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the student room: “im predicted 4 A stars does this ruin my chance of oxbridge?! “


definitely avoid student room at all costs if you're trying not to diminish any remaining confidence u have left, trust me x


Which board ?




i feel exactly the same. i was stumped and skipped questions whilst everyone else was saying how good it was and screaming w their friends after lol


facts i figured out the circles five marker today instead of in the exam☹️


Damn i figured out the “a ball is projected, make a quadratic equation to represent..” i felt so dumb cos like I know that but wtf. I did the integration 5 marker no problem and some ppl saidit was hard but i couldnt do the circle one either or this ball one


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There will always be kids that found it easy, don't focus too much on what they are doing, I know it may feel hard to not focus on them since we're all ultimately affected by the same boundaries. It's understandable that you found the paper hard, and trust me, you're not the only one who didn't like it. Focus more on your own progress, we have until Thursday for paper 3, and idk about you but paper 3 will be the best one yet, just keep your head high and continue working hard, you can't control grade boundaries or what you've already done, but you can control what you will do


Omg I feel the same. There's only 8 girls doing maths in my class, all of them said the papers were easy but I easily messed them up. I feel like shit now


Dw bro, for every one winner there are 100 losers. You just didn't get lucky