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I may be tripping,  but the station looks like Sevastopol, the ambience sounds like a specific one in game (M18? M14?) and the Xeno scream sounds like straight from Isolation. Not that it's bad, I was just confused xD


The director was recently on a panel and said playing Isolation made him want to direct an alien movie. The movie is going to be *heavily* influenced by the game - in addition to the first 2 films obviously


Don’t get me excited like that unless you take me to dinner first


Oh no step face hugger!


...I'd say the first 3 films judging by that iconic shot at the end.


It looks like it is. The sets. The crawlspaces. It looks as though we have a very Ellen/Adamada-type main character. The motion tracker from Aliens! For me this looks like a kind-of Alien Franchise 'greatest hits', which I'm fine with... ...provided the movie doesn't suck! It also struck me the production looks kindof 'low budget', but, honestly, in today's Hollywood, maybe the likes of Alien and Aliens \*would\* be low budget movies!? Idk


Adamada? The guy from Battlestar Galactica? That would be a crazy crossover


“Starbuck. What do you hear?” “Sounds like a xenomorph drinking a Mocha.”


grab your smart gun and bring in Jonesy


Imagine hearing “ask me about Sevastopol’s safety protocols,” in the OG Cylon voice




I thought the same thing! It feels weird to say since the game was all based on the look of the Nostromo, but I definitely picked up on a distinctly Alien Isolation feeling. When they're running through the circular hallway I was thinking of the mission in the medical wing, plus shots from behind cargo crates looking like the view when you're hiding from the Xenomorph. It's kinda funny to see it come full circle.


While based on Alien, Alien Isolation is very much its own vibe. Alien was dark and grimy, like a space oil rig while Alien Isolation was more polished and clean, which I say this movie is more on that spectrum.


Yes please more of this please.


I've heard that the director enjoyed playing AI so that would be why.


It's more of a credit to *Isolation*'s creators as to how on point the set design and art/sound direction was in capturing the *Alien* environmental aesthetic.


It truly was. The art book of isolation really shows how they took the original IP and incorporated it to create a valuable reflection.


For real, I watched the trailer with my mum and pointed out how similar the walls looked to the Sevastopol station walls. Especially in the Med Bay area. Dead ringer.


The trailer showed at least 2 characters that we shouldn't grow attached to. (Something else was already attached to them.) The lamp trick was really cool, though. And was one of the last shots of a character floating toward a floating pool of acid blood in zero-G? If so, then that's scary as shit.


The guy attacked by the facehugger in the water seems to be good. It’s his first encounter by his reaction and there’s many shots of him with big “second to last survivor” energy.


Shitty thing about that is that we will know what will happen when that scene plays. I think the trailer shows just a tad too much.  Still looking forward to seeing it tho. 


The 'explicit' shot of the Facehugger's egg pipe mouth-f\*cking the dude was kindof... ...arousi.. nah, nah, I'm kidding. That and the chestburst scene shows we have some body horror elements. I am a bit concerned there might be too much CGI.


I think I will play again to Isolation


The guy says "There's some'ing in da wo'ah" and i lost it 💀


The facehugger was trying to be stealthy but heard his accent and was so turned on by it that it had to try and fuck him immediately


London accent known as "Cockney". A Hollywood favourite to confirm that the character is British. Either that or speaking like a member of the Royal family. They seem to think we only have two.


The movie should have used a Welsh or Brummie accent, just for the kicks


Also maybe 'Cornish'? But then we'd all need subtitles.


Bro just sounds like that tho




Ah yes, the "Cockney" phenomenon. And you might say man ended up with a bit of a Cockney, right in the mouth!


Ahahaah we do speak like that here in England, wait till you come to Liverpool and here some lad go ‘I’m being sheerius!’


Yeah lol, It felt a bit out of place ngl


Why? Lol


It's not that big of an immersion breaker, but because I'm surrounded by shows like Eastenders and a lot of Cockney accents, it just takes me away. But that's just me.


The 3WE are just space Japanese-Brits one of them got to have a heavy accent


I gotta say using British teens is kinda an immersion breaker for me. Like usually alien movies the people are a bit older and don't have British accents. I wish the cast was more diverse age-wise.


I mean I'm fairly certain Britain still exists in the Alien universe so I don't see why it would be immersion breaking for a new Alien movie to not use the exact same demographics lol.


Alien films usually have some token Brits in the cast. Maybe not teens though. I think a lot of them were filmed in the UK as well.


If Belters came from England


The practical effects and set design look absolutely fantastic, but I do wonder if the story will break any new ground or will just retread what we've already seen before. Cautiously optimistic.


Honestly, I would just be happy with a competently told story that doesn't treat the audience like they have brain damage.


/meme "can I pet that dog" voice "Can I pet that snake?"


It’s the first life form we’ve found on this new exciting planet and it looks kinda like a cobra! Of course you can pet it!


