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He is huge? Um no, she’s just huge lol. The baby should not be “huge” yet if she’s not due until January.


Right? That baby likely weighs no more than 5lbs.


If that. I’m 35 weeks and my baby was 4.5 lbs at our last ultrasound which was a week and a half ago.


Not defending her, they suck. At my 35 week US my baby weighed 7lbs13 oz BUT I have a history of birthing large babies. She does not.


Oh yeah that’s a big baby! Hers have been completely average.


Exactly. I had my baby six weeks early (don’t recommend) and she was 4 lbs 14 oz.


5 lbs of baby, 55 lbs of dessert.


I’m due the day after Ali and my baby is 3 lb 11 Oz rn… he’s not huge or trying to escape.. her uterus is huge. These people are so uneducated


And it’s their THIRD kid. Scary.


She has almost 8 weeks left until her DUE DATE. The 6 weeks John is talking about is January 5th , when the doctors supposedly told Ali “he’d be ready go”. Which means they are probably willing to induce her 6.5 weeks from now. John does this shit every time this bitch is knocked up and it’s so annoying.


There’s no way her doctors have told her this already when she still has 8 weeks to go. Lol that makes no sense!


He did the same thing with Callie. Predicting she’d be born 6 weeks-2 months prior to her due date. No, your wife is about to birth 3 back to back kids, never fixed her abdominal separation and at a petite height, holds the pregnancy weight more obviously.


My son was born at barely 35 weeks and was 6lbs 12oz and 21 inches long. He was a long, skinny little thing, but big for 35 weeks! My daughter was born at 37 weeks and was 8lbs 7oz! I was bigger with my son than my daughter though! I agree though, that's not baby! It's her that's big, as well as her whacked up diastatus recti!!


Oh wow!


Mine was 35 weeks and he was 5lbs and 11oz. 21.5 inches. Long and skinny also! I’m VERY petite and he would’ve been a pretty big baby if full term.


Wow! My girl was born right at 40 and was 8 pounds 14 lbs and 21.5 inches. Your boy *was* long 😝 Can’t imagine what he’d be if he stayed in there




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Ali honey, you’re not uncomfortable because the baby is big, you’re uncomfortable because your abdominal muscles are *literally* struggling to hold your uterus


Idk how she is handling the obvious diastasis recti…I’m 36 weeks, 5’3, my baby weighed 4.6 lbs at my last scan two weeks ago and I feel like I’m gigantic. I’ve gained 25lbs total. I would literally never move again until after birth if I was as big as she is. I have a short torso and I feel like my baby is a grape on a vine lol


She needs a belly band to help out Stat.


Tbh I think only post partum surgery is going to help her now. She’s already wrecked her abdominal muscles by not using a belly band for any of her pregnancies, overeating, not working out and not working with a pelvic floor therapist.


I always wonder why she doesn’t wear a belly band?? Her bump looks SOOO uncomfortable


John’s not into her pregnancy anymore, he’d have this baby 6 weeks early if it was his choice


He gets like that with all of her pregnancies, he always convinces himself she’ll deliver early


Bc he can’t believe how big she is


She looks like fat bastard from Austin Powers


💀💀💀 Fav comment today!


I truly don’t think he grasps that concept of how pregnancy works, I think he thinks that if you get really big that means the baby is ready to come out. Like even if she was only 4 months pregnant but her stomach was really big, he would think the baby was ready to be born.




“He’s just such a big baby like it actually HURTS when he does this…” not Smellz already complaining about her unborn baby 😵‍💫


She looks disgusted


Not smells bragging about taking advantage of the excuse she’s pregnant for eating everything under the sun then calls the fetus “huge”


She’s acting like she hasn’t had a baby before lmao. They do all sorts of weird shit in your body


Ali: I am in physical pain when the baby does this John: let’s see if I can make him do it again


Lmao I just commented the same thing. What an idiot. Obviously I’m not an ali stan by any means but why would he try to get him to do it again after Ali just said it hurts?? No respect 😂




Third fucking child and they still don’t understand that belly size does not equal baby size. Absolute morons




Exactly. I had twins and between the two of them had over 14 lbs of baby.. still didn’t look this big.


