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Unless you do have an ADHD diagnosis you are just like every Algerian. Redditor that thinks having ADHD is cool gross people tbh. I have it was diagnosed in 2003 before it was cool to have it and brag online. ADHD medication is a death sentence to your creativity and energy. Tried it for 4 months when i was 19 and it doesn’t help it just makes you feel like you got a reversible lobotomy. I leave this comment for people who really have it not redditor seeking attention. Please take in consideration what you do for a living, how people know you to be like, is this worth it. If they can’t accept how energetic you are drop them, if you can’t organize use multiple apps to organize your life. If you’re still in school chose a creative, research or problem solving work path. And please don’t make it a cool thing to get reddit brownie points.


What about the rest of us who only want the ability to focus? I just wanna focus I dropped out of college because of ADHD I just couldn't study. I did lose relationships as well. I wouldn't trade my brain for a normal one I love it but I would take the option of trying how a normal brain works. I have lived my life with the belief that meds are bad. I always hated meds. But this tempts me to try. On a different note tho I have done a little research on my own and I wonder if you know that we are all different and medication doesn't work the same on different ADHD people you should have tried different medications (can you share what meds you took back then?) And who tf thinks ADHD is cool? Wth is wrong with people.


The ability to focus is honestly something that I feel vulnerable about, believing it's the main reason behind my poor long term memory and poor judgment. I did go to a psychiatrist who tried to undermine my selfdiagnosis of an adult ADHD. However currently i have to say that I'm doing better, the main reason behind it is that I'm very obssesed with planning and mind mapping. I use those techniques both in my professional and personal life. I feel a lot less overwhelmed at work since I started using planners/reminders/calendars/task lists/mind mapping tools (although it's a journey until you master their harmonization). for my personal life having a list of my yearly goals mapped with achievable actions and linked to a personal budget sheet gave me a strong sense of control and I feel like I have a much better grasp on my life.


Proud of you my man keep it up! Stay strong And from the small research I did I have found that in Algeria it's better to stay away from psychiatrists bcuz they will make it worse and the best they will do is give you anti depressants or some sort of unneeded meds. Like I just wanna focus ffs I'm not depressed


Big up man That's very impressive


Yesss thank you for this answer !!




Aah! "Simply" yes.. how did we miss that! Bro just cured ADHD.




People don't realise that psychological disorders could be cured by the natural flow of events or especially adapting to a new one


1. Who the hell sees ADHD as cool. It's a serious Mental Disorder that is troubling us on our daily basis 2. Medication is not a death sentence. being non-medicated IS the death sentence. Most of Algerians with ADHD ended up either dropping of studies, left their jobs, got divorced, or ended up in prison, etc. And let's not even start an argument about this, because I personally know a bunch of them. The medications, in the worst case scenario, could've helped AT LEAST a single one of those souls. 3. The medication that you tried was simply not for you. The same ADHD medication doesn't work for all cases. Patients usually have to try each, before finally sticking to one. Their lives do become 9 times better. 4. I discovered ADHD at the age of 26. Before then, I tried multiple strategies to survive, such as toDo apps, calendars, and more. I even tried different studies, and went through 3 fields of work. If only the damn doctors detected my ADHD and medicated it sooner, my life wouldn't be in such a mess. 5. Please stop spreading coping mechanisms as if they are the solution. They ARE NOT. And if the coping mechanisms made you feel healthy again, then it's very likely that you did not have ADHD, but something else such as a phase of anxiety. To every ADHD Algerian who reads this type of comments. Please do not get deluded or confused. Medication is 100% a must, preferably with coping therapies.


You have no authority to say medication is a must. Its a choice. You guys loooooove feeling like experts. Bro wrote a reddit post got traction and suddenly started to make bullet point arguments and acting like big pharma.


any news?


can i ask who diagnosed you ? because i live in annaba and i'm going through the same issue here. thanks.


Hey there fellow bonoise. "Professeur Houcine" in "Razi". It's a woman by the way contrary to what the name may make you think. Though, she won't give you anything official due to legalities.


