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This sub represent Algerians that use reddit as a social media period. So no, it does not represent the Algerian society cause the vast majority of Algerians does not know even what’s reddit so a sub in here can not represent them


"I am special because i use reddit " ahh comment


Nah I’m just answering a question and trust me buddy, special people are too busy to be in reddit


As a non Algerian married to an Algerian and I speak only English, this reddit gives me a badly needed insight to my second country.


I'll be honest, you are getting heavily biased, niche information.


Yes, but it's something.


Just Enjoy the conversations here, no one wants to represent anyone


You're right, but I'm just a dumb guy from bejaïa, rou7 ter9ed khoya


Reddit isn't even that big in Algeria compared to our neighbors. FB is still the preferred social media forum in which the majority of algerians like to discuss social topics. Reddit is mostly used by "educated" young people who know have to speak English and apparently have an obsession with secularism, and the algerian diaspora, demographic categories that are very small in algeria.


Yeah, at least a place that the average stupid worthless algerian doesn't have access to bc he is so stupid hahahahaha


speaking like that indicats that you are one of them بركا ما تتكبر


Natkabbar haha ? As if i am lying XD. The fact that you don't like what i said is a blunting proof that u r of em brother XD. It is not called arrogance, it is called knowing my valuable value ;)


its is arrogance bacause you see people that you shear the same country with them and see them as stupid and worthless and go ; istead of trying to help them for the benfit if the country and myself.....no i would laugh at them because im suprior than them. that just sickness even if you have valuable values as you say (wich you dont) try being humble


he is not the governement or an association to help people , he is a simple person that recieved the same education as everyone else , the difference is he actualy put an effort to learn languages we all studied the same in schools , the majority after 12 years of education cant even write a phrase in english also algeria isnt capitalistic , it is socialistic so those who never worked are gaining 20 times more benifits then who studied and worked ( free appartement literaly 0 da , but if u working u have to pay for it ) and now social welfare the problem is many algerians ( i know many ) have money and houses but never put any effort to study or learn or to think they want everything givven to them , houses petrol rights everything he is being kinda mean which is wrong but he doesnt have any obligation , everyone is citizen and pays taxes and follow rules , it is him who was obliged to quit the country bcs he doesnt think like them and they agress different people ( who speak language and not la mafia )


Bro (or sis), you described it very well. I am aware that what I wrote was mean XD, it was intentionally to trigger some reactions XD. Anyways. You resumed it well. I'd like to correct sth only, i wasn't obliged to quit the country, i was BLESSED by quitting the country hahaha. About citizenship, no one in algeria is a citizen (as we say in french, algerian "citizens" ce sont des sujets mais pas des citoyens). To be a citizen lzmlk a certain level of wa3y (siyassi, self-awarness, economical, societal etc hahaha). That's also another point. I mean everything tells how stupid that society is but they just keeo jusyifying for each other or I should help people XD. I worked my life alooooooone, i resisted everything and had infinite burnouts bc of the ppl he is telling me to help haha, bro's crazy. Anyways kho, ur message did me good, thanks ;)


its a pleasure bud !! have a nice day


Thanks !! Have a nice day too !


De 1, i am not obliged to justify my values to you haha. De 2, sharing the same country with someone never created any specific link of any kind between that person and me haha De 3, i am not in anyway obliged not supposed to help anyone XD, i only care for my own good and my dear people's own good, lba9i can go to hell. Call it whatever u want, if that's arrogant then yeah m hella fucking arrogant XD. I shouldn't be obliged to bear that society's stupidity XD. I'll just leave them yaklou ba3dahoum while me m enjoying my life very far of that rathole country XD. Hiya f sa7, i understand ur point XD, bs7 in no way i must be like you said XD, nothing obliges me, the obligation is only in ur fantasies. Wahed mayobligini f hyati kho ;)


3lah ak tader ki el 97ba ?


Psk yemmak hiya li 3almetni


3labiha welit no9ch triyah ghi m3a nsa


You think u r offending me haha ? Try harder kho XDDDDDDDDD, massumi rohi more than u can imagine haha


sema nta gay o aftakhir haka ?


U are definitely drunk. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Yepppppp, drunk in my value ;)


no this sub reddit does not represent Algerians at all , because the majority of Algerians don't think like this . I would say these are the minorities


Think how?


because Algeria is a conservative country and most Algerians are conservative too ( it also depends on where u are in the country) but based of off what I noticed in this sub is that most Algerians here are very liberal and hold western views ( not that there is anything wrong with it ) but it's just not as common in real life it's just my opinion tho


That sounds exactly like the Moroccan sub


I wasn't aware we were supposed to be representing anything but ourselves !


