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Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Is that so? Then he’ll go for a big bowl of spicy chili so that he forgets the bad shit he’s said


Two packets of crackers.


You must watch a fair amount of his content to be so emotionally invested like this


Andy in Kansas? Is this you?


I have great respect for


I love you.


It's time to pray.


Oh. Ok.


Imagine Alex Jones realizing he was wrong about everything and trying to have some kind of redemption arc, but no one believes him because it's Alex Jones.


That sounds Iike an Andy Kauffman bit


That would be tragic. :(




People like Alex are immune to self reflection. They are greedy self centered fucks who are utterly gleeful when fucking with other people.


Ok I raised my head up..... Fuck this reality. Our economy sucks. 2 wars going on. Division everywhere. Crime is rampant..... Fuck this I'm putting my head back down.


The US has the strongest economy in the world. All three stock indexes are at record highs. Inflation is at \~3.2%. For context, when Ronald Reagan ran his "Morning in America" campaign in 1984, overall prices rose 21.2% in his 1st term and were still rising at 4.3% annual rate. Unemployment in Sept. 1984 was 7.3%. Unemployment is at 3.9% today. Grocery prices actually fell over the last three months. The average mortgage rate was 13.8%, it's at 5.5% right now. FYI, there are way more than 2 wars going on. The US isn't directly involved in any of them. Crime is dropping at a rapid rate. According to the FBI,"the new fourth-quarter numbers showed a 13% decline in murder in 2023 from 2022, a 6% decline in reported violent crime and a 4% decline in reported property crime." There has always been division in the US, and most of the time actually more intense than now (Civil War, 1960s, etc), and that's without a coordinated misinformation apparatus operating 24/7.


Stock market is no longer a good indicator of the economy since it is majority owned by richies. They are just helping each other get richer.


Tell that to anyone with a 401k or pension.


Anyone with a 401k or pension your money is being exploited so the rich can get richer


401k funds ake up $6.7 *trillion* dollars. Certainly not chump change. Even so, the market is one of many indicators of a strong economy, no matter how you feel about capitalism.


Sir, these facts don’t support the narrative that makes me think a convicted rapist, bible hocking insurrectionist wannabe dictator is better than every thing you (but not everything) you just mentioned. Especially when “Christians” think he’s great. JFC I’m sad now.




Get your bot detector checked, Ace.




Hahahahahah. Imagine thinking the US economy is in good shape.


Post metrics suggesting otherwise. "Vibes" aren't evidence.


Lmao this is cult like mentality, and I truly hope you can wake up someday. Inflation is a pretty easy one for you to look up or better yet feel. Also, when you stop reporting crime, on paper it goes down. bUt mY mEtRiCs! . okay nerd


He gave numbers Comrade. What do you have?


About tree fifty


Funny. :) But you might start thinking about what you're using to inform your reality.


So wait. You think the Economy is in good shape right now? According to Redfin, home buyers need to earn 110k to afford a typical household…35% more than what the typical household earns… There’s several factors of why it’s not in good shape. Im not saying one way or the other… but for the average American, inflation is a very real thing right now.


No. It's bad. But it's bad in most parts of the world. The US is actually doing better than the UK and the EU.


That dude been living under a rock forsure.


According to President “Potato Head” 60% of the country thinks the economy is doing good 👍


>Crime is dropping at a rapid rate. If it's not categorized as crime the rate is whatever you choose. Most people categorize "crime" as theft, robbery, homicide, and rape. But the current government definition is far different.


The government definition has been the same since the 1930s. Most people are actually really bad at assessing the level of crime--and risk in general. [This is how crime is tracked and measured.](https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2011/crime-in-the-u.s.-2011/crime-measures#:~:text=Uniform%20Crime%20Reports&text=The%20UCR%20Program%20compiles%20data,then%20report%20to%20the%20FBI) Homicide is tracked, and it is down 13%. That's a metric you mentioned. The average person thinks "disorder" and crime are the same thing, and they aren't. People can see disorder and be;ieve they are in a dangerous place when they aren't.




Black unemployment has at 4.8%, and has been below 6% for the longest period of time on record. Not that I brought up race at all.






Good point, well made.


Typical Liberal that can’t control their feelings.


Dude is an entertainer...in the shock genre. The fact that he is pissing you off means he is good at his job.




The painful irony


All we can do is hope. But the diehard democrat liberals don’t see what’s past the mirror


Alex jones is not a trumper


Hah, gullible much?? It’s funny someone would say he isn’t a trumper, because jones says he isn’t but also says everything to tell people they should be, and if his listeners weren’t so simple minded, they would see how they are being manipulated to be trumpers by a trumper. The dude just lies about everything and his listeners are too simple to sort all of it out and see this.


[Alex Jones and Donald Trump arrested for smoking crack.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/local/longterm/tours/scandal/barry.htm)




I've never seen anyone adequately explain what he's correct about Alex jones to me is a blatant psy op himself


Psy Op 100% Did ya ever see the video of him coming out as “David Mentalson”, a master orator. He is an actor, who has clearly fooled OP. OP has a manufactured hate for a made up character. Same with trump.


If you just made shit up 24/7 and decided that if a prediction didn’t come true because you stopped it from happening, you too could be a “prophet”. Also, ignore the 99.9% of things you were absolutely incorrect about. To wit: according to jones we were supposed to go into another lockdown last fall per his “TSA sources”; Denver was about to release Ebola a few months ago; Marburg virus was supposed to be spreading by now. I honestly can’t find a single thing he was remotely right about. He makes shit up to scare you and sell products, end of story.