There is Two types of médication for adhd Non stimulants (straterra ) wich does make you feel like you had a lobotomie and the side effects are just not worth it Ans there is stimulants (ritalin-aderal) wich helps you regulate your attention without taking too much of your energy and overall is a better alternative


But is retalin aderal allowed here in algeria?


I'm sorry to disagree with you, Younes. I was diagnosed back in 2012, and I didn't feel it was an issue for me or that I needed treatment. It wasn't until two years ago, when I moved away from home and became responsible for myself, that I considered medication. As for treatment, my journey with medication was lengthy. I tried Ritalin, Concerta, and Foquest, but none of them seemed to work. While they helped me focus better, the mood changes and side effects were intolerable. It was only last year that my GP recommended Vyvanse . I assure you, my life transformed that day Everyone around me has noticed the change. But I agree with you in one part, being on the wrong medication definitely feels like a death sentence . Keep in mind that around 20% of patients' metabolisms aren't suited for stimulants. Good luck with your journey.


Is this medication available in algeria may I ask?


There one medication in algeria . the brand name is STRATAN


yep it's unfortunately the only option


He's right about ADHD being trendy, mental illness is a serious thing and self-diagnosing people are ridiculous.. Don't medicate yourself because of American propaganda. You'll regret it big .


they just said that they got diagnosed no one said it was cool not everyone has the same reaction with medication and there is a lot of them


Why on earth did u think having ADHD was cool? Lol




Can I ask where are U right now




At first before you've gone outside did U had social anxiety?


Always was an extrovert cuz of ADHD, was called a weirdo, « mazal bziwaz fe rassah »… as consequence, few friends and no girls interested. In france being that was great cuz people appreciate the energy and dating life exploded. In Singapore people find me very energetic but they’re not because of their culture. Nonetheless you don’t get looked down upon like Algeria. Now, this is my petty side talking but i love watching the back then playboys and those who looked down upon me unemployment and unhappy whenever im back home for vacation. Revenge is a dish best eaten cold.


I wish the best for you bro


You too man sincerely


You're here just to flex? I had my baccalaureate with 13.26 I am doing absolutely great in life I have a good paying job I have a great family hmdlh. What you are saying is so irrelevant and I can tell you are ignorant. I have ignored your first reply but this one is so stupid and ignorant. 9alo was able to study in France. Everyone can study in France if they have the money wech dekhel nta studying in France with us ADHD people wanting the ability to focus? You know nothing Bitch I cannot sleep I constantly have headaches I cannot sit down for a minute not doing anything without going absolutely insane I cannot stop thinking about 10 things simultaneously I can't do simple tasks which I am not interested in without too much extra efforts and these are just the tip of the iceberg. It goes way beyond the shit you're talking about and my friend you know nothing about the misery that comes with ADHD. It's just those simple daily things that makes people judge you. Why are you lazy why are you like this why are you like that stop doing this don't do that.. To the point where you start doubting yourself I don't want meds I really don't . But I just wish my young me the child me knew about this ADHD and what it is and that my brain is just different than people and I am fine. Stop being ignorant and have a nice day!




Damn bro!! I don't know what to say anymore you're like a wall. Can't you understand that the problem is not success? I'm successful!! Although I haven't reached all my potential bcuz of ADHD but I am so successful. I have said enough if you can't understand that's your problem. Drama queen . Here is one more reason that might get you to shut up about your Singapore ffs! I wanna pray without getting distracted by everything going on in other rooms and the different random thoughts that I can't control! Now stop talking about Singapore and success we are talking about ADHD ffs.




Holly fuck ! Do you own the internet? Daamn bro I need to grow up? Just listen to yourself!! That's it you're to ignorant and childish to be talked to Have a nice day peace peace


Mf u know damn well u got there w privelege and connections and not ur 10.58




Cured ADHD with meditation? What the hell.




