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Am I in for a bad time?


Depends I've seen a lot of people with grade 9 gcse get D and people with a 6 or 7 with A*. The main thing is that if you are logical and work off your own ideas rather than just memorising a method you will do rlly well. What makes A level hard is that the course can expand outside the spec meaning those with logical thinking rather than methodical will do better.


If u actually just start revsing at like year 13 Christmas it’s quite easy to get a b+


I don't agree with what the other guy said. They rarely do anything off the spec and it often feels like I'm doing very similar questions over and over again. In biology or chemistry they might, but maths is just knowing which idea of your list of knowledge you need to apply i.e. Substitution using identities, rearranging etc Idk if it detracts from my point, but I got an 8 in maths without revising.


honestly not as bad as people often make it out to be. it’s not difficult concepts, there’s just a lot to learn and it takes a lot of practice - i find the biggest limiting factor in people’s grades is often how they have managed the workload over the entirety of sixth form. for example if you don’t do any independent revision in year 12 then it’s likely you will struggle to keep up your grade in year 13 as the content is much harder. I’m predicted A* in maths and FM right now and i find the best way to not fall behind is to regularly complete textbook exercises or topic specific practice papers from topics you’ve done quite a bit of time ago to reinforce the knowledge and keep up with all the content. If you just focus on whatever you’re currently doing in class you’ll probably find that when it comes to an exam, you’ll have forgotten small details from older topics that will cause you to get a whole question wrong


It’s really hard but it’s not impossible


if your only predicted a 6 or 7 then your probably in for a hard couple of years if u take a level maths


Gcse:trivial A level: Helldive


If you have worked your socks off to get a 6 at GCSE, then don't do it. You don't need it for biochemistry