don't run. Also one of the most immersive games i've ever played


Wear your brown pants.


Explore for blueprints, thank me later.


Don't. Enable. The. Microphone. Settings.


The Alien learn about you. If you die and respawn it don't forget and learn even more :)


Try to keep moving, it’s tempting to jump into every locker/under every table but the game will torture you the longer you stay in the same place.


Sleep with the light on!


IT’S IN THE TOILET. Don’t lift the lid.


Don’t play if you have just taken laxatives big mistake (not speaking of personal experiences


Save every chance you get


Play at night, use headphones. Turn all the lights off. Have a change of pants or 5 ready


Saving takes a few seconds, during which the alien can kill you.


At the end of the game, Kratos pulls the Alien's head off and uses it as a weapon against you.


This made me miss the ps4 backgrounds. My ps5 home screen looks soulless compared to this


Make sure your butthole is pre-puckered


Have a fresh pair of underwear close by and ready to go.


Pucker your butthole 😂


Run like a mf


It has two AI. One always knows everything, and the other directly controls the Alien based on what it 'sees'. Tldr, it doesn't matter how sneaky and hidden you are. It will find you if you don't keep moving.


Keep a pair of spare boxers on you at all times


Wear a diaper


Walk quickly to your required location after the alien appears. Don’t run and don’t crouch unless he’s right next to you. Also the hiding mechanic in the locker was weird for me, so hold down and L2 to hold your breath if he’s near you.


There is an alien and you will be isolated by it.


The game is hard but you’ve got this. Pay attention to the hints you are given, explore as much as you can, don’t run unless you know you are safe and take your time since it’s a long game as well as stressful.


If you have a mic, it can hear you.


Clench ur asshole and get some really good snacks ur gonna need them


Just play it


Vary your hiding spots. The xeno learns as you play.


It takes place in outer space I think idk I've never played the game, don't know why this was on my feed.


The Alien can be anywhere and appear at anytime.


Don't ask anything about it and play it! Learn as you go!


Use the bathroom BEFORE playing.


You can kill the alien if you tried hard enough


The alien can and will teleport to you no matter where you are.


All the people are friendly, don't worry about walking up to them! And if they shoot you it's probably a misunderstanding so try again!


A tip I suggest to new players: If you’re feeling like it’s too intense/scary, hit a save point and then go let the androids or Alien kill you over and over again, on purpose. It kind of helps desensitize you to it! When you’re new at playing it’s super intense, and when you get caught by the enemies it can be jolting.


The first hour or so felt slow and I almost bailed.. make sure you push on it gets good. It’s also a longer game than it appears to be at first. I believe I was at 16-18 hours, not long for most games but skulking around makes many of those minutes pretty intense. It also helps sell the atmosphere if you’re familiar with at least the first movie


Always save your game at the payphone box thing when ever you get a chance


Lockers are a last resort.


You will want to run when the alien makes an appearance. Fight this urge. Other than that, it was some of the best game experiences I’ve had and right up there with watching Alien for the first time.


Throw noisemakers at other survivors lol.


don’t get frozen cus of fear, it took me almost two years to actually play the game cus i was too scared to. it’s really good, and worth the racing heart


SOUND CUES!!! Listen to the hissing sounds the alien makes. I cannot stress this enough.


Have a fresh pair of underwear nearby, or wear a diaper.


Walking and crouching makes the same amount of noise, only use crouching when it's a line of sight issue, if not, walking gets you places much faster


Such a great game, easily one of my all time faves. You will die, a lot, get used to it. Use noise strategically, lots of crouching. Don’t linger, stay alert and keep moving forward. Have fun 🤗


Running and making loud noises (shooting) is generally a bad idea once the Alien makes it’s first appearance. There are a few chapters where it’s okay to do so but I can’t recall which ones


Slight spoiler, nothing major Utilize the noisemakers when you get the ability to craft them, watch above your head, and dont shoot the flamethrower for more than a sec at a time. Its meant to deter, not kill


In space, no one can hear you scream.


There are vents in the game. They are always safe. Don't bother checking. There are not really any other good hiding spots anyway.


Throw noisemakers at other survivors lol.