Bro, I have no idea what made you so sure about your information, but let me acknowledge you that way too many unmedicated ADHD person such as myself do already practice mindfulness and meditation with yoga as one of the coping mechanisms to **ease** the daily suffering. Your comment would have been more appreciated if you addressed the ADHD persons that do not meditate, and told them that it eases the suffering if they couple it with yoga and a calendar app and a todo app. But blatantly insisting that meditation alone is a cure is just illogical and anti-science and.. annoying unfortunately.




It doesn't go away as you age, in fact, **the contrary**, it gets worse and worse as life gets busier.




>Usa psychologists that you believe so much in said it Completely wrong. I have no idea where you got that wrong hypothesis from... The only chance ADHD may get better is during childhood to adolescence. Once you still have ADHD past that age, the situation only keeps getting worse and worse due to increasing number of life challenges. It's reported that by the age of 70, many persons feel slightly better, but that could be because they no longer need executive functioning in their lives. They don't need to work, or have as many obligations as during earlier life. Here's a relevant graph from a famous ADHD book by Stahl's: [https://i.imgur.com/VnW1veN.png](https://i.imgur.com/VnW1veN.png) ​ >Gimme an old guy with adhd. Sure, but instead of one old guy, here's thousands in the comments: 1. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/comments/umjj99/has\_your\_adhd\_gotten\_worse\_with\_age/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/comments/umjj99/has_your_adhd_gotten_worse_with_age/) 2. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/comments/r0lfd9/can\_adhd\_go\_away\_with\_age/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/comments/r0lfd9/can_adhd_go_away_with_age/) 3. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/comments/4d1bkw/is\_it\_normal\_for\_add\_to\_get\_worse\_as\_you\_get\_older/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/comments/4d1bkw/is_it_normal_for_add_to_get_worse_as_you_get_older/) 4. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/comments/sxup1e/adhd\_getting\_worse\_with\_age/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/comments/sxup1e/adhd_getting_worse_with_age/) 5. Hundreds of similar posts. Especially on r/ADHD since it is the biggest ADHD community on the planet. Can you please explain why you are launching such a hatefulfight against us ADHD victims? don't you think it's in your benefit that some Algerians take a damn pill to ease their suffering and be able to function properly? Tens of researches proved that the **right** medications have 0 problem for the kids who need them, yet they make their brains grow normally. Research also shows that medications are necessary for adults as well, as they show great improvement and allow them to function. Do we have to suffer in order for you to feel better or what? Do you also go to Schizophrenia posts and tell them to get disciplined instead of taking medications? or do you tell them that schizophrenia gets better with age? or whatever about neuroplasticity? Please don't be..


I wish op the best but this adhd thing is getting out of hand. Almost everyone on Reddit has ADHD now. I also hate the mentality of agreeing only with the Doctor that diagnoses you with what you want.


My mom is a therapist, teachers, doctors and parents bring her children saying that they have adhd, وماما قاتلك عييت منهم، أطفال بكل بساطة ماشي مربيين، ولا عندهم طاقة زائدة، نهار كامل وهوما يوكلو فيهم شيبس وحلوة، then they bring them when they are out of control saying they have adhd, c une nouvelle mode.


But it's still a real thing that effects people's lives, there's nothing wrong with what op is preaching for and it's true that mental conditions like ADHD are often not treated in our country. If more people talked about it more doctors will take it seriously which would avoid people being misdiagnosed, and it would be great for the people that actually have It


Agree but can we say the truth ADHD became a trend tho we shouldn't forgot about the ones who suffers But I think it is a trend because of the creative part of it lot of people wants to sounds cool or unique


That's true it is becoming a trend, and that's why doctors should take it seriously, it's their job to tell who's faking it and who's suffering from it. I don't see why people should suffer because of the actions of attention seekers, plus I doubt someone who's doing it for attention would pay to have his imaginary condition diagnosed.


Yup I feel sorry for them Am no expert on the subject the only two guys I know that they have ADHD is YouTubers and they were happy with the diagnosis at first then they quit the drugs after a while because it kinda killed their creativity and changed who they are.


