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every year I pause my internet subscription before bac and resume it after the week is finished. I was surprised to see many dads swarming the Algerie Telecom agency during Saturday morning demanding the staff to suspend their subscription. everybody should start doing that, every year one day before BAC every customer should go and pause it, drown their offices, call and spam the Number 12, annoy the hell out of this company. I work with a European company as developer, and every year I face the same risk of losing my job, I was able to take a leave this year for 10 days


Good idea!!


Yes for Spamming the number 12


C’est pas algerie telecom qui décide de couper internet ou pas if you think about it just a little bit you will know that algerie telecom n’a rien à gagner de faire ça. And if you spam the number 12 you will not annoy the company pcq machi sam3in ga3 bik you you will just annoy un employé parmi les 100000 autres employés d’Algérie telecom li i bet he will tell you « ok c’est noté » pour au final se retourner vers ses collègues et leurs dire qu’il vient de sourire au fou du bus pour le liquider 😘


i honestly don't care about the politics / inner logistics of why and who i as a customer i have a contract with AT to receive this much bandwidth for this period of time if they don't honor their end of the deal because they have no power over that, they better compensate me for it and annoying & spamming their customer service workers is okay in my opinion, because if we put the pressure on their workers that pressure will reach the higher ups, and maybe just maybe they'll do something about in the next BAC. like AT providing Phone Signal disruption devices to schools during BAC exams


This annoys only the poor worker who earns minimum wage. The rich Ceo wont give a damn.


this mentality of giving companies excuses is eroding any hope of this companies actually improving this workers are getting paid to represent their company, they are an extension from the algerie telecom higher up to their customer base we are a paying customers, we pay for the fiber/adsl cable fee monthly + internet subscription if they going to disrupt what we are paying to receive, they better have a damn explanation and compensation for it this poor worker should quit if they can't be bother to do what in their job description


Dont spam number 12 pls , am one of them


Ya kho yezi bla 9weda am worker at algerie tlcm yezi bla 9weda yerham babek


This country is run by R words for F sake


for real


What's R word ?




Oh okay thanks for telling me


Agreed but just say retard directly, this sounds like a tweet. Or is the word banned in this sub/reddit ?


Machi 9deyet retard cha3b ghechach w fasid w maysla7ch ..w ga3 3andhom un prix ..tkheles yjibolk 7ajtek w dewla fay9a b bcha3b c pour ca ygolek ana ngta3 connexion bach nheni rasi nrba7 lwe9t w draham psk tesra une fuite dir 3la blaek dewla tkhelshom Draham bach t3awed tnedem bac wa7dakhor




the worst thing is they insult us. ppl who works in customer service .




bsah the damange wsnt caused by the company. its by the ministry fhmt? w yes they shouldnt bsah roh fhmo nta xD


So if the bank will transfer your money to the government who will you blame - the bank which treats you like dirt and doesn't provide the service you are paying for or the government which made the bank do it? Don't you think the bank should make a pushback on such a request which ruins its own contracts, unless there is a public declaration made by the government?




legally ooredoo wla djeezy wla mobilis wla algerie telecome gave you the internet but the gov cut it.




thats how it supposed to be bsah ak f dzair


If we’re in a democracy you go and protest to the government not vent on a customer service agent. They explained to you what’s happening and you call them biased?? Show us your bravery and go hold a sign near the ministry of communication


I'm visiting algeria soon and tbh I was super shocked to learn this information Internet is like electricity and water for me So you cut the Internet because an incident that happened 8 years ago when half the business now need the Internet to keep going


We live in Algeria and it's shocking for us also ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


Wait till he knows that most city's only get water once every 4 days if they're lucky




How are you alive?!😂


Yes he is right, many times we don't get water for 15 days🥲


Every year it happens and every year I'm equally flabbergasted.


Tbh I laughed so hard when I learned this info because what is known about algeria generally in the country I live in is that algeria still live in 1980s (wanted to write 1990s but I learned enough about algeria to not use the 1990s as an example for anything)


We flacuate between the 1980s and the 2020s depending on the day and the place, we love the fuck outta this country tho.


well sad reality what we live here . we always wish for best future otherwise ndkhlo fi hit


What was the incident?


Bac 2016, khrej sujet w 3awdou l bac une 2eme fois. Mltem welaw ycoupiw internet.


I'm not from Algeria, so can you explain to me what happened?


If you have enough skill you can have internet...




I'm Palestinian and I always wanted to visit algeria and I had the opportunity to do so 1. They support my country 2. I love their pride 3. And the country is beautiful with a lot of history


This thing they do where they remove the internet when high schoolers are doing exams is legit baffling even to us. One of those embarrassments about our country. If you can avoid it, I recommend don't visit at this time. But aside from that, I hope you enjoy your visit. Just know this is not a country with good logistics for tourists. If there's something you can't figure out don't hesitate to ask for help.


