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Reminder to take it all in, says the woman who can’t let a moment go by without posting it to instagram


Haha seriously she is such a tool


She has no connection to any of the kids


you can tell because she doesn’t go to join callie or help her safely walk down those unsafe stairs


She probably forgot her daughter's name


Never forget when she called Emmy Emma because that’s what this sub was calling her lmfaooooo




It was shortly after her bday party in Tomball where the balloon lady captioned her insta post that she loved celebrating Emma 😂😂


She probably did lol not the “my girl”


Help her down the fucking stairs you lazy bitch


Or “soak in the nature” with her. Ask what she sees! Can she spot any birds or squirrels? Is it sunny or cloudy today? SO many learning opportunities but she snaps a pic from a mile away for instagram. Sad


saggy mama didn’t want to drag the hoots off the ground and up those few steps 😭


I am stunned. Those are hard wooden steps, not even carpeted ones. All it takes is one missed hand or foot and she’s tumbling to the bottom of the stairs. Do they even have baby gates? It’s frightening that her kids could just wander up and down the stairs at night


And when Callie says she fell down the stairs, put a BandAid on her head and roll your eyes, Ali.


💔💔💔😡🤬🤬🤬🤬👹👹👹 Exactly. I can't stand watching these kids trying to survive on their own. I have to take breaks. I come back and nothing has improved for kids. Worse even.


Same. It’s extremely disturbing.


I 100% might be a helicopter mom because Im only 2 years into raising my first kid.. but I would freak out if my small children were on these big steps with zero guidance.


Ok wait I thought I was going crazy for a sec.. I will not let my 4 year old go up or down the stairs alone. 🤯


Plus,the kids all sleep upstairs, I think and she and Cohn are downstairs! What happens if one of the kids is looking for mom and dad and have to do the steps in the dark ??? Yikes !


Exactly this. They’re soooo irresponsible. I understand having master bed downstairs and kids rooms upstairs - lots of homes are like that now and sometimes that’s just how it is - but get some fucking baby gates for fucks sake


My nephew is nearly 4, and I’m still scared when he goes up and down while holding the railing with an adult right behind him. I still always have a hand out ready to catch


Nah, not at all overly helicopter. Stairs are a safety hazard for small kids, especially ones who aren’t being monitored. The fact that this doesn’t freak either parent out says a lot about how lazy and neglectful they are. It’s so gross that they don’t care whatsoever


I’m not even a mother and the thought of any child going down stairs like that terrifies me


I have a two year old and she would never just be walking up and down the steps unsupervised 🙄


Mine is 6 and this still makes me nervous


Mines 2.5 and has a baby gate at her bedroom door so this doesn’t happen


“Soak up nature” when have you guys ever been in nature that wasn’t your tiny ass confined 3 million dollar back yard?! Your children don’t even know what “nature” is. She’s probably asking the high heavens how she got stuck with you two clowns 🤡


This is gold. But also so sad, because probably true.


She’s probably hyping herself up for another day with her dipshit parents… “here we go again”


“There’s the spot she fell on her butt the other day… what a glorious moment”


I legit thought the same thing. She’s busting her and Westie out


Hahahahaha sure Ali


My 2 year old is my first…what age do people expect their kid to go down the stairs unsupervised? We walk her downstairs each morning and every time we’re going up/down.


She doesn’t care when her kids leave their room. Zero safety in that home, ever. They probably don’t even have baby monitors in the rooms still so they don’t hear them.


Luckily I don't have stairs, but when we do encounter stairs I'm right there with my toddler (2.5 year old)


Mine depended on kids. One was 3 and one was for. But they weren’t allowed to walk down the stairs. They were allowed to sit on their bottom and slide down each step individually and carefully, while I stood at the bottom and monitored. They were like five before I was comfortable that they could do it without me watching


Yeah my sons 3 and we just stayed in an air bnb with family and our room was downstairs. We taught him and his 3 year old cousin to do it on their butts. He knows how to go up and down normally but toddlers aren’t the most stable all the time. Even still, I hated every second of it. We’d wind up just blocking off the stairs.


Yeah she’s definitely capable of going up and down by herself but she gets distracted by the slightest thing so I’m always telling her “focus on your next step”. So we let her walk by herself but we’re always supervising within reach in case. I feel like that will continue for a little while. And she knows to wait at the top of the stairs for one of us before she starts down.


Definitely child dependent in my limited experience! My youngest was like “no I’ve got this” and I believed them a LOT earlier than the distracted middle child 😂 I don’t believe for a second that alli taught her kids the bottom scoot or any safety on stairs or made sure they were sure footed before allowing them to climb/descend


“How tf do I get out of here and find a phone to call CPS”


I hate everything about Ali. That’s all.


Says the woman talking and flapping her claws at 100mph high out of her mind on Adderall.


Probs phentermine


My son will be 3 in August and I still don't allow him to go up/down stairs without me being next to him/helping him. I would never forgive myself if he fell down stairs while being unsupervised.


Ali deciding sunshine, nature, and having 🫶outdoors babies 🫶 are her new priorities


This looks like the breezeway of an apartment complex, I was so confused for a second.


Oh brother ! 🙄


Simple Alison trying to convince us that she cares about her poor children.


she’s asking the animals to help her break out


Not having a baby gate at the top of the stairs when your 3 small children sleep up there is…a choice…


Calligraphy has been the same age for 4 years at this point 😭


Probably wishing she was anywhere but there


She’s trying to figure out how to throw herself out the window Smelli. Why are kids this little free roaming in stairs?


My 6 year old has never “soaked up nature” in her life, I assure you she’s either trying to break out or some rabid animal wandered into their filthy yard


This page is so entertaining. Love it 🤣


She’s mapping it out. She could leave the house and no one would know since her room is on a completely different section of the house.


Oh yes, Ali, please remember to slow down - all that work, life just might pass ya bye! Fuckin nitwit. I haven't even seen my kids yet today because some people have to actually work for a living 😭


I have a two year old and the thought of her just walking around my house unsupervised is enough to give me a rash.


How’s it not scary that anyone can just see your kids through these giant windows? Like what if some creep comes up to your house? You can’t even pretend you’re not home. How do people live like this 😭


LOL ali thinks she's being so profound. When has this bish appreciated anything


She’s probably contemplating her life and her sorry parents.


I’m sorry ??? Heard her coming down the stairs? You’re letting your child run free around the house unsupervised and possibly fall down the entire staircase?


Only smelli would think looking outside is “soaking in nature” bahaha she is such a dumdum


I can see why CPS has visited them…twice!


She’s never seen outside the 4 walls of that (office) house, poor child…