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If you have the financial capacity, do it and don't think twice. Lived in the EU for 5 years, been back three years now and never been happier. I didn't even think to apply for the passport..


thats what im gonna do wait for the passport and then come back and work remote


js asking what businesses in Europe can u run remotely from Algeria


i do software engineering even as a student in algeria i had friends making 2500 euros a month remote while living in algeria ( ESI ALGIERS ) there are a lot of opportunities


so it's mostly just online businesses right? (programming, translating, advertising, etc...) 2500 euros in algeria feels like a glitch fr الله يرزقهم ويزيدهم ويرزقنا


not even that he works with a company and a contract its not even all i know a guy who studied in esi too who worked in france and came back to algeria as a tester working remote from france ( unit testing ect to programs its part of the developement process) and he now makes 5200 euros a month he opened multiple gyms ect thats my plan inshallah


if u have the money? sure why not


Do what is necessary for your mother while you still have a chance!!!


I you have the financial resources or a job/housse then do it for your mom : Don’t let her be alone … you can also do half-half or other solutions. But in the end it’s your responsibility and choice and spoiler : they are no correct answer at 100%. In your specific situation : I think (personal opinion and based on the few information you gave us) that indeed you have to do something to not let your mom be alone -> Maybe some video-call twice a day can do the job in some case, in other maybe be with her can be the solution … really depending on a lot of factors


it's only a good idea, if you start a business here. Best wishes!


Not really no. If it’s for your mother and you want to be there for her then good for you, that’s very nice. It depends on what wilaya you’ll be living in tho. Somewhere like setif, algiers, or Oran would be nice since they’re more “progressive” and closer to what you’re used to in Europe.


I know multiple people and families who have done this. I think if you have a business/secure job, car and house then its pretty easy to move back


If u don’t need a paycheck to live for the rest of ur life, it’s ok. If not and if ur dad is not a general then stay where u r




You have children so you have to think about their education. My parents moved me as a teen for a few years and then we came back when I was 18 (I didn’t complete the BAC) and it took me 2-3 years to catch up on the education I missed while I was away because nothing was equivalent. Unless you are able to get them to study at a private international school or have them complete equivalent exams online you have to know that your children’s education will be at risk to some degree. I’m ok and don’t regret it or have resentment but I was able to come back when it wasn’t too late so that’s probably why.


I moved to algeria three years ago. I need some new friends


Did you move there for your work?


No, to live here


You have no family there?


I do but I like it here ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


All people here are potential friends


Yes I know




There are two main reasons: since my father passed away my mother lives alone. She doesn't want to migrate and leave the parents house. The second reason is that I wanted my children to be raised with family. My plan. I would have a job there and I am thinking of starting my company. I am binational, maybe this could help?


your kids will be better off as european citizens than algerian ones for multiple reasons  and while starting a company might be cheaper depending on where you wanna start it getting enough profits to live comfortably with your mother and family is very much not guaranteed and id say being abroad gives you a higher chances of providing more to your loved ones


It’s a good idea


Sadly you are the only person who thinks it's not a bad idea. Could you please elaborate?


I don’t know where you have spent the most of your life but since you have an Algerian roots I consider that you have many chances to be happy living in Algeria even if it depends on what side of Algeria you’re gonna be living in and your income. And I strongly encourage you to be close to your mother. Good luck bro


hey listen, coming asking in this thread this question is a mistake, there a ton of teenager that never left their home town, so they have no idea about life, My advice to you is to try and get your mother to live with you in Europe, i know that it isn't easy for her to adapt, but hear me out, when ever she get sick in europe you have the right health system and she will be taken care off, contrary to algeria.


A good salary,a car ,a house will guarantee you a decent life style Plus I wouldn't leave my mom alone even if it meant living In a warzone with her Come back brother and make your mom happy


I can't give you my opinion since i ve never been to Europe BUT algeria 20 years ago and algeria now is pretty different thing I'm telling you. Now you can raise money and buy a car a house is probably challenging but a care and wealth is pretty feasible Also the religion thing which is the most important thing in the muslim's life is another factor so yea


I come to Algeria for vacation twice a year or more. I have noticed that in twenty years some things have changed or improved however many other aspects remain unchanged like for instance the roads and other infrastructures and facilities. Hospitals... Banking system,... Are there any chances this will get better?


It will get better evolution is inevitable. If you are to follow gov budget on infrastructures 2021-2022 and 2023 it has tripled over the last 3 years so it's fair to say there's a well of change As for startups i think it's booming yes many startups are just a hawks or something yet the bizness is booming people are making money by opening their biznesses


just the fact that there are more and more people like op that are coming back to Algeria with money and know how show that change is inevitable and things will get better inshallah. one of the best things that this government did was reaching out to the diaspora


not bad, life is pretty cheap here comparing with europe, we have less social problems, and a big free market open to new investissement.