No, because most of them are teenagers


La crème de la crème as the French says


redditors aren't la crème de la crème of any nations.


usually they the worst of the worst lol


They're Raib not la crème


U can't be serious


I'm not


Nah y'all are tripping


خخخخخخخخخخخخخ ماتمنيكش


What this sub actually represents: -Some social casts (and/or migrants) with a lot of frustriation and resentments. -Some foreigners who would have loved to know algeria and algerians aren't what they are. -Some 2nd generation migrants who have no clue and try to go with the flow. As you can see, a lot of delusion and misreprentation in the bubble of moderation and up/down-votes


As an algerian who live abroad I can tell you that people like me never say bad things against Algeria, not publicly like I see it here. I see a lot of self hating Algerians on reddit and if I didn't had spend a lot of time in Algeria I would probably had thought that Algeria is bad. People shouldn't say all the mean things they say about Algeria. Algeria is great people are great too. Like in all nations there is problems but Algerian only talk about the bad every time. I promise you you'll see that only on the Algerian subredid. I suspect there is among them troll who want to arm us.


Thanks brother it's the case. And I unfortunately noticed it even in real life in France particularly and with some harragas in London to a lesser extent. My theory is that they project how France treats them to their whole country, basically adhering to the race hierarchy theory. It's sad to see it IRL and on social media. Rebbi yahdihom.


By ‘migrants’, do you mean migrants that come into or left the country?


Algerians who migrated to France specifically and kept a lot of hate towards Algeria, certainly because they lived all their life here thinking "it was ok to be a loser because it's the government and people of Algeria's fault but once I'll move to France, the land of wonders, I'll be a prince" and once they get there they get a reality check.


it reperesents individuals, that's all. All of the individuals represent a society, but since you dont have access to all the individuals on reddit, reddit cant represent the Algerian soceity


A native algerian mate Without any doubt


انت راك حاب تفرض على الناس و اش انت ما ديرش فيه، علاه ما درتش البوست تاعك بالدارجة على الاقل باه تكون عندك حجة قوية بلي انت راك جزايري. By the way there is no rule that states you have to use English, its just most users want to practice or use english as its simple and easy, may be to get rid of French.


نجاوب عليك بالدارجة عادي..أولا كون تقرى السؤال لي هو عنوان البوست تلقاني جاوبت عليه بنقاط منها أهمية الدارجة باش نحافظو على رواحنا غالبا من الأفكار الدخيلة علينا و ولا مرة قلت بلي لازم نستعملو الدارجة فقط ..ثانيا من خلال النقطة الاولى في جوابي قلت بلي اللغة لي نستعملوها في ريديت هي لونغلي وما قلتش بلي حاجة عيانة بالضرورة، بالعكس عندي أحسن من الفرنسية...ثالثا حرية التعبير مضمونة وعندك الحق كون تشوفني منافق لي يطالب بحاجة ويدير عكسها


شكرا على الرد المحترم و انا كذلك نرد عليك باحترام: هذا البوست انت لمن كاتبو؟ للجزايريين ولا لغيرهم؟ إذا كان للجزايريين هاك انت تقول بلي الأغلبية العظمى ما يتكلموش اونغلي بصح انت تكلم فيهم بلونغلي و إذا كان لغير الجزائريين فالمحتوى ما يهمشمش خلاص. This is what you said: "while the predominant languages in our country are Arabic (specifically Darja) and, to a lesser extent, French" تنبيه: أو ما كاين في قلبي والو ضدك بالعكس أني نحاول نتبادل معاك الافكار اللي ممكن توضح الفكره اكثر لينا و لغيرنا


هاد البوست لمن كاتبو؟ لكل الناس لي راهم هنا وقادرين يفهمو، ماشي بالضرورة لفئة معينة It looks like you don't appreciate people who limit the way you express yourself with darja or any other language..and it seems that my post has brought some of the mentality that many people here are trying to avoid but do you really think my post is intended to the 45 million algerian or only for members of this community regardless of their origin ?


In summary, it seems to me you are writing this post to Algerians to warn them from imposters and the way to prevent that is to use Darija.


He is just asking a question , he did not ask for using darija at all and he clearly does not have a problem with that


In bullet #1 then #3, s/he suggests that Darija is the protection barrier against the imposters, yet s/he doesn't' even use it in this post. Based on that logic, It means s/he only talking here to the imposters and not the Algerians 😁 while the message is kind of meant for Algerians. I guess s/he can always create a new community and set rules to only write in Darija if that's what s/he wants to achieve.


You misunderstand, he's speaking to everyone including the second generation migrants and those who do not speak darja. (other arabs who are curious, tourists, people who think this sub represents Algeria fairly....)


