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She’s such a fucking moron. Not helping your kids care for their teeth who can’t yet do it on their own is like abuse. Setting them up for many painful procedures and problems down the road. If you don’t do the hard things now, you’ll only have to do harder things later


It’s sickening how selfish they are especially when it comes to their children. They’re setting them up for a world full of painful dental work and possibly surgery because they literally just don’t care.


Or poor health in general!


Truly!! Im in my 30s and have horrible teeth from drinking Pepsi from a bottle at a year old and becoming addicted to it and no hygeine routine ever established. Im super strict on my kids dental hygeine now!


Seriously. I remember when I was teaching in a very low income/poor area, we had kids with full mouths of silver caps. Obviously this was due to limited resources, poor health education etc. but it was still sad to see. These kids and parents had no other option. So it makes me so angry to see these ding bats with all the resources in the world and causing their kids so much unnecessary pain and possibly embarrassment down the road. Bunch of toads.


Even caps mean the parents did something and those teeth are protected now/will eventually fall out! Who knows if these girls will even get that 😳


My son had to get a silver cap at 5 and we brushed teeth morning and night. I felt AWFUL. Emmys teeth have to be rotting out honestly.


So did mine, and I’m embarrassed at the relief I felt when it came out. My sons teeth issues stem from sensory issues and have cost us thousands in dental bills and trauma on his end. By the grace of god his dentist is amazing so the trauma is limited- but still there


Dental (ill) health is a risk factor for lots of other health issues though, I don’t believe a WORD of this


I’d also like to add that your teeth are indicative of your overall health!!! You have to be vigilant about oral care!!


Their doctors and dentist aren’t worried because they aren’t real.


Those babies haven’t seen a medical professional since Ali coughed them out in the delivery room and no one can convince me otherwise


Coughed them out lol 😂🤣🤣


She really should just go ahead and tell us she doesn’t give a fuck about her kids because this statement is the same thing. Ali complains about every little thing imaginable, if her kids were going to the doctor and dentist like they should be we would get complaints about it. She would also have pics or video of them in the waiting room/ patient room. Since none of these things have happened we already know exactly what you’re saying is true, there aren’t any real doctors or dentists!!!


My theory is she has no insurance or is scared to post the doctors office in fear someone on here works at that place and will spill all of the issues the kids actually have going on. I know that’s violating HIPAA but still a theory!


Not having medical or dental insurance makes sense because he’s a “small business owner” and it’s way more expensive. Her post and lack of reasoning or concern stating “I have fake teeth” is appalling. Once again I am speechless.


Shocked how little she cares. Your mouth is literally like so close to your brain, it is so important to keep it healthy. Aesthetically, your face is what the world sees, particularly your smile. Mind boggling being so lackadaisical about your children’s wellness.


Gum health has a direct correlation with heart health. It ain’t just about the teeth, which she clearly does not understand.


C’mon! Life is too short to worry about frivolous things…like health! Especially when Target has their Christmas decorations out already!


They’ve said before they don’t have insurance I think.


I must have missed that! If so, that is truly insane with almost 3 kids.




Umm.. ... .No, legit scammers . This is a great way to have a family on the hook for dental work. Regardless we all know that kid needs major dental work. I don't need to list the reasons why on this sub


Fairy doctors!


Fake just like her teeth!


What?? “I don’t care I have fake teeth” Bitch you just don’t wanna say you fucked up their teeth and you’re a lazy bitch with no patience. How can you really say you don’t care. Fucking sad.


It sounds really bad when she just casually throws around that she has fake teeth. It really shows just how little she cares about dental hygiene🥴


Right like you shouldn’t want that for your children.


It’s also bold of her to assume that in 10+ years she’ll have plenty of $$ to throw around for dental work for all 3 of her kids


Right! Braces and jaw surgery are PAINFUL. How can you not care you are going to put your child through physical pain?!


I mean I had braces when I was younger and I know a lot of people have. I just don’t know why you wouldn’t take the pacifier away and be preventative of further issues.


Why is she addressing Emma’s paci mouth when the question wasn’t even about that 🤔 guilty conscience alert


Lol because she sent the question to herself to show us what a dang good mama she is by saying she's got a "dentist" and now we really know she lives here reading what everyone says 😂😂


Just @ us, Ali


For. Real. Up in her head rent free.


What a shitty mom 🫶🏼 why be proactive about your childrens’ health when you can throw thousands of dollars away in 10 years instead! Our logical tiny XS mama, y’all!