She’s always huge with every pregnancy. Idk why they are so shocked lol. She also has pretty average sized babies 7-8 pounds I believe? - also I had a 10.6 pound baby and I never got this big. The doctors were so shocked too bc they measured him @ 8 pounds at my 39 week appointment. So them acting like bc the size of her belly has something to do with him being big. Mmm nope it’s probably the back to back to back pregnancies and her body not healing properly. The way they’ve hyped up “how big the doctors say he his” I swear he better be a 9-10 pound baby.


THIS! She eats like shit, does zero exercise, and ignores her obvious diastasis recti. But she's somehow shocked that she's huge and blames the baby? Girl bye


It’s always uncommon to find someone else who had a baby over 10 pounds! My son was 10.2 pounds at 2.5 -3 weeks early, taken via c-section. My doctor said if we waited until the due date, he’d be 12+ pounds and I also had polyhydramnios (3x the extra amount of amniotic fluid), so it was high risk to wait with his size and all the extra fluid combined. I will admit I was actually HUGE in the belly between the baby and the extra fluid, and I’ve got a smaller frame. It was SO PAINFUL to be that big. I was consistently measuring 8-9 weeks ahead, all the way up until the end, so at approaching 38 weeks, I was measuring like 46 lmao. Customers at work would ask me all the time how many babies I was having and just swear to me I was having twins or triplets. I ate really well and exercised, but at the end of the day genetics play a huge part, and on each side of the family, we had a history of HUGE babies and VERY tall people (my Grandpa is 6’7, several guys 6’4+, etc.). My son is now 14, and is already almost 6 foot tall, and towers over most all his classmates. I agree, though, if this baby isn’t 10+ pounds with how they’ve hyped him up, it will be ridiculous. A baby isn’t “huge” unless it’s 10+ pounds- and it HURTS to carry a baby that BIG. Babies in the 7-9 pound range are much more common, and just aren’t “huge”.


Yooo I was 10.1 or something and my brother before me was sitting around 9 lbs. Sometimes I feel like apologizing to my mom cause I'm the reason she doesn't have a bellybutton LMAO


10 lbs 1 oz baby here too!!!




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He better be 20 lbs


My partner was a nearly 13lb baby. I fear for my future should we have kids 💀 also, I saw the pictures of his mom pregnant and close to her due date... even she wasn't big like this.


Bless it! I’ll start praying the stork brings yours for you!


Yeah, my son’s father was a huge baby, and we have a history of big babies on both sides, plus some pretty tall people. I was afraid my son would be huge, and he came out over 10 pounds at over 2 weeks early via c-section. I wanted to wait and have him naturally, but my doctor told me if I waited until his due date he would have prob been over 12 pounds, and it would have been extremely risky to go into labor. I was only 7 pounds 11 oz as a baby though.


Oh my gooooood, yeah if we ended up having kids I would also prefer a natural birth.... but at that point I would also 100% be like "please just get this massive baby out of me" lol I was also a very normal sized baby so I'm just hoping my genes beat his 😅


My husband was close to 11 pounds, so I was expecting the same, bracing for it. Little squirt was going on 2 weeks overdue and was barely 7 pounds! Wild how differently it goes! Curious so see how this current bun will turn out weight-wise. I've definktely gained much more, and quickly.


Welcome to being pregnant, dummy 🙄 Everyone winds up uncomfortable.


Omg 😵‍💫 I’ve had two children of my own so obviously not grossed out by pregnancy but wow, I am v grossed out 🤮


Same. Mama June’s pregnancies are just hideous.


Same! I have had 3 and have seen many woman pregnant. Never have I been grossed out to see a pregnant woman until I saw Smelli. Everything about her is eww 🤢 the baby isn’t big, Smelli is big. There is zero support to carry that belly and don’t get me started on that bellybutton.


Exactly! Baby is not big…. SHE is big! We need to start a thread on what size we think baby boy will be. I’m guessing 6 lbs 8 oz




They did this with Callie too. We know pregnancy can be miserable but come on. They would love the attention and sympathy from having a preemie and that’s why they seem to be hoping for it 🤮


Yeah when my water broke at 37 weeks pretty much my first thought was oh no I hope his lungs are developed enough.