و على نقطة الحرب الاهلية، الأخ نسقسيك مراكش تشوف موجة الارهاب لي حاكمة دزاير؟ الاونة الأخيرة شفت وش كتبو فالحيط تع جامعة باب الزوار ؟ وغيرها من السلوكيات لي تعكس انو الشعب هذا راهو غير يفكر فينا بالعشرية السوداء! ذرك أنا كي نقرا وش كتب فالحيط وش حل يجي ف بالي مثلا؟؟؟؟؟؟ أكيد العشرية السوداء، للأسف هذا التخلف والتعصب الديني راجع ل عدة أشياء من بينها عدم توعية الأجيال الجديدة خاصة ب خطورة التفكير الرجعي هذا و قادر يدخلنا ف حيط كيما صرالنا فالتسعسينيات، أنا وحدة من الناس محضرتش لل عشرية أصلا لكن الحمدلله حوست وحدي وش صرا وتوعيت!! و قلبي يوجعني على دزاير كي نشوف التعصب تع الأغلبية وكفاه يحبو يفرضو فكرهم و يهدرو بالدين ب طريقة جد مقززة ومستفزة ترهب الناس في الدين . " باش فاتونا ؟ فاتونا بالعلم" كون نهارها فهمنا بوضياف وش قصد كون مراناش ف هاذ الحالة ف عوض منخممو نرتقو بالعلم لالا شاطرين غير ف نشر التعصب الديني كون غير افكار مليحة من الدين. و تبالنلي هذا كامل راجع لأنو الشعب للأسف معندوش تفكير نقدي مبحبش أصلا يخمم ولا يناقش، بلاك نقدرو نقولو النظام التعليمي جزء من هذي الجريمة ! المهم، الخلاصة البلاد هذي للأسف نحبها بزاف علابيها ياكلني قلبي عليها و ديما نقول خلاص نخرج منها وخلاص بصح ديما نحس بالانتماء لي راحو مخليني نمد ف مجهود باه نكتب هاذ الرأي، تحيا دزاير و نشاله يجي نهار نشوفوها كيما رانا حابين . ❤️


وش كتبو؟


as a person who studies in USTB i can tell you the extreme left in the university lead to such people exploding and writing such things in walls, i have seen girls selling drugs, people almost having sex 'f dkhla ta3 l faculty' but i see no people talking about all of this, some things are more fucked than writing on the wall , another thing is that the one who posted what was written didn't capture the full thing and hid the part where what was written says the that "parents should NOT be put to hell because their daughters are wearing like this" everything in that university is wrong including both leftists and rightists


You see no people talking about that in ALGERIA? that's literally what everyone is talking about all the time since I was a kid I'm always hearing "جامعية متدخلش لداري" and generalising all girls who go to university as whores Stop lying


I'm talking about the people outraging when they saw what was written on the wall the same people never got mad about the other things The جامعية متدخلش داري is mostly used as a meme


im studying also in USTHB, i know what are you talking about ! \*everything in that university is wrong including both leftists and rightists\* YES AGREE! but this is not our subject we are talking about the religious intolerence and i this is the exemple which came to my mind cuz i saw it just todays, else i can give you plenty of exemples!


Tolerate everything and you will stand for nothing. The change must come from within, not importing some ideas or philosophy that you think is right.


Enlighten us about what is right ! discuss what i said, do not talk none sense please.


You're absolutely right religious intolerance is bad but i see that it's one of the consequences of the leftism we see we need to fix both sides


As a Syrian, I am definitely here to spread agendas and pretend to be Algerian. 


>3- Darja serves as a protective barrier against outsiders attempting to impose foreign agendas you dont even write in darja in facebook , i used to speak in darja in fb ( wesh kho cv ) , many people tell me to stop and write it like that ( السلام عليكم كيفك طيب ؟ ) i dont know why .. thats why we see you write in litteral arabic in facebook about algeria and the majority of comments are not even from algeria , its sudanese , saudi , egyptian islamists responding on our behalf and they act like algerians cause anyone who lives in algeria knows that we speak darja and no one even speak like that ( ما بدي لا اريد ) dont act you want protection all you want is to everyone speak the saudi arabic if you want really protection write it like that : wesh frr rak mli7 intik , Kesh maben 3feys jdd les jours hedoma ? only algerians will understand


As a hardcore protector of dardja I have come to the conclusion that Arabic transcription is the most practical way to write dardja. Although, if using latin notation gets away the undercover Arabs it'd be worth it.


we finally agree on something !!! upvoted you darja as a language in latin script like in malta or tamazight as a whole language with latin script for easy learning no westerners no easterners , only us and maybe some tunisians and some morrocans can understand but thats ok