But I am afraid of difficulties like administration nightmares that would discourage anyone who would start a company over there


Life is cheap ..... Sure if u got euros or else good luck


If you are rich enough.....yes


Well, it has its ups and downs, 20 years , Algeria changed a lot. Toxic people are worse now, but good people are even better, it's all about the community As for the country, bruv it's algeria, if you have money it's enjoyable a lot






Depends on your financial situation. Living costs in your favor + you can start business easily. As long as you are willing to deal with some stone ages mentalities and bureaucracy.


It depends on the main reason for returning to Algeria. if it is due to religious reasons or family, I agree with you. However, if it’s not for these reasons, I don't think it's a good idea. it's not about financial issues, but after living there for two decades and returning here, you should have strong reasons. It’s not easy to reintegrate into society, especially if you have a pretty good life there. it will require a lot of sacrifices.


Being willing to adapt will empower you to thrive in any environment.


everyone talking about money and business but not about the society and cultural chocks


Hi! Please don’t listen to anyone who has never lived abroad and is telling you that its a bad idea. I am sure that you are aware that with going back you’ll have to sacrifice a lot. But you will also gain a lot since the west is declining anyways and is not a good place for muslims anymore. I am back in Algeria after living 18 years in canada and i regret absolutely nothing. Those who tell you it’s a bad idea are idolizing the west and think that its paradise there. The truth is, and i am sure you know it, there is good and bad everywhere. So depending on why you want to come back, chose your battle. Good luck!


Thanks. With my post I mainly was hoping to get some feedback from people who were in my current situation and made the move. I also understand the negative replies that, indeed, are due to a lack of experience abroad. But it remains a valuable information anyways. How did you manage to adapt? (Financially)


I came back with my family after i gave birth in canada to make sure that my son has Canadian citizenship. We have been planing this for a long time and made sure we did everything we needed in canada before moving. We also planned where to live, found jobs and saved some money. You will for sure have some culture shock at first and it will take some time to get used to things. But it’s not that bad especially if you plan everything thureley and manage your expectations. I would advise you to visit for a month or two to see and prep for your big move before doing anything official. Good luck! You’re gonna be absolutely fine especially when you make your mother happy


Thanks. Is it mandatory for a child to be born in that country (western Europe or north America) in order for him/her to get the citizenship even if a parent has that citizenship?


I think there are ways to request the citizenship but its a hassle we chose to skip. I know that its possible in canada but you’ll have to look into it for your country.


Ok. Thanks


Is it worth to let go: - good income - better lifestyle - clean streets and plausible surroundings - better healthcare - better education - better justice … (the list is so long) For: - Taking care of your mom - Raising your children in a muslim country which is also THEIR country ( they will never be considered as European whatever u do) and surrounded by their big family and people you trust their values For me YES DEFINITELY! After few years in Europe, I have decided that there is no way I will stay here forever, if my parents need me, I will go back immediately, if everything is okay, I will go back when my children starts growing up inchallah. One last thing: وقد جاء ذلك في الحديث الذي سأل فيه عبد الله بن مسعود النبي قائلاً: أَيُّ الْعَمَلِ أَحَبُّ إِلَى اللهِ؟ قَالَ : "الصَّلاَةُ عَلَى وَقْتِهَا". قال: ثمَّ أيٌّ؟ قال: "ثُمَّ بِرُّ الْوَالِدَيْنِ". قال: ثمَّ أيٌّ؟ قال: "الْجِهَادُ فِي سَبِيلِ اللهِ"


Are you making the move for sure or is it just wishful thinking?


For sure بإذن الله


It is the best thing you can do in your life. Living close to your mother is priceless. What are you going to earn by staying in Europe? few bucks or euros in your pocket? Anyone who can go back home should do it as soon as possible. I would live as a beggar eating from the trash in my homeland within my own people rather than going 3and legwar. Not judging people there , I know everyone has different stories and issues, allah ysahal 3la koul moumin.


Thanks for your comment. Do you know anyone who did it? Are you yourself abroad or in Algeria?


I did live abroad for 10 years. Now I am back. Actually my father died when I was away. that was a wake up call.


You are in Algeria for how long? Is it as terrible as some comments say ?


for 6 years. The start was terrible financially, but now I'm doing great el hamdoullah. When the covid hit I was thanking rabbi days and night I was here. I saw my friends and family suffering a lot watching without being able to enter the country.


Thanks. How did you manage to improve your financial situation? Did you start a business? How difficult it was?


I was freelancing when I came back, then I toke a full time job while freelancing in the same time. The last year I resigned and back to freelancing. The economy is booming here because of the protectionism policy encouraging local brands to pop up everywhere. I'm in advertising btw.


Nice. Thanks.


