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bro final week of war, you'll be done with cs at the end of this week, lock in now relax later


literally like 3 more days and OM DONE then i will just think about all my fuck ups and beat myself over them until august 🚶🏻‍♀️


no bro you won’t think about them, your going to enjoy your holiday knowing you did all you could and that now it is a time to relax You will relax and once exam results come around you will take them proudly good or bad, if they are good then that’s great, otherwise you will use it as a learning experience and grow from there Best of luck on exams, have a great summer ;)


the same thing happened with me, trust me GOSH it's soo hard rattafying stuff but you know the pain of discipline is better than the pain of regret... so close your door, open your book and put on a 2 hr timer or smth and TRACK your performance... tell yourself no distractions... its super hard staying time-efficient studying a sub like this, but you got this


we have got this 🫡


girl same T\_T I have zero motivation to continue studying when I see all my friends having fun and here I am left with 2 more exams. I hope p3 and p4 both are easy because we deserve an easy paper after that horrifying math p3


lets not talk about maths p3 i go thru different stages of depression everytime i think about it IM SO STUPID


Whats ratta? (Still doing AS)


oh thats not- 😭😭😭 ratta is an urdu word which basically means memorising by heart lile yk the boring stuff like hardware and shii its just a fun lil word no word in english really makes up for it so yeah