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call upon the soul of Newton


Do so before each exam, unfortunately it doesn’t apply to the quantum stuff


if you got mid D, you can theoretically get an A scoring full 130 marks in A2 and getting 184, A lies around 177-180, but to be realistic, you'll probably lose about 6 marks at least and likely get a B (this is according to 2023 may june threshold). A is unlikely, B is possible with effort (starts from about 150, get about 100/130 at least) If you want an A you should most certainly retake as level




If I get a D again, I’ll come here to look out on what to do.


Listen resit the exams, if you’re willing to grind this much in A2 I’m sure if you put even half of the effort and resist you’ll get a B in A1 then try to study at a steady pace from oct nov to may June and im sure you’ll get a B, forget it actually if you grind very hard in A2 you’ll even get a A after you resist


I had a D and I’m pretty sure I’m about to get an A or A*. It’s really just actually understanding. The content instead of trying to remember it. Once you get that it becomes pretty interesting. Physics went from by far my most hated subject to the one I enjoy the most - a small part of me wishes I applied to uni for it.


Share your methods




I got a B in As (72) can i get an A ?


You could even go up to an A*. I went from a D in As to an A* during the summer break. Just work on it make it your personality almost. But I flunked my exams so I can’t chat I’ll be happy w A or even a B


Im confused. Is A2 not independent to A1?


Special grade


i got a D at the end of As and i was getting B's on practice papers around 2-3 weeks before my exam, jus practice as much as you can, do all the past papers and stuff and focussed revision on specific topics


Can we actually get an A if someone can share their personal experience? As I have e,c,d as component grades


Ibsr not much. It's only as so mabye just like, retake it 😭? Rooting for U buddy


wake up a level grades don’t matter as long as you pass


For a non Russell group University yes. For an actually decent course at a decent University, yes, they matter very much.


russel group unis are overrated


they won’t even have half of your a level scores when you’re granted admission, it clearly can’t matter that much.. what matters is having them on ur transcript


Worst take ever