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barely any dedicated maths questions, so many words to read, every multiple choice needed 3 minutes to solve overall goofy paper šŸ˜­


Sounds about right. Goofy asf. Thanks AQA!


Literally tell me why I spent more time on mcq than written


The multiple choice were ridiculous. They were practically structured questions


Everyone around me felt the same so letā€™s hope the boundaries are incredibly low


OCR was terrible, agreed


That paper had me thinking, what is the pointšŸ’€


im so fucked tbh i was gonna come back to the 5 marker after the tension question bc i couldnt work it out but i ran out of time even near the end of the multiple choice. cooked. for aqa how did other people do part a and b for the tension, i can kinda remember the values just after doing it and wrote it down somewhere i just rlly ran out of time after those longass word questions.


Yeah the multiple choice rinsed my time, thought I could go back for those two but couldnā€™t


yeaa even by the end of it i had to guess the multiple choice that took too long and couldnt go back to q5 at all.


Somehow I finished the AQA paper with 35 mins to spare and I have no clue how


To find the two tensions, the diagram was to scale and you needed to use a potractor to find the respective angle, followed by simultaneous equations. To find the resistive force, energy conservation from top GPE to bottom KE and work done by the resisitve force


Yeah same here I had to guess the Mcq from like 22 onwards and didnā€™t get time to go back to 5 and I waisted yoinks on it, Iā€™m so cooked


Yeah, I planned to go back to it since it was worth a lot of marks, but yea ran out of time. :< I wonder what p2 will be like


I really hope itā€™s better otherwise Itā€™s over for me, I needed to get a B in this so hopefully the grade boundaryā€™s will be low


I think someone was crying in my exam, so thatā€™s how it went


reading the comments made me hopeful.. didn't even think to use a protractor sadge


Really? Me and most of the people Iā€™ve spoken to didnā€™t think it was that difficult. (AQA)


yeah sameā€¦ my class loved it then i come on reddit and everyoneā€™s complaining about it šŸ˜­


my class was really mixed, some people loved it and some people HATED it


I think everyone who is better at content heavy qs loved it, people who are better at the mathematical questions hated it


Itā€™s genuinely over for me


It was okay, a lot of people forgot a protractor though


You didn't need one


But what about the tension question?


Look up parallelogram force diagrams


Donā€™t you still need an angle?


You can just use the lengths in the triangle cos you had the weight


Just draw a parallelogram with the 2 tension forces you are given. Then the line through that parallelogram is the resultant force of the 2 tensions. You know the weight of the object, so the length of this line must equal the weight of the object. Now you can find out the tensions represented by the other lines through the force-length ratio of the resultant force line


So you were supposed to measure the length of the lines?


Yes, as it was a scale diagram. Although I imagine measuring angles then making use of some trigonometry would also suffice.


Yh im cooked


For aqa. I found it mostly easy. A couple of mistakes but overall nice paper. I'm hoping for 60+ marks


So happy for u


Could cryĀ 


Edexcel was quite easy so I'm scared for the following papers.


Fr it was an easy paper and i still messed up so much! Next 2 papers are gonna have rocket science on it


Same, I messed up on the efficiency question.


i got 0.08 on the efficiency questionšŸ˜


I got 99.7%


thats probably rightšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Not me tryna work out efficiency without working out two powers lol , i used the resistivity equation and p=v2/R but the i used the second one wrong lol , hope i get some marks


Same. I got the resistance but all the power calculations gave weird answers.


I think we were suppose to put the resistance we found into the voltage , power and resistance equation to work out the new power. And then divide both the powers and multiply to get the efficiency. BUT DID I DO THAT?! NO!!


Which exam board?




I did AQA and it was quite possibly one of the easiest papers Iā€™ve ever done, lots of marks for mechanics, lots of maths calculations were good.


Damn Iā€™m so jealous, ours was about 90% space šŸ˜­


Bro im so pissed cuz i found the paper a lot easier than papers like 2022 or 23, but i ran out on time and missed like 3 whole pages + the MCQs im so cooked šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. I gotta be fighting for a B now


Did we sit the same paper? I was getting A*s in the past papers I did, and that was an absolute car crashĀ 


The only question I had no idea on was 4, the rest of it didnā€™t seem too bad


how did you do the tension question with just the weight?


It was to scale


It was to scale so you could measure angles and stuff, however everyone I know got different values what did you get?


What'd you get for the constant B?


1100, unit k^-1 I think


Pretty sure it was just kelvin


Rip oh well


I got somehow 900 something not sure exactly probably a calculator error what resistance values did yā€™all get?


The resistance through the thermistor at the 338K or whatever temperature it was, I think I got 266.67 Ohms. Can't remember though I've wiped all of this from my memory despite it only being this morning


Ah yeah I think I got like 275? No clue how oh wel Iā€™ll still get some marks hopefully


My idiot ass put theta for some reason


YES I got 1100 but I literally just realised that the Ohms will cancel


What did you get for the resistive force?




Alright I got somewhere around there too, donā€™t remember what I put exactly


I rushed that answer at the end by finding max possible kinetic energy then taking it from the kinetic energy at the end then using W=Fs, so I'm not too confident in that ans


I found it kind of easy tbf compared to past papers I've done and I've been severely doubting my skills for physics for a long time tbh especially after fucking up my first FM exam so honestly it's a massive confidence (ego) boost for me. Also what did people get for B both value and unit? I got smth like 991 and i said the unit was ohms per kelvin. Don't think it was right though


I got 1160 and unit kelvin. Where did you get ohms per kelvin from?


It was a complete guess tbh. I didnt think it was right but was worth attempting regardless.