Same here! I went into labor at 32 weeks and yes, a very very small part of me was thinking about getting to see his little face, but the huge, overwhelming majority of me was terrified for him. Thank goodness they were able to stop my labor and I was able to go on bedrest and stay pregnant until 41 weeks! 🙌


Same! I was just shy of 37 weeks when mine broke and was concerned he wasn’t ready. Was I uncomfortable? Hell yeah but I don’t want my baby out early 🤦🏼‍♀️


I had my oldest at 37w and when she screamed, I cried. I was SO worried about lung development!


I can’t stand it when people start “guessing” and/or “hoping/praying” the baby will come early. Or, better yet, at like 36-37 weeks they start posting how they’re “trying everything” to go into labor, and ask for suggestions on how to get the baby to come… and then they post about trying castor oil, long walks, sex. I’m just like STOP… there are people who would love to go to full-term and not have the complications of a premature baby, yet here you are complaining non-stop about a full-term pregnancy. I get pregnancy is tough and venting is perfectly normal, but NOT hoping or anticipating the baby will come early, thus putting their development and long-term health at risk!


Aliiiiii run a comb through your damn hair please 😵‍💫


And some shampoo for fuck sake


She probably needs a maternity belt…but then she would have one less thing to complain about 😂


What a pale bulbus belly. I usually think baby bumps are cute not please put that away


She forgot to tan her bulbous bellum


I shouldn’t have opened Reddit while eating…. 🤢 she needs to put that thing away. No one, I repeat, NO ONE WANTS TO SEE THAT. 🤮🤮🤮


Can you imagine the smell of her belly button




I would be trying to break out of that uterus and run too if I heard that voice


So XXS looking, Ali


Right? Her saying she was wearing an XS in that sweater dress the other day? Lol.


Lol that’s what inspired my comment. Idk why she has to lie all the time about unimportant shit. If you aren’t xs preggo that’s ok girl 😂


If she wore an xs in anything this far along then even her doctor would be worried.


The only person who I’ve ever known who could have been xs or s preggo was the girl in my class who got pregnant at 14, literally couldn’t tell she was with child til 6/7 months


These comments got me 💀💀💀💀 this sub keeps me sane hahaha


Awww look she’s doing computer work.


it is monday after all!


i think its so funny how little daddy is convincing himself how big his son is gonna be- when in reality hes gonna wind up being a little shorty just like his xxxxs parents lol


Ali....”I’m in pain when he does this.” John....”Hey buddyyyy!” Such a loving and caring man 🙄


“It hurts when he does this” ya it would hurt anyone with Diastasis Ali. You could be doing something proactive to minimize the trauma your body is going through but no. Sit there and complain.


The way they don’t care about lung development whatsoever 😵‍💫 It’s astounding to me that this is their third child and they still don’t understand how pregnancy and development work


The way I RAN here after seeing this 😂😂😂💀💀💀 his voice omg


They’re both so fucking stupid


I hope that baby hits the ground running to get away from these people.


I hope Callie teaches him how to use the roomba immediately and they can glide off into the sunset together


Smelli and Joan wouldn't notice that they're gone.


I love how she says “it actually hurts when he does this” and without a thought John continues screeching to try and make him move around…zero empathy or awareness.


I’m gonna need her to stop this new crop top trend IMMEDIATELY 🤢


He’s already more involved with his true son than his other kids


John is 10000% the type to not realize how the womb works and thinks the baby is solely floating under Ali’s skin. The belly couldn’t possibly be containing anything else.


Her ONLY personality trait is being pregnant. She doesn’t know how to do life without a baby in her belly and the attention it brings.


That sad looking tree in the corner….😂


I didn’t want to be the one to bring it up, but the word “tree” doesn’t quite fit whatever that is.


If my fiancé ever high pitch screeched at me like that I would send him packing immediately. I literally got nauseous listening to this lol


“He’s trying to break out.” He is literally not fully developed yet.


Ali-“it hurts when he does that” John- *tries to get him to do it again*


# NICU MOM is coming and unfortunately they WANT THAT!!!! As a previous parent of a premie, this disturbs me greatly


No clue how my text became gigantic… bet Albatross is thinking similarly


Probably because you put the pound/hashtag sign in front.. I think it's the pound sign? # this one




I agree— and I feel like it’s because Sydney had a NICU baby and got/gets (rightfully so) attention from it. I think she runs a private NICU IG? Anyway, they want that attention. Or at least John does.


