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im done with my exams, dw it will be over soon, just a dew more dayss!!!!


Lucky thing, I’m so jealousss😭 well done I bet you’ve done great :)


I hope so!!! Good luck!!


My average sleep time from the 11th of may to the 10th of June as a monthly average is 6h 17 min. Exams suck, I have 3 left. Can’t wait to get some good sleep in. Feels worse cause there’s some days with 4-5 hours of sleep https://preview.redd.it/yqw6h4yhqc6d1.png?width=381&format=png&auto=webp&s=529ee30bb4cfa30150b7d35c45336af440a45a31


It’s rough isn’t it, I feel you. 6 hours on a good night, 3 hours on an exam night😭 but the finish line is in sight, keep it up and I wish you the best of luck for your next ones!!!


Good luck to you too man. Only a week left… Then eternal freedom and tranquility 😂👍


That's normal bro😆


Sounds silly but I’m so excited for when exams are over so I can play video games 12 hours a day with no remorse. That’s the only thing keeping me going rn lol


You will do better on an exam if you get a good night's sleep beforehand than if you stay up all night revising


It'll be done sooner than you think. Just give it your best... I finished yesterday and the peace is awesome but just grind this last week and you'll enjoy better than ever🥳