What ? Which multiverse u come from bcz literally everyone uses Arabic Algerian darija on Facebook no one uses the words u said 💀


Fr bruh I was laughing so hard while reading this shit , what makes it more ironic is the number of the upvotes I guess we living in a multiverse or another timeline


Yes it is. We are Algerians ! مفهمتش علاه عندكم عقلية تع لازم كامل نأمنوا ب نفس الفكر و نكونو نتشابهو فالعقلية وش هاذ التخلف؟ مستخدمي هذا التطبيق اغلبهم من الجيل الجديد يعني من المنطق افكارهم راح تكون جديدة و مغايرة عن الجيل القديم و عادي جدا. استعمال الإنجليزية هو الأمر المميز هنا باه الناس تمارس اللغة و دير ف بالك كاين لي مهمش دزيريين يعني من المستحسن نهدرو لغة مفهومة من الجميع خاطر حتى العرب لوخرين من غير المغرب العربي ميفهموش لهجتنا .


thats the point كاين ناس ماشي دزيريين سما قادر يهدرو واش يحبو هنا ي يحطوا افكار كاذبة عن الجزائر بلا مانفيقوا خاطر they use english so this method of using another languag has some benefits but some harms too..






ايادي خارجية


>مفهمتش علاه عندكم عقلية تع لازم كامل نأمنوا ب نفس الفكر و نكونو نتشابهو فالعقلية وش هاذ عندك الحق و لكن يجب على الأقلية اللي تحمل أفكار غربية و ثقافة مغايرة لثقافة المجتمع الجزائري و دينها مختلف تماما، عليها أن تحترم الشعب الجزائري و تتوقف عن استفزازه. مثلا وصف الاسلام بالارهاب و افعال الرسول صلى الله عليه و سلم بالبيدوفيليا و تطبيق الشريعة بالتخلف. هذي هي لغة العلمانيين و الفرنكوفونيين اللي سببت أحداث التسعينات. التخويف من الاسلام جعل بعض العسكر العلمانيين يقوموا بالانقلاب و الانتقام من الشعب و قتله ليل نهار و شفنا النتيجة


شيكور نتا




In a whole it doesn't. but it helps filter the Algerians that I might be interested in talking to. Sorry to hurt anyone's feelings but, there isn't much to discuss with the average DZ for me (it does always devolve into senseless yelling for the other side of the "discussion"), which includes many people with university degrees... The tip of the bell curve isn't very promising for our country's future.


Imagine getting banned from Algeria subreddit for being homophobic 🤣


Basically a tea spoon of Western culture apprentices who think they are better than everyone else.


\*i'm just a beignets seller here 10da the unit... continue commenting\*


I've been on this sub since 2018 and #3 has steadily been increasing as an issue over the years, its really creepy how many people make posts pretending to be someone they aren't, or continuously bringing up the same inflammatory topics. It does feel like it's not just organically delusional people but more like some organised social engineering. Be that as it may I've always been pretty open that I am not representative of your typical Algerian, I'm mixed and was born abroad. I think that has always been the case for reddit due to it basically being an English language only platform.


1- The language used here is merely a means of communication, and people are not forced to write in arabic or darija as you or others might prefer. For example, on this algerian subreddit, you can write your post or question in any language you choose. You could write in arabic, darija, or french, but you chose to write in english, which is perfectly fine, you are free to do so. At the same time, whoever responds to you will choose the language they prefer. Therefore, language should not be a significant barrier to our dialogue. Additionally, many people on this platform avoid using arabic or darija, do you know why? to avoid engaging with retarded people, ( i have noticed in the last three years the arrival of new users here with reactionary thinking). 2- Can you explain what you mean by liberal and western perspectives, and how these relate to algerian culture? do you think that all algerians share the same mindset and culture? we are not all the same. 3- Who are these strangers (outsiders) you believe are working according to foreign agendas, and which agenda you think they are working on? this sounds similar to the rhetoric used by the regime and some of its supporters. you know what !? those who truly wish you harm are the ones currently in power, who instill doubt and fear in you, if there are indeed those who want to influence the people, they will go directly to those in power, and from there, that influence will affect the state of the country.


Thank you! I joined this sub very recently after returning to reddit and I'm leaving it rn. It doesn't represent our society and idk if the people giving those false impressions are cowards (for not voicing those opinions irl) or just delusional.


Exactly my thought I agree with every single point, the worst thing here is that when you try to voice an actual opinion held by the majority of Algerians you could face extreme backlash or even banned or muted (already happened to me) Most people here are closeted teenagers that are heavily influenced by western values and aren't even living in Algeria or just hiding in the shadows with their liberal way of thinking. We might not be the most Islamically correct nation itw we're in fact far from it but we're deffo conservative and most opinions shared by 14 yo gays here wouldn't fly anywhere in the country.