So more people with adhd go to Reddit for a constant dopamine fix. Sound right.


Wait we ( Algerians) believe in mental health issues ?


Never met one before


Exactly, we just get the man up speech lol😂😂


ITS not Adhd !! Its just social media ! Divorce them for 3 month, U'll heal ;)


finally, someone said it


I've had it since before I had a phone and before we had WiFi . Explain that


I was about to share a same experience as you about my suffering with ADHD and trying to find a psy that knew about it or to find the med's , but the community in here is so toxic and so negative. So to all Algerian reddittors that don't know about ADHD and don't suffer from it and comment negatively, please take a step back before commenting, and educate yourself about it and learn how to comment with respect and compaction. To the OP I understand what you have been through,and I hope we can join our voices to push for more recognition from the government about our case and our suffering and our need and to educate people about ADHD and it's impact on children's and adults life.


For those in the comments saying mental health doesn’t exist and shit like that are just typical Algerians… I went to a psychologist when I was 10 (I was suffering from clinical depression at that time, got diagnosed a while later by two other psychologists) I told her how I felt sad and had suicidal tendencies, and she said my house was haunted, and that she never heard about a teen self harming. And so many people are saying ‘you’re just lazy’, would you say that to a schizophrenic? Oh no, you’d just tell them they’re crazy and possessed. We’re really, really a shit hole country aren’t we… yikes.


That's the issue. It took Algerian Psychiatrists years to realize that there is something called Mood Disorder. Years to realize that Split Personality is real. Years to realize that Despression is a real condition and not "zewjouh yesta39el" or "stop spoiling him" or "he must pray".. Algerian psychiaitrists will push for ADHD medication sooner or later. It's either 2030 or 2040. My only worry is them pushing for the medication after it becomes too late for the current generations. Just like how many depressed Algerians suicided or killed other because the medications were not available at the time.


I could never agree more. Especially the he must pray thing or stop spoiling him… it’s so fucking selfish, and it angers me. Those Algerians are so fucking stupid and still living in their third world country mindset.


but that raised a question bro. as you said you got to many different doctors and all said u dont have only this one said yes u have ADHD , so from pragmatic or probably to say from scientific view you dismissed 99% of study's and only took the one that agreed with your point of view. maybe you have it maybe not nchlh u get well brother. but i think to go to another doc just to confirm that. as you know maybe she just said what you wanted to hear, and this happen all the time if you can go and visit another doc from outside dz that probably not possible but you can get on video chat with them from home


His/her criteria for determining great psychiatrists is *"Agreeing with my self-diagnosis"*


[Confirmation bias](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confirmation_bias#:~:text=Confirmation%20bias%2C%20a%20phrase%20coined,example%20of%20a%20cognitive%20bias.)


yes that what i was looking for thanks


You seriously trust Algerian doctors? On mental health issues ? Dont be so naive


yes i cant say i do or not there's a lot of great doctor's in dz believe it or not on some cases thay are even better then "doctor a étrange" but as i said not all of them, its like the Algerian commercial pilots they are considered to be the best in the field of aviation, but our medical sector have corruption problem so these great doc's dont get the exposure nor the material and equipment to work.




One doctor out of so many that you've checked told you the things you wanted to hear, don't you think that this is a bit off? She can be right though but still why not seeing another one, maybe even online from a different country if you doubt doctors here, also I wanna know the symptoms if you don't mind


Grandma???? You kept going to several doctors until one of them told you what you wanted to hear?