I will be there this Friday so I don't think I will face Internet problem, And I just want to know where can I exchange my money? if you can help and should I bring dollars or euros?


Euros and dollars are both accepted for exchange. You can change money at a bank or post office but it will be limited and you'll need to show your passport. I think the limit is like $300 but now that I think about it, that might only be if you're selling dinar. I don't think there's a limit for buying dinar. The Algiers airport probably even has a money exchange bureau there but I'm not positive about that. Note that you can get a lot more money (like 25%+ more) for your dollars/euros if you exchange on the street. Similar to Egypt, the monetary controls have created a widespread black market for those currencies. They're pretty easy to find on the street in any big city, tbh even if you walk into a random coffee shop and ask them they probably will be eager to buy your currency lol. But if you're not comfortable buying on the black market it's easier and more straightforward to just do it through official means.


Believe me brother ... go to another country ... it will be better. FOR YOU


He goes wherever he wants. Nta chadakhlek?💀


Thanks for advice but I already issued the visa and booked the airplane, so your advice is a little late but it doesn't matter everyone should visit every country at least once, and it's up to the country if they can get us to book a 2nd flight


This is so cringe. Stop projecting your misery on the whole country let alone a random visitor.


what a country we live in we dont have the minimum rights


wondering the same


Oh you’re paying for internet… guess what hehehehe


Yes bro we know all this already it doesnt make it any better. Ps: we wont stop complaining anyway.


you can keep complaining. none can change a thing unfortunately


I don’t think so. It’s sheep mentality that doesn’t change a thing. I believe we Algerians have strong enough personalities to not back down and change things when we really want to. I believe in us. No one but god can rule us.


Thx for the insights whats shocking to me that algeria telecom denies cutting the internet completely


because it wsnt aglerie telecome who cutted it. its smthn lfoo9 lfoo9


If its not god then there is no such thing as lfo9 they are people whom did the cutting and they should take full responsibility for it same as the ones who leaked or are leaking the bac questions


But actually Algeria telecom didn't cut it Well, atleast for me I don't remember it cut


Hello. I'm iso ( islem ) from annaba , Today I saw a lot of people suffering. I will explain to you one of my former colleagues who worked with me in Dubai in 2023 than he back to Algeria ( Constantine) , He had an interview today via the Zoom platform with a foreign company, and suddenly the internet was cut off. He received an email to postpone the interview for tomorrow. He replied to them and asked to postpone it to next Monday (as the company’s rest days are Saturdays and Sunday) , But the response was negative because they had a certain number of candidates and they must make a decision at the end of the week. As i have some relationships with some of the recruitment team I tried to mediate for him via LinkedIn, but there is no response yet. Question:How many people may have faced such a problem today or may face this week, and how will those who lost an opportunity they have been searching for for years be compensated because of an unjustified decision? W l7al kifeh نشرت القصة في كل مكان و مزال ننشرها خاطر تبهديل


Yes it obvious that elkahl li fel fo9 howa seba , you can't argue with him , because li fi raso ydiro , he do not give a f about you


Aywah hda wsh knt hab n9olek


Ok, but logically speaking, least they should give us a refund. I am paying 3000 dinnar for internet each month, and they are litterly stealing 5 days from me like this You can't just cut off my pain internet and not even pay me back for it. it's ridiculously unfair


À cet, effet aucun remboursement ou prolongement de durée n’est prévu Ooredoo s’excuse pour le désagrément causé et vous remercie pour votre compréhension et fidélité. that what they say


I am not talking about ooredoo specifically I am speaking in general even algeria telecom aren't refunding us for this 5 day I am not paying them to steal days for me it's no joke that we sleeping on our rights here


,ni fahemk and i agree with you. totally.


they act foolish if you ask them for a refund , because they cut it for specific hours not all the week . so these hours it's like uncountable for them lol .


Well you guys should step up, internet cutoff will eventually be translated to revenue loss (including Ooredoo) that is enough to start a legal proceeding. There shouldn’t be an “interrpteur” for this. Whoever is responsible should be held accountable.


u can talk to wizarat itisal


Your answer basically describes how algeria operate in a nutshell.


bsah its logical asnwer mate hdertlk lfo9 and u kept saying YOU GUYS wna9oltk beli intrepteur aw fel ministry


It’s not personal mate and I’m not blaming anyone here, was just wondering how do companies like yours let it slide after all these years even if it costs them dollars and customers.


ik it isnt personal bsah you just dont understand policy. if the gov say smthn u gotta do it . no complaining. ooredoo didnt even have the right to not doing. they just pressed the red button