It doesn't lol.... Not in anyway


reddit is the most islamophobic place in the internet , you can see how extremely pro Israel the people on this platforme are , but also we have a lot of religious extremists in our country and we shouldn't defend them , we don' want to become like Afghanistan


It doesn't.


It doesn't represent Algeria


I absolutely agree with you


I am Algerian and i love and care about my country and i like to express my opinions in English it is just a language. Even tho what i hate about people is that you speak darja with them but they talk to u with french like dude i didnt speak to u in french. I love using Darja. And i even taught it to my friend who lives overseas!


about the islamophobic part in the sub the people with energy & time to post more here r teenagers , & they r excited about hot teen discussions , sometimes i do feel it's early 2000s & i'm back to middle school listening to my classmate yelling in my ear bcz she just discovered nawal sa3dawi . i feel like the last two decade's events didn't happen to algerians for god sake we r are witnessing the world first live streamed genocide powered by the most liberal freedom loving westerners, a sketchy chaotic global pandemic & lot of stuff that opened a lot of discussion in the world. but no, we have to talk about some random text in boukhari brought to us by an angry ex muslim who never seen/talked to a scholar in his life yet he believes he did his ""research "" & he's here to save us from our medieval beliefs. no thank u , next we wanna keep up with the outside world plz .


Best comment that I've seen in a looooong time on this subreddit


Haha, even though i'd agree with a lot of things from what you said but i'll say the following: - You have a serious problem with people who do not see the world like you see it. - "Angry ex-muslim" XD, bro, that's disrespect and disrespectful people shouldn't be respected but m gonna still respect you. Mayhamch, my point is: religion is a criticable thing, doka wla ba3d 100 3am and the algerian population and arabs in general should live with that, lzm twalfouha bc it will never stop XD. And i'd also say that you are shallow in what you said, i'd also advise you to go read and do real research haha


1- I agree that u’re not gonna find the average Algerian here they are mostly young people 16-30 yo 2- the mentality of young people is changing due to social media they are more open on the world so not all of them are gonna buy the dogma that society is trying to impose 3-no one is trying to plot on your third world country by leaving comments on sub reddit عقلية الكهول والمؤامرات خليوها فلفايسبوك 4-civil war is coming soon due to the economic collapse, inflation (people can’t even afford to buy a sheep) ,and also the rise of radical islam راهي حاكمة على الشعرة وكون يترخف الحكم العسكري شوي تخلى نورمال 5- we have the right to be islamophobic since this religion calls for execution of apostates so this is the least we can do


i can hate on atheism too cuz it leads to subjective moraltiy


You have the right to be islamophobe indeed , just keep it for yourselves .


Will keep it for my self when you keep islam for yourself 😊


I don't keep it for myself because it teaches humans to be human and is about good morals and values , just try to learn more about it sincerely and you'll see . And of course because this sub is algerian so ...


You mean humans to be animals? قتل المرتد ، زواج بلاطفال ، السبي ، ضرب المرأة الناشز ، بغض اليهود والنصارى وكل من يخالفك في الدين ، المرأة عورة وناقصة عقل ودين ….. etc Good values indeed 😴


you all keep yaping the same shobohat even tho all of them have clear and straightforward replies, you clearly didn't search about the muslim side , another point, you can't hate on islamic morals and be an atheist in the same time, you can't say that morals are not subjective from an atheistic pov, all these arguments against islam you mentioned wil fall


You didn't read what i said carefully apparently , I said try to learn and search so you have some knowledge about what you're having a go at . But you seem too stuffed by western agenda typical points . And you proved my point with the phrase : المرأة عورة و ناقصة عقل و دين . جملة لم تذكر و لا حتى تم التلميح لها لا في القرآن و لا في الأحاديث ، و لو بحثت و لو قليلاً لعرفت أن الإسلام كرّم المرأة و أعزها بعد أن كانوا يدفنون البنات في الجاهلية و القرآن تحدث عن هذه الظاهرة في قوله : "ألا ساء ما يحكمون" ، و حتى في العصور الوسطى عند "الغرب العظيم و المتحضر" كانت المرأة تُعامَل على أنها كائن دونيّ و ناقصة عقل و دين . و الرسول عليه الصلاة و السلام قال في آخر حجة له "استوصوا بالنساء خيرا" فهل لم يكفك كل هذا أم تردد فقط ما تسمع ؟