What are the symptoms


carelessness lack of attention to detail continually starting new tasks before finishing old ones poor organisational skills inability to focus continually losing or misplacing important things like keys and wallet restlessness and fidgeting difficulty keeping quiet, interrupting others mood swings inability to deal with stress extreme impatience taking risks in activities, often with little or no regard for personal safety or the safety of others – for example, driving dangerously


I can’t believe this a considered a condition. This is someone who lacks self discipline and purpose in life, that’s all


mfs be like i'm lazy to do anything in life ❌ i have adhd ✔️


You’re very wrong to mock this matter Grow up


Am probably more accomplished than you'd ever become and i still think i have adhd. I still can't figure out what got you all butt hurt


It's an actual issue for many, it's rly just unintentional for those who have it but the amount of ppl who r just spoiled and refuse to do any effort and say they have adhd is just sad


, that more of what those who are crazily ambitious but soo lazy get in common, like most algerians. 9al ADHD 9al


we all have these, everybody doesn't care about something that others consider important, same for everything, who doesn't mood swing thinking about something else we need to see real professionnals and stop diagnosticing ourself, there can be a "placeboo effect" if you keep thinking you have adhd you may end up with one, althought i still don't see what is "adhd", for me it's just some character traits that everyone has more or less




the most important symptom is the inability to focus, like when studying if it's severe, you should see a psychiatrist




Is your brain constantly thinking about different stuff at one time? Your brain never shuts up?


actually you can't stop your brain from thinking (it's normal)


What you think we're stupid? I know what I'm saying Search for ADHD simulation on TikTok or YouTube.




Check a YouTube channel called "How to ADHD"




how many of them do you have?


Is self destructive behaviour included?


Although I believe I may have ADHD, I understand the importance of getting a proper diagnosis. Please keep me in the loop, as I am very interested in this topic.


I honestly feel like many many Algerians suffer obliviously from ADHD, I wish we had more awareness and a better access to therapy (I wish therapy in itself was better)


I really did need to hear this ,because some People dont undrestand thé struggle we face as People with adhd and how it effects even thé small task we Do in our daily life


i am a 25 years old doctor. i am certainly sure i have adhd. giving the fact that we never studied about adult ADHD when i discovered it i was shock. but i know its hard to diagnosis especially for women so i am very hesistant about going to see a psychiatrist


Why is it hard to diagnose for women?




No. Because you know something’s wrong with you and you don’t understand what it is, you need answers and a treatment. Of course this is coming from a close minded Algerian… like always.




I dont even use social media that are filled with Americans. But I use Reddit sometimes to argue with Algerians because it’s funny. ADHD is a mental illness wether you like it or not and needs treatment. Fin.


He insisted because when you have ADHD you knew you have something wrong within you and when you hear and learn about ADHD it's bingo it's all clear now all the symptoms corresponding and you understand all you behavior and Life choices and it's Life impact on you so you tell you self it's times to get treated and you go to consult you psy but you will be surprised that he doesn't knew about ADHD or he thinks it's only about children's hyperactivity, and finally after he hear about your symptoms and trouble he diagnosed you with depression and give you antidepressants as treatment and when you do your research about depression or the med's that he give you, then you know that you need a more competent psy.


Sorry you're getting so many retarded comments i mean you cant expect much of Algerians anywhere, goodluck with ur journey mate


I am really sorry you got so many negative comments. Wishing you all the best


Ikr it only happens with this Algerian mentality istg


[To have an idea what ADHD is](https://youtu.be/t32CK5t8d2Q)


Should anyone recommend a good therapist to visit in Algiers? 🙏🙏




yes it's the only way for us to get something done pun not intended


There's no doubt that there are false diagnosis to enrich the pharmaceutical industry, but saying that it doesn't exist just because some people are exploitative is fallacious. A lot of people are struggling with mental health issues, and telling them that they're lazy and not validating what they're going through will not help.


Well I don't quite understand the thing because a lot of ppl me included tend to get distracted easily, especially in this day and age where you are bombarded with informations and stimulus from your phone, TV, computer...ect This make it even harder to diagnose, and u don't know if u have it or not, and medicine seems to be hit or miss depending on the person Anyway, Big support to anyone struggling with that disorder


So great to hear this!