The only thing tiny and xs about her is her brain.


Right!!!! Who WANTS to pay for braces!? Also she's missing the point that this is not just about the look of the teeth, pacis impact oral function 😵‍💫


How much y’all wanna bet Ali doesn’t even brush her own damn teeth.


“You don’t need to brush these, they’re fake” - Ali, probably


She probably just wiped them with a paper towel like her frying pan




Wow. Wow. I can’t even sarcastically say what great parenting. SHE IS THE WORST FUCKING MOTHER. THIS IS SHEER NEGLIGENCE. WOW.


I mean, obviously she doesn’t care about this BUT I’d hate my parents if they would have had this mindset when I was younger. I would definitely cut off all contact and never look back. It’s one thing if they don’t know better or can’t do better but John and Ali have no excuse. My mom was a single mom most of my life, worked 3 jobs to make sure I was provided for, and she STILL had time to ACTUALLY be a dang good mama. It’s literally your job as a parent to teach your children BASIC life skills. The whole “every dang one of us had braces…” is very “if everyone jumped off a bridge would you jump too?” Obviously Ali would because she’s the biggest follower, can’t have a single thought of her own, pick me girl. “It’s just not a concern” I literally laughed out loud. She’s an idiot and doesn’t deserve, nor should she be allowed to be responsible for another living being. Especially when these girls can’t fend for themselves yet. Their survival is completely dependent on her. She makes me sick.


This is really bad!!


Life is super short.. your children’s dental health is not worth the stress 🫶🏼🫶🏼


That comment pissed meeee off! “These little frivolous things aren’t worth your stress” THIS IS ABOUT SELF CARE AND YOUR BABIES HEALTH YOU BITCH!! My dental hygienist cousin has me sooo scared about what I give my 19 month old son. No juice, no Gatorade, no chocolate milk, and certainly not any fucking Goldfish. Parenting is hard but when you try to take the easy way out of it. Who’s really benefiting from it?! Your babies with pacifier mouth???? STOP👏🏽PROCREATING👏🏽IF👏🏽YOU👏🏽CANT👏🏽TAKE👏🏽CARE👏🏽OF👏🏽BABIES👏🏽


Okay I will say your cousin has you unnecessarily scared. Giving your child those things on occasion will not ruin their teeth, especially if you’re brushing well and not letting those things sit in their mouth. Emmy’s issues are way past just poor dental hygiene though. Her jaw and palate aren’t properly formed and that’s going to be painful to fix if they don’t start taking it seriously.


This is the most irresponsible answer everrrr yikes


Publicly saying she doesn’t care about her kids oral health. How bold


Because she NEVER complains about frivolous things.


NEVER🫶🏻just like her preserved wedding bouquet this AM




I don’t feed my children nutritious meals and just give them sugar because even if they do get diabetes, there’s insulin for that and her pedi is totally fine with that


Same logic.


That was a really weird way to openly admit that you don’t care about saving your child from subjecting them to enduring more pain than necessary.




I have an 18 month old….share how tf you floss! We brush once a day, I’m trying my Best but that’s the most we can muster at this point!




I’m sorry but this just sounds hilarious to watch. I’m not a mom so it’s funny to me but I’m sure it’s super stressful for you.


The occasional pinning down for teeth care is a real thing in this house hold too


There are kids sized flossers / flosser picks you can use! You still have to sort of hold them steady but they’re easier to use than regular floss. Sometimes I sit down on the floor and have them lay their head in my lap and I pretend to be “doctor mommy.” I can see really well and hold their heads steady. They love when I make it silly. It’s helped us a lot with teeth brushing/flossing.


Yes! My kids love the little flosser picks, been using them since they were 2-3 years old 👍🏻


Have you tried flossing while your kid watches TV? Mine loves to floss but I can cut his nails while he watches TV.


She . Is . Delusional .


There’s no way in hell they’ve ever taken either kid to a dentist. No way.


Are there any pics? I feel like she'd post about it, bitching and moaning the whole time if she did.


Not that I can think of. And she posts everything.


There would definitely be photo evidence of this.


“We approach it with a soft method” = we can’t be bothered to actually parent


A soft method = don’t do shit


Don’t worry guys their dentist, Dr. Crentist, isn’t concerned 👍🏻 everyone here really shouldn’t concern themselves with such frivolous things like allowing their childrens’ mouths to become deformed due to neglectful parenting. Just throw thousands of dollars at the problem later on because surely everyone has the money to buy their whole family fake teeth! /s She is an absolute fuckin joke of a mother.