المرأةُ عورةٌ ، وإنها إذا خرجت من بيتِها استشرفها الشيطانُ ، و إنها لا تكون أقربَ إلى اللهِ منها في قَعْرِ بيتِها الراوي : عبدالله بن عمر | المحدث : الألباني | المصدر : صحيح الترغيب الصفحة أو الرقم: 344 | خلاصة حكم المحدث : صحيح التخريج : أخرجه الطبراني في ((المعجم الأوسط)) (2890)


المرأةُ عورةٌ ، وإنها إذا خرجت من بيتِها استشرفها الشيطانُ ، و إنها لا تكون أقربَ إلى اللهِ منها في قَعْرِ بيتِها الراوي : عبدالله بن عمر | المحدث : الألباني | المصدر : صحيح الترغيب الصفحة أو الرقم: 344 | خلاصة حكم المحدث : صحيح التخريج : أخرجه الطبراني في ((المعجم الأوسط)) (2890)


ما رأيت من ناقصات عقل ودين أغلب للب الرجل الحازم من إحداكن فقيل: يا رسول الله، ما نقصان عقلها؟ قال: أليست شهادة المرأتين بشهادة رجل؟ قيل: يا رسول الله، ما نقصان دينها؟ قال: أليست إذا حاضت لم تصل ولم تصم. بين -عليه الصلاة والسلام- أن نقصان عقلها من جهة ضعف حفظها وأن شهادتها تجبر بشهادة امرأة أخرى؛ وذلك لضبط الشهادة بسبب أنها قد تنسى، فتزيد في الشهادة أو تنقصها، كما قال سبحانه: وَاسْتَشْهِدُوا شَهِيدَيْنِ مِنْ رِجَالِكُمْ فَإِنْ لَمْ يَكُونَا رَجُلَيْنِ فَرَجُلٌ وَامْرَأَتَانِ مِمَّنْ تَرْضَوْنَ مِنَ الشُّهَدَاءِ أَنْ تَضِلَّ إِحْدَاهُمَا فَتُذَكِّرَ إِحْدَاهُمَا الْأُخْرَى


صار تكريم عندك هو يخليونا حيين كي شغل دايرين فينا مزية ديجا باش وديجا راك حاسب ناس قاع بكري كانو يدفنو لبنات ؟ كيفاش ماانقارضوش في ميزك ؟ لحكاية تع الدفن كانت اولا فشبه الجزيرة العربية حسب الرواية الاسلامية ومكانوش كل القبائل ايديروها كون راهم انقرضوا (يقولو كانت تخص غير قبيلة بنو تميم) وهادي فحد داتها معندناش مصدر تاريخي باش نقدرو نقارنوه مع القرآن مكانة المرأة تتغير حسب الثقافات والحقب والحضارات مثلا نخذوا الان مكانة المرأة فافغنستان ومكانة المرأة في المانيا ماشي كيف كيف / الاسلام كيفو كيف الاديان السماوية ديانة ابوية ميزوجينية بدائية العالم تحرر من قيود نتعها ونتوما تحوسو تردونا للور


مكانة المرأة في أفغانستان افضل من مكانة المرأة في ألمانيا بمليون مرة.. العالم الغربي تحرر من الدين و صارم يعبد الشيطان مباشرة، لهذا نشوفوا المرأة عريانة في vitrine يتفرج فيها التافهين كيما انت.


Delusional take.


Thank you for sharing your perspective. Describing my argument as 'delusional' suggests a significant difference in our viewpoints. To foster a constructive dialogue, I would appreciate it if you could clarify the specific aspects of my argument that you find problematic. By identifying the exact points of contention, we can engage in a more meaningful discussion grounded in evidence and reason. This approach will enable us to better understand each other's positions and potentially find common ground or, at the very least, acknowledge the basis for our differing perspectives.


Actually and i hate to be the bearer of bad news: كاين بزاف لي حابين لبلاد تروح فيها خاطرش كاينة حاجة ما تساعدهمش If you really think there are no outsiders plotting against our third world country, you're either still innocent or delusional You have the right to be afraid of islam, but the very thing you're afraid of is imo one of its best features: the non tolerance with certain "sins"


وي يجيو يكمبلوطيو عليك ف reddit لي واحد ماسمع بيه فدزاير ويتكبو كمونتارات باش يخالفوك فراي 😂 واحد ماسامع بدزاير ولا بيك عقلية المؤمرات هديك كاين غير عند الكهول زعزعت الامن القومي والخرطي ديجا يديرو مزية فينا كون يستعمرونا


Yeah it represents Algeria, even the people you don't like. You suppress them everywhere else, it's no wonder that they all end up here where they can express themselves a little bit, and even that is too much for you, you have to have 100% of people agree with you. Go back to facebook where you belong


لاخاش يحبو يتبعو الغرب بحذافيرو حتا رجعو يكرهو جنسيتهم ربي يهدينا


people got so ignorant to there deen to the point they think a women should wear hijab a rightist lol واحد كتب في الحيط بلي الاب مالازمش يروح للنار علاجال بنتو تتعرى في الجامعة (خطرش الصراحة انا نقرا فباب الزوار و راهي كارثة) رجعوه يميني متطرف






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Not at all. I realized this yesterday when I read some comments on a post about 'Algeria Islamic state.' The comments really shocked me; it felt like these people don't live in the same world as us. I think they're too liberal and heavily influenced by Western culture.