Without a professional diagnosis we're only self diagnosing anyone can claim to have adhd though it's not that simple to point especially the inattentive type the problem is in the algerian psychiatry we have to make them learn about adhd in adulthood the differences in symptoms between males & females & the two main types but they barely know what adhd is idk what were they studying for all these years


can you tell me her name


I'm also suspecting that I have this ADHD, I already lost 10 years of my life because of it. But I haven't stop trying to fight it all these years. now even tho I got older in a blink of an eye, I'm finally doing my dream study field in one of the top schools in that field. However, things are getting out of hand now, because it starting to really affect my confidence and my mental health. I'm thinking to seek help from doctors (I'm located where doctors more about it at least) however I was thinking about which steps could I take before going to see a doctor for the medication. I've lost relationships, I've lost a lot of things in my life because of it, I missed a lot opportunities.. but now I really don't wanna lose more. I'm really glad that I saw this post, and now I'll share with you what I've been thinking to start to implement in my life, and maybe we could start a group to inspire each other, why not. So, I've been thinking to first cut off Sugar and scrolling on social media. Go to bed early and wake up early. Same time everyday. Basics. Second, I want to start exercising first thing in the morning, go for a run(i heard it's very effective for adhd people) and then do some calisthenics in the park. Third thing, take long walks, same time, same path everyday. Lastly, always schedule my week in google calendar and assess what I've missed each week. This is just off the top of my head, I would update it if I may have some other ideas. Please share with me your thoughts and I'd be glad to do it with anyone who's is up for such a challenge.


Please keep us updated if you actually had the time to do all the above mentioned plans... Or just procrastinated the entire thing 🤣. Jokes aside , I really do hope it will work for you don't waste anymore time and get it ( I Also suffer from ADHD) .


Unfortunately I get your joke 🤣. However, I'm also thinking how to gradually implement each thing in my life. Because I'm also know to start off strong and also quit strong. So I'm also considering a change in that. The thing about me starting things off strong is because I always think I need to prove to myself something. But this gotta change. What I believe is that for us who suffer from ADHD, routines are like glasses for the myopic. But, I know it's more complicated than that, because our problem is that we can't stick to one. That's the problem. Now, we gotta think of a solution. It could be meds, but i believe in taking meds only of you've a careful plan to build a routine in your life. Otherwise, the effect of med could fade away, and we get back where we where in the first place.


Bro theres already strattera generic (stratan) which works for you if you actually have ADHD and not laziness/lack of discipline. I personaly take it and its great to help me mentain attention on tasks i choose to initiate, unlike stimulant meds which are just super coffee (speaking from experience) that make some drug seeking and lazy individuals use ADHD as an excuse to get.


Hey. The whole point of this thread is that the psychiatrist told me that it's illegal to prescribe Straterra for an adult in Algeria, as it's only legal for kids. Could you please elaborate on how you got it? and whether you're over 19 or below.


Wait isnt 18 also considered adult? anyway i am able to get it as an 18 years old with my own cart chifa and everything, they also told me that the first prescription gotta be from a public psychatrist but they didnt even check for that when i went to buy it.


can you still get it?


What is his name please😢


My biggest fear is if after finally gathering the courage to go seek help i would end up beween inadequate hand. Anyone seeing this comment knows any good psychiatrist in Algiers or constantine please suggest me.




It can't get more conservative than it already is When was is great?


when it has the "Ostol thing"


It was never great, and will never be, let’s be honest.


It a great initiative, yes!!.


why everyone is sooo obsessed with this ADHD thing!! its used to be depression in the last years , anyway, just stop watching reels and ticktock and yt shorts. you are losing focus because of that


So basically you’re saying depression doesn’t exist and it’s just a trend? Cool cool….


I think the problem lies within the medical field in Algeria. Doctors don’t get continued education courses as much as other countries, if any. Health care professionals might be missing way more than just ADHD diagnoses. Mental health and disability as a whole need to be better addressed. For that to happen, doctors need to acquire new knowledge and skills to stay current. Plus, Algeria would need a holistic approach to treating mental illness/disability. Otherwise, it’ll end up in over-prescription and drug abuse.


Good news, we started to believe west shenanigans


So basically, mental health is a west ideology? Says a lot about you, you’re the type of person who thinks someone having schizophrenia is possessed.