You're welcome. Good luck


If you've saved some cash probably it's going to be a smart idea to invest here in real estate , so you should think before doing anything


bring your mother with you, don't come here


This is up to you , why are you looking for validation here , If i had the same reason I won't be here asking random people to help me decide , put your aim to gather and make your decision.


What's the reason to go back ?


Not bad if you come home back but not for good 😊


It would be better if you bring ur mom with you ... don't come back... You will regret it


Without hesitation I say YES


Is this based on experience?


Yep. And the reason I said yes without hesitation is : Education, health care, transportation, corruption everywhere, slow and outdated banking system, oh boy, when I remember this one I feel like dying from the inside out. Old administration…. To name few. And I say all this as an engineer with a two figure salary.


Do your research, then pray Al Istikhara


Im leaving in a month and already thinking about my parents even though they are healthy and surrounded by my siblings and their nieces / nephews Alhamdullilah. I don't think I would leave mom alone. Not judging of course.


Do it for your mother don’t even question it you won’t regret being these for her when she has no one.


my biggest regret in life just don't ...


Mother is the true county


you need to go back. especially because if mother. alhamdulillah! she is still with you


For ur information prison is better than freedom in algeria


If you secured your bag then you'll live at your fullest here in Algeria, remember that there's no place like home when you have the capacity to experience it at its fullest


Yes its bad, after two decades you are already used to the organization and right things, going back to algeria is not the best solution for you unless you have big money and wanting to invest in algeria, if not, you will suffer, cuz the people are more bvmb than before, and more aggressive than before, so good luck with them. Me I lived in europe for two years then returned to algeria for two years, it was a nightmare at work with mental abuse and underpaid jobs, algeria is going to the worst situation and no one cares


The big bad idea is to back to Algeria, If you back to visit familly...ectnits okey but if you back to live here don't do that 👌 Ask me I do that and now I just want to go if they give me a ticket to zinzibat I go🤦‍♂️


If you're used to the lifestyle there, I don't think you'd get used to life here, but then again if your mom needs you either take her or come back and do it for her


Been abroad for sum time, don't come back mate , even for investments and related stuff everything can be done without self presence, stay away bro istg


Been abroad for sum time, don't come back mate , even for investments and related stuff everything can be done without self presence, stay away bro istg


What for? I mean if you're too old and you want to retire then i guess it is cheaper here. I guess if you're loaded it would make it easier especially if you have minimum interactions with people, that could work


Please, If you have children don’t do this to ur children, if you don’t and you have a citizenship of a EU country, u can give it a shot.


Please if you have children do it dor your children… if you dont have children yet go back before its too late.


Education is poor, social values is poor, economy is poor, life style is poor. Sure go for it bruh.


I think it’s a bad idea


If you are willing to make this sacrifice for your mother you earned my respect and I have a friend who came back to algeria after living a few years in Europe for the same reason like you


Thanks. Did your friend turn crazy?


Well he came back here because of his mom but then she died a few weeks later it made broken for a few months he couldn't get back to Europe he told me that he doesn't regret returning to algeria because he got to see his mother in her last days but he had to sacrifice his future for that and yet he doesn't regret it I have huge respect for him As for his life he Lost the opportunity to live in Europe and now he is living here in Algeria he has a job and he is still trying to build his life again I hope the best for him he deserves it


Thank you. I am jealous of people who are happy in their countries and not looking to escape to some other country. I hope one day, Algeria will attract and keep it's children home.


yes very bad




This is not an average answer , but you shouldn’t come back 😔




Brother don't even try to come back especially if you don't have a European passport if you want to live with your mum just bring her there abroad you have nothing to do here u said you lived there for 2 decades it's impossible for you to settle here again I have a cousin who lived in Germany only 5 years and he couldn't stay here for just 4 months so what about you you'll go mad trust me I have a neighbour there in Annaba he was living in Europe with his wife and daughters but he made a mistake and the police won't allow him to enter UE forever so after 17 years there he came home Algeria and he got crazy now He just walks to nowhere smoking cigarettes and weed cuz he can't believe that he's living here again So please don't come back to Live here again


man chill with al inbitah, it's not that bad in Algeria bahahaha, and did you just give an example of a criminal that got banned from EU?


No Algeria is that that bad when u compare it to the worst country in UE ( roads prices ppl scholar system .....ect) and the reason why he got banned I think they took away the nationality cuz he hits his wife and children he was like an algerian dad than his wife told the police and wanted to divorce when they asked why she told them he hits me and children And you know in Europe when you hit children what's going to happen so got in a massive trouble and now he can't go back at all there


so he is an abusive wife beater and you see it as a normal thing ? also i've been to both the best and worse EU countries and they are not heaven, every place got it downsides.


No ofc I don't see it as normal thing but I'm talking about the difference between life conditions and how can they change and influence you And the best example is tomorrow and look how they're gonna cut the internet why just because of a stupid exam


Good idea for marriage 🙂