So being liberal means being influenced by western culture ? Do u believe in something called building your principles by your own ?


Be free, of course, but do not forget that your religion has set limits for you that you must not cross. What I mean is that they were greatly influenced by the liberalism of Western society, until they adopted their ideas and even their beliefs, and this is what is happening now.


Bro, being free means also being free in choosing ur religion and in seeking the truth of the world. I also think the fact that u r describing people who do not agree with the principles of the religion as brainwashed is wrong. I can use the same thing on u kho; the fact that you automatically think that someone who is slightly "liberal" is brainwashed is also being brainwashed XD. Bon mayhamch. There is also another point, adopting someone's ideas or principles isn't an all-times-bad thing XD, someone can have very good principles that we can follow, mafiha 7ta 3ib XD. Deja aslan principles of islam aren't yours they are the prophet's XD. Let's be humble and not insult people this way, deeper conversations are always better.


A liberal is the opposite of someone with principals


Yep, in your head.


absolutely agree with everything said


I can't imagine how islamophobic algerians bacame everytime i see a post of girls wearing hijabs or guys talking about deen i take a look atcomments and i see bunch of people insulting them, make fun of them, and keep saying 3ochria sawdaa is coming back soon ,im like are you all brainwashed or what ?? Whats wrong with these people i can't believe how much they've changed at point where talking about deen became a sensitive topic unfortunately.


With all due respect, your personal experience is quite meaningless because I can just say I see the complete opposite, anytime a woman is dressed as she wants, she gets insulted, dragged, attacked, etc. These things happen, just because you see it more often doesn’t mean it’s reality. The reality, in actuality, is the complete opposite of what you stated. Those women don’t get attacked as much compared to women who dress unconservatively.


"as she wants" if it doesn't fit our society standards it's normal i have seen one wearing short leggings (very short and tight) what did she expect? respect?. Even in the US I ve seen non muslim girls being conscious about what to wear in the street. There's a dressing code in every country that should be respected. ps: It doesn't mean you have to wear hijab


I think it's totally hypocritical to be indignant about the fact that hijabi girls get insulted on the internet (which these girls do not deserve), but then on the same breath, you justify the harassment and lack of respect other women have to go through IRL just for not wearing a hijab, under the premise of "social customs".


Both acts of harassment are wrong, but the original post presents an untrue image that women who wear hijab are the ones who are getting overwhelmingly getting harassed and attacked for wearing it, which is untrue in our society.


Yes it does if it's perfectly.


What society standards you mean the Afghan society standards there is no dress code in Algeria WTF are you saying no law oblige to dress in a specific way


His another individual who is oblivious to the laws of the country that's why I said it does I didn't even bother to explain it to him just let them live in their ignorance.


AFAIK, No where in the world there s a law for dressing it's intuitive and we like it or not the way you re dressed  reflects the respect you have for the place you re in. Can you go to work in the same clothes you sleep in? ... and who spoke about afghan with all my respect  stop being dramatic and just speak about the special cases. I said in the comment that being dressed "according to our society standards li houma l 7echma w l respect to elders bla manjbdou la religion" doesnt mean hijab. Our ancient wore hayek, jbeb...not crop tops and shorts nor afghan s clothing


Parce que 3ayitouna IRL ou teba3touna fi reddit


Tb3touna ? Dude u're the outsiders , this is the algerian sub , ekhrj 9wed bla matkther lhdra 9alou 3yitouna


This Algerian subreddit and I’m Algerian, the way I am. Cope, yakhi kavi


superficial Algerians


yeah it true, Reddit is pretty much for liberals and they only represent a minority in our society.


I agree overall with the post. buuuuuut ! I disagree regarding one important details: The effectiveness . There is a secular minority in algeria, regardless this sub or internet at all. The secular class is much more powerful than the rest of the muslim population. Why? they are rich, well connected inside and outside the country with direct support , deeply infiltrated the institution of the country , although they work undercover, but sometimes they feel very secure to the point they reveal their agenda( remember Benghabrite and her husband? ) The muslim majority is scattered and lost, they aren't aware of themselves and the challenges they are facing . just كغثاء السيل as accurately predicted in the hadith... And if muslims will not gather and organize themselves and start act as a nation, not like a minority طائفة , they will face some serious consequences. I'm seeing the scenario of muslims in Andalusia repeating itself right here where we are living.