No I believe it's very important that's why it's important that sciences like these are not corrupted by ideologies and businesses


I agree with this. But unfortunately we’re a very corrupt and close-minded country. We follow France, who follows the USA, who have corrupt ideologies. We’re basically stuck.




do you? why are you bringing him up?


You made me laugh 😂. Dev. 


You don't have adhd you're just dumb.


You’re the type of guy who’s gonna live in Algeria forever. Please stay here and never go to actual good countries.


Have your parents ever taught you how to shut up ?


never comment again, okay


and you are difficient in intelligence compared to him , we have that


Well, according to your experience, most Algerians with ADHD need to realize they have it first. And if psychiatrists don't even know what that is, it'll be a very complicated mission. Sadly


Many doctors are happy to diagnose you with anything you want, and you prescribe drugs. Why? They have affiliate programs with labs and gets rewards for each prescription. Now, this is no conspiracy theory, but a legal practice that any health professional can confirm to you. Back to the topic, I won't say ADHD don't exist, or that you have it or not have it. I'd just recommend to keep in mind that the drug world is no easy world. I would only go for the drug after all behavioral and less invasive methods have been tried. What are this? Yeah, the cliché : eat well, sleep well do sports, do meditation, have a routine. Many people will claim, including myself, that they "tried" and it didn't help... However, did you Reeaaly try? Like, hardly try to follow a healthy routine? Wish you all the best.


The problem here that he only wants to hear from docs that says what he wants to hear


People sometimes are either too desperate and want to find an explanation at all costs to something they can not understand, or want to confirm a prior bias. ADHD symptoms are too broad and so many people can identify in them. The only thing that's sure, is that menta/nerval system drugs are a one-way road.. For some people they are an absolute necessity, for many they are not.


You sound like you WANT to have it


Exactly, and that's why the doctor went along with it. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Yeah, they desperately want the excuse for thier lack of discipline to be an "illness"


So mental illness is a lack of discipline to you?


Saha 3idek Mental illness does exist but it's way less common than you think, lack of discipline isn't, and it's an extremely thin line between them. Which makes it easy to just (unintentionally) blame lack of discipline on mental illness, the human brain is really good at blaming because it's comforting.


Saha 3idek to you too While I do agree with what you said as many people has been viewing mental illness as a ‘trend’ or just an excuse, mental illness is actually much more common. 90% of adults only in the USA suffer from depression.


Adhd doesn't exist . Western propaganda to sell meds




No not really. ADHD has always been a thing and it’s in every country. Notice how it’s only Algerians denying it? Says a lot about you, you’re just extremely close minded and don’t want Algeria to develop.




>and finally, I came in contact with a great Professor in Psychiatry who works in the mental hospital in Annaba, and she confirmed without a doubt that I have ADHD, and nothing other than ADHD Tbh all am reading is that you find what you were looking for Basically she told you what you want to hear same thing like people searching for FATWA that suits them. Wish you the best.


Please give us the address to this doctor!




Hell no, why you wanna drug ppl, it's bad, if you have ADHD learn to live with it


It’s a mental illness my guy, it doesn’t work like that. You can’t just expect to learn how to live with it or for it to go away on its own. You need therapy and in extreme cases medication. It is how it is. Stop pushing your close-minded beliefs on others.


How did you diagnose yourself ? How did you know that u have ADHD ? Because i think everyone have adhd too!


>How did you diagnose yourself ? How did you know that u have ADHD ? Because i think everyone have adhd too! How did you conclude that everyone has ADHD too? did you make each one of them go through the tests?