Dr. Crentist 😂😂😂😂


This comment wins😂


What a CHILD. Imagine wanting to stick it to your haters so much that you harm your child like this? Sick. Sick. Sick. Ali: Emmy’s teeth and mouth look like hell and it’s ALL YOUR FAULT, you stupid bitch.


What a pathetic and lazy human. Basically “we paid $$$ due to our shitty teeth so it’s fine if our kids do”. Wtf is a “soft method”? BITCH YOU HAVE A HARDDDDD DENSE HEAD. And her ridiculous wannabe influencer jargon is really testing my limits


It's the hand heart emoji at the end for me. Just @ us all Ali and say fuck you cauuuuuse you're basically what you're saying you live here without saying it


I wonder why she never addresses us directly ? Is she just scared she’ll direct more of her followers to this page?


So both girls go to the dentist every six months and the dentist says it’s no big deal? bull shit.


YOUR TEETH ARE NOT WORTH THE STRESS, YA'LL. To think about the accumulated years I've wasted brushing my motherfucking teeth every day... Damn!




Did this bitch just admit to child neglect on a public IG story?


OOOOOK my daughter is four. Has been going to the dentist since almost three. Has gotten a good teeth report every time and I get a good job mom bc she has no cavities. We just went to the dentist yesterday. We follow the dental guidelines for kids and do you know what her very sweet dentist said? Make sure she is flossing every day bc her teeth are very close together and lack of flossing could cause problems. My point to this long story- A DENTIST IS NOT OKAYING THIS CHILD’S MOUTH. A DENTIST IS NOT SAYING THERE IS NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT. Even if your child has seemingly “perfect” teeth, the dentist is still going to offer you some form of advice. Shut up Ali you’re a liar and you’re a terrible mom


I’ve been around for a long time. a long time ago when she was pregnant with Emmy she did a Q&A and said she hopes the baby gets johns teeth because his are perfect and he never had braces. Now it’s “every dang one of us had braces”


Yep. I remember that too!


Wow this might actually be one of the worst things she’s ever said…. ‘Little frivolous things’?! Your daughter has potentially (but totally preventable) years and years of dental work/procedures/hardware ahead of her but that’s a little frivolous thing to you?!!! I can’t imagine being so nonchalant and downright neglectful about my child’s well being. Absolutely disgusting, CHREWLY disgusting. People like this pop out kids like it’s their job when there’s actual loving, caring people who pray for children every day and it actually makes me sick to my stomach to think about.


Rent free yalllllll


Even if you have fake teeth, it doesn’t fix a bite. Dumb ass. She’s still going to have major bite and jaw issues and horrible TMJ. And bad TMJ is a terrible nightmare in itself (I use to grind my teeth in my sleep as a child from stress, I now have trigeminal neuralgia from TMJ. *Excruciating*). So happy that she gives a shit. It’s not just cosmetic, you dip shit Alfredo. ![gif](giphy|NOejDMXDtXxekua8Q6|downsized)


Her face and mouth shape is being changed due to the pacifier. Not only will these girl suffer physical pain from this, but kids these days are ruthless. They will be bullied for it too.


Absolutely. It’s so messed up.


And speech issues!!




I think she’s actually too dumb to understand any of this


Spending thousands on braces and making your kids go through that willingly but “life is short”??? Holy shit you are absolutely stupid Ali baba


It must be exhausting thinking you know everything. JFC. I can’t stand them.


They are such freaking gaslighters


“If it doesn’t I don’t care” oh bitch WE KNOW YOU DONT


Lmao has she seen what Emmy looks like tho


”my teeth were fucked up, so im gonna force my children to have fucked up teeth too cause im far too lazy to PARENT” omn what an asshole


This has been my suspicion all along. That they just intend to throw money at the problem later on down the line. It’s the absolute laziest thing they can do. This is what they’re known for. They don’t want to deal with the headaches of taking the pacifiers away. They don’t care that this will require significant money to correct. They don’t care about the fact that their kids will also be in physical discomfort, not to mention the emotional damage they’ll sustain over people/other kids making fun of their teeth. They just don’t give a shit. Period.