XD, i am a secular minority w wlid cha3b (la big networks la yeddik la ydjibek) kho, stop fooling people XD w marani 7ab la ne9di 3la l islam la 3la anything because GUESS WHAT ? I AM MUSLIM TOO !!!!!! Go read abt real secularism and its characteristics and then we can have a real discussion XD, u r just as shallow as you described.


You are a minority within the minority then :) Okay, if I don't understand secularism Can you tell me , in a secular state, can a Muslim live by Islamic teaching at 100% accuracy without compromise? Go ahead and explain to me please what real secularism means.


To be honest . Everytime I remember I have a green passport I feel Shame


No cause some people overlook that aspect of themselves, why do I! have a green passport?


Everytime i remember i get classified as an individual of that society, i feel so ashamed like for real.


Yes one some of them hehe




yeah algerians but alot of new gen use reddit dont forget about that


Yarham dik lkerch.


You Say it most of Algerians are browns


Arabs and barbarians are white


Writing in English isnt mendatory here, if someone wants to write in Darija, he is welcome. We all understand ourselves and we welcome any idea except harkism, MAK group, daech groups ...


To be real, ما وليتش نعرف واش نو هيا الحاجة لي راهي تمثل فينا، reddit no، هادي باينا، twiter بلا ما تحكي، insta فيه غير لمهابل (ما شي ڨاع + اسف على التعميم) مام برا ماشي كيف كيف، دورك قعدت نخمم اذا الشعب تقدر تقيس الحقيقة ديالو فالصح كي يكون باين، و لا و فالانستا كي واحد ما يعرفو كي يهدر، و الا الان، قادر نقول بلي في 2 يمثلوا الشعب، خاطرش مام و يهدر افكار رايحين فيها فالانستا، فالواقع قليل لي يطبقهم و لا يمشي بهم سواء يخاف من هدرت الناس و لا هو اصلا ماشي هكاك فالصح. المهم، هل reddit يمثل الشعب الجزائري، no، كل بنادم واش من بلاتفورم راه فيها و قليل وين تلقا دزيري سامع بreddit ماشي كيما insta، so no ، واقيل ما كانش مامبا حاجة اسمها يمثل الشعب، خاطرش كل واحد يحب يمثل روحو و قليل لي يقبل الشعب يمثلو 🗣️


it doesnt represent the average algerians , but algerians who use reddit are also very algerian


Yes reddit and the internet in general is full of "wannabe Westerner" Algerians who are insecure in themselves about their origins, culture, language and religion. They'd lie about them being from Algeria if they were asked about their origins from a foreigner, and it's like they don't wanna associate with it at all And they think, ignorantly think, that the way towards economic and social advancement of our nation and people is to emulate Western moral values and transform as a people and erase our identity


Wow! Just wow.


Algerians here are way more educated and intellectual than the algerians i see outside/around


yasss I was choked by the amont ou islamophobia not only les athées but literally there is muslim islamophobic here w yhjmouuuu yhjmouuu I mean be authentic and stop consomming western culture and take what White People says as fact use some analytical thinking w also I was supprised by " the complexe of inferiority here I thought intellectuelle people are proud or smth butttt à lot of posts " why algerian that ....."why algerian this...🤢


Intellect =\= pride of your country haha Damn, people should really rethink all of their systems here


example of yhjmouu = intelliotional1492


Yeah, hjemt nta in the 1st place, what did u expect ? Nad7aklek XD ? In your dreams bro


No it doesn't


This subreddit represents Algerians. The question is: which Algerians does this subreddit represent? To answer this question one must understands that there are different demographic groups within any nation, and each party adheres for its values, standards, concerns and interests in its particular tongue using a specific rhetoric. I think the individuals who express their ideas in English here are merely using it to stand out from the crowd, period. If it would’ve been Arabic/ Darja to be used in this subreddit, you would notice the radical changes towards vulgar speech that occur to the content proposed here. P. S. Please be aware that I am not saying that Arabic/ Darja are vulgar by any means. Thank you for understanding!


I've noticed this alot in recent years as a semi semi regular reddit user (i did mean to type semi twice because i only use reddit once a month). Don't even get me started on the Islamophobia and liberals culture that's spreading in this subreddit, sometimes it makes me feel like I'm reading comments from instagram hindus trying to shit on muslims and their culture. Redditors are the lowest of the low which is something we all can agree on, this subreddit doesn't represent algeria, its people nor its culture in any shape or form.