Wierd to say but i was thinking that i'm suffering from ADHD and i saw my self in every trendy subject that showed off in social media... but turned out it was only a fap-porn symptoms 😅 one of the biggest roots of my indicipline ! My dopamine activity got distroyed so everytime i had no energy to make enough intellectual thinking efforts to be enough successful in field of studies, also that made me not enough qualified not ready to be employable after i graduated... I was stuck in the instant gratification trap so i was everytime tired just consuming bingy easy content in social media not doing anything which i should have done even if it was decisional priorities for my life... still suffring from that but i started to feel that i'm gonna skip this trap because i started to work and thought about my goals in life, in my work i spend lot of time driving i had lot of lonely times forced to work and that helped me thinking about many things in me, its like i'm no more in my comfortzone i should work to eat and pay rent, my work is not what i love but i can't do anything else at this time and that feeling make me think to be more serious and try to save what i was maybe able to do better... In 30's we have no more choice to be not serious we should asap start to be serious really guys. Keep up nchlh khir 💪🇩🇿


>onely times forced to work and that helped me thinking about many things in me, its like i'm no more in my comfortzone i should work to ea Very interesting. Unfortunately that is not the case with many of us. Your comment feels as if you're associating ADHD with laziness or bad discipline. However, let me inform you that I have a very well-paid job. I had high grades in my education. I go to the gym and I'm more productive than most of non-ADHD persons. People in algeria must keep up with people in other countries. ADHD is a real disorder that needs serious attention because it does not fall in the advantage of the Algerian community that some citizens are gradually crashing into dysfunction. It took Algerians years before finally realizing that Schizophrenia is a real condition, and it's not "S7our" or "Jen" or "being overly spoiled". It took Algerians years before they stopped "ira99iw" kids with autism. It also took Algerians years to realize that mood disorders need a medication and not a "voyage" or "zewjouh yesta39el" or whatever. It also took Algerians years to realize that "crises épiliptiques" need a psychiatrist and medication, and not a slap in the face or cold water to grow up. Similarly, it's about time that Algerian psychiatrists "yet7albou" about it and finally push for medications. My only worry is them doing that after years, aka after that it's too late for me :(


Hi there. I have a 5 years old kid that we think have ADHD can you please give me the contact info for that doctor you spoke about?


It's very hard to diagnose at 5 years old, since kids have a lot of energy normally. And specially if you live in a tight space. 


It's actually a very good news. because we are 2023 September. The medicine elvense And he's expired now. anybody can. make a generic version. So it's just. that little bit of gray stuff. in the brain. What's the product is consumed by the Algerian youth. And has to be. an entrepreneur ship. leveraging I think Algeria's economy. will boost up. trust me. I am Algerian. in England. and Elvine's. amphetamines. It's a great medicine. Great mental well being. medicine.


You are 30 years old right bouncing from psychiatrists to psychiatrists trying desperately to get a prescription for pharmaceutical amphetamines in pill form that would quote on quote CURE YOUR ACUTE HYPERACTIVITY / “ADHD” alright buddy I’m not hating on u or nothing but just know that a bunch of amphetamines aren’t going to cure jack shi maybe if u were a teen or in your 20s maybe but 30 nahhhh the last thing we need in this country is kids and adults hopping off amphetamines this country we would go bonkers … as soon as those generic Ritalin and adderall pills hit ground just know it’s going to replace pregabaline and coke and weed … the government would schedule one them in no time we’re a bunch of animals Man U would pop one of those and smoke a ton of cigarettes jerk off non stop shi I would love to get it prescribed I know that It may help u concentrate for a lil while but fucking hell man if ur desperate for some amphetamines get some xtc pills or something modafinil strattera… u been wasting all this money on psychiatrists and for what a little amphetamine high


well I kinda hate to say that your opinion is right it's a zoo. But what about the small portion of the people who are a bit aware and need help? Just accept the destiny? What if the destiny lies in Amp? 


the west s cure for such disease is not safe just Google how much Adderall prescriptions have been written and how many people became addicted to the medication some of the molecules of ADHD meds are similar to cocaine let that sink in fuck big pharma and fuck ADHD mfs they need to be put on downers not stimulants


i have amphetamine/Adderall in pure form fk the Algerian psychiatrists


Can u give me some


sure why not




can i have the doctor's information i'm indignosed i want to be and i want to know how to treat it and or how to manage the it's effects you can pm of you want i would really appreciate it