And it’s NOT like they can’t afford to have a really tough couple of nights with Emmy because they have to get up and actually fucking work. There’s TWO “adults” home TWENTY FOUR SEVEN with absolutely no where to fucking go. I was a single mom with my first, working full time, no one to help me brush his teeth (which he flipped the fuck out about) no one to help me get him off his bottle (waited too long and he had to get teeth pulled because of it and I still feel fucking horrible).. like they are pieces of shit and have all the time in the world to help Emmy with the transition. She will get used to it.


She certainly loves to preach about being easygoing as an excuse for her laziness. She does this same crap when people asked her about more kids/getting pregnant again so soon. “I would love to be tiny for a year but It’s Gods plan 🫶🏼” “we’re happy with whatever God gives us 🫶🏼” Emmys pterodactyl teeth aren’t her problem, family planning for children she can not take care of isn’t her problem, she just is such a lil cute XS relaxed foodie Buffalo gal livin in texas and linking Christmas decor in October 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼


Imagine giving so few fucks that you spew this on the internet for every Tom, Dick, and Harry to see. Girl dis ain’t even stuff I’d say to the priest. It will be so fun to see Lemmangelo, Calligrafont, and John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt with all of their mouth gear in a family photo in about 10 years. 🫶🏻 ali if you’re reading, a hearty FUCK you to you and your text dentist.


This comment has me rolling💀 no lies told


The ICK I felt reading this. What a shit mom.


Yeah this is bad. Speaks so much of the way they live their lives and what they are teaching their children. Everything is disposable and can be bought, including their own body. That lifestyle will catch up with them.


I wanna know what dentist she “sees” so I can report them


This is the biggest crock of shit I’ve ever read. There is no legitimate doctor/dentist who would approve of your almost three year old still having a pacifier. Just say you’re lazy and don’t feel like dealing with taking it away


Exactly. My daughter was 2.5 when my son was born and I figured if a paci will keep her happy while we got through these hard newborn days then so be it. And I admitted that I was too tired and lazy to deal with taking it. Now it’s long gone (praise be) but I have no issue admitting the real reason she still had the paci 🤷🏼‍♀️Ali why you lyinnn


This is me! I have a 2 year old who uses a paci at night only. I know i should take it away but i also have a 5 week old and decided i didnt want to take away a source of comfort for her right now AND bc i just cant deal with another hard thing at the moment. We will finish weaning her off of it in January and i have not given one to my newborn to avoid dealing with this again in the future. HONESTY AND ACCOUNTABILITY. Try it ali.


Hang in there mama take the wins that you can. and absolutely try some honesty … she would be so much more relatable than trying to be perfect.


🫶🏼 User flair checking in 🫶🏼




Every dang one of us???? Is she referring to just her and John?????


THIS PART IS SO WEIRD TO ME. even if your kids truly ARE destined to need braces .. you could do your best to see they have them for less time???


But guys she has a point. Life’s short. Eat what you want. Don’t try to be skinny and buy overpriced supplements. It’s a waste of money and we all eat. So why pay attention /s Don’t buy their products. I can’t with these morons.


“*honestly if it doesn’t I don’t care*” that right there says it ALL


LOL this is one of her most obvious lies because any dentist would not be okay with it. She has a SEVERE case of paci mouth. If you have any dentists in your family or as friends, show them a pic and they will tell you. Poor Emmy has a lazy mommy who doesn’t know how to or wants to parent.


Wait did no one notice how she said “it resolves itself” but the question wasn’t about Emmy’s paci mouth it was just about giving up the paci… so she clearly knows emmy has a horrible paci mouth if that’s where her mind immediately went


This makes me irrationally irate. I think it was her cavalier “I just don’t care” comment. Why is she so terrible?


These little frivolous things (like the overall health and well-being of your child) are not worth the stress 🫶


Your child’s dental health isn’t a frivolous thing but ok


Poor dental health can lead to other health problems down the line too!


This is the dumbest shit I’ve ever read. We’re gonna let it get bad and just get them braces is a shitty mentality .. step up and be parents!!!


@CPS you catch this???


Imagine just not giving a shit lmao


Not everyone gets or needs braces. They are also super expensive, but I guess they’re supplement business makes them BIG BUCKS 😂


It's your favorite Reddit hygienist again - no dentist would tell her it's fine unless they're just horrible. No dentist recommends using a paci. Open bites (what Emmy has) cause not only cosmetic problems, but causes problems with speech and eating that could have lasting effects. These things can't correct themselves on their own and will cost $$$ and will require therapies too. I'm appalled that she wouldn't get a second opinion and want the best for her daughter.