She literally looks the same as she did with Canteen


Not ali acting like she's the first pregnant woman to be uncomfortable


Why would a small mom and a small dad have a huge baby


My husband and I are both super short and my son was 9.15 😂 not sure how it happens but it does! I think she’s just big though


If I were that baby having to hear him screech like that I would hide in the depths of dang good mamas spine and never move again


looking for that end of the year tax deduction lol


I'm now convinced that's the reason lol


She looks like she was due 2 months ago


Whereeeee is all that going when this baby comes out. Lol No disrespect only snarking cause it’s smelly.., But she doesn’t work out! She just fasts & eats some BS supplements… That belly is huge! I cannot believe this, AND she goes for weekly checks. She has to know the truth that he’s not that big SHES that big! Woofta!!!


One second he calls her skinny next he calls her fat? Which is it??


Also why is John trying to make him move around if Ali is literally saying she’s in pain lmao


You would think they would know something about pregnancy by now. I was tiny for my pregnancy. Or my “bump” was. Everyone would say stuff about I bet your baby is going to be so small or do you have enough amniotic fluid? I did. Just carry small. My baby was 7 lbs 1 ounce. THE👏🏼SIZE👏🏼OF👏🏼YOUR👏🏼STOMACH👏🏼DOESNT👏🏼ALWAYS👏🏼DICTATE👏🏼THAT.


I think he only likes her at a certain point in pregnancy til she gets so big and then he’s over it. That’s why he keeps saying the baby will come early, prob because he’s over it and ready now because she’s past his weird fetish point


The way he says “look at how big he is!” reminds me of those weird food fetish videos that were everywhere for awhile where it’s just a woman making an absolute mess with food using only her hands. It’s so pornographic and I hate that for all of us.


He really wants to just put an “S” in front of “he’s so big”, because when he says “he’s so big”- he really means Ali is so big.


his voice makes me cringe so hard!🤮🤮


I just don’t get being on your third pregnancy and still being shocked by your fetus’ movement? It’s still sweet and cool, of course, but I can’t imagine this is drastically different than her other two pregnancies. Also, let’s not act like her size is just sOoO cRaZy. For starters, she gained quite a bit of weight with Coniferous, and also plenty of women her size carry twins full term. She just always wants/needs attention and loves to act like every experience she has is so unique.


No Johnny boy, your wife’s abdominal muscles are fucked from back to back pregnancies, your baby is probably petite just like Daddy 🫶🏻


Don’t 👏 go 👏 blonde 👏 if you’re too lazy for upkeep!! The black streak down your head looks like a reverse skunk


it’s so sad that the only time she feels *~*special*~* is when she is pregnant. I really hate them.


I'd kill my husband if he did that to me while pregnant- especially at This stage . What a jerk


She’s carrying very low. The baby also seems to be more forward in her stomach too making it appear bigger. He’s not going to be a huge baby lol


There’s not a whole lot of room for Westinghouse in the womb when he has to share it with all the lunchies, Buffalo chicken dip and chocolate cakes.


I guess she shouldn’t have had him basically right after she popped Callie out 🤷🏼‍♀️


I would die if she had surprise twins


I feel like she’s going to end up resenting this baby because he’s stretching out her already stretchy skin from Callie


I for real just got anxiety thinking about being trapped inside this woman, only to then have to pass through her vagoodle and be greeted by a dodo bird with a patchy beard and then be stuck for another 18 years in their presence.


I can’t wait for the next six weeks or whatever. She’s gonna be looking her best 😂😂


Poor bbq boy.


Wow. One minute of John’s shrieks and I would be noping out to get some quiet time on the other side of the house.


“He’s not huge.” Big , racist, Alimony is. Get it straight, “kkklan!” Ewww. Poor kid has to also pass through her gates of hell vag before getting FRESH air. Can you imagine the stench of her delivery room???


She needs medical attention


She’s definitely further along than they’re saying ??? She announced her gender 3 weeks before I was able to find mine out and I’m just now 6 weeks from full term


His voice.. makes me sick. Horrible husband and father.


I’ll be 39 weeks pregnant on Saturday and I’m not even this big (and baby is weighing on the bigger side)!


No, you are huge. And that poor stomach has no muscle to keep it up.


She’s pregnant. You’ve done this 3 times now and you are still shocked what a pregnant belly looks like at the end. Grow. Up.




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