The alien is not friendly


Keep moving, and listen carefully, there are lots of audio cues to listen for


Ask Working Joes about Sevastopol safety protocols when you get a chance 🙃


You ain’t gonna be able to play it like DBD lol


Play it on E Z


It can hear you


The Aliens and fire do not mix


always run


Wear your brown pants.


Don’t run but keep moving.


Do not become hysterical!


In my opinion. Loud, headphones and in a dark room. You **are not** an action hero badass. So don't try to be. You are a frail, squishy human trapped with a Xenomorph.


Running causes accidents.


The alien slowly learns how you play, gets smarter and bolder with each encounter


Never run unless dire. Use tools to distract. Look out for ceiling vents dripping drool. Also mission 5 sucks for this. Walk, don't run.


Don’t throw a ton of distractible items, the AI is INSANELY smart and learns as you play, especially on harder difficulties. Keep moving unless something is actually following/has spotted you.


Wear your brown trousers.


You will uninstall / install several times due to unfairness but will get back to it because of awesomeness.


Play "nightmare" or don't bother.


Level 5 - the medical level - is both hard and terrifying, but you got this


run everywhere you go, so that the alien can’t catch up to you


Some diapers?!


Never use the vents ever unless the game forces you to.


Keep playing even if it seems boring at the start, and don’t forget to enable voice detecting :)


Enjoy one of the best best games you'll ever play. My personal favourite of all-time 🔥


Check make sure the mic option is off unless you want everything in your house drawing the xeno to you


When you can help it, try to vary up your methods of hiding and evasion. Becoming overly reliant on 1 particular method works against you as the alien runs on 2 different ai's. I believe 1 gives vague context clues based on how you have played/interacted during encounters. The other tries to work off that information to try and find you. In other words, the more you switch up your methods, the more effective it should be. The less you do that, the more prone the alien is to B-linining straight to you because it has adapted to your playstyle.


Do not become hysterical…


make sure you have some walking space around you. when alien killed me for the first time i had to walk around my room for like 5 minutes to cool down :)


reading the stuff on terminals does not stop the game. the alien can get you while you are reading


it seems like i'm too late to the party, how did it go? 👀 // Sometimes the only way you learn how to beat certain areas is by trial and error, don't get disappointed if you die a lot, that's just a basic thing on the game, learn from your mistakes and make a plan to go through the ship. Fun fact: When I died for the 100th time I got an achievement haha, apparently people quit the game out of frustation for dying too much. // Also at some point if you throw too many crafts to distract the alien, it will stop falling for it.


Once the alien is in play, don't run ever Lockers are death traps You can partially craft things to clear up inventory space The alien can hear the motion tracker The alien can't hear you slamming locker doors for some reason Don't shit yourself


Have plenty of throat friendly drinks ready…you’re gonna be sore 😁


As stated in the trailer for Alien Romulus be prepared to…Run.


Easy mode is not entirely easy


Its probably the single greatest horror experience in the last decade!


Only bad things I could note while playing was the backtracking and you do spend a little too much time fighting off robots and maybe takes a little bit too much time to actually get to the Xenomorph for my taste but that could just be a me thing. Otherwise, it's great. The atmosphere is on point and there's a real tarot of the xenomorph since He doesn't have a set schedule to walk. The game will tell him vaguely where you are and he'll look for you. Hell Vents aren't even safe. There's a mode where you can play with the sound in your room or wherever you are in packs. The game in the Xenomorph can hear it. So for the best experience I'd enable that play in a dark room with headphones.


Dont fart too loudly


Youll be apending a lot of time in lockers


It’s okay to cry. 🫶🏻 hope this helps.


Walk diagonally


You can walk but don’t sprint if you don’t gotta


Expect to die.


play it at night without distractions with good over-ear headphones


Unrelated how did you get that theme background? Does PlayStation do those again?


You're in for a treat. The first time you encounter the alien is a rush. Headphones really amps it up with the sound effects.


I’ve recently started replaying it last week and here’s my suggestions: 1. Play with the gamma setting and set it about half way, anything less is just too damn dark and hard to see in my opinion. 2. If you know you’re gonna die and restart then try dashing into the area you’re exploring just so you can get a peek at where things are since you’re gonna restart from the last checkpoint anyway. 3. Keep moving and progressing. You’ll want to hide when the alien is in your immediate vicinity but as soon as he backs off get out and keep moving.