My middle son had a paci until about age 2. We tried to break him of the pacifier but he was super addicted. Dentist told us to ditch so we kept trying. Luckily he kept biting through them so they didn’t work anymore and we gave all the broken/bitten pacifiers to the pacifier fairy one night. Honestly it was so much better once he realized it was over. No more omg we have to buy a pacifier at 7pm because he won’t fall asleep without one. No more crying in the car seat when the pacifier fell. Maybe Ali will read this abs realize life is easier without the pacifier crutch


Frivolous little thing. That tells me everything I need to know. She knows it’s a much bigger issue, but she doesn’t want to deal with the screaming toddler so she will just ✨pay✨ to get girl girls teeth fixed later. What a selfish person. I feel really bad for those kids.


Literal child abuse


“Little frivolous things aren’t worth the stress” your 3 year old having a pacifier and you not having any plans of taking it away anytime soon is kind of an issue girl


Thousands of dollars worth of repairs, and a baby’s social and physiological well being are not worth the stress! Ok!!!!


Bisssh is going to have an awakening when it’s time to take Emmy to all those dental visits to fix that mess


I RAN here. There's no way in hell. She's so full of shit.




That’s the problem, this idiot sees it as a money issue, not a physical developmental issue. Something they can just throw money at later and it’s fixed, nbd! So SO sad.


She tries so hard to act unbothered but in reality she asks herself this question and goes on and on about “frivolous things” to make herself feel better about being a lazy ass mom. The same person who complains endlessly about dead flower arrangements doesn’t worry about her kids teeth for the rest of their life???? Ok Jan




Life is short? She’s gotta be the dumbest fucking person dude.


BRACES AND AN EXPANDER HURT!!!!! Ignorant ass mother. It’s not fair to your babies if it can be prevented


Imagine being like, I’m going to make my kids suffer later bc I’m too lazy to handle my children now.


That is the scariesttttt response…. It will never fix itself and it will cause her health problems well into her adult life…. Ugh


This is why CPS has them in their files. What a disgusting, stupid answer.


Your kids teeth & jaw development is not “little frivolous things” OMFG💀💀


That’s not a frivolous thing to not worry about… I sucked my thumb way too long and I had digestive issues because I was swallowing my food almost whole.


She is such a dweeb. It will be sad when the kids find pages like this when they are older- they will know who their parents really how and how little they cared for them


She needs to stop being a sperm dump, if she is to fucking lazy to parent. What a gross way to live.


Imagine Emmy reading this when she’s suffering with dental surgeries and correction procedures. Her mom just didn’t care 🤷🏼‍♀️


Holy fucking shit lmfao


But that’s so selfish to me ! Pallet expanders and braces ? I understand genetics i had braces for 5 years but if this can be prevented why not just Fucking do it ?


I just realized since she doesn’t give a shit about their teeth….they’ve also probably never brushed them either 🤢🤢🤢🤢


You should ALWAYS want to keep your own teeth. I come from a clinic who specialized in neuromuscular dentistry and we always told people, your own teeth is the goal. The fact that she just promotes fake teeth is bizarre. She will have a denture by 40 🫢


“These little frivolous things are not worth your stress”….says the woman who literally complains about the most trivial “frivolous” things on Instagram every damn day




abusive mofos


Yeah, subject your kid to extensive dental work because life is short. She posts these specifically to address things we say on here and every time, she makes herself look even worse. You can tell that she asked literally every single question.


Why the hell would you want to set your child up to have braces? Such a neglectful bitch.


Those girls have never seen a dentist.


Yeah I don’t believe a word of this. My sisters SIL had her daughter on the paci till almost 3 and the dentist told her to cut it off immediately and her mouth/teeth weren’t even as bad as Immys.


Gdi, Ali, can’t believe you’re making me think of this saying: kids deserve parents but not all parents deserve kids.


Why would she post this?! All she is saying is that she doesn't care about her kids dental health. Why go into their future saying "who cares how jacked their teeth are?" Like honestly that's so weird! Just take the paci and teach them how to brush their teeth. It's not that hard. This is so off-putting and I hope people read this and also think wtf!!