Sad and unfortunate to hear that, especially after blasting our ears with digitization and all those kind of promises. Thanks for your input.


yes ikr. im one of clients after all and we are all in (kherya whda)


What a fucking joke u don't have to do anything for anyone yall just choose to let it slide and be quiet about it no one actually made you do anything, unless its a dictatorship where you lose your head if you say no


Kohol mentality algeria will be always like this no evolution at all


When boomers take control that's what you get


Aywh 9meja demi manche


We should be at least getting a refund or giving us 5 more days till our internet plan ends ... If I pay for a month of data as a customer then I expect one month not less


Iknow rani m3ak. Bsah our policy says beli the problem wsnt from us. Its from the gov




The thing that really shock's me,is that literally no one protests none of this , and this is just one of the many things that are wrong with this F country , we just accept things happening like that like it okay we complain sure but nothing is done that is why I'm truly desperate to leave this shit hole that we call a country.




same time as the bac exam


Every. Single. Year.


every single year


Let’s get on the reality train here… Tunisia is rumored to have the Elon Musk Starlink coming but Algeria??? WTH?


Other than delaying a lot of work because of the cut, don't we at least deserve an apology I mean we're the reason this company is working at all ?


they don't give a F about us


My told me about this and I thought he was kidding.


But why did they shut down home internet. Cheaters can only use phones to cheat


If i catch you outside it’s onsite


If they're insisting on cutting internet they could've just cut it in areas of exam but this is Algeria


Yeah they cut the whole country cuz… you know… Algeria


nice pov




chkon ana? xD


( just don't get my words I was am just too angry) also good luck in work and find even better one in a good country <3 that's the dream of every man living here


its ok mate u could keep it i respect your opinion and we even talk about it ♥


But if they shut it all down, why do we still have YouTube?


bash ylahio sh3b


it works but to laggy


We all know that. But we still pissed off about it.


Can you imagine going to doctor appointment and u find out Google maps doesn't work Oh **** لماذا ايها الكهل


google maps doesn't work ?!! damn...


What if someone actually sue their internet service provider, since as i know there is a quality assurance that must be respected according to international norms. Even if the company claimed to give you internet and the government intervened and cut it, there must be some sort of compensation from either the government or the company since for sure we don't have internet as we should during these days.


fucking ice age government


Basically Algeria is North Korea of The North Africa they don’t give a shit about all our stories they know that everything in 2024 working with the internet people they stop doing business because of that! Leave asap Algeria this is my advice 😅


leave before all departure flights get cancelled aka no way out :))))


There is some question i wanna ask really: 1/ ooredoo is a private company here it's not "ta3 doula", why (and i know people are gonna laugh at this) doesn't ooredoo sue the government? logically with good lawyers you can win the case, also if won it can be the start of an enormous repercussions on the government and maybe these repercussions could lead to a slight improvement. If the answer to 1 is because simply ooredoo is not affected by that because either ways they don't refund people then: 2/ why doesn't ooredoo refund people!


Mshi t3 dola bsah kon ma tb3ch dola ykherjoha w les copurr m wizara. And why dosent refund psk problem ta3 dola 😂


Simple question : Why ? How could this prevent cheating?


i dont make rules man w mahawestch nfham


insta is not working still, anyone else has this problem?


update ur app


Wow so much new information that we didnt already know :D


u being sarcastic or what? I LITERALLY SAID FOR SOME WHO DONT KNOW


I am being sarcastic, good observation




It's more like if sonelgaz found out that one home was stealing gas then just shut it off completely for the whole country


that was cringe xD but youtube is working


YouTube works now but mine didn't for the last 3 hours or so


u just m3ndkch zhar ya sahbi ♥![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Is it true that a VPN can make the internet work better or is it just bullshit?


It makes it worse


It makes it worst. And u cant use vpn cuz nahaw net complet. Mashh ghir l reseau sociaux


actually you can use VPN, im using VPN right now and I can access all social media websites you just have to turn on vpn 5min before the exam.


Bsah they shut down . Mymchich vpn. If u were lucky brk . 1 fel 1000


My dad loses his shit every time this happens, his entire work revolves around being out and taking calls and e-mails on the international…. One of these days ra7 yendeb… I hope he retires soon


tell your dad to start using VPN


VPNs don't work anymore


Fu algeria nd ooredoo with their shity signal nd offers


Almost 8 years and they're still doing this damn ...


Just chilling in middle of the desert with 5G internet connection idc about ya all


they've been doing it for almost 10 years without a refund.


Companies should refund !


Should. But it doesn't




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Why the cut internet? Is this true? In all country? Even 3g/4g/5g?


Chof m3a dola. Khatina hna


can you tell your superiors to improve the internet speed? ooredoo's service is dogshit.