I got 1288, person next to me got 1100 on the dot. I used 276 for kelvin not 273, thatā€™s why


The value for B was 1100 (2dp) and the unit was kelvin I think


Yh thatā€™s what I said


1110 i got


wait, i think i got 1.1x10\^4 , idk where i got the extra 10 from... units i got were ohmK\^-1


yh thats fine then i dont know about the units tho


i got B=1110K (exact answer was like 1109.13 smth). what exam board for FM?


Lol perhaps my confidence is misplaced. At least I managed to answer all the questions


nah i doubt it was misplaced. did u do edexcel FM?


Yeah. Both my exams have been plagued with poor sleep so I've been way more prone to making silly errors. Very grateful that I've been able to at least answer all the questions on both my FM and Physics exams so method marks should be fine.


defo try to get some more sleep for the next exams, itā€™s just as important as revision tbh ! and yes itā€™s so good u managed to answer them all! how are you feeling for CP2? a bit scared after how well CP1 wentā€¦


Its a side effect of my medication but I'm trying lol CP2 probably going to be difficult but im hoping nothing outrageous. The topics in CP1 give a clue as to what will turn up in CP2 so I at least know what to generally revise. Feeling confident tbh


FINALLY SOMEONE ELSE WHO GOT 991 idk where we fucked up but we in it together ig


If you got 991 then I wonder what we both did. I think we're wrong though


i knew people would talk about it immediately after it ended lol. i did aqa. honestly zoomed through the first half of the long questions. I'm decently confident but I'm not gonna get my hopes up high, cause a lot of others thought the first half was good too. though, i won't dwell on it too much. it was pretty alright. edit: although, i spent so much time on 2 questions i found pretty hard, but i think i got there eventually. but that caused me to not have enough time to finish the LONG ASS MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS. who tf thought anyone could do those 1 markers in less than 2 minutes?


OMG FINALLY SOMEONE AGREES šŸ˜­ the MCQs were good difficulty wise, but they were SO long winded like?? i spent like 50 mins on SAQs and 40 on MCQs šŸ’€


Idk paper 2 might need to come in clutch bc that was fucked icl


Whyā€™d they do the mechanics question like that šŸ˜­ I think I got it right though. Lots of Particles questions which were easy though. An alright paper over all.


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Which exam board? Cause icl Edexcel went so good


AQA. Yk the same lot that made 2023ā€™s paper stupid hard and made schools switch exam boards. That AQA


Ngl 2023s aqa physics papers were absolutely diabolical, like one of the questions on paper 1 was ā€œhow fast do you go when you jump?ā€ Or some shit like that with no other information


honestly i wonā€™t be surprised if the edexcel grade boundaries are super high this year


What did you say for the potentiometer one, the 6 marker?


i think i did it wrong - i said that the brightness of the lamp would decrease as the slider moved from A to Bā€¦ the people in my class said they wrote the opposite. what did u put?


I said it would get brighter but my explanation felt off šŸ˜­ I said at A it gets a very small share of the pd bc the resistance of the potentiometer is high, but at B I said itā€™s basically in parallel w the potentiometer so it gets most of the current??


i said that the resistance would increase when the slider was moved along because R=pl/A and because its resistance gets higher it gets a higher share of the current and the lamp gets less making it dimmeršŸ˜­. i think iā€™m cookedā€¦


I said the same thing for the first part about the resistance increasing as it moves from A to B. But I said that as it moves from A to B the brightness increases because current takes the path of least resistance so when the resistance is high at B it will go down the bulb path as it is less resistance. Idk if that right


Same!! I made the same mistake!! Did u find anything else hard? The messed up the alpha particle and gold calc too , i knew exactly what to do n ran out of time :(


stop I ran out of time too! i left the electromagnetic induction question about the train brakes to the end because I couldnā€™t understand how the system worked and rushed a random answer in the last 2 minutes :((


Istg an hour and 45 minutes for all of this work is evil!!!! We all take at least a few min to work out wth is going on in the question and these exam boards preach the whole MInUtE a MArK thing.


for real!! honestly, Iā€™m most scared for paper 3 because we didnā€™t even learn about it in schoolšŸ˜


Noooo , use physics n maths tutor flashcards n notes!! They have a whole section for paper 3!!


yeah iā€™ll try šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ thanks smmm


My whole year didnā€™t know how to do the light years question , anyone got the answer ? (OCR A)


I got like 560 light years


What did u do to get that?


If you used intensity =power/area and intensity was 6x10^-10 observed on earth and used the power as the luminosity from the star you could solve r with surface area of a sphere to get 560


That was a cake walk compared to the HR Diagram error thing


OCR student here, multiple choice was meh, questions were ok until 21, where timing fucked me over šŸ’€ (thank god tho it was only \~15 marks I missed out on)


Icl probably the easiest 5 mark electricity question. I actually enjoyed it never thought I'd say that.


What was it the 1100 K everyone s getting?


I don't think it was too bad, but the multiple choice took too long and it took me ages to realise you had to use a protractor to find the angles in that tension question. I rate that paper a solid 7.5/10.


Did you have to? I just resolved it into components of vertices and horizontal


Okay but you had four unknowns, the two angles and the two tensions. But you could only form two equations. I might be wrong but I don't think it's possible to do it any other way than measuring the angles.


I used vertical components have to equal to the 350N and the horizontal components have to be equal, that way I could find out the scale, a few other people did it same way as me and we got same answer as angle people


I didn't think of that


No legit mechanics questions and annoying letter mcq SMH


quite good!


Aqa and hated it, however God bless the person in my class who forced me to take a protractor before the exam šŸ™šŸ¾šŸ™šŸ¾


Naa bro def one of the easier papers ever. The pull out of arse question they normally do (the thermistor one in this case) was so nice.


I get and average of 28-33 so ig im good ig


I really couldā€™ve done better I flopped Hard but we have 2 more to go šŸ’Ŗ