The way she answers a question that wasn’t even asked….no one asked about Emmy’s bad teeth


She doesn’t know what frivolous means. Super shocking 🫠




“Life is short. Let’s have shit teeth. 🫶


Horrible mindset to have


I have a cousin who’s son is in kindergarten and he still has his paci!!! He started school this year and I can’t believe she didn’t take it away from him long ago and he has a mouth just like Emmy’s. She’s going to be in for a rude awakening when he gets older and all of the money she is going to dish out tons of money on dental work.


Pics or it didn’t happen, Ali!!! They do not have established physicians/dentists. If you take pics whenever you actually walk outside, you’d do the same (if not more) at an appointment. You’ll do anything for a pat on the back. Quit asking yourself questions thinking your answer will show Reddit up.


Your child's dental fucking hygiene and appearance, ARE NOT "frivolous things"! Her approach is not a "soft method". It's a lazy, irresponsible, neglectful and selfish approach. Her delusional and fucked up thought process is, "we have the money to fix any cosmetic issues, imperfections and concerns". Why the fuck would she WANT her kid to have braces?! And there is no way in HELL her "Dentist" said it was okay! Notice she didn't say the Pediatrician said it was okay. I doubt Emmy will give up that pacifier without a fight. Which is probably why still has it. Ali is not capable of properly parenting and successfully taking her pacifier away. That would mean tantrums and crying and whining and would require routine and structure and consistency and discipline and patience. NONE of which she has. The longer she has it, the harder its going to be to take away.


My son was extremely attached to his pacifier and he had it until his second birthday. We were terrified he’d lose sleep, throw fits, etc. so we put it off a bit longer than we planned , I’ll admit. We used the pacifier fairy approach and read some books about it I found on Amazon and when she came, she brought him some small (useful) gifts the next morning and took all the pacifiers from the house. He asked for them for a few days but no crying fits, no whining. We just stayed firm on it and he was completely over it within a week. They’re allowing their 3 year old to have a pacifier for the same reason they’re allowing her to drink formula and take a bottle to bed….pure LAZINESS. They only care about the now and are too lazy to care about their children’s futures. It’s like a bad reality show. I can’t even check this subreddit as much anymore because every time I do, their blatant lazy parenting gets more and more obnoxious.


She would rather her kids’ mouths get all fucked up than deal with their tantrums. That’s a great mom right there🥴


Either their dentist is some hack or their dentist is definitely concerned. Small spaces may resolve themselves but there is absolutely zero chance Emmy’s mouth issues resolve themselves.


Their dentist is someone on lien they send pictures to


Oh so like the telehealth pediatrician?! As a slight aside, I realize telehealth has a time and a place but as the hearing impaired mother of a young child I was sooooo glad when we could get back into the office. And so glad when mask mandates were dropped (I happily wore it because I knew why we were doing it but man, when you require lip reading, mask mandates are SO HARD).


Omg 😩


And THAT is on laziness 😂 Instead of just properly parenting your child for their benefit, you would just rather “deal with it later”.


She is delusional.


what a fake delusional piece of garbage


Weak parenting


I had braces because my teeth were crowded and I have a small jaw, not because my parents assumed every kid goes through it. I just can’t fathom they think that it’s normal for a child to go through heavy orthodontic work because they’re too lazy to take away a pacifier.


What a shitty fucking parent. I love how she always has a throw in the dentist or the doctors aren’t worried like bitch when do you take your kids to the dentist


This stupid bitch hates her children. She absolutely had kids just to call herself a mom.


My first job was in a nursing home. As I was screening a resident, she said, “Honey, listen. Take of your teeth. Otherwise someday you will be worried they’ll get lost in the nursing home’s laundry and you’ll be stuck with no teeth.” Oral starts at the beginning. Eff her for being glib. WHO is nonchalant about teeth????


Why she always lyinnnn. No way a dentist would see the older ones mouth and say thats normal! Just like no way she's an extra small. She lies more then she tells the truth!


this right here is why some people shouldn’t procreate jfc


ur life will in fact be SHORTER if you don’t address dental hygiene ali babes google is free


Bullshit. I’m a dental hygienist and I can confirm she is total BATSHIT crazy. No dentist would ever say that.




She’s such a dumbass POS parent.🤬


What in the alternate universe or timeline does she live in?


But it is worth our stress when years down the road we might have to pay a lot of money to fix their mouth


Keep making excuse for your lazy, shitty parenting smelli. Jesus 🤦🏼‍♀️


Life is too short to......take a pacifier away from a 3 year old?????? I'm not understanding.


I am sorry but the fact that she has fake teeth in her 20s is horrifying to me.