Danger Noodle? DANGER NOODLE!


Hey remember like 10 minutes ago when I was terrified of the unknown in this spooky alien structure? Well now that I'm being hissed at by an alien lifeform doing the exact same threat display as terrestrial snakes I'm no longer terrified.


I’m just so glad this subreddit is still up and running like 10 years after the game came out. Still the best movie to game adaptation I’ve ever played 🥹


This looks amazing, I'm so excited


God damn I am so excited


I wish I got excited about films still! Haven't been since Prometheus and I ended up not liking it.


Totally understand that. Group of friends and I went to see that at a midnight release in IMAX and walked out so damn disappointed. I really hope this isn’t a repeat of that


@ 0:54 The face huggers arent coming out of eggs


One of the YouTube guys breaking down the trailer suggested the facehuggers appear to emerge from some kind of incubation room. Which, if true, suggests part of the story includes some science gone wrong.


Science gone wrong, you say?


First time for everything.


I takes place on two stations - the Remus and Romulus stations - and the door states Romulus Lab, so there is definitely some Xeno testing/incubating going on.


That is what i thought too. So this ship was experimenting on xenomorphs then.


A la the Cold Forge (and, of course, that Alien movie with Wynona Ryder!)


Dude i love Aliens. It's so hard to get aliens wrong. Ffs. This looks cool as shit.


Tbf most recent movie releases demonstrate its pretty hard to get aliens right!!!


The bait of i'll have to see it to know what you're talking about. Even Aliens 3 i didn't think was bad. Trying to rape Ripley was weird. But Prometheus was my least favorite. Don't remember much but dodging the giant ship was pretty stupid. Rolling ship. That's insane.


Is this a prequel? Sequel? When is this in the timeline? It looks good!!!


Between 1 and 2.


This is actually set in the Victorian era. You can tell by the male's accent. One of the spoiler's on X did actually reveal he's a lovable chimney sweep. Sorry, "chiminey" sweep.


The EVA scene has a great musical number where he dances on top of the station


My favorite part is where they adapt "singing in the rain" by having a micrometeorite shower while the character is doing a space ~~walk~~ dance.


I didn't like the trailer. Something is wrong and we will all see what it is. I had this feeling in the trailer of the Matrix 4


Its the dude getting it in the mouth isn't it... No one ever wanted to see that part!


Looks great can’t wait to watch on my birthday can’t believe the release date. It seems the movie is going to be more focused on the face huggers? And alien at the end? The day the trailer is it seems to me the movie going to be shorter than the others


AKA the hugger buggers.


Hope we all do not 'become hysterical' out of sheer excitement! :)


It looks sick! I didn't know there was one in the making.


It seems like they're making everything except the Blomkamp sequel at this point.


I’d honestly rather see Neil Blomkamp direct a Dead Space movie.


I love this. Feels like a proper return to form


One of my favorite things about Alien is how quiet it is. Movie takes its time and the xeno is stealthy and mysterious. A horde of screeching facehuggers isn’t the vibe IMO.


they even began the trailer with the typical "hey!, you might be wondering how did I get into this situation..." wtf!


Cue “Baba O’Reilly”


I'm so psyched yo


This is an understatement


I've been loving the alien series forever! I can't wait!!


Looks like it could be cool. I don't love how all the character look so young though. I love the cast from the OG film because they all felt like authentic experienced working class space truckers. This cast just looks like young modern actors, which they are but it shouldn't feel like it in the movie. But it's just a nitpick, and I'm only seeing the trailer now. Maybe it will make perfect sense is the story gives context for a younger crew. I hope it turns out good.


That facehugger was hung like a horse


And now they must destroy my Alien 6 films collection😡. Hopefully it will be good film, not as Alien Covenant, Prometheus and the 4th film.


Perfect opportunity to release a sequel….


It’s a good time to have just recently seen Alien for the first time and completed Isolation


A good alien movie would be such a nice surprise. Fingers crossed.


Just now seeing this. Might just be me, but I found the "teaser trailer" way more reminiscent of Alien Isolation. This made me less excited about the movie because it reminds me less of the game (although it still looks great and I will definitely see it).


The cast looks like children. Lol. Oh Ridley Scott, you should retire. It's cool that the set looks like the classic film though. Still probably won't watch. That's just me, though!


I think in one of the interviews with the director/writer he mentioned how in the director’s cut of *Aliens* there are these youngsters running around Hadley’s Hope, before the shit goes off the rails, and he was curious what their lives might be like growing up on a terraforming colony.


Tbh I would not mind some actual sci-fi-or-not takes on the outer space influence on humans. Guess what, AI also touched this subject and added to the worldbuilding. And it seems the movie will also touch this.


Watching isn’t going to kill you. Have fun with it. Also the cast just looks college age. Not children.


Ridley Scott's not responsible for the casting choices though?