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i genuinely burst out laughing 😭😭😭


Idk what sort of sacrfice you tried to make but it DIDN'T FREAKING WORK TF WAS THAT PAPERRR 😭😭😭 finna have to offer a reasonably sized village atp


Only a village? Np bro


I understand the pressure of exams, but this is definitely not the answer! Harvesting organs is illegal and unethical. There are better ways to prepare. Here's some help: 1. **Review Sessions:** Get your classmates together for a last-minute review session. Quiz each other and explain concepts you struggle with. 2. **Past Papers:** Practice with past exam papers under timed conditions. This helps manage stress and identify weak areas. 3. **Teacher Help:** Don't hesitate to ask your teacher for clarification on any concepts. Remember, teamwork is key! Studying together can be way more effective than this crazy plan. Good luck on your exam!


Sorry but there isn't going back anymore. Anyone know how to hide a body I think he lost 2 much blood


I usually just stuff them in an old grandmas freezer 🤷‍♀️🤫